I can talk to my internal organs

Chapter 345: Is this recipe correct?

Chapter 345: Is this recipe correct?

Guizhi, peony, aconite, poria, atractylodes, ginger, licorice, and jujube.

Is this recipe... too simple?

Xie Xiao looked at the doctor's diagnosis case in the backend of the internal system, and it was clear that it was the prescription Lu Jiu had given to Jiang Shu after his diagnosis.

In fact, he has been paying attention to Jiang Shu's situation.

Although leukemia is recognized as one of the five major terminal diseases in the world.

But in fact, in traditional Chinese medicine, it is not a terminal disease.

Children like Jiang Shu suffer from leukemia, which is caused by insufficient congenital endowment and acquired malnutrition.

But if an adult gets leukemia, it is actually caused by the excess milk from women and the residue of men’s sperm entering the sixth vertebra of the Du Channel in the body after the adult has Tiankui.

Therefore, any patient suffering from leukemia will have a very strong sense of tenderness at the sixth vertebra of the Du Meridian.

When many men suffer from leukemia, one of the most striking features is that their beards are reduced or even gone.

The most fundamental reason for this situation is insufficient heart strength.

Because whether it’s a woman’s excess milk or a man’s sperm residue, the heart controls whether they go to where they should go.

If the heart is damaged, it can cause them to travel the wrong way.

Just like breast cancer in women, 100% of the milk does not reach the uterus, but part of it stays in the chest for too long, which will cause breast cancer.

There is also lupus erythematosus, which is the reflux of milk into the heart.

These diseases, excluding the factors of overnutrition, are basically caused by insufficient heart strength.

Men are naturally the same.

Therefore, for leukemia, the first thing is to solve the problem of the sixth vertebra of the Du Vessel, and the second thing is to strengthen the heart.

Xie Xiao knows this very well.

But knowing it is one thing, whether it can be cured is another.

He has actually studied Jingfang for many years and thinks that his level is not bad.

But for a relatively complex disease like leukemia, Xie Xiao still couldn't come up with a completely symptomatic prescription in a short time.

Now that he saw Lu Jiu's recipe, Xie Xiao couldn't calm down for a long time.

Because it is really too simple, but within the simplicity lies an extremely complex idea of ​​formulating the formula.

Especially the cinnamon twig soup inside.

This was the first prescription he mastered when he was studying Chinese medicine.

He always remembered what his teacher said: Only when you know how to use Guizhi Decoction can you be called a master in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

It's a pity that since he entered the hospital, he rarely uses Guizhi Decoction.

After all, this prescription is an agent for relieving the exterior, which has the effects of pungent and warm to relieve the exterior, relieve the muscles, and harmonize the nutrition and health.

Most of them are used to treat colds or increase the patient's resistance.

He had almost never thought of this recipe for treating some difficult and complicated diseases.

But Guizhi Decoction has always been known as the best prescription in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.If it could only cure colds, I might not get this honor.

At this time, using Guizhi Decoction here, Xie Xiao just felt like a stroke of genius.

"Lao Xie, aren't you taking a break? Why are you still studying cases?"

In the office, Zeng Yun, another doctor and deputy director of pediatrics, saw that Xie Xiao had not left even after get off work, so he couldn't help but come closer.

"Look, this is the prescription prescribed by the dean." Xie Xiao pointed at the screen.

Zeng Yun came up and said, "Guizhi, peony... This is Guizhi decoction with raw aconite, poria, and atractylodes. Hey, the amount of raw aconite and peony is so heavy, huh!? Can it cure leukemia?"

"This prescription treats leukemia? Is it correct?"

Xie Xiao smiled and said, "Take a closer look, combine the Chinese medicines here, and try to figure out their changes."

Seeing that Xie Xiao seemed to have seen some clues, Zeng Yun carefully looked at Lu Jiu's syndrome differentiation, and then combined it with the prescription to consider it carefully.

There is nourishment in hair, recovery in dispersion, taking into account both evil and righteousness, and harmonizing yin and yang.

Shengfu removes internal cold, Poria and Atractylodes strengthens the spleen and removes dampness.

Good guy!
This recipe is so accurate!

It almost perfectly corresponds to the main symptoms of leukemia.

Every medicinal material exerted its maximum effect, and no medicinal power was wasted.

Applying Guizhi Decoction to the treatment of leukemia is really putting the classic prescriptions to use!

"Beautiful, so beautiful. This prescription is for you. Tsk, no, I have to study hard. This is the first time I have seen such a perfect prescription in so many years. Every medicine is very simple, but when combined together, The effect it can exert is hundreds of times stronger than many generous prescriptions. How do you say that, a heavy sword has no edge, and great skill has no workmanship!" Zeng Yun looked enthusiastic, picked up the pen and began to copy Lu Jiu's Fangzi.

Compared to Zeng Yun's excitement, Xie Xiao was much calmer, but his eyes also exuded fiery heat.

"Dean Lu is only in his twenties this year, not even thirty, right? How many masters of traditional Chinese medicine can do this level of prescription?" Xie Xiao said.

Zeng Yun touched his chin, "It's hard to say, but I feel that as far as Jingfang is concerned, Dean Lu is already at the level of a master of traditional Chinese medicine. A master of traditional Chinese medicine in his 20s, it's a bit scary to think about it. , if he were in Jinling, this one case would probably make him famous all over Jinling."

Xie Xiao smiled and said, "Do you also think this prescription can cure leukemia?"

Zeng Yun said, "Judging from the structure of the prescription, I think that even if it cannot be cured, the child can be restored to a normal life. And, at least, I mean at least, there is no problem in living for another 20 years!"

Xie Xiao nodded, "I'm a little bolder than you think. I think this child's life is safe before the kidney energy weakens at forty."

Zeng Yun said, "Absolutely. It's a pity. If Dean Lu had stayed in Jinling, he would have participated in some medical projects in a few years, gained enough social influence, won a few awards and so on, and felt like he was thirty years old." Being able to securely obtain the title of National Medical Master certified by the state at a young age is considered to be at the top for an individual!"

Xie Xiao also agreed with Zeng Yun's statement, "Everyone has his own ambitions. Besides, our hospital is developing well now. I heard that after cooperating with Wei Medical Hall, Director Lu will build a children's palace and prepare to treat all the children in Jianghan City." Incorporating all of them into the system of learning Chinese medicine is not a small ambition."

Zeng Yun couldn't help but sigh, "The medicated diet department has taken over the health care market, and the beauty and beauty department has taken over the beauty market. Not long ago, we set up a nursing home model to accommodate many elderly people in Jianghan City. Now we have begun to arrange a children's palace. Good guy, Director Lu. Is this an attempt to create a healthy ecosystem that includes people of all ages in Jianghan City?”

"If the entire population of more than 70 in Jianghan City can really become a user group of the hospital, then just one or two traditional Chinese medicine physical examinations every year, the gross profit will be hundreds of millions, not counting the medical diet department and the beauty and beauty department. It’s a major profit-making department, tsk tsk tsk, by then, who would dare to say that Chinese medicine is not profitable.”

Xie Xiao couldn't laugh or cry, "Hey, hey, hey, you don't calculate the accounts like this. We really have to serve more than 70 people. Our hospital only has enough doctors. With too many people, the operating costs are also high. What are you thinking!"


 There are cases of leukemia that can be cured, and the prescription is this. But I am afraid that many people will not believe it, so for the sake of the rationality of the novel, I lowered the efficacy and changed it to say that there is no cure.

  After all, my level is limited and I can’t tell whether the cases are true or false. Sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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