The Red Chamber begins with a bastard

Chapter 209 Lin Ruhai’s way of becoming an official

Chapter 209 Lin Ruhai’s way of becoming an official
The fragrance of roses slipped into the window with the night breeze, filling the whole study with a light fragrance. Suddenly, a burst of music came from the direction of the back house, interrupting the singing of summer insects outside the window.The music was faint, graceful and melodious. Lin Ruhai and Jia Huan, who were sitting across the coffee table in the study, couldn't help but listen attentively.

This is the song "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon" played on the violin, and the person playing the violin is naturally Sister Lin.It has to be said that Lin Daiyu is indeed a beautiful woman. She is extremely intelligent and learns everything quickly, especially in terms of rhythm. Lin Daiyu's talent seems to be no weaker than her talent in poetry. In less than a month, she has already played the violin. Now that I have slipped away, although my level is far from high, I am at least getting started and can play the whole piece fluently. If I practice hard for another year and a half, I will not surpass Jia Huan and catch up with Jia Huan’s current performance. level, there should be no pressure.

So you say people are aloof and self-proclaimed, but they do have the ability to be aloof and self-proclaimed.

Lin Ruhai naturally knew who taught her daughter the violin. After listening quietly for a while, she stroked her beard and smiled and said: "Although I don't know much about it, Yu'er seems to have figured out the way to play the violin. Brother Huan, you can just learn some miscellaneous things." , where did you learn this violin?"

Jia Huan lied without changing his expression: "My nephew was naughty back then and didn't like studying. He often skipped school and wandered around the streets. Once he met a Western monk with a red beard and blue eyes performing on the street. He played this kind of violin. My nephew thought it was fun, so he pestered him to learn a little bit about it, and he also learned the Western sketching technique from the Western monk."

Lin Ruhai said with a smile: "They must be Western missionaries. Foreigners don't believe in Buddhism, so where can they get monks?"

Jia Huan smiled and said, "That's right. Huan'er was young and ignorant at the time. Judging from his dress and bald head, he always thought he was a Western monk."

Lin Ruhai laughed and seemed to have no doubts. Westerners had set foot in China as early as the end of the Chen and Han Dynasties. Now every year, Western ships come across the ocean and conduct limited tribute trade at the trading ports of Dajin. Most of them are active in Panyu, Guangdong. and Jinjiang, Fujian, there are very few people who go north to the inland.

As the saying goes, a lie requires countless lies to cover up. Jia Huan was also worried that Lin Ruhai would continue to get to the bottom of it, so he changed the topic and said: "Now Kang Lingcheng refuses to admit it to death. There is nothing we can do about him for the time being, but he sells more than [-] yuan of private salt every year." , such a huge amount, it is impossible to escape without a trace. After Feng Qianhu checks the shops under his name, interrogates the shopkeepers and clerks one by one, and then reconciles the accounts, we should have a clue. "

Lin Ruhai picked up the tea cup and took a sip, pondering for a moment before saying: "This case has a lot of implications. I have already petitioned the emperor, and it is estimated that the imperial court will soon send an imperial envoy to specialize in this case."

Jia Huan was slightly stunned. Lin Ruhai acted resolutely and immediately interrogated the prisoner as soon as he returned to Yangzhou. He originally thought that the latter would fight to the end with the forces behind Kang Lingcheng, but he didn't expect that he had already asked Emperor Qian Sheng to send someone else to take over the case. , but okay, if the case involves Prince Yohitada, it is indeed a hot potato, and it would be wise to throw it away.

Lin Ruhai stroked his beard and asked, "Does it mean that my uncle is too tactful and does not have the integrity of a scholar to sacrifice his life for righteousness? He does not dare to provoke the huge power behind Kangling City, so he chooses to protect himself wisely?"

Jia Huan hurriedly shook his head and said, "My nephew doesn't dare, but my uncle must have his own reasons for doing this. It's just that my nephew is stupid and can't figure out the joints involved."

Lin Ruhai couldn't help laughing and said: "You little monkey, stop pretending to be confused. Sometimes I really doubt your true age."

"Uncle, why did you say this?" Jia Huan said sarcastically.

Lin Ruhai sighed and said: "If you live and die for the benefit of the country, how can you avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings? In fact, my uncle also came from your age. He was also strong-blooded and unyielding. He had great ambitions and upheld the principle of sacrificing one's life for charity and sacrificing one's life for justice. I was brave until something happened later that changed my view."

When Lin Ruhai said this, he put down the tea cup in his hand, as if showing nostalgia, and Jia Huan hurriedly picked up the teapot and refilled it.I only heard Lin Ruhai say leisurely: "I was only eighteen years old when I was there. I was named on the gold medal list, ranked first in the Three Tripods, and was awarded the title of Tanhuahua. The Supreme Emperor granted me the post of editor of the Hanlin Academy.

Li Guizhang, a native of Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, came out on top and was given the post of sixth-grade Hanlin editor. Yang Yan, a native of Xindu, Sichuan, came second and was also assigned the post of editor of the Imperial Academy.The three of us are about the same age and share the same goals. We are preaching in the Golden Palace and drinking banquets in Qionglin. It is the spring breeze that is proud of us, guiding the country and inspiring our ambitions.

As the saying goes: In the morning, I am a farmhouse minister, and in the evening, I ascend to the emperor's hall.We were born in a prosperous age, and we should be Dapeng. However, just when we were full of ambition and ready to show our life ambitions, something happened, which was like a wake-up call. "

Lin Ruhai paused for a moment and continued: "The Supreme Emperor is fond of martial arts and loves hunting. Originally, there were two hunting grounds in Xishan and Beishan for him to roam. Later, the Tienwang Mountain hunting ground was added, occupying a large amount of civilian fields and pastures. At that time, the DPRK and China opposed it. There were many people who protested. Most of our new scholars were enthusiastic young people, and they were very fierce. They wrote letters one after another to persuade the Supreme Emperor to withdraw his orders and return the land to the people.

However, the Supreme Emperor has always been strong and refused to give in in the face of fierce opposition from his ministers. Li Guizhang, the new No. [-] Scholar, and Yang Yan, the No. [-] Scholar, took the lead in writing tens of thousands of words. They stormed the palace gate, shook the door and cried bitterly, angrily accusing the Supreme Emperor of ignoring the suffering of the people, indulging in hunting, and playing with things. The country will no longer be a country.

The emperor was furious and used his staff to kill seven new scholars on the spot, including Yang Yan, who was second in the list, and Li Guizhang, who was the number one scholar. "

Jia Huan couldn't help but take a breath of air. He had only heard about the power of the Supreme Emperor Kang Ping. Now that he heard this old case from Lin Ruhai's mouth, it was confirmed.This was more than just strength, it was simply cruelty. He actually beat seven new scholars to death on the spot, including the second place scholar, and the number one scholar was also crippled.

Lin Ruhai sighed and continued: "The Supreme Emperor is too strong and loves face very much. He has always been merciless to those who dare to offend his face. He suppressed the opponents with cruel methods like wind and thunder, but he also left a lifelong legacy for himself. The stain has confirmed the name of tyranny."

Jia Huan couldn't help but secretly chuckle, not to mention that Emperor Kang Ping was still alive, even if he had passed away, Lin Ruhai was really bold to speak out so bluntly. If word spread, the consequences would be unpredictable. Of course, this also proved that he regarded himself as one of his own.

"My uncle didn't participate in the attack on the palace gate at the beginning?" Jia Huan couldn't help but ask.

Lin Ruhai smiled bitterly and said: "Thousands of people are going to the place of justice. My uncle was full of enthusiasm and originally wanted to participate. However, he met my father on the way and was kidnapped back. At that time, he felt aggrieved and contradicted him for the first time in his life. When my father heard about the tragedy later, he felt even more inexplicable and inconsolable, and it took several years to get over it.

Although I did not participate in the storming of the palace at that time, I repeatedly went to the court to give advice and hated the emperor, so I was demoted from the capital to serve as county magistrate. It was the experience of the past few years that allowed me to come out of the trough and change. Learned my way of being an official. "

Jia Huan's heart moved. Lin Ruhai's ancestor was one of the founding nobles, and was married to the Jia family. He should belong to the old imperial sect of the Supreme Emperor, but he was highly used by the current emperor Qian Sheng, who lived in Yangzhou Xunyan. The fact that the censor has been in a position of power for many years is probably related to this old case. He was demoted by the Supreme Emperor, so Emperor Qian Sheng thought he could use it for his own purposes.Lin Ruhai was silent for a few breaths, and then continued: "I have always believed that for us scholars, it is natural for us scholars to honor the righteousness of death. Even now, I think so, but death may be heavier than Mount Tai, and some may be lighter than a hair.

Since the Zuoyemen massacre, Yu has been wallowing in grief, anger, and depression. Later, he left Beijing to take up the post of county magistrate. He got in touch with the local customs and understood how difficult the livelihood of the people at the bottom was. Yu began to think about how to serve as an official and benefit the country. I also started to think about whether it was worth it.

The lives of seven Jinshi, dozens of people were disabled, dozens of people's careers were ruined, ten years of hard work, and a lifetime of work was in vain. However, these painful costs failed to stop the Supreme Emperor, and Tiewan Mountain became a royal hunting ground. It's obviously not worth it. "

Jia Huan nodded: "It's really not worth it."

Lin Ruhai stroked his beard and said: "So it is not impossible to fight for justice, but it depends on whether death is worth it. If it is not worth it, it is better to stay in this useful life and do some practical things, seek some benefits for the people, and add a brick to the country. watt."

Jia Huan nodded secretly. According to his long-term observation, Lin Ruhai is indeed a practical person. As a scholar, he is not rigid and pedantic. He can stick to the bottom line of principles and be flexible at the same time.What a lucrative position as Yangzhou Salt Inspector. He held it for seven years. He was able to avoid corruption and collude with local officials. This shows that he is indeed a principled and bottom-line person.

However, although Lin Ruhai is not greedy, he is not poor. The Lin family's land and property add up to several hundred thousand taels, but compared with the salt merchants who are easily worth millions of taels, it is nothing. You must know that Lin Ruhai manages Lianghuai Salt Administration, if he really wanted to line his own pockets, it would be easy to make a fortune of one million taels, or even tens of millions of taels.

Therefore, Lin Ruhai did not take what he should not take, but he would not leave behind what should be taken. He was neither corrupt nor engaged in Hai Rui-style two-sleeve-windows. He was so poor that he could only eat dirt. He was flexible and pragmatic, and had strong administrative abilities. He was young and He collects the salt tax in full every year. He is definitely a practical and capable official.

Do practical things and don’t take sides.

This is Lin Ruhai's way of being an official, and it is also his magic weapon to win, because no matter who is in power, as long as the person in power is not stupid or stupid, he will appoint capable officials.

Of course, it is difficult to get into a high position if you don’t take sides in politics. However, compared to the consequences of taking sides, it is obviously safer not to take sides. If you are a capable official who does practical things, you should not be able to get many positions in your life. It would be too low. For example, Lin Ruhai, the position of Yangzhou Salt Patrol Censor is definitely not high, but his real power is greater than that of the prefect. It is an upper-middle-level official position. I don’t know how many people are jealous of him.

At this time, Lin Ruhai continued: "But everyone has their own way of living. I don't despise those people who care about justice and death. On the contrary, I admire such people very much. The world also needs people like this. People who care about justice and death. They are an unshakable banner that inspires those who come after them, and they are destined to leave their mark in history.

Some people are willing to die for justice and leave their names in history, while some are willing to do practical things in obscurity, and I, Lin Ruhai, am the latter. I stick to my original intention and bottom line. It is best to do big things if I have the opportunity. If I don’t have the opportunity, I can also do small things to contribute... cough cough! "

When Lin Ruhai said this, he suddenly coughed violently and quickly covered his mouth with a handkerchief. When he took it away, there was clearly a bright red color on the handkerchief. Jia Huan's expression changed dramatically when he saw this.

Lin Ruhai waved his hand and said with a relaxed expression: "It doesn't matter, it will make you feel better if you cough it out. Brother Huan, please don't make any noise, so as not to worry Sister Lin."

An ominous omen arose in Jia Huan's heart. Although Lin Ruhai no longer ingested the poison of Aconitum, the damage caused by the long-term erosion of his internal organs by the toxin was irreversible. In addition, he was nearly fifty, and his body muscles could no longer He has gone downhill and has poor recovery ability. He is afraid that it will be difficult to recover as before. In other words, Lin Ruhai is destined to have a short life. There is no telling how many years he can live. Even if he dies suddenly, it would not be surprising.

Lin Ruhai rinsed her mouth with tea, cleared her throat and said: "Brother Huan, actually my uncle regrets asking you to come to Yangzhou to search Kang's mansion. Fortunately you are smart, otherwise not only might Kang Lingcheng escape, but he would also be ruined." Regarding your future, do you know why Ji Jinxiao found Jiao Fang, the imperial censor?"

Jia Huan's heart moved and he asked: "Because of the authority of the patrol censor?"

Lin Ruhai nodded and said: "The censor's powers are extensive, including inspecting local officials, intervening in prison proceedings, observing public sentiment, supervising schools, etc. At that time, if you fell into the trap and caused a civil unrest, Jiao Fang even had the right to deprive you of your right to do so. Fame, then your life will be ruined."

Jia Huan couldn't help but broke into a cold sweat after hearing this. He was indeed vicious. If he lost his fame and couldn't take part in the imperial examination, then his life would really be over.

"Uncle, is this Jiao Fang working with Ji Jinxiao?" Jia Huan asked in a deep voice.

Lin Ruhai shook his head and said, "I don't think so. This person has participated in the Donglin Poetry Society. He may be a member of the Donglin family."

Jia Huan said in astonishment: "Donglin Poetry Club?"

Lin Ruhai said: "Brother Huan, you have been building a house in the mountain village for several years. It is not surprising that you don't know about the Donglin Poetry Society. The founder of the Donglin Poetry Society is Gu Xiancheng, the mountain chief of Donglin Academy. Since its establishment, people who have joined the society have Many people, from the ministers in the court to the scholars from all over the world, use the name of Poetry Friends to discuss and participate in politics. Even many court officials often attend society meetings and give lectures to criticize the current ills. Now the momentum has become more and more powerful. The influence is also growing, and it is enough to influence the implementation of government affairs."

A strange look flashed in Jia Huan's eyes. Isn't this the style of the Donglin Party in the late Ming Dynasty? The history is always surprisingly similar. Although there is no Ming Dynasty in this world of Red Mansions, there are Nurhaci, Manchus and Tatars. Donglin Academy, but the difference is that the Ming Dynasty was in its final period, while the Jin Dynasty is now in its heyday.

So will the Jin Dynasty repeat the mistakes of the late Ming Dynasty?

(End of this chapter)

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