Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 525 Feeding on weirdos

Chapter 525 Feeding on weirdos

I saw the strange king Orochi's whole body suddenly changed, a huge change!

His skin was originally full of mysterious lines. At this moment, these lines seemed to come alive, one by one, like a winding river, flowing freely on his huge body.

And these lines gradually bulged as they rolled and twisted, as if something was about to break out of his body.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene appeared. Those raised lines turned into dragon-like things with forelimbs.

It looks like a python has just transformed. Although these dragons are extremely small compared to the weird king snake, each one exudes a powerful aura, as if each one is the overlord of one party, but at this moment they are being controlled by some kind of snake. The mysterious power was summoned and attached to the body of the Monster King Orochi.

At this moment, the dragons suddenly opened their mouths, and streams of dazzling light burst out from their mouths.

There were bursts of muffled thunder, and these energy beams converged into bright beams of light.

These light pillars drew dazzling tracks in the sky, as if they were about to tear the entire sky apart.

The body of the Monster King Orochi was also surrounded by these light pillars at this moment, as if he himself was a volcano about to erupt, containing the power to destroy the world.

Hungry Wolf's pupils shrank, he didn't expect that the weirdo king, Orochi, would change like this.

However, because he had dealt with Pochi before, Hungry Wolf was quite familiar with it, not to mention that he was now so much stronger.

This kick hit the head of the monster king Orochi firmly, and the powerful force made his head almost break apart.


Gamma rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation with high penetrating power. They can penetrate thick layers of matter and cause serious radiation damage to living organisms.

These hairs seem to have strong penetrating power and can easily penetrate thick layers of objects.

However, Hungry Wolf has become accustomed to this kind of attack. With his strong strength and keen perception, he skillfully shuttles through the explosion of the light cannon and avoids most of the attacks.

The searchlight-like light cannon hit the hungry wolf and the surroundings of the hungry wolf, and then exploded due to the annihilation effect of energy and matter. The light was as bright as the sun, which was heart-wrenching.

The huge body tens of meters high is crumbling, as if it will fall at any time.

He used these dragons as leverage points to flexibly flip onto Wang Dasheng's head.

The weirdo king Orochi felt as if a big mountain had hit his head, and his whole body was shaking involuntarily.

The weirdo king Orochi didn't stop there. He took advantage of the hungry wolf being overwhelmed by the explosion of the light cannon and losing consciousness. The hair on his head suddenly shot out like a spear, making sharp wind-breaking sounds.

In addition, since the energy released during the annihilation process is released in the form of high-energy photons, such as gamma rays, these high-energy photons will also cause damage to the surrounding material.

"Boom boom boom boom——"

This radiation can cause severe damage to living organisms and may even lead to their death.

This kind of explosion not only has a powerful impact, capable of destroying surrounding objects into pieces, but also produces strong light and heat radiation.

The hungry wolf turned around and in the blink of an eye passed through the dragons that were blocking Wang Dashe.

When these beams of light hit the ground or other objects, they cause violent explosions.

Immediately afterwards, Hungry Wolf made a tomahawk-style slash!

His movements were fast and sharp, like a bolt of lightning piercing the night sky.

Just when these hairs were about to hit the hungry wolf, he suddenly appeared in another place.

However, despite suffering such a heavy blow, the Monster King Orochi did not give up.

He quickly adjusted his posture and began to counterattack.

The little dragon on his body sprayed bunches of light bullets towards the hungry wolves in the sky like a machine gun. These light bombs are extremely fast and have strange trajectories, making them elusive.

boom! boom! boom!

Loud noises like thunder continued to sound, and the hungry wolf moved left and right, passing through the light bombs.

He had never encountered such a difficult enemy before. The weirdo king Orochi struck out quickly with both fists, powerful and heavy, roaring towards him with giant fists that destroyed the momentum of the earth.

Compared with light bombs and light cannons, Monster King Orochi's own attacks are faster, and it is difficult for hungry wolves to avoid them.

However, he used four ounces of Qianjin to push away the fist of Monster King Orochi. After Weird King Orochi reacted, he also used Liushui Jin's hair extension on the hungry wolf.

The fists of the two people, one big and one small, began to touch and break apart at high speed, and the force went in all directions. Where they passed, mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the ground shook.

At this time, a bald man who was exercising at home felt the vibration.


Saitama wiped his sweat after practicing hard.

"You won't bring down my house, will you?"

Saitama thought it would be better to go take a look. Although he had found a new goal, it would be very miserable if he had no place to live until the new goal was achieved.

The battle between the monster king Orochi and the hungry wolf has already decided the winner.

When the weirdo king Orochi tried his best to defeat the hungry wolf, the winner was actually decided.

It's just that the weirdo king Orochi is unwilling to give in. He has been on the verge of death so many times and broke the limiter and then recovered to have such power. Why does the hungry wolf have such power?

"Liu Shui Hundred Split Fist!"

The hungry wolf punched hundreds of times, and the punch was like a drill punch that penetrated into the body of Monster King Orochi, and then caused the inside of Monster King Orochi's body to explode.

In less than a moment, the huge body of Monster King Orochi exploded into pieces!

The hungry wolf landed on the ground, and the mask of Monster King Orochi also fell in front of him.

The failure of the weirdo king Orochi made the great evil spirit panic.

He never expected that the hungry wolf would be able to defeat the monster king Orochi.

"It's your turn, Big Eye."

The hungry wolf tore off a piece of meat from the monster king Orochi and threw it into his mouth to chew.

Originally, there was no mouth on his face, but when he "wanted to eat" it split open, leaving a disconnected mouth.

Seeing the hungry wolf's behavior, Da Zongyan was startled.

You must know that the weird cells are all made from materials taken from the weird king Orochi.

Although the hungry wolf seems to have become a real weirdo, although no other weirdos have eaten weird cells, they are all weird cells eaten by humans.

But no one knows what will happen if a weirdo eats weirdo cells.

"Bah, it tastes terrible."

The hungry wolf took a bite, and he ate the weirdo. He originally thought that the weirdo king snake would taste very good, but it turned out to be too unpalatable.

(End of this chapter)

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