Chapter 133 Moriarty
Due to the "sharpness" effect, Han Xin clearly saw a figure passing by from the corner of his eyes, and escaped from the back door of the villa.If he didn't have this ability, he might have missed it.

"You still dare to run away!?" Han Xin became angry at that time, "It's better to run away, and the crime will be aggravated!"

After speaking, Han Xin chased after him.

Although the Detective App did not provide him with any ability to increase physical strength, he still has the background to be a security guard, and he also goes to the gym to exercise in his spare time. This physical strength is definitely better than that of the son who stays at home all day.

Seeing that the distance between the two was getting shorter and shorter, Guan Wenqing became a little anxious and stopped in his tracks.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Guan Wenqing raised his hand, "We have something to discuss! Don't, don't tell my parents! I'll give you money, 30, how about it? As long as you don't send me to the police station! My dad If Mom finds out that I committed another crime outside and let them wipe my ass, they will definitely scold me to death!"

"If you're really so afraid of your parents scolding you, maybe you should be more honest and don't cause trouble outside!" Han Xin pointed at him and scolded, "When you cheated those girls' feelings and money, you thought about their feelings. !?"

"Yes! You are right, I will pay them money!" Guan Wenqing said anxiously, "I will apologize to them, anything is fine! As long as you don't arrest me and take me to the police station, anything is fine!"

Han Xin had nothing else to say to him, so he pointed at Guan Wenqing and said coldly, "You don't have the capital to negotiate with me. Go to the Public Security Bureau with me honestly, and you can count yourself as a surrender, otherwise the crime of escape will be aggravated!"

Guan Wenqing's pupils vibrated violently, and he seemed to be quite shocked. Then he suddenly took out a knife, but not at Han Xin, but at his own neck: "Don't come here, I would rather die than go to the police Bureau... Do you know how my parents will humiliate me? As long as I don't do a good job at all, I will be like garbage in their eyes! I don't, I won't go!"

Seeing this, Han Xin quickly persuaded: "Calm down! Don't be impulsive, what you committed is not a capital crime, there is no need."

He still had something to ask Guan Wenqing, but he couldn't just let him die like this.

"Don't you want to run away from your parents?" Han Xin changed the subject, "Your parents simply think it's your problem, that you can't do anything well, but in fact they have distorted your psychology. Now your psychology It's getting worse and you need to stay away from them to get better. Don't you want that?"

Although these words are only forced by the situation, they are indeed true.

Parents' education is very important to children's growth. Even anti-social personality will not cause harm to society if it is well-educated and guided correctly.

"Escape from them..." Guan Wenqing muttered to himself, "Yes, maybe they were disappointed in me after I was arrested, and then kicked me out of the house... But I can't make money by myself, how can I live? If I am sentenced to life, I will never have to see them. But the life is only [-] years, maybe I should kill someone..."

Han Xin could see that his mental state was already very unstable, so he said patiently: "I can ensure that they will stay away from you, but in exchange, you have to tell me everything honestly. What do you think?"

"Can you do it?" Guan Wenqing had hope in his eyes, "Can you guarantee it?"

"If you are worried, we can go to the Public Security Bureau and record all this." Han Xin explained, "It's like the Witness Project. If you provide me with information, I will keep your parents away from you. Fair enough?"

Guan Wenqing thought for a while, then agreed, and put down the knife in his hand.

Next, Han Xin arrested Guan Wenqing to the Public Security Bureau. His situation was already a criminal case, so he had to be handed over to the criminal police of Jinpan City.

Of course, he is also a frequent visitor here, and the detectives all know him.

"Hello, can I interrogate him in person?" Han Xin asked the criminal policeman in charge when Guan Wenqing was brought into the interrogation room.

The other party obviously knew him, and readily agreed.

Han Xin then entered the interrogation room with a local criminal policeman from Jinpan City and sat down opposite Guan Wenqing.

"So, what started it all?" Han Xin looked at Guan Wenqing and asked, "What made you traumatized?"

"That was when I was seven years old." Guan Wenqing huddled in the interrogation chair, biting his fingers uneasily, "I still remember that time when I got 97 points in the Chinese test and made a wrong question. I My parents said in front of my face, "I can't get full marks in the test paper when I am only in the second grade. Does this child have a problem with IQ?". I am only seven years old!"

After he started talking, Guan Wenqing started talking and couldn't stop.

Generally speaking, his parents are both highly educated, and they were well-known talented scholars and talented women in the school back then, and they were also respected entrepreneurs in the local area, so when they saw Guan Wenqing's mediocre performance, they showed a strong dislike for him .He deserves what he does well, and he is humiliated when he does not.

And once he made a mistake, his parents would single out all his past mistakes, and the two would ridicule him one by one, and even scold him for his incompetence in front of relatives and neighbors, making his life without dignity .

A life that has been denied since childhood.Han Xin thought to himself, and continued to ask: "Then why do you want to cheat?"

"Because I'm good at it!" Guan Wenqing said excitedly, "I want to do something to prove my parents wrong! I'm also talented, just in other ways!"

"Then why did you post the video of the victim of fraud to the group and encourage everyone to do the same?" Han Xin frowned, "You are obviously willing to appreciate the pain of others, not just to gain recognition."

"Of course! Why am I the only one who suffers so much!? Others should also experience what I have experienced!" Guan Wenqing hammered the table and said angrily, "Yes, I just want to humiliate them severely after they are cheated It’s useless to scold them! You will be deceived by such a simple trick, these people are not trash!”

He imposes his own experience on others, and has severe bipolar disorder and severe paranoia.Han Xin shook his head and sighed.

But as he guessed, the psychological trauma stemmed from his parents.

At the same time, Han Xin also breathed a sigh of relief: it seems that there is no expert pointing him behind his back.

"You have a very serious mental illness. I will suggest that you receive psychological treatment while serving your sentence, and at the same time tell your parents not to approach you until your condition improves." Han Xin replied, "Do you think it's okay?"

"Yes." Guan Wenqing nodded again and again, "I hope the psychiatrist can be a little more competent this time, the method that he told me before is useless at all."

"The psychiatrist from before?" Han Xin asked puzzledly, "What method did he tell you?"

"He said, I need to vent my anger to calm down." Guan Wenqing replied, "It was also he who saw that I was good at deceiving others. He said that everyone has their own talents, and deception is my talent. He encouraged I do what I'm good at, so I can get rid of the shadow my parents put on me. But..."

Guan Wenqing clutched his forehead and said helplessly: "It was really good at first, but then... I don't know how to describe it, it's like a banned drug. Just go online and teach people how to do these things, and have them post the video."

Speaking of this, Guan Wenqing hugged his head and said in a low voice: "It really made me feel better, but I didn't get rid of the shadow of my parents. I still saw them in my nightmare, like two giants standing on the ground The local government humiliated and abused me..."

Isn't Moriarty here?Han Xin cursed in his heart: This person should be the one who pointed Su Huilin.

Han Xin is now very proficient in criminal psychology, so he knows what this "psychologist" is doing.

He is not only treating Guan Wenqing's psychological trauma, but magnifying the evil in his heart through treatment.

Han Xin found it very strange. Judging from the experience described by Guan Wenqing, he was not the kind of person who committed a heinous crime, but was influenced by his parents. Why did he develop to the step of "taking pleasure in other people's pain".

It turned out that someone was inducing him to go to the worst ending, making him degenerate.

In fact, to heal this kind of psychological trauma, we cannot rely on releasing our inner desires, but on setting a goal for ourselves and accomplishing it, and gaining the recognition and concern of others.

But this "psychiatrist" did add "identification" to Guan Wenqing's treatment...

Han Xin knew that this "psychiatrist" must be a master who is good at psychology. His level is not at the same level as that of "Mo Lan" PUA. Even Han Xin himself is not sure whether he can be better than the other party.

"Who is that psychiatrist? Did your parents find you?" Han Xin asked.

"Yes." Guan Wenqing nodded, then shook his head: "To be precise, he came to me. During the years I worked in the company, he told my parents that I had a serious mental illness and that he could help me treat it. That is to say, my situation has improved a little in those few years, but he seems to be either a local or a tourist.”

If what Guan Wenqing said is true, then this psychiatrist is definitely a master... Han Xin frowned and thought to himself, and then continued to ask: "When did he find you? Was it before you had a car accident?"

"Afterwards." Guan Wenqing thought for a while and said.

The other party is probably someone who has access to internal police documents.Han Xin speculated in his heart, and then asked eagerly: "Where is his appearance? Contact information? Address? Any information about him?"

"No." Guan Wenqing shook his head, "He just chatted with me once, and then he left. As for his appearance... his skin is very fair, so white that he doesn't look like a man of yellow race, he is quite handsome, wears glasses, very... ... suave."

Han Xin put the back of his hand against his mouth and sighed: It's difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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