This Weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel.

Chapter 110 Teamwork!Light up blessings!

Chapter 110 Teamwork!Light up blessings!
The next day.

Early in the morning.

Brother Heitong Rui logged into the game and returned to the dilapidated farmhouse.

Gu Zhou, Ye Limeng, Crazy Saber Old King, Artist Pai Zong, Chen Xi, Xiao Ling Dang, Demon Monster and others are also online, and an NPC dressed as an officer appears in front of the players.

This is Zhou Ji's good brother in Shansang City.

[Feng Yi], a level 10 elite unit... Introduction: The guard of Shansang City has impressive strength.


"Old Zhou was arrested!"

After understanding, the players knew that Zhou Ji had encountered an accident. Although his life was not in danger, the situation was very bad and he was being held in a dungeon.

Xianyu stabbed: "Old Zhou is too impulsive, even if he wants to act, he has to wait until we are all together!"

Brother Heitong Rui said: "It's meaningless to say these things now, let's go to the city and find a way."

Feng Yi used his position to let the players pretend to be refugees and sneak into the city. The twelve players walked in the town and couldn't help but look around. Although it is only a small city, it has a history of more than 200 years, and various facilities and buildings are quite complete. feature.

Every detail can stand scrutiny.

There are traces of life in every corner.

Even though it looks decadent and deserted now, there is no doubt that this is a truly original and natural ancient town.

Various film and television bases or ancient city scenic spots in the 21st century, no matter how large the investment, how sophisticated the production is, and how realistic the scenery is, they cannot restore this sense of reality and heritage. Even if it is a trip, it is a very good experience.

Take photos of the morning sun, demons and sprites.

Both of them were extremely excited and felt that there were more materials.

There are a lot of vacant houses in the ancient city of Shansang. Feng Yi deliberately arranged 12 people in an old house not far from the city lord's mansion and in a relatively secluded location, so that the players can start their next actions.

Ye Limeng asked: "Do you know our identity and purpose?"

Feng Yi nodded and said, "Brother Zhou has already told you everything!"

Ye Limeng: "Lao Zhou's ability to tell you all such important information is enough to show that Lao Zhou has absolute trust in you, but I still want to ask, are you really willing to help us?"

Feng Yi's eyes are firm: "Now the internal and external difficulties, not to mention the common people in the city, my brother and I can hardly survive, Brother Zhou is in deep trouble again, life and death are uncertain, if your arrival can change everything, then I am willing to join and Bet on this life!"

Players are discussed.

In the end, he chose to trust Feng Yi.

If he doesn't want to get involved in this matter, there is no need to open the back door to let the Scourge in.

At the same time, out of confidence in Zhou Ji, since Zhou Ji trusts this person so much, the players have no reason not to trust him.

Of course, in the final analysis, the core reason is the lack of strength. Just relying on this, let alone confronting the city lord, I am afraid that just pulling out a few teams of soldiers can wipe them out.

Feng Yi not only has a certain authority in Shansang City, but also can provide a lot of information needed, and the more information the player gets, the more careful the plan will be, and the greater the chance of success in the end.

"Although you don't know us well enough, I can assure you that Lao Zhou will be rescued safely!"

Ye Limeng drew a big cake for Feng Yi: "In addition, as long as the lord can come to this city, you will be the first-class hero and you will be rewarded generously, and even the future will not be a problem!"

Feng Yi asked, "What do I need to do?"

"Wait for us to discuss and discuss."

The twelve players hurriedly began to sort out their thoughts.

They went offline several times to discuss or collect opinions with netizens in the forum.

For example, Ye Limeng has his own studio team offline. In addition, a prospective player with the ID "Toasting the Moon" appeared in the forum recently. His previous ideas are also quite insightful.

First of all, people are important!
Twelve players are too few!

So more manpower must be found!

As Feng Yi, it is not difficult to select some trustworthy cronies to participate directly, or induce some soldiers to cooperate without knowing it by concealing and deceiving.

In addition, according to what the players learned, there were some children of middle and low-level officers and soldiers who were taken away by the city lord Wang Zhi. Most of these people were full of resentment in their hearts, and they might be targets that could instigate rebellion.

All of the above are available.

It's just that the utilization process needs to be differentiated.

In addition to obtaining more manpower from the inside, it is also necessary to obtain more information about Shansang City, including the city structure map, soldier distribution, list of soldiers, patrol routes, city defense fortifications, etc.

In addition to internal intelligence, external intelligence is also useful, such as the distribution of the dragon lizards in the vicinity, and the frequency of the dragon lizards' attacks, etc.

No matter what Feng Yi said, he was a senior military officer.

It is not difficult for him to provide this information.

The twelve players transferred all the above information to the forum in real time. It can be said that they worked together in an open manner, allowing tens of thousands of cloud players and professionals from all walks of life to participate.

All of a sudden, the number of forum visits skyrocketed.


"Good detailed information!"

"This game is too detailed!"

"Yeah, it's just a game. Is it necessary to cover so many details?"

"I feel like this is a real city!"

"Are the current game tasks so free and hard-core? The degree of openness is too exaggerated!"

"Everyone, think about how to capture the core of the ancient city!"

"What's the problem? It won't be long before I sneak in in the middle of the night!"

"Idiots don't even look at the settings? You can't steal the Divine Stone of Luck!"

"That's right, the process of activating the Divine Stone of Luck not only takes a long time, but it will be felt by everyone in the town."

"If that's the case, it's too tricky. There are only twelve players, so it's impossible anyway."

"It's man-made."


The headquarters of Daxia's intelligence and security department.

On this day, the staff members of a certain department were notified, and everyone came to the conference hall to attend an emergency meeting. When they saw the map of the ancient city on the screen, they all expressed a little confusion.

"This is a special mission!"

"What you are seeing now is the ancient city of Shansang in the Three Kingdoms!"

"I have sent detailed intelligence and personnel information to each team."

"From now on, please forget about all modern means and formulate a combat reference plan based on the existing conditions!"

"I repeat, this is not a child's play, and the Three Kingdoms is by no means a simple game. We need to deepen our research on this game, so let's start with this action!"


Many people are dumbfounded.

It's just a game, do you really want to do this?

However, since the higher-ups attach so much importance to this, there must be reasons worthy of attention. This game not only hides new technologies enough to start the next round of industrial revolution, but may also hide other huge unknown secrets.

for a while.

Netizens brainstorm and work together.

Multiple teams met offline for research and discussion.

Among them, there are even some top think tanks who secretly make suggestions.

"This task may seem difficult, but in our opinion it is extremely simple, because Shansang City is full of flaws."

"For example, the existing information shows that the city lord has lost the support of the people. We have a plan to create civil strife and instigate rebellion. We can use the power of the masses to overthrow the city lord within seven days. You players only need to watch the show behind the scenes and don't even need to contribute yourself!"

"Seven days is too long!"

"Our plan is to directly assassinate the lord!"

"I have a plan too! I can make sure nothing goes wrong!"


Everyone has researched at least dozens of strategies with different ideas.

Not all of them are feasible, but they also provide players with a lot of reference.

The next day, the 12 returned to the game again, and they made the decision to start the action.

Demon Monster: "Our plan may still have a lot of room for optimization. Would it be too impatient to rush to start today?"

Slashing a street: "Afraid of a bird, try first, if it doesn't work, then find another way."

Crazy Saber King also said: "If we have unlimited time, we can slowly polish and lay out the layout, but there is only one day left in the mission time limit, it would be better to act early, and reserve time and opportunities for the second attempt."


Never before has a game engaged so many cloud players.

Hang Yu has also seen what it means to be powerful when there are many people. Netizens have given many weird and weird plans, among which there are not only wild ideas, but also very subtle and rigorous strategies that sound very reliable. .

Although not playing the game.

But be able to participate in this way.

This also makes many cloud players enjoy it, and even build groups to discuss all night.

Hang Yu has fully seen the wisdom of the people, so it seems that taking the city is not difficult at all, the difficulty is how to complete this task within the time limit.

Heitong Ruige and others finally chose a relatively simple and efficient action plan with the least difficulty in execution.

This action can be summed up simply in three steps.

Step one, create chaos.

The second step is to rescue Zhou Ji.

The third step is to seize the god stone.

The players split up and started setting fire to the city.

Hang Yu couldn't help complaining: "Arson? These guys really like to set fire!"

With the efforts of more than a dozen players, more than a dozen arson spots appeared in the city in a short while. Gu Zhou and Brother Heitong Rui even drove the stealth step to burn the top of the city tower and the many turrets and arrow towers with concentrated toad oil. Give it a point.

a time.

The flames rolled.

Thick smoke covered the whole city.

It can be seen from dozens of miles away.

Hang Yu found that the arson sites had been carefully planned.

Because most of the burned buildings were vacant houses and defensive facilities, the fire would not cause civilian casualties due to the out-of-control fire, and the momentum was large enough to attract attention and cause chaos, keeping a large number of soldiers busy, and successfully attracting external attention.

"not good!"

"Aliens attack!"

"The whole army is assembled! Prepare to fight!"

The defenders sounded the alarm in a hurry when they saw the dragon lizard troops coming.

Wang Zhi inspired four wraith blood towers, a layer of light red barrier, like a large upside-down bowl, instantly enveloped the city, not only can block the dragon lizard's attack, but also release the wraith to the barrier Launched indiscriminate attacks from outside.

Nearly a thousand soldiers in Shansang City are using the solid city wall as a line of defense, and are constantly using bows and arrows to block the aliens who try to take advantage of it. Although the Dragon Lizard soldiers are powerful in individual combat, it is extremely difficult to break through the city.


"No need to start Plan B!"

"The big lizard really helped us a lot!"

"For the first time, I think these big lizards are cute!"

The players are all overjoyed: because the purpose of this arson has been successfully achieved!

The dragon lizards' attack was not accidental but expected in the plan. According to the analysis of their recent attacks and harassment of the city, when they found that the city was on fire and fell into civil strife, there was a high probability that they would not miss such a flaw and attack opportunity.

Some bigwigs in the forum did a special analysis.

The probability of dragon lizards coming to attack is more than 80.00%.

This is also the reason why the players planned this arson. Now hundreds of dragon lizard soldiers are looking for an opportunity to sneak in. Faced with this situation, the defenders naturally dare not be careless. Nearly a thousand soldiers are restrained and cannot withdraw for a short time .

The player took advantage of the lack of defense and entered the dungeon to rescue Zhou Ji.

The injuries on Zhou Ji's body healed quickly under the treatment.

Although the attribute has declined due to the weak relationship, it is still enough to become an important combat power. Under his leadership, everyone went straight to the city lord's mansion, killed a few guards who tried to stop them, and finally came to the altar where the luck stone is located.


"very smooth!"

"This wave is in place in one step!"

"Don't pop champagne at halftime!"

"Yes! The real test begins now!"

"Sister Ling Dang, come and activate the divine stone! Everyone else, hurry up and get ready for defense!"

"Okay!" Little Bell walked up to the altar excitedly. She tried her best to calm down her thumping heart, and then put one hand on the Divine Stone of Luck, officially starting to activate the Divine Stone as a family member of the stars.

[Ding, you are activating the Divine Stone of Luck, the current progress is 1%...]

here we go!Finally started!

Success or failure is here!
Little Bell lifted her heart to her throat.

This mission can be said to be highly anticipated. If they can successfully occupy Shansang City, not only will they make a huge contribution, but they will also gain great reputation among the players!

But if you fail!
You will inevitably be ridiculed!
The lord will definitely be disappointed too!
It can be said that the honor of the Scourge is on the line!

The entire Shansang City vibrated, and when the Divine Stone of Luck was affected by the breath of the stars, every citizen of Shansang City had a corresponding reaction, but most of them didn't know what this feeling was about.

Wang Zhi is manipulating the blood tower wraith to attack the lizardman soldiers.

When he felt that the luck stone was triggered, his face changed drastically!
"not good!"

"Where is the thief!"

"Dare to touch the god stone!"

The Divine Stone of Luck can not only protect the city from being invaded by creatures from the abyss, but also absorb more aura essence from the abyss environment, thereby assisting cultivation and enhancing strength.

Wang Zhi also needs the Divine Stone of Luck as the core to arrange various formations and sacrifice to the Scarlet Mother. If the Divine Stone of Luck is taken away by foreigners, the consequences for him will be disastrous!
Where is this God Stealing Stone?
This is simply digging his lifeblood!
It's ten times worse than finding out that my little wife is being defiled by the old king next door!
Wang Zhi fell into unprecedented rage, and immediately led his bodyguards back, vowing to tear the thief into pieces.

Brother Heitong Rui: "How much progress have you occupied?"

Little Bell was sweating profusely: "It's so slow! Only 5%!"


"so slow?"

"Why only 5%?"

"At this speed, wouldn't it take at least half an hour to complete the occupation."

The faces of the soldiers of the Scourge Army all changed, and only then did they realize that they had made a big mistake, that is, the time required for the annexation and occupation of different specifications of the God Stone of Luck was different.

Such as Heting Township and Shangyang Township, the god stones of luck.

It takes up to 5 minutes to activate.

The God Stone of Luck in Shansang City is more powerful, so it must take longer to light up, judging from the current situation, it will take at least 10 minutes or more, and this is far beyond the estimate, and it will inevitably bring Huge variables.

"no solution anymore!"

"Get ready to fight to the death!"

"At all costs! Be sure to defend this place!"

"Success is not allowed to fail, otherwise it would be too embarrassing!"

"Activate the blessing point no matter what!" Brother Heitong Rui shouted: "According to the mission description, as long as the blessing point can be lit, the lord can come here directly. As long as the lord personally takes action, no matter how powerful the enemy is You can only wait for death!"

"That's right!"

"work hard together!"

"Long live natural disasters! Natural disasters must win!"

All the players and NPC Zhou Ji are ready to fight to the end!
(End of this chapter)

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