iron throne of ice and fire

Chapter 168 Green’s Friendship

Chapter 168 Green’s Friendship

Lancel Lannister said in horror: "No... don't... no... I didn't..."

Green Kleb raised his eyebrows and said, "What don't you want? Nothing?"

Lancel crawled over and grabbed one of Green's calves tightly, and said plaintively: "Green, you believe me, I didn't take the initiative, I was ordered...I..."

Lancel trembled his lips, unable to think of a good excuse.

Greene looked down at Lancel, whose eyes were red, and said coldly: "As ordered... Lancel, do you mean that the noble Queen Cersei took the initiative to open your legs for you at night?"

Lancel's eyes lit up, this was the truth, Green was really smart!

He nodded vigorously.

Green looked at Lan Sai's clear blue eyes, moved his legs, and shook off Lan Sai's hand.

"Ser Lancel, you dare to slander Queen Cersei. Words of slander cannot hide the truth. I think Queen Cersei must have been forced by you using dirty means."

Lancel began to cry: "How dare I..."

Green interrupted Lancel: "Forget it, I'll leave you to His Majesty Joffrey."

Lancel's face was filled with tears, and his voice was trembling: "For the sake of our friendship, please, Lord Green!"

Green refused coldly: "Sir Lancel, leave these words to His Majesty Joffrey. I remember that he likes people to beg for help."

Lancel trembled with fear at the thought of being interrogated by Joffrey.

"Lord Green, I never dare to go against you again. Please don't hand me over to King Joffrey!"

Green's face hesitated: "You want me to help you deceive His Majesty Joffrey?"

Lancel said quickly: "As long as you are willing to let me go, I will leave King's Landing immediately, I swear!"

Green stared at the poor Lancel for a while, with a bit of unbearable expression on his face. He sighed softly, leaned down, and reached out to help the frightened Lancel.

"Lancel, you have just been canonized as a knight, and I don't want to see your bright future ruined like this."

Green patted Lancel and said, "I have not forgotten our friendship. You should stay."

Lancel looked in disbelief, and the sudden joy made him burst into tears again.

Lancel choked up and said: "Ger... Green... I really deserve to die..."

Green picked up the wine bottle on the table, poured a glass of wine, and handed it to Lancel.

"No one will know about you. You continue to stay with Queen Cersei, maintain her trust, and meet any of her needs at any time... Well, for our unchanging friendship."

Lancel wiped away his tears and carefully took the wine glass. He looked at Green with some confusion.

"Ser Lancel, keep our strong friendship hidden, continue to play your role, and continue to be jealous of Queen Cersei's trust in me."

Lancel lowered his head and thought for a while, and he seemed to understand the hidden meaning of Green's words.

"Green, you want me to..."

Greene tapped his chin and patted Lancel's arm: "This is a good thing. Queen Cersei will rely more and more on the two of us... Lancel, you won't be satisfied with a small knighthood, will you?"

Lancel looked at Greene with bright eyes, and he was a little excited: "Greene, you are still smart, I understand! I will do whatever you say, I swear!"

Green raised his glass, gestured towards Lancel, and said: "Sir Lancel, for our friendship and for our bright future, let's drink a toast."

Lancel drank happily.

After a pause, Lancel hesitated and said, "Greene, then... in the future... the Queen Mother will still want me..."

Green's brown eyes moved slightly and looked at Lancel, whose face was getting redder and redder.

"Lancel, whatever you did before, you will do in the future. Be happy, Queen Cersei is a great beauty... The Queen Regent is very hard, she needs to be happy, everything you do is for our kingdom."

Lancel nodded blankly.

Green put down his wine glass and said, "Sir Lancel, tell me now why you are looking for me."

Lancel glanced at Greene first, then lowered his head and whispered: "I beg the Queen Mother to arrange a position in the Capital Guard."

"What did you say? How did Queen Cersei answer?"

Lancel didn't dare to express his anger, and he answered honestly: "I said... the golden robes cannot all be in the hands of people who are not Lannister..."

He raised his eyes and glanced at Green. Seeing that Green was not angry, he continued: "The Queen Mother said... let me go directly to you."

"there is none left?"

Lancel nodded quickly.

After a moment of silence, Green's eyes trembled slightly.

"Lancel, it seems that the Queen Mother still trusts you. You must remember your kindness."

Lancel showed a confused look, and he couldn't help scratching his head.

"In addition to the government affairs of the kingdom, Queen Cersei definitely needs someone to help her handle some personal matters. She will feel more at ease if you leave some matters to you, who is also a Lannister."

Green added in his mind... And you are easy to control, or easy to handle.

Hearing Green's words, Lancel's lips turned up uncontrollably.

Green's eyes moved slightly, and Lancel could easily lose control now... In order for Lancel to become more reliable, he decided to find opportunities for Lancel to get in touch with Joffrey a few more times, so as to consolidate the friendship between the two.

Lord Green sighed secretly. Originally there was only Pycelle, but now Lancel was added to the mix. He was worried about them.


"Ser Lancel, I appoint you as captain of the Red Keep guard in gold robes, to guard the safety of Queen Cersei together with the Lannister red robes."

Lancel puffed up his chest with excitement: "As you command, Lord Green!"

Green smiled and said: "Lancel, the Red Castle and the Queen Mother will be left to your protection. Remember that some of the Queen Mother's personal affairs must be completed with all your heart. Don't let her down."

Lancel nodded heavily: "Green, I understand, I will definitely remember it."

Green's face was gentle, and he put one hand on Lancel's shoulder: "Lancel, we are good friends, and I will support you."

After a pause, he added: "Also, you have to remember that Robert I has passed away. You must not get into Queen Cersei's belly, otherwise the gods will not be able to save you."

Lancel blushed and whispered: "Greene, I... we... the Queen Mother forbids me... I always... go to her belly..."

Green raised his eyebrows, he understood instantly.

"Wonderful belly." Green sighed, and then said: "As long as you don't forget the consequences, my friend."



Hundreds of swamp marigold flags were fluttering in the training ground of the Capital Garrison's East Camp, and the soldiers' armor and weapons sparkled in the sun.

On the high platform, Green raised his hand slightly, paused for a moment and then lowered it.The heads of dozens of people including Yalar Diem, the former commander-in-chief's adjutant, rolled down.

After Green took over as Commander-in-Chief, there would be scenes of heads rolling down every day at the military training ground. These people were the last group of confidants of the former Commander-in-Chief, and they were also the biggest beneficiaries of the corruption of the Golden Robe.

Green deliberately kept them to this day and executed them in full view of the public.


Lancel, one of the captains of the golden-robed guards, froze there, motionless.

When the execution was over, Lancel glanced uneasily below. Whether it was the blue phalanx or the golden phalanx, it was so quiet that it made people panic.

Lancel was standing next to Greene at this time, his voice trembling: "Greene, aren't you worried about the mutiny?"

Green's eyes moved and he looked at Lancel.

"Lancel, Queen Cersei only gave me ten days, and..."

As he spoke, Green's lips curved slightly and he continued: "If we don't deal with these people, how can we have the money to subsidize the salaries of ordinary soldiers, and how can we arrange higher positions for those who take the initiative to join us."

Ordinary soldiers in the golden robe are awarded at least 2 gold dragons per year, and officers are awarded by rank. However, most soldiers and lower-level officers have most of their military pay deducted by the former commander-in-chief and his henchmen.

The golden robes are not only the garrison of King's Landing, but also the law enforcers of King's Landing. The golden robes who have been deducted from military pay continue to reach out to the people, thus forming a vicious cycle.

When Cersei promised to appoint him as Commander-in-Chief of the Golden Robes (Chapter 136), Green had already regarded the Golden Robes as his own property and began to plan how to take over.

Before Petyr Baelish left, because he was "worried" that Greene would be weak in King's Landing alone, he handed over the intelligence collection staff to Greene... In return, Greene promised to take care of Petyr's stay in King's Landing. industry.

After receiving Petyr's intelligence personnel, Green discovered that he and Petyr were indeed good friends. It turned out that both of them were eyeing the golden robe, or... it should be said that Petyr had long been eyeing the biggest man in King's Landing. armed forces.

The former Commander-in-Chief Janos Slynt died, and the golden robes could be said to be working on their own. Green had 2000 Kleblin blue robes in his hands, and with accurate intelligence, it was justifiable. Green quickly solved them. The former commander-in-chief's team.

When those people were executed, their belongings were also pocketed by Green, with a total value of nearly 30 gold dragons.


Lancel smiled reluctantly and said, "I definitely wouldn't be able to do it."

"Actually, the key lies in the golden dragon." Green's eyes moved to where the golden robes were lined up.

Green first took out 50000 gold dragons to subsidize the golden robes. The nearly [-] golden robes standing here are the second group of people to receive Green's "gift".

Boxes full of golden dragons were brought over, and Green would personally supervise the distribution of the soldiers' subsidies as he did last time.

Why only take out 50000 gold dragons?Lord Green raised his eyebrows and refused to answer.


After Lancel left, Green called Jeffrey (Captain of the Survey Corps, King's Landing) who was standing not far away.

"Geoffrey, arrange for someone to keep an eye on Lancel Lannister."



Red Keep, Throne Room.

"Welcome His Majesty Joffrey I, King of the Andals, Rhoynar, and First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, House Baratheon and House Lannister."

"Welcome to your majesty, your majesty, mother, Light of the West, Protector of the Realm, Queen Regent, Your Majesty Cersei of House Lannister."

Ser Barristan Selmy, dressed in brilliant silver armor, walked at the front, Ser Arys Oakheart escorted Queen Cersei, and Ser Boros Braun walked beside King Joffrey.

King Joffrey walked to and stood in front of the Iron Throne. He wore a black velvet coat embroidered with red thread, a glittering high-collared gold-lined cloak around his shoulders, and a gold crown set with rubies and black diamonds.

King Joffrey curled his lips, looked around at the people under the Iron Throne, and then slowly sat down.

He shouted: "It is the king's duty to punish traitors and reward loyal ministers. Grand Maester Pycelle, I order you to read my sentence."

After Joffrey finished speaking, Maester Pycelle stood up and nodded slightly in the direction of the Iron Throne.

Maester Pycelle was dressed very richly today, wearing a thick red velvet robe, an ermine collar, a bright gold ribbon, low sleeves, and full of gilded scroll decorations.

Maester Pycelle unfolded a roll of parchment and began to read out a long list of names: Lord Stannis Baratheon and his wife and their daughter, Lord Renly Baratheon..., Mace Ti Lord Leer and all his heirs,..., Lady Lysa Arryn and her son,..., Prince Doran Martell of Dorne and all his heirs,..., Lord Walder Frey and his Heir,..., Lord Hoster Tully and his brother Ser Brynden, his son Ser Edmure,..., Catelyn Tully, Robb Stark, Brandon Stark , Rickon Stark, Arya Stark.

The list read out by Maester Pycelle included most of the important nobles of the Seven Kingdoms.

"In the name of the King and the Royal Council, the people on the list will come to the Red Castle immediately and swear allegiance to the King. If they fail to comply, they will be regarded as rebels, and their territories and titles will be recovered by the royal family."

Buzz!Everyone in the throne room almost simultaneously let out various exclamations.


Grand Maester Pycelle rolled up the parchment on which the list was written, then unfolded another piece of parchment.

Maester Pycelle cleared his throat and read: "In order to replace the rebel Eddard Stark, in accordance with the wishes of the Queen Regent and Her Majesty the King, Tywin Lannister, Duke of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, takes over as Hand of the King. The official position is to manage the affairs of the kingdom in the name of the king."


"Finally, the beloved King Robert I passed away due to an accident. The Royal Council believes that the safety of King Joffrey's life is the top priority..." Pycelle looked at Queen Cersei.

Queen Cersei tapped her chin and slowly stood up.

"Leader of the Kingsguard, Ser Barristan Selmy, at my command."

Barristan, who was guarding the bottom of the Iron Throne, came over and knelt down on one knee towards Queen Cersei.

"Your Majesty, Barristan Selmy is at your disposal."

Queen Cersei's green eyes glanced at Barristan, and her voice was cold: "Please stand up, Ser Barristan. You can take off your helmet."

Although Barristan was confused by the Queen Mother's order, he stood up and took off his high helmet.

The old knight held his helmet in one hand and looked at Queen Cersei.

Queen Cersei raised her chin slightly and said: "Ser Barristan, you have served the kingdom for a long time and performed your duties faithfully. Every good man and woman in the seven kingdoms is grateful to you. However, I am afraid that your service must come to an end now. Our King and His Majesty's Council wish you to relieve yourself of this heavy burden."

(End of this chapter)

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