Compared to Shu Wan, others were obviously more concerned about Wang Xiao's discharge from the hospital. After all, watching the excitement is something that is engraved in the bones of Chinese people.

For the sake of popularity, media reporters stayed at the entrance of the hospital early, hoping to get the latest news as soon as possible.

When they saw Shu Wan's figure appearing at the door of the hospital, everyone hurriedly gathered around, "Shu Wan, are you here to see Wang Xiao?"

"I heard that Wang Xiao's face cannot be cured. What compensation are you going to give her?"

"Shu Wan, why don't you say anything? Is it because you are not prepared to compensate Wang Xiao?"

The reporters were chattering, but Shu Wan didn't respond and walked straight inside.

A reporter wanted to stretch out his arm to stop Shu Wan's progress. Shu Wan glanced at him. The reporter seemed to be shocked, and the fate of the reporters who had offended Shu Wan suddenly appeared in his mind.

No amount of advice can educate people as much as historical experience. The reporter immediately retracted his hand and allowed Shu Wan to walk in.

Seeing that Shu Wan's back was about to disappear at the gate, everyone discussed sending a few people to guard the southeast and west gates to prevent Shu Wan from slipping away.

At this moment, Shu Wan suddenly turned around and said, "You go to the square over there and wait. I will be here soon."

After saying that, Shu Wan turned around and continued walking inside.

The reporters were a little confused, "She means that she will come back for an interview later? Should you believe her?"

"Shu Wan, to be honest, he still keeps his word."

"Okay, let's go over there and wait for her."

As the reporters talked, a group of people obediently went to the wide square to wait for Shu Wan.

Under Shu Wan's momentum, no one noticed that these reporters, who had always chased the interviewees and did not pay attention to the opinions of the interviewees, actually listened to Shu Wan's instructions obediently this time.

Originally, the news media were not prepared to start a live broadcast, but Shu Wan gave them half an hour. They were free, and the traffic was not in vain.

As a result, everyone quickly opened various live broadcast rooms to broadcast Wang Xiao's discharge status to netizens who were keen to join in the fun.

[I’m here, I’m here. Is Wang Xiao discharged from the hospital? How is the situation? 】

[I heard that Shu Wan also went to the hospital. She is quite shameless and so courageous. 】

[Why are you doing a live broadcast when no one comes out? Move the real melon out quickly. 】

Attracted by the hot topic "Shu Wan", there are more and more netizens in the live broadcast room.

Later, it even climbed to the top of the platform's hot search list. Even at this time, Shu Wan had not appeared at all.

Time passed little by little, and just when netizens felt that the reporters were playing a trick on everyone, there was finally some movement at the entrance of the hospital, and Shu Wan came over with a few people.

Behind her, a slender figure with his face wrapped in gauze was being helped away. It was obviously Wang Xiao.

Seeing that the protagonist of the incident had arrived, the reporters picked up their equipment and ran towards Shu Wan.

Because this incident was so popular, there were dozens of media reporters gathered in the square at this time. At this time, everyone swarmed up, a huge crowd of people.

Shu Wan frowned, and a cold voice sounded in the square, "Stop."

In fact, Shu Wan's voice is not loud, but she is the focus of everyone's attention. In addition, when her expression cools down, she has a kind of compelling majesty. The originally turbulent scene actually seems to be pressed. Same as the pause button.

"Don't you see any patients?"

As Shu Wan spoke, she walked forward step by step. Wherever she went, the reporters took a step back.

Shu Wan walked around and immediately found a space in the middle.

Before Shu Wan could say anything, Li Si motioned to the people behind him to set up a shed with three sides to protect from the wind, put a chair in, and then helped Wang Xiao sit down.

"She has just been discharged from the hospital. She can't be outside in the wind for too long. You have three minutes for the interview. You can start."

Shu Wan walked to Wang Xiao and said coldly.

Everyone was shocked by Shu Wan just now. They were stunned for a moment before they came to their senses and hurriedly stepped forward for an interview.

"Shu Wan, are you here specifically for Wang Xiao? Why didn't you support her just now?"

Shu Wan looked to her left, and the question came from a media outlet that had always targeted her.

Shu Wan looked at him as if she were a fool, "The person holding her is a professional doctor. Do you need me to go through extra trouble and put on a show?"

The reporter had nothing to say. Just when he was about to ask the second question, Shu Wan looked to the right and said, "You can ask it. Don't ask the unprofessional question just now."

There is also a competitive relationship among the media reporters. When they heard that Shu Wanshan was talking to his colleagues, everyone else secretly laughed.

"We want to know how injured Wang Xiao's face is."

"Okay, let the doctor answer you."

As she spoke, Shu Wan looked at an old man standing next to Wang Xiao.

The old man nodded at Shu Wan, then looked at the camera, "All the wounds on Wang Xiao's face have scabbed over. The shallower scabs on the edges of the wounds have fallen off. The deep wounds are expected to heal within two months."

"Will there be scars?" The reporter asked the question that everyone is most concerned about.

"It will happen under normal circumstances." The old man said, and suddenly looked at Shu Wan with a smile on his face, "But thanks to Miss Shu for the secret recipe, it is unlikely that the wound on Wang Xiao's face will leave a scar. I will follow up. We will continue to follow up on the research on this drug and strive to achieve large-scale application."

As soon as the old man said this, everyone looked at Shu Wan.

"What special secret recipe can you tell me?"

"The drug has not been studied and demonstrated, so it is difficult to tell the outside world now," Shu Wan answered the reporter's question, "However, Shufu Company's facial mask contains some of the medicinal materials used to synthesize this drug, which is very good for removing acne and moisturizing. Effective."

As soon as Shu Wan said this, everyone immediately knew that Shu Wan's ultimate purpose of coming here today was to advertise for her own beauty company.

"Shu Wan, you use the popularity of a suspected disfigured actress to advertise your company. Don't you think this behavior is a bit excessive?"

The reporter who was the first to ask a question finally took the opportunity to ask a more pointed question.

Shu Wan didn't even bother to look at him. She turned her head and looked at Wang Xiao, "Wang Xiao, does your injury have anything to do with me?"

There were wounds on Wang Xiao's face, and she could only shake her head, saying it didn't matter. "The parties involved said it didn't matter, but you said it was me." Shu Wan finally turned to look at the reporter who started the trouble, "Are you spreading rumors?"

The reporter had made a lot of preparations, but he never expected Shu Wan to be so direct. He was sweating a little, but he still managed to calm down, "Even if there is no direct relationship, you are using other people's wounds to advertise your company. Isn't it too inhumane?" ”

"I did use her story to advertise." Shu Wan said and looked at Wang Xiao again, "This is because I took advantage of your popularity, so I decided to invite you to be the spokesperson for Shufu's facial mask. , the endorsement fee is 1200 million a year, are you willing?"

Wang Xiao was stunned when he heard Shu Wan's words.

As a user of the secret medicine provided by Shu Wan, Wang Xiao knows its efficacy better than anyone else. From Professor Chen's usual words and deeds, Wang Xiao also knows how good the market will be once this medicine is verified and put on the market.

Even if the mask only touches a little bit, you can predict how popular it will become.

Not to mention, 1200 million yuan in endorsement fees is an income that can only be earned by top female stars in the entertainment industry. A young actor like her who is still in college and playing a small role cannot even think about it.

"If you are willing, just nod." Shu Wan continued.

Of course Wang Xiao is willing, she nodded.

Shu Wan turned her head to look at the provocative reporter, "She accepted my use of her popularity. Are there any questions?"

Reporter: What questions can I have? Your 1200 million was lost to me. Is it still too late for me to burn it down?

Shu Wan's responses one after another made everyone dizzy. The reporters wanted to continue asking, but Shu Wan didn't give them a chance.

"The time has come, we have gone back. Wang Xiao will become the brand spokesperson of our company. There will be many opportunities to appear in commercials in the future. If you are curious about her movements, you can watch her later. During this period, let her have a good rest."

After speaking, Shu Wan motioned for Li Si to leave with Wang Xiao.

The reporters stood there blankly, watching Shu Wan and the others disappear before they realized that the interview was over.

At this time, the barrages in the live broadcast room also exploded.

[Apart from anything else, Shu Wan is so handsome. I want to reiterate again that husband is a title, not a gender. I really love him to death. Thank you. 】

[1200 million, my God, not many people in the entertainment industry can afford this endorsement fee. Shu Wan is too generous. I originally thought there was no use asking for money if my face is ruined. I'm sorry, I feel now, In fact, money is quite useful. 】

[Previously, didn’t you listen to what the old man said? Wang Xiao's face will basically not have scars. 】

Shu Wan's response can be said to have gathered all kinds of explosive points, and it quickly spread on the Internet.

Some people believe it, while others still doubt it. They feel that Shu Wan's response is just a delaying measure. When the heat cools down, everyone will no longer pay attention to Wang Xiao.

However, someone went to check the information of the old man next to Wang Xiao. This check made the heat that had finally subsided surged up again.

It turns out that the friendly-looking old man is named Chen Yuan. He is the founder of the new era of surgery in China, an academician of the Academy of Engineering, the vice president of the First Hospital, and a lifelong honorary professor of Tsinghua University.

It is no exaggeration to say that his existence is a walking miracle.

Others may say that Wang Xiao will not leave scars, and people may question it, but in the face of such a long list of titles that represent the highest honors in the industry, even a fool will not doubt the authenticity of his words.

【? ? ? Oh my god, I was shocked. I actually saw a character here who only appeared in textbooks. What extraordinary means does Shu Wan have? How can we invite this old man out? 】

[I won’t believe what others say about breaking the sky, but I 100% believe what Professor Chen said, so when Shu Wan’s secret recipe can be fully applied, it must be the light of all mankind. 】

[Looking at Mr. Chen’s excitement when talking about that medicine, I have a reasonable suspicion that it might be because of this medicine that he came out of trouble. Damn, if you look at it this way, was it really an exaggeration when Shu Wan said that facial masks can remove acne and fade scars? ? 】

Everyone finally remembered the facial mask that was ridiculed by the entire Internet. With the blessing of authoritative certification, at this time, even if the drug has not been successfully developed and verified, everyone has assumed that the mask with some ingredients must be effective.

Everyone began to search for purchase links for facial masks, and then discovered that people who had purchased the mask had almost 100% positive reviews.

Even if there are occasional negative reviews, they complain that domestic brands should be cheaper, but they are still quite positive about the quality of the mask.

What makes everyone collapse the most is that while everyone is still talking about Mr. Chen’s identity online, smart people have already taken the first step.

At this time, about an hour had passed since Shu Wan's response. The nearly 50 sets of facial masks in the store had been sold out. Now everyone can't buy facial masks even if they want to.

【What the hell? ? ? On the surface, everyone scolded this facial mask as a Sanwu WeChat product, but in the end, you secretly bought out everything, right? ? ? We are no longer Internet sisters who surf together. 】

[I just took a look at the ingredient list, and it turned out to be zero additives. Do you understand what this means? ? Damn it, I feel like I missed out on 100 million, I charged a higher price, my fragile skin really needs this pure natural mask. 】

【Zero addition? ? ? ! Is the price still so affordable? ! ! Damn it, if this mask can really save my skin, I will be Shu Wan’s die-hard fan for the rest of my life. No kidding, woo woo woo, any kind-hearted sister can give me one, please. 】

The popularity and traffic of PoTian has brought the highest exposure heat, and every bit of heat is a market demand.

Shu Wan has not been in the modern world for a long time, but she has keenly discovered how the popularity of modern Internet traffic works.

This is the reason why Shu Wan delayed her response for so long. She wanted to catch as much as possible the free heat sent by the enemy.

Apparently, she succeeded.

The orders that came in like snowflakes made the company's operators dizzy.

To be honest, during this period, the constant criticism and the total sales volume of no more than 2000 made them feel that the company was about to go bankrupt.

But no one expected that Shu Wan would use only one live broadcast to make a huge fortune and easily catch this overwhelming wealth.

"I'll go, Mr. Shu is so awesome, and this battle was so beautiful."

In the company conference room, everyone called Shu Wan from Miss Shu to Shu Wan.

Because strength is the only way to make outstanding people surrender.

Shu Wan calmly turned the Zeng family upside down. The Zeng family was also the leader in the domestic beauty industry.

After more than a month of fermentation, part of the market originally occupied by the Zeng family became vacant.

At this time, the enthusiasm for ridiculing Shu Wan and Shufu Company reached its highest point.

First use Professor Chen to establish authority, then add the eye-catching gimmick of 1200 million endorsement fees, and Wang Xiao, a walking "effect spokesperson".

Everything provides the best conditions for the new company to win its first battle.

Domestic beauty products have long been dominated by foreign manufacturers, and because of their high profits, they have been divided up by various forces. It is very difficult for domestic brands to step in and get a share of the pie.

However, this time, Shuwan not only intervened strongly, but in the foreseeable future, the Shufu brand will create even greater miracles.

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