Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 548 Distorts reality!

Chapter 548 Distorts reality!

He kept moving forward, even if he was burned all over by the beam of light, he would never let go.

The Cursed Warrior has no weaknesses at all. Being decapitated may be one of them, but as long as there are no attacks like black hole grenades and decapitation, he can continue to recover.

Therefore, despite the immense power of the beam of light, Algorim was still able to persevere.

Finally, he came to the Destroyer Armor.

He raised his head, his eyes filled with determination.

He knows that this will be a huge challenge for him, but he is ready. He waved his powerful fist and smashed it hard against the chest of the Destroyer's armor.


The loud noise seemed to shake the whole world.

Algorim's fist was like a hammer, hitting the chest of the Destroyer's armor with unparalleled force.

Every time he landed, it seemed as if he was going to make a hole in the ground, and the huge impact made the surrounding ground tremble.

That power seemed to be swallowed up by the armor, leaving no trace behind.

After all, this is the Destroyer Armor controlled by the God King Odin. He activated the divine blessing he left on the Destroyer Armor. With his now powerful divine blessing, he can make the Destroyer Armor reach a level beyond being blasted by Thor. .

He felt as if his body was pushed hard by a huge force, and his whole body was violently knocked away like a leaf blown up by a strong wind.

Although the punch he threw was powerful, it seemed a little pale in front of the Destroyer armor blessed by divine power.

He tried to resist, but the force was like a violent storm, making him unable to withstand it.

Algorim was now helpless against this force.

However, what is surprising is that the Destroyer armor is like an indestructible boulder and remains unscathed.


Algorim's body drew a long arc in the air, and his figure moved quickly in the air, as if floating on water, bouncing continuously at high speed on the land.

The power of this punch was like a thunderous strike, and Algorim's entire figure was instantly swallowed up by the huge wind of the punch.

Algorim apparently underestimated the power of the Destroyer's armor.

At that moment, it seemed as if the entire space was shaking, and people could even feel the ground shaking.

If it was really so easy to be hammered, God King Odin would not have worn it to fight against the gods.

After all, this is the Destroyer Armor controlled by God King Odin. Its power is far beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures.

When the Destroyer Armor backhanded Algorim, the force was so powerful that it was like a storm between heaven and earth, seeming to tear apart everything around him.

Although Algorim's body was extremely tough, his body was not immune to some injuries under such an impact.

However, Algorim didn't care about these injuries. He only saw the Destroyer armor in front of him.

Although Algorim's body was injured, his recovery ability was extremely powerful. Under the influence of this force, Algorim's injuries healed quickly, and the cracks and blood stains disappeared in an instant.

However, at this moment, the Destroyer Armor had arrived in front of him.

Another punch hit Algorim hard.

The speed and power of this punch were beyond Algorim's imagination, and he could hardly react at all.


This punch directly smashed Algorim into the ground!
His figure disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant, leaving only a huge pothole.

Algorim's body was buried deeply in the ground, but he did not make any sound, as if he had lost consciousness.

"What the hell is this?"

Malekith and Algorim looked at each other, their eyes filled with shock and confusion. In their era, God King Baur ruled Asgard, and at that time, there was no god-killing weapon like the Destroyer Armor, which was blessed by the power of the gods.

They had never thought that Asgard, where Thor, the god of thunder, was not around, and where there was only one god-king, Odin, would actually have such a powerful weapon. This scares them and makes them feel confused.

Algorim lost consciousness.

Although the other cursed warriors bravely charged against the Destroyer Armor, they were no match for the Destroyer Armor. Their attacks are child's play in front of the Destroyer's armor, and even the destructive light of the Eternal Fire cannot withstand it.


They screamed, and their bodies were reduced to ashes under the light of destruction.

The sight made Malekith's heart palpitate, and he immediately realized that he had made a big mistake. He didn't have a good understanding of what Asgard would be like five thousand years from now. He thought he could easily destroy this place, but he was wrong.

Asgard has changed too much, and the power of God King Odin is far greater than that of his father King Baur. He thought he could easily defeat Asgard, but now it seems that he was wrong.

However, even though Malekith realizes that he has made a huge mistake, he still has a chance to win. Because he incorporates ether particles.

Five thousand years ago, Malekith tried to fuse ether particles, but was interrupted by God King Baur. And now, he tried again and finally succeeded. He gained the power of etheric particles, which made him feel extremely powerful.

Although the cost of using this power was his life force, he didn't care. He just wants to defeat Asgard and destroy the place.

"Become a sheep!"

Malekith used the power of aether particles against the Destroyer Armor. He looked at the Destroyer Armor, his eyes flashing with madness. He wanted to turn this powerful weapon into a harmless sheep so that Asgardians could not use it.

The crimson power wrapped around the Destroyer's armor, and its body began to twist and deform. Odin sensed something was wrong. He immediately controlled the Destroyer Armor and aimed a blast of destruction at Malekith, but it was already too late.

The body of the Destroyer Armor has completely transformed, it has turned into a sheep. Its eyes still shone with determination, but its body could no longer move.

Malekith looked at the sheep in front of him and felt a sense of joy. He succeeded in rendering the Destroyer Armor useless, which greatly increased his chances of victory.

However, he did not notice that his body was also changing. The power of the etheric particles was consuming his life force, his face began to turn pale, and his body began to tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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