Chapter 509 Victory Clinic (Part [-])

When opening the outer door on the south side of a courtyard, in addition to occupying the road, you also need to block the public toilets adjacent to the courtyard.

Although there is still more than [-] meters away from the door, Li Shengli can smell it standing at the door of the courtyard. It is summer now, which is the time when the smell is the strongest. It will be better after this season.

Because the public toilet is opposite the Nanluo Supply and Marketing Cooperative, there is a lot of traffic in this public toilet. Even if there are people cleaning it now, the smell from the septic tank cannot be covered in the summer.

To move the public toilets, even Li Huaide didn't have the ability to do so, and he was still hated by people, so he could only build a gable wall at the entrance of the public toilets, so that relying on the gable wall, a corridor could be built.

The corridors cannot be constructed according to ancient architecture in these days, as they are inconsistent with the general environment, but they must also leave room for future modifications.

Nowadays, the Nanhuazai and the small screen-men courtyard are the property of the Li family. Except for the shared porch and corridor, the area is not small. The number of rooms and area of ​​the house are larger than those in a formal courtyard house.

This place is also close to the bustling city. The existence of Nanluo Supply and Marketing Cooperative can be used as circumstantial evidence. Nanluo cannot accommodate people. A long-term clinic can also build a reputation for the Li family in Siheyuan. Although the relationship between neighbors will become increasingly indifferent, generally speaking It can last for two generations.

With the design in hand, Li Huaide arrived in a brand new 212 before Li Shengli returned to the concierge.


Factory Director, it’s time for a new car. Should I call you Director Li? "

Looking at Li Huaide, who was still wearing a navy blue tunic suit in the middle of summer, Li Shengli really admired his meticulousness. He could not make a fool of himself even if he didn't avoid the cold and heat. This was also a very important accomplishment in an official career.

Li Shengli, who was only wearing a long-sleeved shirt, was already slightly sweaty. It was obvious that Li Shengli was not as good as Lao Li in terms of career accomplishments.

"Don't be caught up in the latest trends. The factory director still calls you "kind". Are these all service positions? You don't need to be too detailed in your title.

Shengli, recently there was a doctor on the street who specializes in trauma treatment. He was not talking about you, was he?
  Among the young people I know, you are the only one who has this ability..."

After listening to Director Li's straightforward explanation, Li Shengli smiled as shyly as he did when he just met the third uncle, and replied:
  "How could it be me?

I am just a young Chinese medicine apprentice, and I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to be a barefoot doctor in the village, practicing and learning in the vast countryside.

Reporting numbers on the street is a business of people in the world. In a small way, we call them barefoot doctors, but in a big way, they are medical workers.

How could you be so unconventional and put up flags and sticks on the street to make your own name?

We are serious people and will not do such outrageous things..."

After listening to Li Shengli's nonsense, Li Huaide confirmed that this was the trauma specialist who had been rampant on the streets recently.

This young man from the steel rolling mill is also a powerful person. In the blink of an eye, he has become a person who has the final say in a large factory with tens of thousands of people, and is extremely feared by everyone.

Specializing in the treatment of trauma, what is spread on the street is its reputation. In the eyes of people like Director Li, what is spread is just a list of names. As for what prefix should be added to the list, it is really hard to say.

Disability, death, missing, or some other prefix, but it is definitely not a complimentary word.

In Director Li's circle, there is also a saying that when it comes to trauma treatment, it is best to respond to whatever is asked, otherwise you will be your second-in-command if you make a decision every two days.

Specializing in trauma treatment, they never give people a second chance. They have also done surveys and statistics, and it is true that no one has a second chance. As long as you dare to say "no", someone else will immediately say "yes".

This is also one of the reasons why the identity of the trauma specialist is a mystery. But for a normal person, no one would expose his background and cannot afford the price.

After feeling the foundation of Li Shengli, Li Huaide also regained his reserve that he seemed to have let go. This thing is related to trauma treatment, so he really can't afford to offend him.

Even if he becomes Director Li, Lao Li still has rules and regulations and obeys the arrangements. However, Xiao Li, who specializes in reporting trauma injuries, is a lawless existence. No matter who is blocking his way, people will ask questions. He didn't even ask, and just started to do evil things. This was also the root of his unscrupulous behavior.

Acting unscrupulously and lawlessly is also the reason why Li Shengli was restricted to the mutual aid medical point.

Li Shengli does free medical consultations, extorts money, and sticks needles into people's eyeballs under people's noses. Li Shengli is really hated in the circle, but if he offends him, no one will turn around. There will be subsequent personnel to take over the original positions.

Some people also arranged for people to collect evidence and investigate, but they couldn't find any evidence that could point to Li Shengli. Moreover, the people who investigated and collected evidence frequently had accidents. There must be no evidence for accidents. This situation is difficult.

The method of attacking in groups has been used several times, but before they could find Li Shengli, who specialized in trauma treatment, they themselves would start fighting among themselves. This happened every time, and the losses were huge.

This kind of Li Shengli deserves a lot of people's attention, but looking at it on the other hand, he doesn't do anything extra besides giving free medical consultations and extorting money.

Everyone couldn't figure out Li Shengli's details, so the matter could only be put off.

Li Shengli was taken to the mutual aid medical center of the courtyard. In fact, it was not an arrangement by the leadership office, but someone made a compromise with the office, just to get rid of such a lawless existence that specializes in trauma treatment.

Based on this foundation, even though they often cooperated, Lao Li became wary of Xiao Li. This person was too dangerous.

"Shengli, if you didn't go to Madianji for a consultation, why did you come to the city? The city has not been peaceful recently."

Li Shengli was able to establish himself as a specialist in trauma treatment within a month or two, and no one could do anything about him.

Li Huaide felt that it was definitely not Wang Qianjin's godmother who was his backer, but someone else.

You must understand the matter of your backer, otherwise you will not dare to continue to have a close relationship with him.

“Not only had a free clinic been organized before, but a free clinic shop was also set up. The leadership office felt that the trauma skills I had demonstrated at the field hospital in Xingzhou could serve the free clinic, so they allowed me to temporarily go to the city for a period of time. "

Li Shengli didn't hide the reason for going to the city from Li Huaide. From Director Li, this couldn't be hidden either. If he inquired about it, he would soon get the same result.

Li Huaide was also assigned to Du Lao by Li Shengli. He will be on the same line from now on, but he doesn't know it, so these reasons will not be hidden from him.

"That's a big deal. Last time you didn't let Zheng Zheng clean up the mutual aid medical point. Since it's a trauma clinic this time, let's make a big change?
  I heard you can still have surgery? "

He glanced at Li Huaide, who had nothing to do and wanted to cause trouble for himself. According to what he said, it was best to move all the residents in the courtyard and rebuild it according to hospital standards.

This matter is not difficult for Li Huaide now, but if he really builds the operating room, it will become a nail for fastening animals. He will never want to go out of town in the future. Losing his status as a young man going to the countryside means that for Li Shengli, danger is coming.

After carefully looking at Li Huaide and confirming that he was speaking smoothly, Li Shengli lowered his guard. If this guy really came with a trap, he couldn't stay.

"Director, please don't say that. I only have the skills of a Chinese medicine apprentice, and the free clinic location cannot be changed randomly.

Open a room in the house and install a medicine cabinet, a diagnosis table, and an examination bed, but nothing else is needed.

I plan to ask the superiors to get me a license. I think it will be called Shengli Urban and Rural Joint Clinic.

When I get the license, I have to ask the factory manager to find me a long-term facade.

You see, "Victory" only has two big characters, and the rest are just a few rows of small characters, first the mutual aid medical point at the steel rolling mill, then the urban-rural joint clinic, and finally the neighborhood committee's voluntary health station and the Chinese medicine free clinic shop.

I think the characters were cut out of steel plates, then welded into large three-dimensional characters, and then sprayed with red paint. It looks like they have a festive meaning.

If the outer door cannot be opened, a corridor must be built. The public toilet over there must be separated by a gable. The roof of the corridor must also be made of steel plates. As for the pillars, please get me some tank barrels. Be tough! "

Listening to Li Shengli's outrageous request, Li Huaide didn't refuse and nodded directly in agreement. Who asked this person to specialize in treating highly suspected trauma?

Who dares to say ‘no’ to such an object now?

Furthermore, this requirement is not considered a requirement in the steel rolling mill. Steel plates and scrap tank gun barrels are readily available in the steel rolling mill. It is just a small matter of providing some labor and materials, and it is not difficult for Director Li.

Although he was wary of specializing in trauma treatment, what Li Huaide mainly heard was the word "hard spirit" mentioned by Li Shengli. The two of them had come a long way and believed that specializing in trauma would not become an obstacle between the two.

Furthermore, there is a car manufacturer that they need to cooperate with. Although he has become Director Li, he still misses the car manufacturer. For Li Huaide, this is also a big project that fits the current situation.

"Okay, it just so happens that the people in the engineering department in the factory are idle. I'm going to make a call and ask you to get your license soon. Without a license, it's hard to weld signs.

The materials are considered to be in the factory. After all, this is the mutual aid medical point of our factory. Isn’t it the first row when typing? "

After seeing off Li Huaide, who had succeeded in the Pan Dao, Li Shengli was not idle either.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the courtyard or on the street, Wang Qian directly sent a truck and asked Xiao Hu's people to drive it and pull away the furniture in the living room and the Liu family's huanghuali medicine cabinet. Wali.

Li Shengli was not idle, nor was Du Jiaoyang idle. He asked Wang Qianjin to take her to the leadership office, where the license for the urban-rural joint clinic still had to be finalized.

This involves his identity as a barefoot doctor, and he cannot become a doctor in the city by accident.

When Du Jiaoyang went to get a license, he basically went there and came back the same day, and the application was completed on the same day.

It was just a matter of getting a piece of paper and stamping it and making a phone call. The leader's office also fully respected Li Shengli's idea. At the same time, he brought back a unique medical certificate, urban and rural medical certificate, I'm afraid it's something special.

After seeing Li Shengli's efficiency, Li Huaide put in a lot of effort.

It wasn't for Li Shengli's persuasion, he would have gone to the scene to supervise the work in person. The newly opened outer door used a ready-made spring wooden door from the steel rolling mill. It was just a bit larger and the width was about the same as that of the concierge. Although it didn't fit in with the courtyard. It's a bit offbeat, but it's also really impressive.

As for the corridor outside the door, they are all made of stones and cement. Among the stones, Li Shengli picked out the stones with writing on them. At this time, he could not see the stones with writing on them. Dare to use it as a step on the corridor.

After the room was opened, it was simply decorated and a complete set of mahogany medicine cabinets and medical tables were installed. Li Shengli didn't care where these items came from. They were just allocated by the government, and it was pointless to care about where they came from. .

It took two days to open the outer door and prepare the interior of the house. The only thing left was the sign outside the door, which was somewhat difficult.

The tank barrels used as pillars were also poured on the ground during the construction of the base layer of the corridor. The structures other than the tank barrels were made of discarded pipes. After the shelves were welded, the horizontal and vertical steel pipe shelves were a bit overwhelming. .

Once the two large characters with a height of two meters are welded on, the clinic's momentum will be revealed.

It only took five days to build the new Shengli Clinic, including the renovation and signboard, which is extremely efficient.

Sitting behind the large mahogany painting table that was used as a consultation table, smelling the pungent smell of paint, Li Shengli didn't dare to fill the medicine cabinet with medicine. After two months, the smell of paint could not be dissipated, adding to the smell of medicine. But it’s not beautiful.

As for the mahogany furniture all over the hall, Li Shengli didn't care, and Li Huaide didn't give any reminder.

If they are still similar, these old furniture should be placed in households according to different people. It is not inappropriate for the poorer people, but it is not very appropriate for the better-off families. As for the original furniture at home, there is no way to say .

If they are placed in the cooperative medical center of the steel rolling mill, the voluntary health station of the neighborhood committee, or the free clinic shop without formal jurisdiction, then it is called old material reuse. There is nothing bad to say, and there is nothing to say that it cannot be used.

Now there is no talk of opening or opening. Once the door is opened, it is opened. If anyone comes, Li Shengli will treat it.

Looking at the stove and flue that had been installed in the house in the summer, and thinking about the several tons of coal in the small screen door courtyard, Li Huaide's meticulousness can also be seen.

After opening, the business at Li Shengli's place was average. Apart from treating some trauma patients and minor emergencies from nearby residents, there really weren't many people coming for treatment.

Li Shengli estimated that the reason lies in the two-meter-high word "Shengli" on the signboard outside, which is very overwhelming.

The younger brothers and sisters who wanted to join in the fun also brought their bedrolls with them in the past two days and were arranged by Li Shengli to attend self-training classes.

These two are his weaknesses at home. Both Li's parents are in class, and now they also have interpersonal relationships in the factory. Whether inside or outside the factory, as long as they go to and from get off work normally, no one will attack them.

Furthermore, the Li family and his wife are not afraid of those crooked people, nor are they afraid of their shadows being crooked.

The younger brother and sister who stayed at home and couldn't be tied up were the flaw. Once these two were taken advantage of or coerced by others, Li Shengli couldn't sit still in the clinic or even stay in the city.

After these two entered the self-training class, Li Shengli's flaws were almost gone.

As for attacking Du Jiaoyang, he really didn't learn well. He didn't know how to write the word "death". He was the son-in-law of the Du family. No matter who attacked the daughter of the Du family, Li Shengli would dare to harm the whole family. It was just a matter of life and death. At that time, why did you still care about your family’s background?
  (End of this chapter)

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