Chapter 190
Before the trial, Han Xin learned about the progress of the case and found that it might be difficult for Su Huilin to be sentenced to death.

The key to whether a mentally ill person needs to bear criminal responsibility is whether he is awake when he commits the crime.Su Huilin's mental illness was already very serious, and she hardly had time to wake up.

Judging from this point, the court will definitely decide that Su Huilin committed the crime while she was ill, so that she will not be sentenced to death, but will be sent to a mental hospital.

On the day of the court session, Han Xin was ready to fight a tough battle just like last time.

Soon, the court summoned him to appear in court.

Han Xin pushed open the door of the courtroom. Apart from the people in the courtroom, there were the procuratorate and the defendant. The family members of several victims sat in the back, gnashing their teeth and staring at Su Huilin in the dock.

Su Huilin, on the other hand, smiled all over her face, staring at Han Xin as she came to the witness stand.

The person in charge of this case is still Wen Ya, the prosecutor from last time.

"Hello." Wen Ya came forward and greeted him with a smile, "I have a few questions for you, just answer them truthfully."

Han Xin nodded, and then asked Wen Ya: "Do you think the defendant was awake when he committed the murder, and what is the basis?"

"Her crime was obviously planned. Where to commit the crime and how to dispose of the corpse after committing the crime were all arranged in advance." Han Xin replied. "This can be deduced from the key evidence found at the scene, that is, the suitcase. So I think she was very clear-headed when she committed the crime."

"However, according to the psychiatrist's diagnosis, the defendant suffers from severe bipolar disorder, delusional disorder and stress-induced trauma. Is it possible that she can still stay awake when she is ill?" Wen Ya asked curiously.

"Impossible." Han Xin shook his head: "These three diseases may indeed cause people to lose control and attack others, but that must be an impromptu crime. That is to say, if she killed someone because of a mental illness, she would not be able to kill in advance." It was so well planned. We have surveillance footage to prove that she stalked the victims for a long time before attacking them, and it was a premeditated killing."

Wen Ya nodded in satisfaction, then turned to the presiding judge: "I have nothing more to ask."

At this time, Su Huilin's lawyer came forward and asked Han Xin, "Excuse me, do you have a professional certificate in psychology?"

"No." Han Xin shook his head.

"So how can you be sure that these three diseases will not cause the patient to lose control?" the defense attorney asked.

"I have consulted relevant experts, and you can also consult them, and they will give the same answer." Han Xin explained, "I am proving from the perspective of a detective that all the criminals' cases were premeditated. It was carefully planned. In the process of committing the crime, she showed a high IQ and a calm attitude, which is definitely not what a mentally ill person can do."

"Is it possible that she was changed by these mental illnesses a long time ago?" The defense lawyer continued to ask, "As far as I know, these mental illnesses can change a person's personality, right? ?”

Han Xin frowned and fell into silence. After a while, he said, "I suggest you consult a psychologist."

But even though he said so in his mouth, he knew in his heart that it was possible.

Moreover, Su Huilin was indeed changed by something, to be precise, "someone".

Next, the defense lawyers did provide several experts' opinions, saying that it is very common for people to change their personality under the torture of long-term mental illness.The root cause of Su Huilin's committing these murders was the torment of these mental illnesses, and the consequences of the cyberbullying that year were beyond her control.

Wen Ya, on the other hand, strongly refuted the defense lawyer through the opinions of some other experts.

But Han Xin knew very well that Su Huilin would not be sentenced to death.Because Chinese law always tends to avoid the death penalty without the death penalty, as long as there is a slight possibility that Su Huilin killed because of mental illness, she will not be sentenced to death for the time being.

Sure enough, the two sides argued for a long time, and finally the presiding judge adjourned the court directly, saying that he would resentence at another day.

"I'm afraid she will escape this case." Wen Ya couldn't help but sighed after she came out of the court and said, "I reckon that at most she will be imprisoned in a mental hospital for the rest of her life, and the death penalty is very difficult. Ugh, shame on the families of the victims. Shame on you who worked so hard to catch her."

"You have tried your best, this situation is more difficult." Han Xin comforted.

Wen Ya shook her head: "The task of your police is to catch her, and my task is to send her in. It's my fault for failing to do this. But I won't give up. What new things do you think you can find? any clues?"

Han Xin thought for a while, nodded and said: "Maybe you can go to the dean who used to fool around with her and ask her what kind of person she was before. If her mental illness existed before she was raped by the Internet... "

"Then it can prove that her actions are under her subjective control." Wen Ya suddenly said, and then smiled and extended her hand to Han Xin, "Thank you for your advice, if it is impossible to sentence her to death, then it really is I'm so incompetent."

"Don't make a conclusion so early, if the result is the other way around, help her." Han Xin said with a wry smile.

"That's true." Wen Ya sighed, then waved to him and left.

At this time, several criminal police also escorted Su Huilin out of the court, preparing to send her back to the detention center.

When passing by him, Su Huilin smiled at him and said something.

She didn't say a word, but through the shape of her mouth, Han Xin knew what she said: "The teacher likes you very much."

"It's good that he likes me, so when we finally catch him, it will be much more convenient for us to communicate." Han Xin sneered.

When Han Xin came to the gate of the court, a police car stopped in front of him.

"Mr. Han, may I give you a ride?" Wei Bin waved to him from the driver's seat.

"Hey, Xiao Wei, why are you here?" Han Xin asked a little surprised, opened the co-pilot's door and sat in.

"Hey, don't yell, we are of the same generation. If you want to call me Xiaowei, you have to beat me." Wei Bin frowned, and then drove forward, "It's been quite peaceful recently. , It’s also thanks to you. I was really bored in the office, so I came out for a walk, and I happened to be here, and I guessed that you were about to finish, so I waited outside for a while.”

As he said that, Wei Bin asked curiously, "How did you get sentenced in the end?"

Han Xin shook his head helplessly: "There is no result, we will try again at another day."

"That's good news, at least she wasn't sentenced to a mental hospital for treatment." Wei Bin sneered.

The two moved forward for a while, when the intercom on the car suddenly rang.

After Wei Bin picked it up, his expression suddenly became serious: "Got it, I'll go over right away."

"What's wrong?" Han Xin asked curiously.

"There is a girl who is going to jump off a building. We are the closest to her. Turn around, Mr. Han?" Wei Bin said, turning the steering wheel and driving back.

After walking for a while, I turned a corner again, and on the road ahead, I could see a group of people looking up at something.

Following their line of sight, Han Xin found a girl on the twelfth floor, standing outside the balcony and holding on to the railing.

"Get out of the way! Police!" Wei Bin showed his criminal police card after getting out of the car, and then rushed upstairs.

"Girl, don't jump! If you have something to say, tell me what you want! I'm from the police!" Han Xin shouted downstairs to help Wei Bin delay for a while.

The girl yelled a few words upstairs, and Han Xin replied, "Your voice is too low for me to hear you clearly. In this case, wait for me to go up and we'll discuss it in detail, okay? Wait for me!"

Immediately, Han Xin instructed the onlookers: "Everyone help her to comfort her, stabilize her mood, and wait for us to go up."

After speaking, he strode into the unit building.Right now the elevator is on the third floor and coming down.Forget it, Han Xin may have spent less time running up now than taking the elevator, and Wei Bin had already climbed the stairs first, so he would never be faster than Wei Bin if he climbed the stairs.

Thinking of this, Han Xin waited at the elevator door, and the elevator door opened in less than a minute.

After getting on the elevator, Han Xin pressed the twelfth floor. When the elevator stopped on the twelfth floor, the door of room 1202 was already open. Judging from the condition of the door lock, it should have been kicked open by someone.

"Good guy, Officer Wei is too fast..." Han Xin thought to himself, and then ran to the balcony of 1202.

At this moment, Wei Bin is persuading the woman on the balcony: "If you have anything to say, let's talk when you come down. You have to think about your parents and your family. You will be over by jumping like this, but how sad they should be. Sadness is all left to you." living."

Han Xin patted Wei Bin on the shoulder and signaled Wei Bin to let him come.

"Hi, I'm the one who was talking to you just now." Han Xin raised his hand and smiled, "Shall we chat?"

"Don't come over there!" the girl cried and threatened, "If you come over again, I'll jump off!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not coming." Han Xin nodded with a smile, and quickly observed the girl.

She looks only 24 or [-] years old, young and beautiful.Judging from the shoes and photos at home, it should be that I lived with my parents, but at the moment my parents are not at home, and they suddenly made a fuss about jumping off the building, probably because of a relationship problem.

"Hey, isn't he just a stinky man? There are so many men in the world!" Han Xin persuaded, and then patted Wei Bin on the shoulder, "Look, this handsome detective is single. Come down, I'll introduce him for you."

"No, Teacher Han..." Wei Bin's eyes widened.

"He lied to me! He even took our video online and sold it to others!" The woman cried even more fiercely, but her mood was obviously relaxed, and she was not so vigilant towards the two of them.

"Call the police, we'll catch him and put him in jail." Han Xin and Wei Bin approached while comforting her.

However, at this time, a sentence suddenly came from downstairs: "Damn, can you dance or not! I have been waiting for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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