iron throne of ice and fire

Chapter 212 Baratheon

Chapter 212 Baratheon
Daenerys Targaryen has a very decisive character, and she released the news that she was leaving the city-state that night. The "excuse" was: to continue looking for guidance from the gods.

The next day, Green saw with her own eyes what a heroine script was.

In the Governor's Mansion, the wealthy businessmen of the city-state first made symbolic remarks to retain their Governor Daenerys, and then while praising her achievements, they brought in boxes of jewelry.

Green sat quietly in the corner and counted: one box, two boxes, three boxes...

When Lord Green counted twelve boxes, another wealthy businessman made a gesture with his big fat hand, and his servants carried the boxes in one after another.

Green then counted: Thirteen boxes, fourteen boxes, fifteen boxes...

Facing the enthusiasm of the city-state's wealthy businessmen, Daenerys showed no signs of discomfort on the surface, but Green could feel that she was also surprised.

Green withdrew his gaze. He thought of the earthquake-like movement when the three true dragons were born. Did the fear of the unknown lead to generosity?

When he heard that Daenerys was planning to leave by ship, before she could finish her words, a sea trade merchant waved his hand... and directly gave away the ship.

Lord Grimm looked up to the roof, recalling the hard years he spent working hard to earn money in the Red Keep.

Green's eyes suddenly moved... Dragon... 8000 Unsullied... His heart was moved, but he quickly gave up because he couldn't afford it.

Temporary storage.


In addition to maids and waiters, and the Crab Claw Peninsula guards, there are about 50 soldiers who are willing to follow Daenerys away, most of whom are slaves she rescued in the slave merchant ship (Chapter 123).

On the third day, in return for the kindness of the wealthy merchants of the city-state, Daenerys handed over the soldiers who were willing to stay in the city-state directly to the new governor elected by them, and everyone was happy.

That night, the terrace garden of the Government House.

Green Kleb glanced at the petite figure not far away and moved his steps. He stood beside Daenerys and looked into the distance together.

Green looked at Daenerys and said, "Dany, do you like this city?"

Daenerys shook her head slightly: "Viserys has taken me everywhere since I was a child..."

After a pause, she continued: "Later on, I stopped letting myself like a certain place because I knew that my brother would take me away from that place soon."

After a moment of silence, Green suddenly said: "Dany, do you want to know the reason why you and Viserys have been wandering? Perhaps, it would be more appropriate to describe it as a secret."

Daenerys turned her head and looked at Green, and she asked doubtfully: "Isn't it to avoid the usurper's pursuit?"

"According to my investigation, that is only a superficial reason. Dany, you remember Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos, right?"

Daenerys nodded slightly, of course she remembered him, the insidious man who dared to manipulate the real dragon at will.

Green said slowly: "Tell me, the person who sent the dragon egg claimed to be a true dragon supporter hidden among the usurpers. His name was Varys. He was the chief intelligence officer of the Red Keep. He and Illyrio They are good friends, and the two of them are allies in a certain conspiracy."

Daenerys's eyes trembled slightly, she turned around and asked, "A conspiracy?"

Green nodded with a heavy face and said: "The first step of this conspiracy is... to cultivate Viserys into the second Mad King."

Daenerys's body trembled slightly, she paused, and she asked: "How did they do it?"

Green said: "Many people say that Viserys had the shadow of the Mad King when he was in the Red Castle, but... I think it was more likely that a child at that time acted out of pure admiration for his father. Imitation, or the imitation game. I think maybe because of this, those two people thought of the subsequent conspiracy...which was to turn Viserys into the real Mad King."

After a pause, he continued: "They have been monitoring your whereabouts. Whenever Viserys is about to breathe a sigh of relief, the killer they arranged will appear, forcing him to continue to escape, again and again, for a year Another year... living surrounded by fear all year round, I wouldn't be able to maintain my normalcy with anyone else, let alone Viserys who grew up like this."

Daenerys's body was trembling. She reached out and grabbed the balcony guardrail and murmured: "My brother... They made me lose my brother..."

It turns out that the so-called chase was a drama planned by them? !Daenerys had doubted whether the killer mentioned by Viserys was his own hallucination because she had never seen the killer before. Now she finally knew the real answer. It turned out that this was a deliberate attack on her brother and her. Dirty conspiracy? !
Damn them all!
Daenerys gritted her teeth, clenched her hands, and her breathing began to become rapid, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

Green came behind and hugged Daenerys tightly. She suddenly felt that she was surrounded by a gentle breath, so warm.

Green's calm voice sounded: "Dany, you have executed Illyrio. Leave the remaining man to me and let me help you avenge him."



On the Narrow Sea, on the vast expanse of sea, hundreds of ships sailed mightily. They were neatly arranged into a spectacular scene, like a majestic army.

On the ship "Wrath", the flaming red heart flag was waving, and the waves crashed against the ship's hull, stirring up a white spray.

The messenger shouted: "Your Majesty the King, a fleet of nine ships appears on the left front, and their flag is the Marsh Marigold."

Stannis, who wore a flaming red gold crown on his head, looked in the direction pointed by the messenger.

The sun was dazzling, and Stannis narrowed his eyes slightly.

Melisandre beside him said: "King Stannis, this may be the guidance of the Lord of Light. You are the legal heir of the King of the Seven Kingdoms. You have been crowned. You can order them to join our glorious fleet."

Stannis said coldly: "Priestess, I have allowed the neutrality of the Crab Claw Peninsula. A true king will never break his promise."

Davos Seaworth and others all saluted King Stannis and said, "King Stannis, it is our honor to serve you."

King Stannis snorted in disgust. He just did what he should do, and this did not deserve the compliments of others.

Davos shrugged slightly, they had long been accustomed to King Stannis's severity.

King Stannis said coldly: "Davos, we will enter Shipbreaker Bay soon. Don't let the waves and rocks there affect our battle plan."

Davos bowed slightly and said: "King Stannis, my two sons have been sent out to explore the road in advance. I guarantee that our army will land safely on the coast of Storm's End."

King Stannis pondered for a moment and said: "Onion Knight, night is the best cover. I want to tell Renly that fighting is not a game."

Before Davos could speak, Melisandre spoke first: "Your Majesty is the Son of Fire, and the Lord of Light will help you win the war." After Melisandre's words fell, Davos frowned and fought It depends on the bravery of the soldiers, not the blessing of God.

Davos usually stayed away from the Lord of Light, but he could not tolerate the priestess despising the soldiers' achievements.

He nodded as if in agreement and said: "Yes, I believe that each of our sailors will have the eyes of an owl, allowing them to accurately distinguish which reef will kill him on the rolling dark sea. .”

Melisandre showed a gentle smile, looked up and down the Onion Knight with her red eyes, and said: "Sir, you have not yet experienced the greatness of the Lord of Light. R'hllor is omnipotent."

She walked up to Davos with light steps and brushed her slender fingers across his chest: "The night is dark and everything is dangerous. You will have a chance."

Although the Onion Knight remained expressionless and motionless, when the red-robed priestess' fingers came close to him, all the blood in his body seemed to be drained instantly, and fine cold sweat broke out on his back.

Davos "politely" took a half step back, no longer looking at Melisandre, but knelt down on one knee towards King Stannis, bowed his head and said respectfully: "I will only serve the great Stannis. king."

Melisandre watched as Davos slightly curved the corners of his lips and turned back to King Stannis.

King Stannis raised one hand slightly, signaling Davos to stand up.

He said slightly irritably: "Davos, I must defeat Renly as soon as possible..."

Grinding his teeth, King Stannis continued: "Doran Martell not only set out to strengthen the Prince's Pass (it is located in the Crimson Mountains of Dorne and is a major land route from the Reach and Stormlands to Dorne) fortifications, and his army is ready to go."

Davos considered it for a moment and said: "King Stannis, I think the Dornish people will wait for you and Renly to decide the winner before deciding their next step."

King Stannis nodded slightly and said, "Let Martell dream of power and glory, and I will always remember his actions."



Bitterbridge in the Reach.

On the tower, Renly Baratheon stood with his hands behind his back. On his right was Randyll Tarly, who had a short gray beard, and on his left was Margaery Tarly, who was wearing the queen's crown. Tyrell.

The full moon hung high in the flat and empty wilderness, and the army's bonfires were like falling stars, covering the four fields, as if it were an endless sea of ​​stars.

King Renly looked at the distant horizon and said leisurely: "The Dornish people have summoned at least [-] soldiers, but the Duke of Metz returned to the High Garden with only [-] soldiers and horses. I am a little uneasy."

Landao remained silent, while Margaery's brown eyes moved slightly and said, "Your Majesty, on behalf of my father, I would like to thank you for your concern. My father specifically asked me before he left, please feel free to lead the army north, he is confident to protect him." Take care of your rear."

King Renly looked at Queen Margaery and grinned: "My queen, as long as I see your charming smile every day, I will be confident every day."

Queen Margaery smiled shyly and said, "My king, if my smile can make you happy, it will be my honor."

She added: "It's a pity that I don't know how to fight... Gods bless you, you have many loyal and brave knights, they will fight bloody battles for you and win the glory of spreading the Seven Kingdoms."

King Renly smiled heartily for a while and said, "I am more confident, my queen."

After a pause, King Renly looked at the Earl of Hornhill Keep and asked: "Earl Randyll, what do you think Prince Doran's army will do? Where will their army go?"

Lord Randyll thought for a moment and replied: "King Renly, Duke Tywin is at Harrenhal, and his eldest son is attacking Riverrun. The Western Region can be said to be undefended. If I were the commander of the Dornish people, I would March to Casterly Rock immediately."

King Renly smiled and said, "It's a pity that the Dornish people don't have the famous general Randyll."

He pinched his chin and said: "Robb Stark claimed to be the king, and my brother now also claims to be the king...ah, what a mess!"

Lord Landau said: "King Renly, our army will definitely make them take off the crowns on their heads, and they will eventually have no choice but to surrender to you."

"Surrender, I like your advice..."

King Renly smiled and patted Lord Randyll's strong arm, saying: "As long as they are willing to surrender to me, they will find that I am a very generous person, and I will be happy to recognize all his territories, titles and honors... I will even allow them to keep the title of king."

He stretched out a finger and continued: "I only have one condition. You only need to surrender to me and admit that I am his master. The title of king is just one sentence, and obedience, loyalty, service... these are the only things that can be said. This is why I raised the army."

He said leisurely: "I'm not worried about other people, but my brother is too stubborn and may not understand my painstaking efforts."

Margaery had a sweet smile on her face, and she seemed to admire her king. At this moment, she seemed to only have eyes for her high-spirited husband.

Lord Randyll pondered: "If our army goes north to Harrenhal, I think the Stark family would be willing to surrender to you."

King Renly nodded slightly and agreed: "Lannister is our common..."

He suddenly stopped talking, walked a few steps and looked at the bottom of the tower. A rider wearing a long-winged helmet vigorously urged his panting mount, shouting: "Your Majesty the King, I have something urgent to report!"

King Renly poked his head out from the battlements and shouted, "Here I am, ser."

"His Majesty!"

The knight kicked his horse forward and said loudly: "I tried my best to come from Storm's End! We were attacked, and Sir Cortanai was fighting with them, but..."

King Renly interrupted with some disbelief: "This is impossible! If the Lannister army leaves Harrenhal, there is no way it can be hidden from me!"

The knight hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, it's not Lannister, it's Stannis who is coming to the city!"

King Renly's eyes suddenly widened and he said, "Stannis?!"

He repeated: "My brother Stannis Baratheon?"

The knight nodded firmly and said, "Yes, it is indeed Stannis. His army has surrounded Storm's End!"

King Renly couldn't believe it but had to accept the news. Why did he attack his Storm's End?Is he crazy? !Could he have joined forces with the Lannister?is it possible?

(End of this chapter)

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