Chapter 283

With Brother Tong's junior degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Internal Medicine, Li Shengli dared to boast that he could complete [-] tasks in one or two days.

He just took the basics of internal medicine given by Brother Tong, and the introduction to the eight major schools, which is no longer enough to describe his current ability.

All eight major schools have entered the room, which is Li Shengli’s evaluation of himself.

According to the standards of bone injuries, Li Shengli is still a little behind Li Guishou in terms of traditional Chinese medicine internal medicine, but he is qualified to open a clinic or health center on his own.

Using the analogy of bone injuries, his current level of TCM internal medicine, not to mention difficult and complicated diseases, is the level of a prefecture-level city TCM hospital, plus difficult and complicated diseases, the level of a county hospital.

If it is only for basic diseases of internal medicine, it is the standard of large tertiary hospitals.

If it were just for the flu, Li Shengli would dare to take charge of the entire Forty-Nine City alone.

If faced with the two patients who were misdiagnosed in the morning, Li Shengli succumbed again. With his current level, even if he would not misdiagnose, it would be difficult to distinguish the symptoms of excess and deficiency.

Judging from the elementary level of internal medicine he currently has, he will be able to accurately identify symptoms at the intermediate level. With the intermediate level of internal medicine, he will be a proper Chinese medicine doctor, and a famous doctor in one place cannot escape.

According to Xue Shengbai, a senior expert on febrile disease, after receiving Tong Ge's intermediate level of Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine, Li Shengli is half a god and deserves to be called a famous doctor.

Not for anything else, just because he has an extremely solid foundation in the eight major schools of internal medicine.

Judging from the current junior level of internal medicine, he is qualified to go to the general outpatient clinic of the Army General Hospital. Being a resident doctor in a valley is a huge waste of medical resources.

"Master Liu, shall we stay in Madianji for two days?"

After completing the primary task and getting a new intermediate task, Li Shengli was not in a hurry to return to Wali.

There are few people in Wali, and everyone is sick again. He needs to be cured again before he can complete Brother Tong's intermediate task.

There are more than 6000 households and [-] people in Madianji. Why can't we provide half the number of tasks?
Although it is very difficult to cure patients, with a large base, many problems can be easily solved.

"Master, this is not like you. Why, did you get any results from today's diagnosis and treatment?"

In the eyes of Mr. Liu, his successor, Li Shengli, is a sinister person who hides his head and shows his tail. If he offends him, he will not be safe from morning to night, and he will use some insidious killing moves.

According to Li Shengli's current foundation, the best way is to stay in the pit and study hard and study hard. Given his personality, he would also choose this way.

Now that his behavior was contrary to his character, the first thing Liu Ye thought about was that the misdiagnosis just now had made his heir understand again.

"That's right. Let's take a look at the condition of the Madian collector. If it's not good, we will go on a medical inspection during this period."

Mr. Liu doesn't care about the medical rounds that Li Shengli said, as long as his heirs get something.

For Chinese medicine, enlightenment is a lifelong process. Reading books for a while will enlighten you, and continuing to study books and continue to enlighten you is the life of a doctor.

If you study hard all your life when you are young, you will be a traditional Chinese medicine doctor at best. If you want to be a famous doctor, you are not qualified to do so.

If you really want to become a doctor, you must either study medicine until you are forty or fifty, and then start practicing medicine after becoming famous and starting a family, or you must always have medical books and classics in your hand and live as long as you can.

Traditional Chinese medicine is very different from studying to become an official. Studying to become an official only requires ten years of hard work, but traditional Chinese medicine requires a lifetime of hard study.

Not to mention others, Mr. Shi from Sijiucheng is over 80 years old. If he really wants to go to a doctor, he must have medical books by his side.

"Then it's up to you. Madianji is close to the city, and we can replenish our medicinal materials. With Madianji as an example, we will be familiar with the road to Wali.

It’s just that young master, if we do this, we will waste money on medicine..."

Mr. Liu could clearly see the posture that Li Shengli put up. He was still giving away medicine at the free clinic like Wali. This didn't matter. He was just worried about the financial resources of his successor.

Unlike Wali, the village of Madianji is too big. Three pairs of cheap medicines are given at a time, which is not counted as one dollar, but fifty cents. In a large village with thousands of people, one by one, the medicine is given for thousands of dollars.

There are no big players to eat now, and a thousand dollars is still a lot of money in Mr. Liu's eyes.

"Money doesn't matter, I am part of the business of selling sheep in Madian Market, so the money for medicine is very little.

When you went to worship your ancestors, didn’t I pay no attention to the 5000 yuan?
Compared with the advancement of medical skills, money is an external object..."

Li Shengli's words were grand, but they were not in line with his character. This guy is just a guy who catches a toad and urinates out of it.

But what he said is true. As long as the medical skills are improved, a little money is really a foreign thing. The inheritance of the Liu family is different from other medical families.

I'm really waiting for Li Shengli to come in. Mr. Liu still has something to pass on to him, which is the tonic formula that supported the Liu family's fame in Sijiu City.

Mr. Liu had already given the supplementary inheritance book to Li Shengli, but there was a reason why he didn't mention it.

Because I don’t have any knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, I can’t learn the inheritance of supplements.

The Liu family's method of replenishing the body is to use thousands of people with thousands of faces, and one person with one person. In addition to this, when replenishing, you must always check the pulse and observe, and make adjustments to the prescription at any time.

If you want to have effective supplements, you just need to adjust the balance of the human body. This is meticulous work. The imperial doctor Wang family will do this business, and this is the main business.

If he wants to learn the real benefit inheritance, Mr. Liu estimates that Li Shengli needs to be at least thirty to forty, otherwise there will be no chance.

It's not impossible to rely on prescription medicines to supplement the benefits, but the effect will definitely not be very good.

Without the pulse and the five qi of the human body as a reference, no matter how good the tonic prescription is, its effect will be limited. This is where the real medicine is divided into three parts: poison.

If the supplement is not right, it is like taking poison...

After giving Li Shengli a roll of his eyes, Mr. Liu stopped hurting him. It was just that the big way was right.

But the prescription Li Shengli prescribed next made Mr. Liu a little surprised.

Longdan Xiegan Decoction has nothing to do with spleen deficiency, and the person sitting opposite Li Shengli was a middle-aged woman.

Liu Ye is writing the medical records of stranguria, wet fever, bladder infection, and disturbance of the meridians. He naturally wants to record the symptoms mentioned by Li Shengli.

This disease has deviated from the direction of internal medicine and switched to gynecology.

Although gynecology is also a traditional Chinese medicine internal medicine, in traditional terms, gynecology and pediatrics are mostly mentioned separately.If Li Shengli had used excess fire in the liver and gallbladder as his symptom, Mr. Liu would not have been so surprised. If he had taken evil in the bladder and disturbance of the meridians as his symptom, it would have been pure gynecology.

He wanted to remind him, but when he saw Li Shengli's words, Master Liu suppressed his doubts and did not speak, but silently recorded the medical records.

The patient did not give Mr. Liu a chance to speak later. Li Shengli prescribed another dose of Jiwei Old Ginger Decoction, and Mr. Liu could no longer calm down.

This is a gynecological decoction used to treat dysmenorrhea by warming and relieving pain, activating blood circulation and regulating menstruation.

Seeing the girl from the Xiao family calmly taking the prescription, she went to grab the medicine from the medicine bag on the side. Although it was not brown sugar, the earthy brown Cuban sugar could also be used as brown sugar.

Looking at the completeness of the medicines, Mr. Liu knew that his successor had made great gains. At least he was qualified to see doctors in gynecology.

"Master, please stop for a moment.

Girl Fengxia, let the patient wait for a moment..."

After he stopped drinking Li Shengli and asked Ma Fengxia, who was watching from the sidelines, to block the subsequent patients, Mr. Liu had no choice but to speak.

"Master, these two doses of medicine are gynecological medicines?
When did you specialize in gynecology?

It doesn't matter whether you use Longdan Xiegan Decoction or not. If you use Longdan Xiegan Decoction for gynecology, it is risky.

If the Liver wood is too loose, spontaneous sweating, excessive urination, and early menstruation may result in metrorrhagia..."

Mr. Liu stopped shouting, mainly because he was afraid of causing problems. If Li Shengli prescribes something like Jiwei Old Ginger Soup, he wouldn't say much, and it wouldn't be a big deal if he ate the wrong food.

It is a medicine that warms menstruation and regulates blood. Most women will benefit from taking it.

But the Longdan Xiegan Decoction is not effective. It is a medicine for diarrhea. If you take more than one, there will be obvious symptoms, and it is easy for patients to come to your door.

If someone causes metrorrhagia, encounters a shameless woman, and throws a bloody panty on the consulting table, then the doctor's reputation will be lost.

"Master Liu, I haven't been idle before and after New Year's. I have memorized a lot of medical books, so this is just a matter of convenience."

Mr. Liu obviously didn't believe Li Shengli's perfunctory statement. Most people couldn't do the job of gynecology.

There are many famous doctors in gynecology, but the medicine is not easy to apply. Just like Longdan Xiegan Decoction, the dosage is slightly different. Please wait until the patient comes to your door.

Why are there so many famous gynecologists?

Because those who prescribe medicine poorly or indiscriminately are unlucky. If someone's three-to-five-day tide is reduced to one to one month, the doctor will be in trouble.

The bloody underpants smashing on the examination table was not made up by Mr. Liu. He had experienced it and it was indeed true.

"If you can gain confidence, I won't stop you, but gynecological medication cannot be used vigorously and resolutely. You should restrain yourself when you need to. Don't look for trouble.

Women in the village are different from those in the city. If someone really wants to cause a metrorrhagia, they will take off their pants right there for you to see. When the time comes, will you look at it?
Even though it’s already five years, fifteen years is still a year, so don’t bring bad luck on this new year..."

Li Shengli uses medicine vigorously and resolutely, and Liu Ye is a person who has experienced it firsthand, but gynecological diseases really cannot be played like this. Once excessive, it will harm others and yourself.

Seeing a conflict between the two people sitting in the clinic, Ma Fengxia, who was watching from the sidelines, wanted to block Master Liu. Li Shengli's status in Madianji was different.

According to Mr. Liu, if anyone dared to smash his bloody underpants on his examination table, the old party secretary Wang Shengting could put the bloody underpants on the woman's head and let her swim around the village for half a month.

"Master Liu, a member of Madianji, you can trust Li Shengli!"

Ma Fengxia's defense was not met with Li Shengli's kindness. His face darkened and he opened his mouth to scold:

"To shut up!
We are talking to each other, but you are not the one to talk. I have been observing for a day, have you gained anything? "

The relationship between Li Shengli and Mr. Liu is a matter within the Liu family inheritance, and no one else can comment on it.

Taking over from Brother Tong as a junior in the Eight Major Schools, his medical skills are already remarkable. If all the patients here are ordinary patients, he can still compete for the title of famous doctor. At least a famous country doctor is indispensable.

As for Ma Fengxia, she studied Western medicine. If she wants to improve, her observation skills are indispensable.

Li Shengli's words were not without purpose. Spleen deficiency can be treated as a major disease in any village.

For spleen deficiency, in addition to using Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, dietary adjustment is also an indispensable link.

Nowadays, Madianji has convenient conditions. In the large canteen outside the village, bone soup and broth are made every day.

That's what Laotang said. If you look for it these days, where can you find a century-old Laotang?

You go to practice a stall and try it. The police station or the commune will put up a big sign for you speculating every minute.

When scolding Ma Fengxia, Li Shengli was also changing the subject so that Mr. Liu would not get to the bottom of it.

"I see that there are many patients with spleen deficiency in the village. What kind of disease is spleen deficiency?"

Just like what Li Shengli said, Ma Fengxia was not just a wooden stick by his side. That was the task of the old party secretary.

In addition to taking care of Li Shengli's daily life, the most important thing is to learn skills from him. In addition to medical skills, mental skills are the top priority.

"This is not bad. As for spleen deficiency, in Western medicine terms, it generally means malnutrition and overwork.

We cannot control overwork, but we can still control malnutrition.

We can’t afford mutton and haggis. People in our village can get the moon first and drink mutton soup!

Tell Xu Laoqi that from now on, in the cafeteria, the soup will be clear and delicious, and don't make white soup thick.

Let the agricultural machinery side get a few water trucks, and the members of the commune can just drink broth every day in the fields. "

Li Shengli, whose medical skills are considered to be proficient in medicine, has become more efficient in his work. He does not need to go through the old party secretary Wang Shengting. He also arranges these small things in Madianji in the same way.

(End of this chapter)

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