Chapter 119

The prosecution lawyer is a woman with braids tied into a bun on the top of her head, with delicate features and a slender and tall figure.

She smiled at Han Xin: "Don't be nervous, just ask what you want and answer."

Han Xin nodded with a very calm expression.

"Excuse me, were you the one who assisted the police in arresting Qiu Wanhui?" the prosecutor's lawyer asked.

"Yes." Han Xin nodded.

"How did you speculate on him?" The other party continued to ask.

Han Xin briefly described the reasoning process at that time, and then the other party asked him how he conducted the interrogation, and the interrogation was completed.

At this time, Qiu Wanhui's defense lawyer came to him again.

As soon as he came up, the other party asked a very embarrassing question for Han Xin: "As far as I know, you were a security guard before you became an Internet celebrity, right? But you studied electronic information in college. I don't think you have received criminal investigation related training?"

"No." Han Xin nodded.

"However, according to the testimony provided by Police Officer Ling, you are leading the investigation of the entire case, right?" the defense lawyer continued to ask, "You are also responsible for the direction of the investigation determined by you, and all the reasoning."

"Yes." Han Xin continued to nod.

"Presiding judge, did you hear that too?" The defense lawyer didn't give Han Xin any chance to explain, and immediately turned to the judge and said, "An investigation and arrest operation conducted by a person who has no criminal investigation training, or a case that was investigated 20 years ago, how can the results be convincing? Can we sentence a person to death because of this layman's words?"

"Objection." The prosecutor's lawyer immediately expressed dissatisfaction: "The reasoning ability is determined by the logical ability. In the investigation, the Chinese and Korean consultants provide logical reasoning, and the criminal investigation is in charge of the police."

Next, the defense lawyers and the prosecution lawyers launched a fierce confrontation.

According to the defense lawyer, Han Xin is not a professional, and during the interrogation process, there were words of inducement and threats, and the results and confessions obtained from the direction of investigation provided by him cannot be used as a basis.

The prosecutor's lawyer mainly emphasized that the evidence in this case is sufficient, and that witnesses, physical evidence, and confession can fully prove Qiu Wanhui's criminal facts, which has nothing to do with whether Han Xin is professional or not.Even if Han Xin does not have a relevant degree, he did lead the police to find evidence, which is true and effective.

The defense lawyer then stated that Qiu Wanhui was lured into confessing by Han Xin, who threatened him with the "bloody clothes" from Qiu Wanhui's ancestral grave, and this "bloody clothes" were discovered only a few months after Qiu Wanhui pleaded guilty.Shi Zhengwen is the real murderer, and his confession is to frame him.

Although Han Xin doesn't understand law, he understands psychology.He knew that the defense lawyers had no evidence to prove Qiu Wanhui's innocence, so as long as he could invalidate the evidence in their hands, he would not be able to convict Qiu Wanhui.

Even if Qiu Wanhui himself admitted it, he would have to be released if there was insufficient evidence.

In a blink of an eye, it was the defense lawyer's turn to ask questions again.

"What techniques did you use in your case?" asked the defense attorney.

"It's mainly about basic deduction and criminal psychology." Han Xin explained, "It's just..."

"I know what it is." The defense lawyer interrupted him. "As far as I know, there are no professional profilers in China. Because this subject is not accurate, sometimes not only can't help, but may mislead the police investigation. Is that right?"

"No." Han Xin shook his head, "I usually combine the basic deduction method with criminal psychology to judge the behavior and characteristics of the prisoner. And in order not to mislead the police investigation, only some features with a very high accuracy rate are left in the profile. For example, in this case, being able to kill five members of the Shi family by himself proves that the murderer is a strong man..."

"Strong women can't do it?" The defense lawyer squinted at the prosecution lawyer and sneered, "Your words just proved my statement to be correct. There are big errors in criminal psychology, and the result is not accurate. Can you use criminal psychology and logical reasoning to guess the color of my underwear?"

Han Xin was silent for a moment, then turned to the presiding judge and asked, "Can I defend myself?"

The presiding judge nodded: "Please."

Han Xin turned to the defense lawyer: "First of all, the weight-to-height ratio of a woman is different from that of a man. Then suppose a woman wants to kill the five members of the Shi family. She needs to weigh more than 160 catties and have a relatively strong physique, which means that her height will be more than 1.9 meters, or she may be a muscular woman. But no matter what she is, she will be very eye-catching.

"If she is such an eye-catching person, many people will definitely notice her, so that the police will not have no clues. A profiler must consider many aspects when conducting a profile, not just look at one aspect. It is true that sometimes the profile may not be accurate, but it can definitely help. This has been confirmed in many countries."

"Uh, this..." The defense lawyer was dumbfounded.

"Also, about the color of your underwear." Han Xin replied, "First of all, let's judge your personality. When I came in just now, it was about two minutes to nine o'clock. At that time, you grabbed your phone and kept looking at it anxiously. But at nine o'clock, you checked it for the last time and didn't look at it. I guess the stock you bought fell yesterday, but it rose back today, right?"

"I, uh..." The defense lawyer faltered and couldn't speak. The defense lawyer was still looking at the stocks when defending the defendant after the trial, and he was also a defendant who might be sentenced to death. His career would be ruined if this kind of news got out.

"In addition, you are wearing a black and white suit, but you are wearing a colorful tie and a pair of yellow socks with cartoon patterns." Han Xin smiled slightly, "I can conclude that you are an adventurous and sullen type of person, so I guess your underwear must also be very bright colors, I wonder if I guessed it right?"

All eyes on the scene were on the defense lawyer.

"This has nothing to do with this case!" The defense lawyer cleared his throat and said solemnly: "He is an Internet celebrity, and Internet celebrities will forge evidence to prove that their reasoning is correct. He has the motivation, time and ability to prepare a bloody dress and put it in the enemy's ancestral grave, so I don't think this dress is enough evidence!"

This annoyed answer made several people at the scene couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the prosecutor's lawyer also came to Han Xin with a suppressed smile: "How many cases have you solved so far?"

"Not counting helping fans find the missing child," Han Xin counted on his fingers. "The Wutoushan serial murder case, the female anchor murder case in Zhou Jin City, the large-scale abduction case in Zhou Zheng City, the murder case of a teacher at Beichang University, and a few days ago he helped the criminal police in Zhou Zheng City overturn an old case that was closed, that's all."

"In just over three months, Consultant Han has helped the police solve so many cases. I don't think there is a need for a 'degree certificate' to prove his ability?" The prosecution lawyer turned to the presiding judge and asked.

After that, the defense lawyer spoke a few more words, and finally compromised, recognizing Han Xin's ability and the results of the investigation, and Han Xin's mission was over.

Afterwards, the prosecuting lawyer proceeded from the fact that Qiu Wanhui had never expressed his guilt to the Shi family in any form or made any compensation in the past 20 years, and determined that Qiu Wanhui had not repented in the past 20 years.He built schools and did charity just to strengthen his image as a good guy and avoid being suspected by the police.

Moreover, the prosecutor's lawyer has repeatedly emphasized that if such a villain who intentionally killed five people is allowed to escape the death penalty, it will undoubtedly have another severe impact on the moral level of the entire society.

Finally, the judge announced in court: "Execute the death penalty and deprive him of political rights for life!"

"Ah! You incompetent guy!" Qiu Wanhui shouted at his lawyer angrily while grabbing the railing in the dock, "I gave you so much money, and yet I was sentenced to death in the end! Trash!"

But the bailiff beside him dragged him to leave, and Qiu Wanhui yelled at Han Xin with his last bit of strength: "Remember, you bastard, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

"Pull it down." Han Xin replied coldly, "If you can be a ghost, I believe the five members of the Shi family will not let you go."

Qiu Wanhui froze for a moment, and then even though he was dragged down by two bailiffs, the judge announced the closure of the court.

When he came out of the court, Ling Zixing ran to stop him.

"Xiao Han, that's great!" Ling Zixing shook his hand vigorously and smiled, "Finally let this guy get the punishment he deserves!"

If the second trial is still a death sentence, there is no way to appeal, and even if there is no new evidence, the original sentence will be upheld even if there is a retrial.

It can only be said that Qiu Wanhui is still too greedy. If he had pleaded guilty from the beginning, and then paid the Shi family more money to get their understanding, he might still have a chance to get a reprieve for himself.But it can only be said that this person is really bad to the bone. At the last moment, he still has no thoughts of repentance, and only thinks about how to escape this disaster.

Probably the sentence of life imprisonment in the first trial gave him courage, but the result was that the death sentence was changed from life sentence in the second trial. This ending only made people applaud.

"Consultant Han." At this time, the prosecutor's lawyer also came out of the court, stepped forward and extended his hand to Han Xin: "You performed very well today, this time is a victory for justice. My name is Wen Ya, and I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Thank you for your compliment." Han Xin shook hands with her.

"The color of the defense lawyer's underwear, do you think you guessed it right?" Wen Ya asked curiously at this time.

"Who knows." Han Xin shrugged, "If he says I'm wrong, I'll ask him to take off his pants to prove it."

Wen Ya couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, she gave Han Xin a thumbs up, and then left the court.

(End of this chapter)

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