I can talk to my internal organs

Chapter 230 To treat the liver, strengthen the spleen first

Chapter 230 To treat the liver, strengthen the spleen first

"It's so cold. This thing has driven away all my yang energy. Damn it!" Gan Mu said.

"Forget it, I still have a lot of water here that can't be drained out at all," Pitu said.

"Fei Jin, can you tell the large intestine to find a way to get the water out, otherwise the water will accumulate here and our functions will not work at all." Kidney Water Channel.

"It's useless, it has already tried its best." Fei Jin said.

"What are you trying to do? He hasn't had a bowel movement in three or four days." Shen Shui said.

"Then I have to ask you two. You are in charge of urination and defecation. The liver wood also has the function of excretion. Although the large intestine and I can sense each other, it is you who can make it excrete normally, not me." Fei Jin said.

"I can't help it. These evil spirits of cold and dampness have become solid and directly occupied my base camp. I used to have some yang energy that came in to resist, but those doctors demolished my home with one knife. How can I It was easy to grow a little, but in the end, those cold and damp evil spirits stole the house first, and the Yang energy that came in was even less than before. It's really more than success, more than failure!" Gan Mu said.

"That's right. Ever since you were stabbed that time, a lot of congestion has accumulated in her body. The blood has gone out of the blood vessels. I can't get it back at all. In the past, when she had enough yang energy, the congestion was still there. It can be dissolved and then excreted. Now, it’s really a headache. By the way, my little brother doesn’t want to eat more and more. What should I do..." Pitu said.

"And that medicine, they have been stealing my little essence store. These bastards deal with the evil of the disease. Why are you coming at me? There is something wrong!" Shen Shui said.

"Have you quarreled enough? Let's calm down for a while. I've told you countless times, just do your own thing. Don't complain. Complaining is useless. This body is not something you can control. No matter how hard you struggle, it won't help. Her thinking has already determined that she will be invaded by cold and damp evil spirits. In short, when the time comes, no one will want to live anymore." Xin Huo said.


Sure enough, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are fatal to the five internal organs.

Judging from the dialogue between the pulse and the five internal organs, the patient not only had extremely severe liver damage, but also had cold and dampness in the middle burner. Water accumulated in the abdomen, causing cold and dampness in the lower burner. The simultaneous damage to the liver and kidneys also further caused the large intestine to be unable to excrete normally.

Patients with liver cancer have poor excretion function, and toxins accumulate in the liver and are difficult to discharge. If the large intestine is blocked at this time, it will be even more troublesome.

If a patient can only get in and out, this is already a very serious situation.

The liver wood actually makes it very clear. After cancer cells invade its home, excessive cold and dampness drives away the yang energy, causing the yin and yang of the liver wood to begin to become imbalanced.

You must know that when a person is healthy, yang must enter yin.

That is to say, the Yang Qi must be hidden in the innermost part of the body. It is like a small flame, high in temperature but also very fragile. Any gust of wind can blow it out.

Therefore, the best state of an organ is like the paper lantern state in ancient times.

The flame is Yang, and the lantern paper outside is Yin. Yin wraps Yang and prevents it from running away. At the same time, it is nourished by Yang, which can always keep the temperature balance of individual organs.

After the liver is damaged, yin is strong and yang is weak. At this time, the operation seems to remove the tumor, but in fact it reduces the size of the liver as a container.

It was difficult for Yang Qi to stay here before, but after it was cut off, it became even more difficult to get in.

Although there are few cancer cells, there are no natural enemies after the surgery.

It is absolutely impossible for it not to spread.

At the same time, after the operation, the blood vessels inside the body rupture, and the blood overflows from the blood vessels, which will inevitably cause congestion.

Under normal circumstances, when the patient's health is not serious, there is no need to worry about congestion if the yang energy is sufficient. However, cancer patients themselves suffer from extremely cold yin syndrome, so there is no excess yang energy to clear congestion.

After these congestions become necrotic, they will become the most natural nutrients for cancer cells and a natural position for their outward expansion.

In addition, patients who undergo surgery dissipate a large amount of righteousness during the operation. Although the drugs they take after surgery can suppress cancer cells, they further damage the internal organs.

At this point, the patient is basically exhausted.

As mentioned just now about spleen soil, the stomach becomes less and less interested in eating, which means that the stomach qi will be exhausted.

At the same time, Lu Jiu noticed that when the patient came in, she could not walk. When he touched her wrist, he felt that the patient's bones were very light, as if they had no weight.There is no doubt that the kidneys are overdrawn, the bone marrow is missing, and the bones cannot be nourished by the bone marrow, and they will naturally become fragile and unable to bear weight.

This happens to people as they get older, but the patient in front of me was obviously sick.

Lu Jiu was already mentally prepared.

After feeling his pulse, he was speechless for a long time.

This patient's condition can be said to be more serious than that of Sun Dan and Rao He.

Not only because liver cancer is a disease of the heart, but also because of liver function problems.

The liver governs dispersion.

The body has to rely on its catharsis function to expel pathogenic factors.

As a result, the catharsis function was broken, and it was completely broken.

In the case of lung cancer, at least the liver function is still good and there are no problems with catharsis. Then there is still a chance that the patient can be adjusted to a normal life without being affected.

This is also the reason why liver cancer is more difficult to treat clinically.

But the patients were here, and even though he knew it was difficult to treat, Lu Jiu had to give it a try.

According to the principles of the Golden Chamber, to treat the liver, you must first strengthen the spleen.

However, just strengthening the spleen is not enough, the large intestine must also be treated.

According to the pathology of traditional Chinese medicine, part of the functions of the large intestine also belong to the liver. Lu Jiu cannot directly operate on the liver, but he can also restore the functions of the liver on other organs.

The large intestine is an organ of choice.

Because as long as the large intestine is unblocked, the cold-dampness pathogens accumulated in the liver will have channels for excretion.

When Lu Jiu was administering acupuncture and medication, he could safely and boldly clear out the water accumulated in the patient's abdomen.

According to anatomy, the large intestine is connected with the liver, so it should be connected to the large intestine.

After confirming this treatment idea, Lu Jiu began to think about how to use medicine.

For now, acupuncture is definitely not going to work.

Because the patient has undergone surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and his own righteousness is insufficient, too strong acupuncture may have counter-effects.

Right now, I can only use Chinese medicine for conditioning.

After Lu Jiu thought carefully for a moment, he decided to use Sini Decoction.

Sini Decoction itself has the effect of recuperating yang and relieving adverse events. At the same time, if it is added with Poria cocos, it can quickly heat up the heart and small intestine. Poria cocos can take the opportunity to relieve the middle burns and expel water and dampness.

In this way, you can try to restore stomach Qi.

As long as the stomach qi is restored and the yang qi comes naturally, the patient's death syndrome will be resolved.


(End of this chapter)

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