Chapter 375 Status Quo

"Uncle Li, we have seen your craftsmanship, you deserve to be called by everyone, and you are qualified to speak like this.

Nowadays, the febrile family in Beijing also respects the Liu family, so it's your turn to speak. "

Li Shengli didn't speak very politely. The Wu family doctors below looked at each other for a moment, and Wu Ang, the nephew of the Wu family, started to answer the question.

Although there were younger people in the crowd, Wu Ang was considered the youngest, and he also had an uncle by his side. He could speak, and there would be more room for maneuver when the words were not congenial.

Although it is possible to have a grandson in his 50s to top the tank, it is somewhat perfunctory.

In the medical field, although seniority is an insurmountable barrier, when doctors meet, even if seniority is present, their skills will ultimately speak for themselves.

Li Shengli directly took the main seat, obviously using his art to dominate others. With the example of Xingzhou Field Hospital, he also has such qualifications.

"Okay, then let me ask everyone here, who can cure tuberculosis, thirst, and chest pain?"

When Li Shengli asked this question, the faces of the Wu sect doctors present became unhappy.

Tuberculosis is tuberculosis, a terminal disease that has been passed down by traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2000 years; diabetes is diabetes, some can be cured, but only a small number of initial symptoms, more than half can be improved, and some cannot be cured. This part of diabetes is considered useless. model.

As for chest paralysis, it is a cardiovascular disease. This disease is similar to diabetes and can be improved in most cases. For patients who actually suffer from chest paralysis, most of them cannot be saved by traditional Chinese medicine.

Once you become cyanotic, the person will be gone before you finish looking, hearing, asking, and caring.

If you meet an experienced doctor and know at a glance that it is chest paralysis, you will basically not die.

The three serious diseases mentioned by Li Shengli, let alone ordinary Chinese medicine practitioners, even ordinary doctors will be scratching their heads if they encounter them and just improve them.

Asking if it can be cured, in the eyes of these experts, is like scolding your mother in person.

"Uncle Li, you'd better say what you have to say. If you have a radical cure, we are all ears."

Listening to Wu Ang's Mandarin with a Wu accent, Li Shengli smiled and asked:

"Instead of talking about these diseases, let's talk about the diseases you usually encounter during consultation.

How many of the illnesses we encounter can be cured? "

Li Shengli's question touched his heart again. A common saying in the field of traditional Chinese medicine is that radical cure is the cure for diseases.

The diseases described in medical books and classics have been passed down to this day, and there are many cures that can be cured, but when it comes to counting, there are very few cures.

Most of the diarrheal diseases that can be cured can be said to be cured by medication or diarrheal diseases. However, the diarrheal diseases that can be cured are similar to wind-cold and wind-heat, that is, colds. Most of them can be cured without medication and with just a little delay. .

When it comes to diseases that can be cured by traditional Chinese medicine, the traumatology skills displayed by Li Shengli have the upper hand. Recovery from injuries is mostly a matter of time.

Some problems in dermatology can also be classified as traumatology. For the remaining diseases, there are really not many that can be cured.

Li Shengli's question may seem like a layman's question, but if someone else had asked it, the Wu sect doctors present would have been able to explain it by focusing on traditional Chinese medicine.

But the person sitting in the main seat was Li Shengli, who had shown his talents in the field hospital, so he didn't dare to say this.

Others are asking about it as a layman, but Li Shengli asked about the current pain point of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance. It can also be said that the current situation of traditional Chinese medicine is that many diseases described in classics can no longer be cured.

Although the medication remains the same, most of the symptoms will become persistent diseases. The weak will relapse year after year, and the strong will relapse every other year. This is also a problem that experts like Li Shengli cannot avoid.

Of course, what Li Shengli asked was also a question of personal probability. If we look at it in the context of traditional Chinese medicine, there are still many diseases that can be cured by all the doctors working together.

But there is a big problem in traditional Chinese medicine. No one here dares to say that they are proficient in all aspects of traditional Chinese medicine. If they are not proficient in general practice, the number of patients who can be cured is very small.

Excluding trauma and ailments, Li Shengli asked all the doctors present to bow their heads.

"Mr. Shi, do you have something to say?"

Among the people present, the only one who could hear the problem in Li Shengli's words was Mr. Shi. He was a master in the medical field, although he could not count several diseases that could be guaranteed to be cured.

But one can also hear the fallacies in Li Shengli's words.

"This is also a problem. The north and south are different, and the east and west are different. It is difficult to harmonize the four smells and the five flavors as described in the book. Southerners eat more chili peppers, while northerners eat more onions, ginger, and garlic. I am addicted to the sourness of vinegar. Do you belong to the same category? Febrile disease.

The faction that wins against typhoid fever also has achievements. Let’s take these two factions as an example.

This is also closely related to your journey north. Flu-relieving medicine cannot escape these two groups. "

In just two or three simple sentences, Mr. Shi laid the groundwork for Li Shengli. As soon as Li Shengli spoke, only Mr. Shi could understand where his sword was pointing.

What Shi Lao raised is also a very complicated issue. The debate between febrile diseases and typhoid fever has been going on for more than a hundred years.

This is not a debate, and no one needs to refute anyone. How to say this is worthy of everyone's consideration.

"There's no need to say this. I hope Mr. Shi and Brother Li will say it clearly."

With no one able to pick up the fight, Wu Zhan, the most senior member of the Wu sect's family of doctors, had to step forward.

The old man and the young man had something to say. They respected him as "Lao Shi" and called him "Brother Li". This man was also experienced in the world and did not want to fall into the trap.

"Old Shi, it's me who has to say this. I started the matter, so naturally I have to say it."

Seeing that Mr. Shi was about to speak, Li Shengli stopped him. Wu Zhan took his nephew Wu Ang to make a round, and he also needed Mr. Shi to make a round.

"The development of traditional Chinese medicine has reached its peak around the Qing Dynasty. However, there are too many schools and countless treatises, which have obscured the original context of the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. Today's great inheritance has problems not only with medicinal materials and prescriptions, but also with theories and inheritance. Big question.

Leaving aside inheritance for the moment, today we will talk about the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. I opened a new school of traditional Chinese medicine.

The theory is in Lao Zhu's hands, and after preliminary debates, many problems have been discovered.

The theory of partition has many sources, some of which are completely contradictory.

In the terms of Western medicine, theory cannot be applied clinically. Such a theory is a paradox.

But whether the theory of Chinese medicine is a paradox or not, I don’t think it should be decided by Western medicine. The theory of Chinese medicine is determined by Chinese medicine and should be justified.

My intention: put aside the so-called eight major factions and local schools, and use the classics of each faction and combine it with the current reality to infer the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. "

After briefly talking about the current situation, Li Shengli introduced his own point of view.

Abandoning the classics of our sect would be considered a treason. Although there were only a dozen Wu sect doctors present, there was a lot of noise in the conference room.

Without the school and medical lineage, the descendants of these medical families here will have to start from scratch. Li Shengli raised his arms and the scene of gathering of followers was destined to never happen.

When a large lineage threatens a small lineage, internal resistance will arise. Traditional Chinese medicine is not a harmonious group.

Although Li Shengli was talking about the current situation of the big inheritance, if it is broken down into smaller factions, there won’t be so many problems.

For example, the febrile disease sect says that Angong Niuhuang Pill is not easy to use, but it can stabilize cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and has immediate results when used for high fever and convulsions. It is also miraculous in cooling blood and detoxifying.

Among the prescriptions for febrile diseases, Sangju Yin, Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder, Yinqiao Powder, Baihu Decoction, Licorice Gypsum Decoction, etc., every one of them is an effective prescription.

In other words, medicines within the scope of febrile diseases are not only effective, but also have clear medicinal effects. Especially in the south, if you encounter the corresponding disease, you can just use the original medicine.

However, as this type of prescription travels north across the river, its efficacy will gradually change. Without additions, subtractions and flavors, the efficacy will become less obvious.

Li Shengli said that in fact, in terms of practice, countless doctors have made changes, but this change does not start from theory and go down.

It is based on practical experience from the bottom up, and no one has systematically summarized or summarized it.

Li Shengli's theory of returning to one's origins was not initiated by him. Among generations of doctors, there are many discerning people.

It is very difficult to trace back according to the eight major factions and local schools. There is no need to study it in detail. Just look at the number of classics of each faction to know how difficult it is.

Among them, there are also people who have taken a different approach, and within the Shanghan Sect, they have introduced the Jingfang Sect, hoping to return to their origins.

But time has changed, and the traditional prescriptions in reality are not ineffective, but without adding or subtracting flavors according to later generations, the efficacy of the medicine is already very different from that in the classics.

The diseases that could originally be cured by using classic prescriptions can now only maintain or slightly reduce the symptoms. After adding, subtracting and adding flavors, the effects of the medicine are immediate.

Therefore, some people have proposed abandoning classic prescriptions, but classic prescriptions are the foundation. If they are abandoned, Chinese medicine will lose its foundation.

Classic prescriptions cannot be discarded. For the same reason, classics of various schools cannot be discarded. They are the summary of thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicine diagnostic practice.

In fact, the prescription group had done half of the work thousands of years ago. The "Taiping Huimin Mixture Formula", which combined the power of [-] famous doctors in the Song Dynasty, was a collection of the special skills of more than [-] famous doctors in one book.

Tongrentang's Zhibao Dan, Zi Xuedan, and Suhexiang Pills are the "Three Treasures of Liangkai" listed in the mixture prescription; San'ao Tang, Huagai Powder, Xiaoyao Pills, Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder, Sijunzi Tang, Siwu Tang, Shenling Baizhu Powder, etc. Wait, it is also the prescription of the bureau.

Take out the Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder, which is available in the local prescription sect and the febrile disease sect. This is inheritance.

These same medicines are still effective today, but when they are actually used, it is indispensable to add or remove flavors.

One person, one person, may be an explanation, but in front of real doctors, it is somewhat untenable.

In the Song Dynasty, there were [-] famous doctors, which was almost the strength of the entire country. Now that we have a prescription for a mixture of medicines, why not return to our roots?

Perhaps it was limited by the times, but Li Shengli felt that the bigger reason was that it was still beyond his capabilities.

Glancing at the conference room, which was full of noise but no one agreed, Li Shengli saw all he could see was silent rejection.

"Brother Li, this matter is serious. Can we allow doctors from all walks of life to come to Beijing and discuss it in detail?"

Wu Zhan also agreed with the current situation pointed out by Li Shengli, but he also felt that it was not necessary to integrate the medical theory backwards from the classics.

The Four Classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine are enough. Perhaps this is the reason why the prescription school did not push back after the combined prescription was written.

"No way!
I'm here to subdue you today. Otherwise, when the doctors from all walks of life arrive, you won't be able to attack me in groups?
In addition to Wumen, Si Li and I have already joined forces with Mr. Lu to recruit older and famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners from various places.

After I have used your hands to subdue the various branches of the Wu clan, you must unite with the various branches of the Wu clan or the southern medical community to help me conquer the famous experts from all over the country who are about to come to Beijing.

That's the thing. Although we are talking behind closed doors, without a unified tone, no one can even think of going out. "

Wu Zhan's words of evasion led to Li Shengli's disapproval, which no one expected.

This is not how meetings and seminars are held. After presenting their respective reasons, arguing with each other is the proper meaning of the question.

Like Li Shengli, after presenting his own reasons, he does not allow others to argue and uses his power to suppress others. This is wrong!
As for the verbal threats that followed, they were even more excessive. They were all well-known and skilled people, so doing this was a bit shameful.

Of course, to put it mildly, Li Shengli is too domineering, but considering his age, this guy is not an adult at all...

(End of this chapter)

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