Chapter 274
The Lou family left, but the Lou family's house and car stayed. In addition to the Lou family's foreign-style mansion, Li Shengli also had the deeds to more than ten detached houses.

As long as you have the deeds to these houses, you can get part of them back in the future. Even if someone takes them, as long as they are not redistributed by the public, as long as the Lou family can come back, they may get a large part back in the future.

Another possibility is that the Lou family ran away, and without the raids, these properties would be retained.

As for cars, the Lou family left a sedan and a [-]% new Jiefang Six-wheeler. Lou Xiaoe's uncle's family also had the same thing, except that the truck was a Styropunk six-wheeler from the Republic of China.

As long as the house has a deed, the cars of the two families are a bit ostentatious. For these vehicles, Li Shengli also had a trick and went directly to Wang Qianjin.

After this guy changed hands, the troops from the suburbs of Beijing were replaced by three old Gas vehicles with military plates and a Dodge Jeep with a hood.

The middle jeep was left to Wang Qianjin and Du Jiaoyang for daily use. Of the three old Gass, one was given to Madianji, and the other two were covered with tarpaulins and parked in the second entrance of the warehouse. .

Nowadays, the market price of a brand-new Jiefang car is only about [-] yuan. Depending on the degree of scarcity, there are usually additional fees for picking up the car.

If it is an index conversion between units, a new car will be worth [-] yuan or more if it is not ready.

As for Lao Gas, most of them are old cars from seven or eight years ago. They are bought at half the price, which is considered a high price.

Although the old cars of the Lou family are more than ten or twenty years old, they are very valuable. Even though they are old cars from the Republic of China, it is easy to exchange one car for two old Gases.

In this day and age, even a wooden carriage can be put on the road if it is retrofitted with an engine. As long as the vehicle is in good condition, cars are more scarce than trucks.

The cars from the two companies are rarely used, and even if they are more than ten to twenty years old, they still look 20% new. .

There was a huge price difference when it came to exchanging cars. The difference was three full buckets of fuel, including the medium-sized Jeep given to Wang Qianjin. For Lao Wang, there was no limit to the amount of fuel that could be added as needed.

Before summer, Li Shengli's three old Gass can also be refueled at the test track. After all, cars are scarce.

Wang Qianjin, who changed his car, was able to show off his face. The old cars that were replaced in Sijiu City were rare items down there, and there were many people who were vying for them.

If it's like selling clothes in Wali, it's easy to exchange one car for three or five old Gases. After all, the people who use them are different.

As for the origin of the car, with the current paper-based office system, it is extremely difficult to investigate when the car arrives in Tong County.

After getting on the train, and with the cover-up of someone who wanted to do it, it was much more difficult to find out where the train came from than to catch a spy...

After sweeping the Lou family from head to tail, Sun Wuyang could be regarded as witnessing the power of his eldest nephew.

Not only were the houses of Lou's family and Lou Xiao'e's uncle's house licked clean, but the two families also gave each other a suitcase of cash, adding up to at least more than 30 yuan.

This was a huge sum of money that could never be spent. After acquiring the car, the house, and the huge sum of money, Sun Wuyang, as the person who handled it, was a little confused, thinking about how to make a lot of money next.

But my nephew Li Shengli, who was still nibbling steamed buns and eating pickles a year ago, seems to have no idea about the huge family wealth.

Without Lou Xiao'e's gentle hometown, Sun Wuyang's life was even more miserable. In addition to the unpalatable steamed buns, there were also obscure and difficult to understand literary anthologies.

I deliberately went to the courtyard to complain to my eldest nephew, but every time I entered the Li family, I would be slapped by my sister who was on vacation, and then I would go home and study hard with stars in my eyes.

Before and after the New Year, it was boring for Li Shengli. Every day he had to deal with knife wounds, wood thorns, fish bones, and bone stubble, all the injuries that should occur during the New Year.

After completing the ten tasks of the intermediate level, I have completed more than a dozen of the two hundred tasks of the advanced level.

On New Year's Eve, I ate dumplings made with mutton and eggs. I thought about how Wang Shengting, the old branch secretary of Madianji, vowed on the phone that the three villages of Madianji, Wali and Shanshan also made dumplings made with meatballs. He didn't mention how big they were. interest.

He has many ways to improve supply and demand, but the time is not right now, so he cannot and dare not mention them.

On the surface, Li Shengli might not be able to take care of both, but it couldn't be easier for my mother to show her face in the factory.

But Li Shengli didn't dare to give me any advice. After tonight, the serious storm is about to come...

After eating more than 20 mutton and egg dumplings, I took my younger brothers and sisters to eat in the courtyard. The sporadic sound of firecrackers was already ringing in the city.

Judging from the general direction, the sounds are more frequent in the north and east of the city, which are almost in the direction of the compound.

As for the Li family, let alone firecrackers, they don’t even have a radio, so they can listen to the dull sound of firecrackers that occasionally come from the middle courtyard.

Listening to the faint sound of the radio at the third uncle's house, the Li family has safely passed this new year.

"Brother, I will have to watch the health station for you until school is over after the new year. You can also buy me some small whips tomorrow..."

Looking at his younger brother Li Jianshe, who was wearing a blue student uniform with a jacket under the light bulb in front of the door, and making unreasonable thoughts, Li Shengli shook his head helplessly. He was still not old enough and had too much fun.

According to the current relationship and conditions, Li Shengli could get him a few boxes to put, let alone a small whip, even a flare, but unfortunately, he didn't dare!
"If you want this thing, you have to go to my mother. It's the Chinese New Year, and I don't want to be beaten along with you.

I am also engaged now. I can't play around with a gangster like you, let alone get beaten up with you.

It’s not that you don’t have money in your pocket, you can buy it secretly and see if I beat you or not.

Your homework is on my account. Don't blame me for not being able to get out of bed because of the New Year. Don't blame me, the elder brother, for not reminding you. "

He rolled his eyes and dismissed his younger brother Li Jianshe's thoughts. During the Li family's Chinese New Year this year, the main focus is on a hidden person.

At this time, his brother Li Jianshe, who was going against my mother, was probably looking for someone to cry and do the splits... During the time he was sitting in Nanhuazuo, Li Shengli got to know some of the sophistication of people in the courtyard.

Mrs. Jia, who had sued the Li family, once she heard that the concierge was running a voluntary health station, she shamelessly asked him for painkillers and came to take advantage.

The old lady Rui, who lives in the backyard, often sits by the concierge for a while, looking up and down, muttering about whether there is something or not, and wants to find out where the Li family goes to work.

The three children of the Yan family who were still in school also gathered in front of their younger brother Li Jianshe and pretended to read medical books. Later, the third child of the second uncle's family also joined in.

For these objects, Li Shengli refused what he could, and what he couldn't refuse, he let them go.

Whether it's a human or a ghost, we have to wait until June of the new year to see it. Now, just hold it.

When staying in the city and in the quadrangle, in addition to taking care of things, Li Shengli also had to plan his own tactics.

After receiving the visitors from the Wu clan, Mr. Liu is not idle either. Tomorrow he will take the heirs of the Liu family to the Yaowang Temple in the Yaowang Valley in the west of the city to worship their ancestors. It is a tradition in the south to worship ancestors on the first day of the new year. Not interested in this.

Not to mention that Li Shengli wouldn't come up with such an idea to take unscrupulous disciples to the Liu family's ancestral tomb, and Master Liu would not dare to take them there. If these unscrupulous descendants dig the ancestral tomb, it would be very lively.

The tomb of the ancestor of the Liu family has long been covered up by the Liu family after the Japanese puppets in the Republic of China. There is a tombstone buried three feet in front of the grave. This is what Mr. Liu told Li Shengli. He was afraid that something might happen and the tombstone would not be found in the future.

Even if we look for the Liu family's ancestral tomb now, it's just a pile of weeds in the mountains. It would be difficult to find it without a specific location.

Tomorrow the Liu family will worship their ancestors, and Li Shengli will not go with him, but there will still be great benefits for the heirs of the Liu family who will go with him.

In addition to Mr. Liu's talk about ancient times, a box of medical books that have been picked up countless times, and an expense of 500 yuan per person, this is also the inheritance of the Liu family, and the last kind thought for these disciples who are passing it on.

Liu Ye's talk about ancient times naturally brings into play the disputes between Chinese and Western medicine that started in the Republic of China, as well as the list of life-threatening diseases.

The abolition of traditional Chinese medicine, which originated from the traitor, has a fatal trap at its core. No one has studied it deeply. The abolition of traditional Chinese medicine is under the banner of being unscientific, which seems to be the same.

Amidst the storm, delving into the past two decades, it has nothing to do with science, but is closely related to the life and death of a family.

There will never be such a good opportunity to solve the head problem once and for all amid orthodox disputes and storms. Even if the accidental injury is serious, Li Shengli will push forward without hesitation.

As long as there are some sharp-headed disciples of the Liu family, Master Liu's list is the ladder for them to move up after entering the summer.

Of course, choosing the list will eliminate the last good intentions of the Liu family. Master Liu is waiting, and Li Shengli is also waiting for those unscrupulous disciples who want the list.

Such unscrupulous disciples will be kicked out of the door and dealt with one by one even after they have contributed. The Liu family is a febrile disease branch, and there is no room for underlings in the sect. The original source is still needed.

"Brother, the Chinese New Year flavor this year is not as good as last year. Last year, I wanted a new dress. Now that I have new clothes and a new cotton monkey, why is there no Chinese New Year flavor?"

Putting away his thoughts, he looked at his sister who was wearing a blue hooded cotton coat and a red scarf.

This little girl is quite perceptive. Maybe she was out of food and clothing during the Chinese New Year last year and wanted more, right?Without that kind of expectation, the flavor of the New Year will naturally fade away.

During the Chinese New Year this year, thanks to Li Shengli’s efforts, the Li family’s Chinese New Year was truly a success.

The dumplings were made with mutton and eggs, and the dishes for Father Li were steamed smoked chicken, smoked rabbit, and white-cut mutton. The wine he drank in the evening was Fenjiu, which he longed for. As for Maotai, Father Li couldn't get used to it.

The uncle and uncle are having the same New Year's Eve dinner, and people from Tongxian's hometown have also gone to the city. After a fat year, they are just waiting for the uncle and uncle to get better before returning to their hometown in Tongxian.

"Jianshe, Yinghong, after tonight it will be the new year. By March next year, even if there are no classes in school, I will have to finish memorizing the Golden Mirror of the Medical Sect.

March is over and I won’t be able to finish it. I will give you special treatment morning and night.

The new year is about to begin. Brother, I wish you good luck with your endorsement. "

Saying New Year's greetings that his younger brother and sister didn't like to hear, he drove the two of them home. Li Shengli took a deep whiff of the gunpowder smoke in his nose. This was the long-lost smell of the New Year.

Tomorrow, Mr. Liu will go to Yaowang Valley in the west of the city, and Li Shengli will not be idle either. Li Huaide arranged a specious group visit.

Tomorrow morning, people from the First Machinery Department will follow Lao Li to the mutual aid medical point in the courtyard. Of course, there will also be workers with back injuries who were saved by Li Huaide years ago.

Lao Li's main focus here is to eliminate stubborn diseases at the beginning of the year and then go into battle easily after the new year. If you want to be a speculator in a storm, you still need this ability.

It's just that Lao Li's flirtatious look was probably thrown into the air. After summer, compared to the people from the First Machinery Department, Li Shengli's eight bone-setting methods and follow-up may be more reliable for him.

The donation of medical books was also postponed until the first day of the new year. Of course, only a few sets were presented. Too many would not be available on the table.

Thinking of the book-donation process that would take photos, Li Shengli didn't want to be sad in the courtyard anymore. He had to find a pair of Chinese tunic suits that his uncle Sun Wuyang had changed years ago.

When taking pictures tomorrow, I need to cover it up. It would be somewhat imprudent to leave such a photo at this time.

But Li Huaide and the First Machinery Department couldn't refute their reputation, so they had to make some changes in their clothes.

When he returned home, he found the Chinese tunic suit that his uncle had remade from an old suit, and asked for a marching hat from Mr. Li. Li Shengli had all the cover-up methods he could use.

(End of this chapter)

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