Chapter 110 The Fire of Hope
Han Xin observed the area, but he couldn't understand Wei Lan's motive for coming here.

Who are you here to meet?However, this lakeshore has not been well developed. It is just a dilapidated pier for fishermen to come and sit, but it is definitely not a good place to meet good friends or lovers.

"Finding out why she came here is the key to this case." Han Xin said to himself, "Only by clarifying this point, can we judge whether she committed suicide by throwing herself into the lake or was taken away. If she committed suicide by throwing herself into the lake, what was the reason? If she was taken away, was it a premeditated crime by an acquaintance, or an impromptu crime by a stranger?"

The police's investigation progress is slow. In fact, it is often because the scope is not narrow enough, so they can only investigate bit by bit.

But time is running out now, and there is not so much time to investigate one by one.

"Does uncle have any clues? Anything available will do." Han Xin turned to Wei Zhicong and asked.

"She, she..." Wei Zhicong blushed, looking quite embarrassed.

"Don't worry, since I'm here, I will definitely help you to the end." Han Xin said solemnly.

Wei Zhicong breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "Actually, she told me before that the boss of the company was sexually harassing her. At that time, I asked her to call the police, and she said that she had warned the boss, and it should not happen again. But I know, given her personality, she must endure it in silence, so, so..."

"Are you worried that I won't help you after I judge your daughter to have committed suicide?" Han Xin interjected, "If there is anything else to hide, please tell me everything, such as whether she has met a netizen, and has she dated anyone online?"

Wei Zhicong shook his head: "It's nothing else, I don't know if she chats with others online, but since she told me that she was sexually harassed by her boss, she rarely talked to me about these things."

Han Trust rested his chin and pondered: Although time is very precious now, there is really nothing to be found out with the clues at hand.

He could only sigh helplessly and said, "In this case, let's go back to the Public Security Bureau first. See if we can crack her WeChat account. If not, we can only wait for the reply from the WeChat operator."

"Unless it's a big case, it's always very dark. According to our past experience, it may take at least three days..." Li Zijing said worriedly.

"Then we don't have many choices." Han Xin shrugged, and then turned to Wei Zhicong, "Do you know your daughter's password? Any password is fine, QQ, video sites?"

"Uh, this..." Wei Zhicong racked his brains to recall, but still had no clue, "I don't know."

Han Xin grabbed the phone and pressed it, tried possible passwords such as birthday, birthday plus initials, but all of them were wrong.

"There's really no way out now." Han Xin said, clutching his forehead, "Go back honestly and wait for WeChat."

After returning, Han Xin had nothing else to do, so he simply closed his eyes and rested his mind, reviewing the places Wei Lan had been to repeatedly in his mind.

Although the Hawkeye Sight can mark all the clues visible to the naked eye in the form of highlights, but if it is a hidden clue, he needs to use his own brain to find it first.

Zhao Linshan was holding his arm and playing with his mobile phone, while Wei Zhicong was communicating with the two criminal policemen.

Time passed by, but there were no new clues available, which made Han Xin more and more anxious, because every minute of delay was less likely to find Wei Lan.

It wasn't until around four o'clock in the afternoon that Li Zijing came back at a trot.

"I, we..." Li Zijing said out of breath, "We found your daughter in the surveillance! It's yesterday's video, she, she should still be alive! Go and check to see if it's her!"

This news revived everyone at the scene, and the fire of hope was rekindled.

However, Wei Zhicong quickly extinguished their renewed hope with a few words.

"This is not my daughter." Wei Zhicong looked at the girl in the surveillance video, shook his head and said, "Although she is wearing the same clothes, skirt and hat, and has a similar figure, I can tell that this is definitely not my daughter."

Han Xin glanced at it, nodded and said, "It is indeed a mistake, this girl's walking posture is different from that of Wei Lan."

When everyone sighed in disappointment, Han Xin beamed with joy and said, "But this does not mean that this information is useless, on the contrary, it is very useful!"

With that said, Han Xin turned to Li Zijing: "We must get to this girl as soon as possible."

"But, she's not Wei Lan." Ke Yu asked puzzled.

"Which places has Wei Lan been to since she came here?" Han Xin raised his index finger. "Attractions, clothing stores, and restaurants. If you look carefully, you can find that all the clothes Wei Lan wore on the day she disappeared were newly bought by her after she came here. The temperature in Minke City is generally around [-] degrees, which is very comfortable. The clothes she brought are not enough to wear, right?"

Li Zijing and Ke Yu looked at each other and seemed to have thought of something.

"Then, why did she buy clothes when she came here to travel? What she bought was not the special clothes here." Han Xin continued, "And the day she disappeared, she was wearing all the clothes she bought. A long white skirt, a pink short-sleeved T-shirt, and a white beret."

"She disappeared after buying a beret!" Ke Yu said excitedly.

"But what does this have to do with this girl?" Li Zijing asked puzzled.

"Generally speaking, it is definitely not a coincidence that the shirts are bumped into this level." Han Xin said confidently, "They must have learned about this outfit from somewhere, maybe it was recommended by a certain anchor, or it was in a certain film and television work."

"I understand." Li Zijing nodded, "Let's go find that girl right now."

Han Xin knew that this clue was very insignificant, and it might not lead them to someone, but it was the only clue they could grasp now, and it would take a long time to get results in other aspects.

"Okay, let's take a rest before the results come out." Han Xin heaved a sigh of relief, and then came to Zhao Linshan, "What do you think? Do you want to have afternoon tea? The bridge rice noodles at noon are not too hungry."

"It's okay, I want to save my stomach, and go to have a good meal here at night." Zhao Linshan winked at him.

"Eat more, I like to watch you eat." Han Xin smiled and patted her head, "Watching it gives you an appetite."

"No other desires?" Zhao Linshan teased, squinting at him.

Han Xin frowned and flicked her forehead.

About two hours later, before dark, the police found the girl who was wearing the same clothes as Wei Lan.

According to the girl, this suit was indeed a collocation recommended by an anchor on Douyin.

"It is said that the combination of pink and white will make boys feel younger." That's what the girl said.

"I have an idea..." Han Xin said to himself.

"Do you think she went to meet a certain man?" Li Zijing asked tentatively.

"It's basically certain." Han Xin nodded, "She is 29 years old, she is indeed not young. But why does she want to look younger? It's very simple, because the man is much younger than her, probably around 24 to 26."

"So, she came here for online dating?" Zhao Linshan asked with interest.

"It's not that simple." Han Xin said with a smile, "Let's recall, what is the other conclusion we deduced before?"

"On the Internet, she has a guide who has lived there!" Ke Yu said excitedly, "These two things should be related, otherwise it would be a coincidence!"

"That's right." Han Xin nodded, "I suspect that these two people may have partnered to trick Wei Lan. One of them is responsible for being her friend, setting her up for her, and encouraging her to come to Mingke City;

Han Xin pondered for a while: "I think the biggest possibility is still for the money, the difference lies in how to get it. Is it tortured to force Wei Lan to transfer money to them, or sold her to a poor mountainous area or Myanmar, or was brought into..."

At this time, Zhao Linshan yanked him, and Han Xin looked at her, only to find that Wei Zhicong's face was pale.

So Han Xin quickly added: "But she is very likely to be alive, so we have a chance to find her back!"

The reason why we couldn't determine the direction of the investigation before was because we didn't know Wei Lan's purpose, and there were too many possibilities.

Now that he knew that Wei Lan's purpose of going to the lake was to meet his online dating partner, then he could continue to reason.

For example, before Han Xin couldn't determine how Wei Lan disappeared in the surveillance video, because he didn't know Wei Lan's purpose there, but now he can deduce it.

Since he went there to meet someone, he must have been taken away by that person.As long as you find a way to avoid monitoring and take her away, you can continue the investigation.

"I suspect that the suspect came to pick her up by boat." Han Xin spread out the map of Minke City on the table and pointed to a river bank: "Look, there is a park on the other side of the river that provides boat rides for tourists. If the suspect calls a boat to pick her up here, he can avoid the surveillance video nearby and go back from the pier."

"We're going to investigate the surveillance video near the pier." Li Zijing replied, and then went to work.

It was already past six o'clock in the afternoon, and Han Xin planned to have a meal first, and wait until the evening to see if he could find out the results before deciding whether to work overtime at night.

"Uncle, we are going to have a meal, do you want to come together?" Han Xin asked Wei Zhicong.

But Wei Zhicong just shook his head, and said worriedly: "I will wait here, and I want to know the result as soon as possible."

"Okay, let's come back and bring you something to eat." Han Xin said, and left the police station with Zhao Linshan.

The two went to a hot pot restaurant that Wei Lan had been to, ordered a hot pot and chatted while eating.

"Oh, I don't know if those two people hurt the girl." Zhao Linshan said sadly, "That uncle is so pitiful."

"Actually, I think it's just one person." Han Xin took a sip of the soup, "Because one of them is just her netizen, since his goal is money, if he can get all the money by himself, why should he find someone else to share it with?"

"Then, do you think we can still find her?" Zhao Linshan asked curiously.

"There must be hope in your heart." Han Xin smiled softly, "In my line of work, of course I must strive for the best results."

"Okay." Zhao Linshan nodded, and then took a piece of meat for Han Xin, "Eat more, you may stay up late at night. I'll order you a cup of coffee when it's almost nine o'clock."

"It's a girlfriend after all, it really hurts." Han Xin touched her head and smiled.

Zhao Linshan squinted at him with winking eyes: "Who made you the only man in my life? If I don't love you, who do you love?"

After dinner, the two of them bought something to take back for Wei Zhicong and the two detectives to eat, and then began to wait.

The police are still calling nearby surveillance cameras. Although their knowledge of the man is limited to "between 24 and 26 years old", Wei Lan's clothes are still very obvious. Based on this, they should be able to be found.

At about 08:30 in the evening, Ke Yu and Li Zijing hurried over from the technical department.

"Mr. Han, we found it!" Ke Yu said out of breath, "We found Wei Lan with a young man in a surveillance camera one kilometer away from that park."

"It's no wonder we couldn't find it after traveling so far away." Li Zijing frowned.

"Have you confirmed where they went?" Han Xin asked.

"The man took her into a car. We traced his license plate number, but the line was disconnected somewhere on the third ring road." Ke Yu frowned. "He never came out from the vicinity after the last monitoring disappeared."

"Where is the location? Point it out on the map." Han Xin urged.

Ke Yu searched the map for a while, then pointed to a place.

Han Xin was overjoyed when he saw the location, turned to Wei Zhicong and said excitedly: "Your daughter is still alive, don't worry! We will find her soon and return her to you intact!"

"Really, really?" Wei Zhicong asked in surprise.

"Really!" Han Xin nodded, "If the purpose of the prisoner is to kill her, then why take her so far? Wouldn't it be good to drown her by the lake? It won't raise suspicion. So the purpose of the prisoner is 'money', which is for sure. And I personally suspect that your daughter was probably tricked into a pyramid scheme by that man. Because you see..."

As he said that, Han Xin moved out the map of Minke City: "There is nothing in the vicinity except this urban village. This kind of suburb is very in line with the characteristics of pyramid scheme dens..."

Han Xin glanced at the annotations that appeared on the side of the map, and read: "Remote, low consumption, poor security conditions."

"Let's investigate the situation immediately!" After Ke Yu finished speaking, he turned his head and rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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