Chapter 154 A Rare Opportunity

It is actually very easy to follow in a crowded place, but the hard part is to follow in a place without being found.

Han Xin quietly followed behind Liu Zifan, but it seemed that Liu Zifan didn't intend to take the car, but rushed to the nearest subway station.

This is a very smart choice, because it is actually easy to be tracked by car, just remember the license plate number and track it on the surveillance camera, but there are so many people in the subway station that it is easy to lose track.

Obviously, Liu Zifan showed some anti-reconnaissance behavior, which means that the police investigation was correct.

However, Han Xin is not an ordinary person after all, he can clearly see where the target is with his eagle eyes, and it is impossible to lose him in the crowd.

He and Liu Zifan kept a distance of about ten meters. There were too many people in the subway station, and the other party didn't notice him even though they were so close.

After Han Xin got on the subway station, he turned on his mobile phone and pretended to be watching the video, blending into the crowd around him, but in fact he was still staring at Liu Zifan with his peripheral vision.

With the ability of "sharpness", you can see clearly even with peripheral vision.

When he arrived at Tiangu [-]st Road Station, Liu Zifan started to move towards the exit of the subway, ready to get off.

And Han Xin also followed him to adjust his position and came to the door, ready to continue to follow.

Han Xin knows how to hide himself in the crowd. Those who are more conspicuous in the crowd are often people with outstanding appearance and exaggerated expressions, so as long as he keeps his face expressionless as much as possible and makes himself look more ordinary through makeup, then as long as he Standing in the crowd can instantly become invisible.

What's more, Liu Zifan never thought that his identity as the ghost would be exposed.

At Tiangu [-]nd Road, Liu Zifan finally got out of the car, and then walked straight to the villa area ahead.

"Is the old nest a villa?" Han Xin thought to himself.

He reckoned that Nan Qiang had rented a villa, which would indeed be safer.

The villa can accommodate more people, the security conditions in the villa area are good, it is far away from neighbors, and it is not easy to arouse suspicion.

Who could associate a man who lived in a villa complex with a bank robber?

However, it is not so easy to continue to follow after arriving here, because there are few people on this section of the road, and it is easy to be found if you follow the other party.

As Han Xin followed Liu Zifan and continued to walk forward, he turned on his mobile phone and searched for Liu Zifan's direction. There was a villa area called Beihu Jiayuan over there, which should be his destination.

There is still about 15 minutes away from here to Beihu Jiayuan. Han Xin thought about it, and suddenly had an idea, then opened the APP and searched for a while, and found a Land Rover ride.

He communicated with the owner of the car, and after confirming that this hitchhiker happened to be going to Beihu Jiayuan, he chose this car.

After waiting on the side of the road for a while, the Land Rover stopped in front of Han Xin.

"Brother, do you also live in Beihu Jiayuan?" After getting into the car, the driver asked curiously.

"No, I'm here to visit a friend." Han Xin explained, "He told me which household he lived in, but I forgot. They are five or six men who don't usually go out. They pack a lot of luggage and don't interact with others. They look fierce, do you have the impression?"

"Oh, you said how many people lived in the 13th building?" The driver suddenly realized, "I was very impressed! When those people moved in, I thought they were robbers, but they said they were rented villas. The security guards also After confirming with the head of the household, we didn't say anything, but I always feel that those people look scary... What exactly does your friend do?"

"Usury collection." Han Xin said nonsense.

"No wonder, this professional ability must be very strong?" The head of the household chatted with him.

On the way forward, when the car was approaching the gate of the villa area, Han Xin saw Liu Zifan on the road, and he felt relieved.

Led by this Land Rover, Han Xin bypassed the security guards at the entrance and entered the villa area without difficulty.

"Here, building 13 is over there." The owner of the car kindly pointed to him, "I'll go back first."

"Thank you, brother." Han Xin smiled and waved to him.

"You're welcome, isn't this a ride?" the owner replied, and then drove to the other side.

At this time, Liu Zifan also greeted the security guard at the gate, then entered the villa area, and trotted past Han Xin.When he came in, the security guard didn't let him register, and he was obviously very familiar with him.

But Liu Zifan never imagined that the person who arrived at the villa area before him would be a police officer following him.

Han Xin pretended to be playing with his mobile phone with his head down, and walked slowly towards Building 13. It was not until Liu Zifan passed him by a certain distance that he reported to Zhong Lihui in the headset: "Captain Zhong, I have successfully entered the villa area. The possible location of the suspect's hiding place was obtained."

"You are so clever." Zhong Li sighed over there, "What if I don't get a ride?"

"Then use another method. I can ask the police to pretend to be a food delivery person to come over and say hello to the security guards in advance, and put me in as a resident later, so as not to arouse the suspicion of Nan Qiang's gang." Han Xin He explained, "Anyway, I can handle it if I know his destination in advance. There are always more ways than difficulties."

"I think this idea is good." Zhong Li replied, "Then you go and confirm whether the suspect is here, and then we will designate an arrest plan according to the situation. Please pay attention to safety."

After cutting off the contact, it was only after six o'clock, and the sky was still very bright, so Han Xin had to find a way to survive until dark.

He glanced at Building 13 out of the corner of his eye, and saw a few figures by the window.He knew that these people had already become suspicious when they discovered that it was the first time he appeared here.

So he put away his mobile phone, walked forward at a faster pace, then turned a corner and disappeared from the sight of the group.

Then, Han Xin walked around to Building 14.The house has not been renovated yet, and there is only one empty house, so he turned into the house, and then observed the 13 buildings opposite from the window on the second floor.

After turning on the Hawkeye and scanning around, Han Xin could see a few figures from each window, but only four were found for the time being.

Han Xin kept turning the angle to observe, until he saw three cups on the table in the living room of Building 13 from the west window, and then one of them took another cup and poured a glass of water for Liu Zifan.

"Including Liu Zifan, there should be only four of them," Han Xin said to himself.

It was already past seven o'clock at this time, and it was already dark, so Han Xin avoided the monitoring and quietly touched the side of Building 13, and then observed the inside from the window on the side of the villa.There are four pairs of shoes at the door. Judging from the size of the shoes, their owners should be between 1.7 and 1.8 meters tall, while Nan Qiang is only 1.7 meters tall.

"Boss Zhong, bad news." Han Xin pressed the headset and said, "Nan Qiang doesn't seem to be here, he must be only in charge of the behind-the-scenes now."

"That's how it is." Zhong Li thought for a while, "We raided them at night while they were sleeping, and captured them all in one go, so that he could not inform Nan Qiang, and then asked about Nan Qiang's whereabouts from them. "

"I think it is possible." Han Xin replied, and then turned on the eagle eye vision and glanced at the room, "But be careful, they have set up some early warning systems in the house. There is a steel wire at the door, when you come in..."

When Han Xin said this, there was a sound behind him, which sounded very clear to his ears, like the sound of slippers scraping on the ground.

He is no longer the same person he was when he helped Sun Fei and his wife find their son, and his senses are particularly keen on threats that are out of sight.

So Han Xin immediately hid his figure behind a bush and observed the direction of the sound.

A man with a height of about 1.7 meters, short natural curly hair, thick eyebrows and red phoenix eyes, looking fierce, walked here from outside the villa with a pair of flip-flops and some food in his hand.

Nan Qiang!Han Xin was surprised: I didn't expect him to come here together!

"Squad Zhong, Nan Qiang is here! He just went out to buy food!" Han Xin whispered excitedly, "Come here now and we'll kill them all!"

"What!? Is he there?" Zhong Li asked in surprise through the headset.

At this time, Nan Qiang opened the door and went in, chatting with the people inside.

"How's the situation?" Nan Qiang put down the food in his hand and asked, "Is there anything suspicious today?"

The next moment, the tall man inside replied, "Yes."

This answer made Han Xin feel "thumping": Could it be that I was discovered?
"Today, a delivery guy delivered it to the wrong place and came to us. I think that guy is suspicious." Bancun continued.

Another bald man explained: "He said it was delivered to the house in Building 16, and it was delivered by mistake, so it's no big deal."

Hearing this, Nan Qiang fell into a deep groan, while Han Xin outside the window also heaved a sigh of relief.

However, Nan Qiang still replied: "I feel that this place is no longer safe. Let's go to the backup base. You guys, go up and prepare things immediately, and transfer in 15 minutes."

This bastard is too suspicious! ?Han Xin couldn't help cursing, and then pressed the earphones: "Team Zhong, there was a takeaway delivered to the wrong place during the day, which made Nan Qiang suspicious. Now they are going to transfer. Can the police come within 15 minutes? "

"What?! Now? We are still gathering!" Zhong Li asked in surprise, "We can send a few police officers near you to delay the time, but they should have guns in their hands. Our police officers fire insufficient……"

Han Xin looked at the five people scattered in the room to pack their things, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated: "Maybe I can give you a little time, this opportunity to catch them all is too rare, we can't miss it."

"What? No! Your safety is the most important thing!" Zhong Li strongly objected.

"I know." Han Xin quickly observed the situation in the villa, and then said seriously: "I have a safe way."

(End of this chapter)

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