I can talk to my internal organs

311. Take a day off to summarize your shortcomings

Asking for a leave + summarizing the shortcomings
I didn’t write very well today.

After I finished writing, I felt that I was not very satisfied with it, so I deleted it all.

I always feel that what I wrote today does not connect well with the plot.

The plot is handled a bit bluntly.

In addition, my knowledge reserve of traditional Chinese medicine is a bit stretched, and it is very uncomfortable to write.

I want to hurry up, but I really can't.

And looking back at what I wrote, there are really too many shortcomings.

At the beginning of Chapter 3, I did not explain the problem of milk production clearly, which resulted in dissuading many readers.

In fact, what I want to say is that after the scale of milk production is expanded, the factory must maintain its lactation period to maximize the pregnancy and milk production of the cows.

But if the cow is always pregnant, it is absolutely impossible for the cow to be in a healthy state, but this state cannot be detected.

Just like the pork we eat now, the reason why it is not as delicious as the domestic pork we raised when we were young is because the piglets have never been out of the pig pen, never been exposed to the sun, and they have only eaten feed.

The same goes for chickens. Maybe the chickens you and I eat never took two steps from birth to death.

However, the native chickens raised in rural areas in the past could fly.

The meat is still the same meat, the ingredients have not changed, but the taste has completely changed.

Many animals, despite being scientifically raised today, are actually not very healthy, so what they produce must be empty of nutrients and energy.

But if it’s wrong, it’s wrong. Unclear expression is still my problem. I admit it!
The second problem is the "fighting in the arena" chapter after it is released.

Because I read a lot of doctor articles with a lot of slap-in-the-face plots, so I always want to add a little bit of this stuff into them.

Maybe it's because I don't have enough pen power, so my writing is a little unsatisfactory.

In addition, the style of my content construction at the beginning does not match this kind of slap-in-the-face plot, and it looks very inconsistent.

Therefore, after writing this place, I never dared to write a similar plot again.

The third issue is the construction of hospital system.

I know this thing is too idealistic, and many readers have complained about it more than once.

At first, I thought that if Pandonglai could operate in a supermarket in Zhengzhou through this idealized model, why not a traditional Chinese medicine hospital?When I was writing this, I saw someone saying something about me, and I was actually not convinced.

But I dare not say.

Seeing that the subscription was cancelled, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and write. Of course, I have no regrets.

I just feel that this plot may have been written too early. Lu Jiu should be allowed to continue to stay in the medical center for a while, and then slowly develop into a hospital.

The fourth problem is that I export too many personal opinions.

This has always been a problem of mine. When I get too excited, I can't stop the car. Especially in the chapter where I strongly oppose prepared dishes, the excessive rhetoric caused many readers to abandon the book.

I am still strongly against prepared meals and this position will not change.

However, this point of view should not affect the look and feel of the book.

I have not distinguished the priorities here. The author cannot bring in personal emotions, but I am writing about traditional Chinese medicine. I output details too frequently, which is a wrong way of writing in itself.

In this case, it is indeed a mistake to make reading uncomfortable for readers.

The fifth problem is that the plot direction is too single.

For me, there are two difficulties in professional writing.

First, I have no personal experience with professional limitations, so I cannot make the content of the article more immersive.

The second is the limitation of the plot. I don’t dare to have too much room for development. I always struggle back and forth between fantasy and reality. Sometimes when I think of a plot, I always preview it against the realistic background to see if it is reasonable. If it is not reasonable, I will not write it. But often if it is too reasonable, it will appear boring.

how to say.

Even though I am writing now, I am still a novice in the field of Chinese medical literature.

Currently, this book is ordered at 4400, and some are dropped every day. The problems mentioned above have also greatly affected the growth space of this book.

Of course, what affects performance the most is updates.

This is also my biggest problem.

Despite this kind of scumbag, there are still 800 people who continue to read, and the monthly tickets are hundreds more than those of books with the same grade. I am really grateful to everyone.

I'll write again tomorrow. If everything goes well, I should be able to pay off the updates I owe in the past two days!
Sorry everyone! o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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