Chapter 245

"Lu Jiu can really treat children with cerebral palsy!?"

"Did you read it right?"

Pediatrician's office.

Xie Xiao was a little surprised when he heard what Wu Yanhong said.

He did know that Lu Jiu was very capable, but what kind of disease is cerebral palsy in children?

This is a disease caused by insufficient congenital endowment. How can it be cured so easily?

The prerequisite for making up for the innate is that the damage to the innate is not serious.

For example, many young people have too much sun leakage, or they work too hard on weekdays or stay up too late, which can cause congenital damage.

In this case, Chinese medicine can use many methods to make up for the innate condition with the acquired condition.

However, cerebral palsy in children is a disease brought from birth, especially the child he saw.

It has basically been concluded that cerebral palsy in children is caused by congenital factors.

It’s a bit scary if you can adjust all this!
"Really, Director Xie, after you handed that patient over to Dr. Lu, I was particularly curious about how Dr. Lu would treat it. It turned out that he seemed to have used a dark thing, like a black cake made of medicinal materials, and then I put moxibustion on the child's Shenque point for about six or seven times. The child's hands and feet were soft when he first arrived, and now he can crawl on the bed." Wu Yanhong said.

He actually found it a bit strange.

After all, he, like Xie Xiao, believed that it was impossible to cure patients with insufficient congenital endowments.

However, the fact was right in front of him. The child was indeed recovering, which he couldn't help but believe.

"In addition to being able to crawl, are there any other changes?" Xie Xiao asked.

"I haven't found it yet." Wu Yanhong said.

Xie Xiao paused for a long time, then he put down the tea cup in his hand and said, "Let's go to the complex disease department with me."

Wu Yanhong asked, "Director Xie, the child has been taken away by his mother."

Xie Xiao shook his head, "Since you have already seen it, there is not much point in watching it again. I just wanted to ask our Dean Lu how this child's cerebral palsy was cured."

That's it.

You really should go there.

He also wanted to know the secret of treating cerebral palsy in children.

So, the two of them came to Lu Jiu's office together.

It was lunch break. Lu Jiu had finished his morning consultation and was sorting out cases in the office.

Knock knock knock!

Lu Jiu heard someone knocking on the door and immediately looked up, but saw Xie Xiao and Wu Yanhong walking into the office at the door.

"Is something wrong?" Lu Jiu smiled.

Xie Xiao didn't waste any time and went straight to the point, "I heard that the dean treated the pediatric cerebral palsy patient I reported earlier very well, so I wanted to come over and ask for advice."

This matter.

Lu Jiu chuckled, "That's right, Director Xie, even if you don't come to me about this matter, I will come to you." Oh?
Xie Xiao looked at Lu Jiu in surprise.

"Actually, I have also figured it out, and the results are indeed good, but I cannot restore them to the level of normal children. The problem of insufficient innate endowment is indeed too serious. Infants and young children do not receive good care in the most critical years. Development, no matter what means are used, no matter how symptomatic the medicine is, it cannot make up for the disease."

"But after what I have discovered these days, the use of spaced moxibustion can help these children regain their mobility and allow them to return their body movements to the level of normal people as much as possible. As for their height, bone development, and intellectual problems, , we can’t get a definite answer yet, but what is certain is that the most we can do is help them have basic survival abilities when they grow up, and no more will be enough.”

This is also the result of Lu Jiu's communication with the five internal organs after treatment.

The deficiency of the innate essence of kidney water can only be maintained by the day after tomorrow and cannot be completely replenished.

Therefore, even if this child with cerebral palsy receives Lu Jiu's treatment, he will at most be able to recover to a point where his mobility is slightly weaker than that of a normal person, and his height and intellectual disability may remain with him throughout his life.

Of course, being mentally retarded does not mean that you are really stupid. It just means that your brain is not as flexible as normal people. You may be slow to do everything, but you can still understand what people around you say.

After listening to Lu Jiu's words, Xie Xiao slapped his thigh and said, "Dean, this is enough. Really, it is enough to be able to achieve this step and restore their ability to live. As for height and intellectual defects, they are irreparable. Yes, Dean, please tell me what this partition moxibustion is."

Lu Jiu smiled and said, "Actually, the Chinese medicine is powdered, then mixed with honey and white vinegar to make a cake, and moxibustion is done on the child's Shenque point."

Hearing this, Xie Xiao suddenly frowned, as if he was remembering something. Soon he relaxed his brows and said immediately, "I once heard the dean say that once he participated in a national Chinese medicine forum, there was a folk Chinese doctor who used Chinese medicine plus AIDS Moxibustion treats diseases, that is to say, moxibustion can bring the power of traditional Chinese medicine into the patient's body through Chinese medicine?"

Lu Jiu was surprised. He didn't expect that there were Chinese medicine doctors who had already gone ahead of him and used this method to treat diseases. But then he thought about it. Although there are few folk Chinese medicine doctors, they all have their own inheritance. Partition moxibustion is not what it is. It’s not unusual for someone to use novel methods.

"Yes, and this method does not consume a lot of the patient's Qi and blood, so partition moxibustion can be miraculous in treating cerebral palsy in children. I also said just now that I will go to you if you don't come. I just want to isolate the patient. I will teach you the recipe for treating cerebral palsy in children with moxibustion." Lu Jiudao.

Xie Xiao said in surprise, "Teach me!?"

In ancient times, a prescription for treating a disease was a doctor's special skill. If you wanted to learn it, you had to become a disciple.

What's more, this is a prescription for treating cerebral palsy in children.

Although the curative effect is not the kind of miraculous effect of restoring the original condition, the value of this prescription is great if it can slowly restore a child with cerebral palsy to mobility.

You know, there are almost more than 170 million children with cerebral palsy in China, so behind these more than 170 million children with cerebral palsy, there are more than 170 million families.

At the same time, the number of children with cerebral palsy is increasing by [-] to [-] every year.

If this recipe can be widely disseminated, it will definitely be life-saving for these children with cerebral palsy and the families behind it.

"Of course, I also went to the welfare home these days and found that there were more than a dozen abandoned children with cerebral palsy there. Since our hospital has a free clinic system, we simply started with these children, but there are too many. I can't do it alone, so I want to teach you this recipe, and then you tell all the doctors in the pediatric department. After they understand the prescription, they can go to the welfare institution to diagnose those children and figure out their condition. After that, go to the pharmacy to get the medicine and give them a systematic rehabilitation treatment." Lu Jiudao.

Lu Jiu believed that with Xie Xiao's professionalism, as long as he saw the prescription, he would know the idea of ​​​​the compatibility. Once he knew the formula, the subsequent process would be simple.

And he is obviously more suitable to take care of the pediatricians than Lu Jiu himself.

At the same time, if he masters this method, he can help more children with cerebral palsy in the future.

This is one of the reasons why Lu Jiu is willing to come to the hospital.

Only with more people can his advantages be fully utilized!
Xie Xiao and Wu Yanhong couldn't help but feel respectful after hearing Lu Jiu's words.

They both could feel that Lu Jiu had no selfish motives at all. No wonder he could write such new rules.

At this moment, both of them were impressed by Lu Jiu!
"Dean, don't worry, I'll take over this matter!"


(End of this chapter)

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