Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 120 Successful fusion

Chapter 120 Successful fusion
"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Luther's body began to tear apart, and his flesh and blood mutated.

The skin turned dark gray close to the rock, and the white bone spurs spread from the bones of the whole body, and the flesh and blood broke through.

The spine on the back is covered with sharp bone spurs, and the shoulder blades and bone spurs form a special structure like the shoulder armor.

There are bony spurs protruding from the joints of the limbs, elbows, knees, and even the knuckles of the fist, forming a punch-like structure!

His face was distorted and ferocious, and his height became more than three meters high in a single jump.

After the legendary Super Saiyan, the genes of Doomsday were modified by ether particles, and then traced back to the source, Luther suddenly felt an influx of endless power, and he didn't know if it could be comparable to the ancient Doomsday.

But the Doomsday gene has mutated unexpectedly, and the cells are resisting the modification of ether particles!
"Aren't you kidding, it's not at the same level, and now it can resist the modification of ether particles?"

Luther knew that Doomsday had infinite potential, but that was just the ancient Doomsday, and the current Doomsday was more of a biological weapon, not as good as the real Ancient Doomsday.

As a result, it was modified by ether particles, and the evolutionary adaptability to resist the modification of reality by ether particles appeared unexpectedly!

Even though the doomsday gene is still unable to fight against the ether particles, the pressure caused by the ether particles rebounds and promotes the doomsday gene to continuously mutate and evolve crazily.

"Oops, could it be that Doomsday really succeeded in resisting, and then I have to live like Doomsday in the future?"

Luther never expected that the doomsday gene would be able to achieve this level only after being initially modified by ether particles, and it would even become stronger and stronger.

Now the ether particle is going to completely integrate the Doomsday gene with the Kryptonian gene and the legendary Super Saiyan gene according to Luther's wishes and ideas. against this modification.

The evolutionary adaptation of Doomsday does not distinguish between friend and foe. Even subjective consciousness cannot affect the evolutionary adaptation of Doomsday genes. This is the instinct of genes.

"No, I have to find the power gem as soon as possible, and use the power gem to strengthen the power of the reality gem to suppress the doomsday gene."

Luther didn't know where the limit of his Doomsday gene after evolution was. Even if it wasn't as good as the ancient Doomsday, it probably wouldn't be much worse.

As a result, the doomsday gene is now too strong, which in turn opposes the power of ether particles.

"In that case, my original thought that the black hole engine can modify the Doomsday gene must be wrong. I'm afraid I will become a real Doomsday... This thing is too dangerous."

Luther shocked Doomsday Gene's intractability and against the sky. Finally, using time and entropy to solve the ancient Doomsday seems more like a plot kill. After all, the Omega effect ray is more powerful than the entropy setting. I don't know how much it can be done. Erase the ancient days of destruction, let alone entropy?
He struggled to take out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the power of ether particles fought against the doomsday gene, making Luther very uncomfortable now.

However, the Rubik's Cube successfully opened a vortex, and Luther rushed in.

Morag star!

The Power Gem is also where the Cosmic Spirit Orb is located. The entire planet is dead and barren, with only one creature the size of a mouse.

Xingjue and others came here and found the power gem in a dilapidated temple.

Later, Xingjue was also punched unconscious by War Machine here.

Relying on his super senses, Luther quickly found the temple.

The measure to block the power gem was pierced by Luther with a punch, and the movement was very loud, and it felt like the atmosphere of the entire planet was shaking under this punch.

The ground under Luther's feet shattered inch by inch, and the terrifying and powerful force spread out, blasting out a huge crater!
The shell of the cosmic spirit ball was almost shattered by the aftermath of Luther's fist, but it was also thrown thousands of meters away by the shock wave. This movement was no less than a nuclear bomb detonated.

But Luther caught the cosmic spirit ball in an instant, and with a slight force of five fingers, the shell of the cosmic spirit ball turned into powder and fell, revealing the purple power gem inside!

The dazzling power gem shines with bright purple terrifying energy. After being held by Luther, the energy that can burn the body of a god invades Luther's body instantly. However, without even a breath, the invading power is destroyed. Gene suppression, and devouring became part of Luther.

Luther doesn't have the Infinity Gauntlet, and if he wants to use the power of ether particles and power gems at the same time, he has to carry it physically.

However, his terrifying physical strength naturally didn't care about such things, so he firmly grasped the power gem, and controlled the ether particles in his body.

The power gem exploded with terrifying purple light, instantly destroying the entire surface of Morag Star. From the outer space, half of Morag Star was wiped out, directly vaporized, and the terrifying power would destroy the remaining Morag Star. Burned again, shrunk to an asteroid smaller than the moon.

The power gem strengthens the power of the ether particles, and by the way charges the ether particles.

Then the shell of the ether particle exploded, revealing the real bright red reality gem. The power of the two gems acted on Luther at the same time, almost tearing Luther apart.

The doomsday gene couldn't rise again, and was directly suppressed in front of this terrifying force.

Luther's body also gradually began to return to normal, and finally, the legendary super Kryptonian Kryptonian was born!
In the vast starry sky, Luther stood in the void, feeling the bursting power in his body.

"I actually awakened a new superpower."

Luther felt the change somewhat unexpectedly.

The Kryptonian genes were completed by the ether particles, and the deleted genes were restored. Now Luther is a naturally born Kryptonian. Although he does not have the countless Kryptonian genes of the Code of Life, he has lost the defects and limitations of the genes.

Among the naturally born Kryptonians, the one with the strongest potential is probably the Silver Superman, who has whatever superpowers he wants.

Luther is not sure if he can be as powerful as Silver Superman, but there are still a lot of superpowers now.

"Probably because of the contact with the Reality Gem and the Power Gem?"

Luther's now awakened super power involves two aspects of reality and power.

The ability to modify reality is similar to Majin Buu's transformation magic!

But it's not perfect superpowers either.

The range of use of this ability requires the blessing of the user's own energy. The amount of energy output can have a wide range of effects.

(End of this chapter)

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