Chapter 125 Progress
Moreover, as these cases show, the killers aren't just getting more sophisticated.

"The interval between her committing crimes is getting shorter and shorter..." Han Xin said to himself, "From the previous year to half a year, to the four months this time, I dare say that the interval between her committing crimes may be even shorter next time."

"So are you sure she did all these cases?" Huo Gang asked worriedly.

"Except for this hair salon girl, everything else is very similar to her style." Han Xin nodded, "The things you found are very important, because there is a message revealed in these cases, that is, the murderer will follow me for a long time to find out the other person’s habits and the situation on the road. For example, which road do you usually like to take, where there is no monitoring and so on.”

"Indeed..." Wei Bin mused, "The two victims, Meng Xia and Ye Fen, were abducted when they took a shortcut or took a small path when they returned home. This shows that the murderer Must be following them."

"The murderer is also a woman, so even if she follows them, they won't be suspicious." Hu Chen nodded, "But it's too scary, right? Doesn't this mean that she follows the victim every day?"

"This further shows that she is clear-headed when she chooses the target and commits the crime, instead of going crazy." Han Xin added, "Just for this, we can sentence her."

"Then, shall we investigate these cases now?" Lu Wenbo asked tentatively, "Since she has followed these victims, we may be able to find her from the surveillance, right?"

Han Xin looked at the files of the four cases in his hand and said: "Yes, but even if you find her in surveillance, you can't use it as evidence to convict her. Before we find certain evidence, we can't scare the snake away."

Under his eagle-eyed vision, these four files are all highlights, but there is no specific line of text, so he can only rely on his own reading and judgment.Which point is the new clue?
Taking advantage of Lu Wenbo's opportunity to investigate the surveillance video, Han Xin checked these files back and forth.

About half an hour later, he suddenly had an idea: "Bring me the map of Shiji City! The bigger the better!"

Hu Chen responded, and quickly went to get a map. After Han Xin took it, he urged: "Everyone, leave the table empty!"

After cleaning up the things on the table, Han Xin spread out the map on the table, and then grabbed a marker pen.

"This is the workplace, missing place and home of victim No.1..." Han Xin drew three points on the map, then connected the three points to form a triangle, and then did the same to make No.2, No.3 and No. The location of the No.4 victim was marked out, and the home, work place, and location of the incident of the victim Lin Shuang were also marked out this time.

Finally, Han Xin connected the farthest points of these five triangles to form an irregular pentagon.

"So, we can find that the murderer is operating in this fixed area, and the reason is very simple: she is most familiar with this place. She knows where there is surveillance, how to avoid it, and how to track the target." Han Xin explained.

"But this area is still very large." Zhao Linshan looked at the map and muttered, "Is it one-fifth of Shiji City?"

"Indeed, but don't forget that the suspect has a certain degree of medical knowledge." Han Xin laughed, "In addition, she can track the target for a long time at night, which means that her work is only during the day. And she can spend so much time on In this matter, there is no need to consider the pressure of life, and the income should not be low. Why do doctors not have to go to work at night and earn a lot?"

Everyone at the scene said in unison: "Dentist!"

"Or a pet doctor in a high-end clinic." Han Xin added, "She has plenty of time, and her work place and home must not be too far away, so I can be sure that her home, work place, and body dumping place are all here. within range."

"Combined with the surveillance video, we will be able to determine who she is!" Huo Gang said excitedly, "It's not easy!"

"Don't be too happy." Han Xin shook his head: "It's useless to find her, the key is the evidence that can convict her."

"We can only look for it based on previous cases." Hu Chen pondered, "But it was very difficult to do so long ago."

"But our consultant is an expert in investigating such cases." Huo Gang smiled confidently.

"I can only say I'll give it a try..." Han Xin said, falling into deep thought: The girl in the hair salon always felt something was wrong.

First, the girl in the hair salon is actually a lady in essence. The hair salon may be a cover, but the murderer actually chooses those who use their bodies to make profits for their work; second, there is something wrong with the timing, because the interval is one year , the same as before; third, if it is her first crime, she is a bit too skilled.

Moreover, only the place where the hair salon girl died was particularly far away.If you only look at the locations of the first three cases, they can be connected into a circle.But if you count this hair salon girl, it becomes an oval.

"I think she may not have killed the girl from the hair salon." Han Xin shook his head and said, "Looking back at the previous case, it may not be murder, but wounding or attempted wounding."

"Let's go, boss." Huo Gang saluted, then turned his head and ordered: "Brothers, come and live!"

The next step is to wait for the results of the investigation. Han Xin deeply feels that they are getting closer to the truth of the case.

At noon, Han Xin took Zhao Linshan to the McDonald's near the Public Security Bureau and sat down, ready to have a casual meal to fill his stomach.

"But how did you deal with the corpse?" Han Xin said to himself while stirring the ketchup with French fries, "Did he choose to throw it into the water? But he would be found if he threw it into the water. Corpse cut..."

"Oh!" Zhao Linshan waved a piece of Chicken McNuggets into his mouth, frowned slightly and said, "Don't talk about these topics while eating, there are children around, don't scare them!"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Han Xin took a sip of Coke, and then broke a French fries into sections: "Considering that she is a psychopath and understands medicine, it is very likely that she disassembled this French fries. Really It's difficult."

"I thought it would be troublesome enough to find someone, but I didn't expect to find evidence to be even more troublesome..." Zhao Linshan muttered.

"But the place where she handles French fries is definitely not in her home, it may be her clinic." Han Xin shrugged, "In short, if we can find her, maybe we can find clues. Now I am hesitant, that is Whether to detain her, according to the existing findings, the police can detain her, but..."

Zhao Linshan interjected: "If she can't find evidence of her, she will destroy the remaining clues after she is released, and then she will never be caught."

Han Xin nodded: "If this is the case, we can only wait until the next victim appears, or she finally makes a mistake one time. But the worst case is that she finds that she is suspected by the police and just quits gone."

"Like Jack the Ripper?" Zhao Linshan asked curiously.

"It's really similar." Han Xin shrugged, "I hope the ending can be different."

After lunch, Han Xin and Zhao Linshan returned to the Public Security Bureau. At the moment, the criminal policemen were also investigating while eating.

It was Lu Wenbo who got the results first, which surprised Han Xin, because logically speaking, his workload should be relatively heavy.

"Almost nothing!" Lu Wenbo said angrily, "There are many places where surveillance was installed later, or the videos from previous years were not saved, and the videos that were finally obtained were so small that they were not enough for comparison."

"It doesn't matter. We already have enough detailed profiles to help us find the suspect. The key now is how to find the evidence." Han Xin comforted.

But then Lu Wenbo added: "However, we still got a video of one of the victims being stalked. It was obtained from the surveillance of a restaurant, and the owner happened to keep the video."

Then, everyone gathered in a circle, and Lu Wenbo played the video he got on the computer.

This restaurant is a lo mei shop and does not provide dine-in, so there is a lot of traffic.

Soon, Lu Wenbo pointed at one of them: "Look, this is the victim Ye Fen. Watch out, another woman is about to enter the store soon!"

Sure enough, another woman walked in from outside after a while. She didn't wear a mask or sunglasses, but she turned her face away on purpose as soon as she entered the store, as if she knew where the camera was.

Then, Ye Fen began to pick lo mei in front of the booth, and the woman who followed behind also picked inside.

And Ye Fen paid the bill after picking out, and the woman immediately bought some random things and left.

"It's not enough to judge that she is following Ye Fen, right?" Hu Chen frowned.

"But there is still a video." Wei Bin pointed to the computer screen, "Wait patiently."

After this video, the second video after that is Ye Fen crossing the road at an intersection.

"Look, this is almost Ye Fen's home." Wei Bin pointed to the screen and said, "Look carefully."

Ye Fen crossed the road after waiting for a red light, and the woman who followed her before also crossed the road with her.

However, a strange scene happened. Ye Fen got home after crossing the traffic lights, so she turned directly into the community, but the woman crossed a 90-degree road.If she wanted to cross the road on this side, then when Ye Fen was waiting for the red light, there would already be a green light on the side she wanted to go.

Therefore, it is obvious that this woman is deliberately following Ye Fen.

"It really is her..." Han Xin said to himself, "This proves that my speculation is correct, but we still need a key piece of evidence to convict her."

"Look at my progress?" Huo Gang handed the dossier to Han Xin while eating his boxed lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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