Dijun's black moonlight is back

Chapter 172 1 questions

"But the fairy still didn't tell me. If he died, would you be happy?" Gong Liquan returned to the original question.

Yan Sheng lowered her eyebrows in thought, she really hadn't thought about this problem yet.

The first thing she has to do now is how to break free from the shackles and leave the thirty-third heaven, and the second thing is to break Mingjing Mountain.

As for the future, she wants to seek revenge from Gongli Quan. In fact, she is not very clear about what revenge she wants. She just has no idea how to repay her, but it is just a matter of life and death.

Would she be happy if he died?

When a god dies, he will never be seen again, so he will never be able to come to her again and make her upset. If you think about it, it should be possible.

"Yes." Yan Sheng replied.

After careful consideration, Yan Sheng replied very firmly: "I will kill him one day."

Gong Liquan lowered his head and said nothing, silently chewing on the chicken drumstick in his hand.

This part is the most delicious part of the whole chicken, followed by the chicken wings.

Yansheng first gave him the chicken legs, then gave the chicken wings to Qingluan, and finally it was her turn.

She is actually not as cold as she pretends to be.

She is more like a child who is just beginning to understand the world than a great monster who is destroying the world.

Dividing feelings into simple love and hate, she is willing to give to anyone who needs her, such as to the little Taoist Tong Rufeng and the fledgling Qingluan.

However, she also likes to show off, such as turning into her original form in the Kuwen Pond and scaring away all the curious onlookers.

The right to leave doesn't know why she was chosen, it's not fair to her.

"What happens after the great revenge is avenged?" Gong Liquan asked her, "What does the fairy want to do? Where does she want to go?"

Yan Sheng never thought that when she was in the void, she wandered aimlessly every day. If the woman who let her out hadn't guided her to Mingjing Mountain, she wouldn't have known what she was doing here.

There is no place she can call home among the six realms, and if all her goals are successfully accomplished, she doesn't know where she will go next.

"I guess I will be hunted down by all the gods from the 33rd heaven by then," Yansheng said. "Just go wherever you are chased."

Anyway, it’s not like I haven’t been chased by gods before.

But now she is not a mortal who can be slaughtered by others. If she dares to chase her, there is really no guarantee who will die.

"That fairy is now concentrating on cultivation," Gong Liquan said, "Even if there are tens of thousands of people in the future, no one can be your enemy."

Yan Sheng found this little Taoist boy interesting. As a deity in the thirty-third heaven, he actually stood by her side and encouraged her to step up her practice.

According to common sense, shouldn't his face change drastically and then ask her what she wants?

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you too?" Yan Sheng asked.

Gong Liquan looked at him calmly: "The wrongdoer has his debtor, and the fairy is so beautiful that she will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"That's because you haven't seen me going on a killing spree," Yan Sheng smiled lightly, "If you have, you probably won't dare to sit next to me and keep me company."

Her path up Mingjing Mountain was filled with blood, and all those who stood in her way died under her sword.

Those people had never met her, and they probably didn't expect such an unreasonable disaster.

"Fairy, are you referring to the massacre of disciples in Mingjing Mountain?" Gong Liquan asked.

Yan Sheng looked at him warily: "How do you know?"

Gong Liquan said with some embarrassment: "Everyone in the divine world knows that the fairy's move has made her famous all over the world." Yansheng didn't feel ashamed, it was even more natural. Everyone should know about such a big movement.

"Then why are they talking about me?" Yan Sheng asked.

An idea seemed to flash through her mind, and she quickly continued: "Forget it, I don't want to know, it probably won't sound good."

Because the immortals in the Thirty-third Heaven did not have a good opinion of her, Gongliquan ordered all the immortals to be banned from the Pond of Suffering Questions, just not wanting any comments to flow into her ears.

Several times when fairy children broke in, Yansheng heard a few words and just changed back to his original form to scare them away.

He almost thought that Yan Sheng didn't care what others said about her.

In fact, she should also care, otherwise how could she be so covert and deceitful.

"They don't understand you," Gong Liquan said, "nor do they understand what you want to do, so the words you say are naturally not true to you."

Yansheng frowned: "Do you know what I'm going to do again?"

She thought the kid was weird, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"When I get along with fairies, I think fairies are pure and kind in nature," Gong Liquan said truthfully, "I don't fully know what fairies are planning, but I believe fairies have no malicious intentions."

Yan Sheng let out a dry laugh, with incomprehension written all over his face: "You should go see the Corpse Mountain and Sea of ​​Blood in Mingjing Mountain."

"Then can I ask the fairy a question? The fairy has eaten my food these days. If you can answer truthfully, you can treat me as a favor." Gong Liquan said.

When Yan Sheng heard this, he immediately thought that you asked me to accompany you when I came here. Then he changed his mind and thought that it would be fine to just listen to what he asked first.

During this period of time together, she didn't dislike the little Taoist boy, she even felt a little comfortable being with him.

He didn't talk much, and he would talk a few more words when it came to something that interested Yansheng. She didn't want to hear or answer anything, and she could stop the topic just right.

She is still willing to give some face to such a meal friend who has a certain degree of advancement and retreat.

"You ask first." Yansheng said.

"Who asked the fairy to hit Mingjing Mountain?" Gong Liquan asked.

Yan Sheng straightened her spine alertly, lowering her eyebrows slightly to observe his expression.

Gong Liquan is very calm. From her previous actions, it is not difficult to guess that she wants to attack Mingjing Mountain. As her friend, it is not strange to ask her about her purpose.

This attitude really frightened Yan Sheng. She gave up her suspicion and replied: "I don't know him."

"Ah?" Gong Liquan was unexpected: "What did you say?"

do not know? Going to Mingjing Mountain for someone you don’t know?

"I was born in nothingness and wandered alone in the boundless darkness for tens of thousands of years," Yan Sheng said. "Knocking down Mingjing Mountain for her was the key to leaving there."

"Then what?" Gong Liquan asked eagerly: "Did she tell you what happened next?"

Yansheng felt that he was a little too concerned about this matter. She had never seen him lose his temper like this before. She was very confused: "Why are you anxious?"

How could Gong Liquan not be in a hurry? He felt that he was standing at the door of the truth, and he was only one step away from seeing the entire layout.

As long as he knows what the fate is, he will have the opportunity to change his destined destiny according to his heart's desire.

"She said that the opportunity has arrived, and all changes should begin from here." Yan Sheng repeated the same thing.

The phantom of the God of Creation seemed to overlap with her in the dark, and through her mouth, she expressed the grand plan in her heart: "To break the rotten, build a new one, to slay all injustices, to break down the barriers in the world, to complete the grand dream when it first opened. The legacy of the ancient gods." (End of this chapter)

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