Doctor Song, are you married?

Chapter 391 390 A pocket full of bacteria

Chapter 391 390. Pockets full of bacteria

"What?" Xiao Wu was stunned when he heard this.

Uncle Zhou's symptoms also include constant fever, sweating, and body aches, and no problems can be found during examination.
  This absolutely cannot be a coincidence! It must not be a coincidence!
  Are they both suffering from the same strange disease?

What disease could it be? Fever, sweating, and contagion
  Thinking of the epidemic of a certain coronavirus that has been very popular in the past few years, Xiao Wu couldn't help but feel a chill running down his back!
  Could it be that my father and Uncle Zhou were infected with a new virus?

"Xiao Wu, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly. I'm in the hospital now. The doctor just came to check and said that my dad is very weak. They suggested that I take my dad to a larger hospital for a check-up, but I don’t have much connections. You are a big star. Can you introduce me to a good doctor?” Lao Zhou’s son was also very anxious. Xiao Wu’s call gave him a little hope. After all, if Xiao Wu comes forward, If so, we will definitely be able to contact better hospitals and doctors.

"Brother Zhou, don't panic. Let me ask you a few questions." Xiao Wu calmed down a little.

Since Song Qi asked him to call to verify the matter of the sheep, it meant that he had probably made a judgment in his mind.

If it can be diagnosed, there must be a treatment.

"Okay, you can ask." Xiao Zhou looked at Lao Zhou who was already asleep on the hospital bed, but he was also at a loss.

"My dad said that Uncle Zhou raised a ewe some time ago. How is that sheep doing now?" Xiao Wu asked.

Xiao Yiyi was a little surprised when he heard that the question Xiao Wu asked was about the sheep. But he still said honestly: "Isn't it just because of this sheep? In order to take care of this pregnant sheep, my father kept an eye on it every day. Sometimes he would come out to take a look at it at night when he was worried, so I just caught a cold.”

"Later on, that sheep also had a miscarriage. It must have been due to acclimatization. After all, it was a sheep used to living on the prairie."

"My dad has been blaming himself for this for a long time. He said it was all his fault and he shouldn't have brought this sheep back from the prairie." Xiao Zhou said nonchalantly.
  "Brother Zhou, where is that sheep now?" Xiao Wu asked again.

"He died, no one took care of him, and he just had a miscarriage, so he died a few days after he was brought back." Xiao Zhou said, shaking his head helplessly.

died? Xiao Wu's heart skipped a beat! Suddenly he understood why Song Qi asked him to make this call.

Father's illness and Uncle Zhou's illness must be related to this sheep!

"Xiao Wu, why are you asking this sheep? Also, can you ask me what I just asked?" Xiao Zhou on the other end of the phone was still talking, but Xiao Wu hung up the phone.

"Doctor Song, Uncle Zhou is also sick, with the same symptoms as my dad, and the sheep is dead." Xiao Wu said quickly, with a little fear in his eyes.

At this time, Gong Hong, who had been listening calmly to Xiao Wu's call, decisively deleted the previous test items, "There is no need to do the tuberculin test, and the CT will be postponed for now, and a test tube agglutination test and complement fixation test will be done. In addition, Do a blood culture?" Gong Hong quickly gave the doctor's order.

"Huh? Brucellosis?"

"What are the clinical manifestations of Brucellosis? Fever, sweating, and sore limbs? They seem to be consistent with Mr. Wu's symptoms."

"But, who would have thought it was related to an aborted sheep?" The doctors on Gong Hong's team couldn't help but whisper. "Let's carry out the examination and treatment at the same time." Seeing Gong Hong opening the examination list, Song Qi had no objection. After all, there were only a few gold standards for the diagnosis of Brucellosis.

Moreover, the chain of transmission is now so obvious that the diagnosis can be confirmed even without examination.

Now that the diagnosis is clear, it must be treated early!
  "Dr. Song, what disease does my dad have? Is it easy to cure?" Xiao Wu was very anxious as he listened to a group of doctors talking about professional terms that he didn't understand.

"If nothing else goes wrong, your father should be suffering from a disease called brucellosis. This is a zoonotic systemic infectious disease caused by Brucella. Humans are mainly infected by direct contact with sick animals or their excretion. The infection is caused by eating food, or eating unprocessed meat and dairy products from sick animals. The main symptoms are long-term fever, sweating, joint pain, hepatosplenomegaly, etc. Generally, with timely and standardized treatment, the prognosis of patients is good. "Song Qi explained.

"You mean that sheep also got the disease and infected Uncle Zhou and my dad?" Xiao Wu has not yet recovered from the shock.

"It's hard to say whether Uncle Zhou's disease is Brucellosis, but your dad's infection is most likely related to the abortion of that sheep."

"Is it related to the abortion of that sheep?" Xiao Wu became more and more confused as he listened.

“Generally speaking, after Brucella infects female animals, it often parasitizes in the reproductive system, causing placental inflammation and abortion. The aborted products, such as aborted fetuses, fetal membranes, amniotic fluid and placenta, all contain high concentrations of Brucella. brucellosis, if people come into contact with it at this time, the chance of infection is very high. Therefore, the abortion products of sick animals are the main factor in spreading brucellosis, and can also be vividly called a 'pocket full of bacteria' ."

As soon as Song Qi finished speaking, everyone in the room was stunned.

"Dr. Song, you have a wide range of knowledge. We have never heard of this knowledge. We have only heard of Brucellosis by its name and have never seen a case."

"I feel ashamed to say that I have been working in internal medicine for seven years, but I didn't even know that sheep abortion products are so pathogenic!"

"Dr. Song, please tell us why you think of this disease."

Gong Hong looked at Song Qi.

In fact, not only everyone is curious, but Gong Hong is also curious about how this young doctor came up with the idea of ​​this disease.

And he found the key point of the problem so accurately: an aborted sheep!
  Song Qi smiled, "Actually, this can be regarded as a coincidence. I happened to watch a documentary from the [-]s some time ago, and it happened to talk about Brucellosis. I was very impressed at the time, so I wrote it down. Today I saw Mr. Wu My husband's symptoms were very similar, so I asked a few more questions." Song Qi was now panicking as if he was a veteran, and his face was absolutely red and his heart was not beating!
  Gong Hong didn't expect Song Qi to give such an answer, so he had to smile coquettishly: "Dr. Song's interests are really wide-ranging."

Song Qi also smiled and said, "It's not bad."

"Is it really the miscarriage of sheep that caused the trouble?" It took Xiaowu's mother a long time to recover from her surprise.

"What about your Uncle Zhou's illness? Are you going to turn him over for treatment as well?" Xiao Wu's mother said to Xiao Wu.

"There is no need for this. If he is also infected with Brucellosis, as long as he gets symptomatic treatment, he will recover quickly. There is no need to travel all the way here to see a doctor." Song Qi said, thinking, the first Brucellosis The first diagnosis can be regarded as overcoming a difficult disease, but the second one is obviously not interesting.
  (End of this chapter)

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