Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 258 Something happened to Lieyang

Chapter 258 Something happened to Lieyang
Luther knows Angel Leng's character very well.

Don't think that just by tricking her into swearing a guardianship oath, the angel will follow her with all her heart.

Such a character is no longer angelic.

It's not that Angel Leng won't be moved, but for someone like Leng, the feeling of being moved is insignificant and not worth mentioning.

His mind is filled with justice and sacrifice, and he is bent on proving himself.

The oath of guardianship can only make an angel despair and give up on himself for a while, and then he will naturally want to fight to death.

She cannot accept the consequences of eternal love with anyone.

It takes a long time to break the ice.

Therefore, it is impossible for Luther to use conventional means and methods with her, and it is impossible for Angel Lengbi to attack her.

Of course, if it was a match with Holy Kesha, the situation would probably be different.

When Angel Leng heard Luther's words, his first reaction was not that he was moved, but that this guy actually used his divine body to control his freedom in order to prevent him from leaving!

This heavenly version of the divine body must have a backdoor from Luther. Angel Leng could still maintain herself and move when she was still an angel gene. Now, even if she wants to die in battle, it is impossible for her to do so.

The second reaction was doubt, am I that important to Luther?

Although she is Queen Kesha's high-level guardian angel, the number of high-level angels sounds very noble, but in fact it is just like that. Her status and identity are not as good as those of Angel Yan, and even Angel Zhixin is not as good as Angel Yan. Honor yourself.

In terms of appearance, Angel Leng thinks he is not bad, so of course he is not bad either.

Personality... Angel Leng Xunsi probably doesn't have a likable personality. She is not as gentle and gentle as Angel Lingxi, and she is not as good at teasing male gods as Angel Yan. It has been spread throughout the known universe that Angel Yan is best at teasing and seducing male gods. .

Why did Luther spend so much money on her?

Give Galaxy Power super genes and a divine body just to prevent her from dying in battle?

After much deliberation, Angel Leng didn't even think in that ridiculous direction. She thought it was impossible.

"The Tiandao divine body and Tiandao genes I gave you are called lightning genes. They are similar to the super genes of the German Star Gun. They can increase your movement speed. They are not Angel Yan's original lightning super genes."

Luther said that Angel Yan's ability to drive lightning comes from the dark energy driving ability of her original super gene.

This thing has the original super gene, and it also has very useless dark energy driving abilities. For example, it can use dark energy to temporarily strengthen the body and increase strength, or it can only create a lighter-temperature fireball attack.

These original super genes evolved through nuclear radiation mutation and became the super genes of Tian Zha's Tiangong era.

Today's super genes are all super gene engines. Dark matter computers are put into genes to enhance the capabilities of super genes.

"Lightning gene?"

Angel coldly tested himself and discovered the lightning gene that Luther mentioned.

There is an ability called "Flash Movement", which according to the description is to convert dark energy drive into acceleration. Angel Leng can soar from twice the acceleration to a hundred times the acceleration, as long as the body can bear it.

It has no ability to control or create lightning, just acceleration, but Angel Cooling realized how terrifying and powerful this lightning gene is!

It is not that Angel's Wings of Time and Space cannot cruise at super-light speeds and travel to and from all corners of the known universe via the Insect Bridge and the Big Insect Bridge Station, but in normal combat, Angel's Wings of Time and Space can only maintain supersonic flight.

This lightning gene is pure acceleration!what does that mean?
The key is that the acceleration of lightning genes is not just the speed of movement, it is acceleration in all directions.

Nerve reflex speed, thinking speed, and limb movement speed are all accelerated!
Therefore, there will be no problem of being unable to react to abnormally powerful super genes.

It’s hard to imagine how Tiandao civilization was developed.

"There are many powerful beast bodies in the edge space. This lightning gene is the original super gene from a beast warrior called Lightning Beast."

Luther seemed to see her doubts and said.

After the angels listened coldly, they came up with the idea that there were still beast bodies in the edge space, but it seemed normal. They just fought with beast bodies and triangles in the known universe and won the physical war. The edge space of the unknown universe They don't know what the situation is.

There is nothing in Queen Keisha's database. Angel Leng couldn't help but wonder why no one in the known universe has wanted to go to the unknown universe for so many years?

Don’t want to go simply because of incalculable reasons like the fog of war?

As a result, it is now invaded by the unknown universe in turn, and has no power to fight back against the absolute overlord of the unknown universe.

Not to mention that the known universe now seems to be preparing for internal fighting and holy war.

For a moment, Angel Leng's mind was filled with random thoughts.

No matter how you look at the known universe, it seems very irrational. The key is that the Tiandao civilization has not shown its aggression. They just occupy the Milky Way and probably will not attract attention.


Luther just wanted to continue using PUA tactics against Angel Leng, and a God of War from Heaven hurriedly said to Luther.

"what's up?"

Luther's settings for these people are very complete, so basically if there is no big event, they will not disturb him.

"The Lieyang civilization seems to have changed!"

Luther then looked at the Lieyang Civilization, and then he knew what had happened. It was that the Nantianmen in the Tianmen system of the Lieyang Civilization had been knocked down again.

To be honest, in this regard, Lieyang Civilization is really average, and the defense of Tianmen System is average. Sun Wukong was able to single-handedly defeat a group of "Heavenly Soldiers and Generals" at Nantianmen and then broke into Nantianmen.

It does not have the attack power and defense power of the Angel Civilization's [-]th Line of Defense.

Of course, it was said that it was defeated, but in fact it was not. It was just that several god-class ships from the Lieyang Civilization escaped and entered the Nantian Gate, and then they closed the Nantian Gate.

Then a vast and vast starry sky fleet appeared.

Taotie, giant wolf, scum!
The Lieyang Civilization has been closed to the country for too long. The number of their super warriors and gods is seriously insufficient. Due to their participation in the war between Devin Star and Promise Star a long time ago, their current population has been greatly reduced. Several god-level ships The population can be accommodated on the ship.

This is a super-divine civilization. The population of a super-divine civilization is only this large. Do you dare to believe it?

Not only has the population plummeted, but so has the military.

Now that Hua Ye's Tianzha army has arrived, it is expected that the same mistakes will soon be repeated. Just like the original plot, the Lieyang Star was destroyed.

The Liyang civilization is stubbornly resisting, and the city that has been shaken for 2 years does not want to join the ranks of the god of death, Karl.

(End of this chapter)

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