Doctor Song, are you married?

Chapter 306 306 Crohn’s disease

Chapter 306 306. Crohn’s disease
Song Qi was startled by this man's behavior and thought, could it be that after being abandoned by too many women, his sexual orientation has changed?

Seeing Song Qi's strange look, the man quickly retracted his hand, "Well, doctor, don't get me wrong, I'm just too anxious. Really, please help me. I don't have to save money. I have plenty of money. As long as It doesn’t matter how much it costs to cure my tormenting disease.”

Song Qi smiled bitterly and shook his head. Some diseases cannot be cured with money, and some diseases cannot be cured without money.

When it comes to medical treatment, we still have to talk about cause-based diagnosis and treatment.

Only when the cause of the disease is clear can it be treated accordingly.

The most difficult thing for this patient is to find out the cause.

"Tell me more about the onset of your disease." Song Qi planned to start with the medical history.

"I got this disease about ten years ago, when I just graduated from college."

"At the beginning, I had a stomachache. I thought it was caused by irregular diet and skipping breakfast. Later I changed my lifestyle, but instead of relieving the condition, it became more serious. First I had lower abdominal pain, and then there was umbilical cord pain. "It hurts"

"I just feel gassy in my stomach and often burp. When I burp, I feel the gastrointestinal tract is moving and making gurgling sounds."

"At the beginning, the frequency of attacks was not high, maybe once a week or so, and I didn't take it seriously. But later, gradually, it happened once every three to five days, then once every two days, and now it's more than a day. times, and the abdominal pain was followed by diarrhea.”

Song Qi nodded, a disease that has been delayed for ten years without diagnosis, this guy is really unlucky.

"Have you had any diseases in the past?" Song Qi asked again.

The current medical history and past medical history are helpful in diagnosing the disease, so detailed inquiries should be made.

"I used to be in good health. I only had an operation for a perianal abscess and I had no other problems. Over the years, I went to many hospitals for this problem, but they always gave me some anti-inflammatory drugs and everything was fine. He didn’t give me a specific explanation. I took the medicine for several days, and then the attack would happen again.”

The patient was quite sad when talking about his medical experience.

"Do you have a family history?" Song Qi asked again.

"My parents died relatively young, I don't know very well, and my grandparents are no longer alive either."

The diagnosis of patients with abdominal pain is inherently complex, and the patient has a medical history of more than ten years, making the diagnosis even more difficult.

However, Song Qi is a systematic person after all. During his consultation process, the system has continuously given him reminders.

At this time, he already had a preliminary diagnosis.

However, the diagnosis of the disease definitely requires auxiliary examinations to support it, so Song Qi began to prescribe various examinations and tests to the patients.

"Based on your current situation, it is recommended that you undergo a gastrointestinal endoscopy. There are two options here. Ordinary gastrointestinal endoscopy costs about [-], but ordinary endoscopy requires a tube to be inserted into the stomach, which is more painful and The preparation work before the operation is also relatively cumbersome.”

"Doctor, I choose the expensive one." Before Song Qi could finish speaking, the man rushed to say.

As expected, he is a master who is not short of money.

"Then you should choose capsule gastroscopy. You only need to take one capsule. You can perform a gastrointestinal examination, but the cost is relatively high, maybe 7000 to [-] yuan."

"Money is not an issue" the patient once again stated his firm stance.

Because it was an emergency order.

All inspections are relatively fast.The patient came back quickly with the results.

Song Qi carefully looked at a pile of test orders and checklists, combined the system prompts with his own understanding, and finally gave a diagnosis.
"Based on your symptoms and test results, you should have Crohn's disease."

"Doctor, what is Crohn's disease? Why doesn't it sound like a good disease? Isn't it a terminal illness?" The patient was stunned when he heard this weird name.

"Crohn's disease is an intestinal inflammatory disease of unknown cause that can occur in any part of the gastrointestinal tract, but is more likely to occur in the terminal ileum and right colon. The clinical manifestations are abdominal pain, diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, and There are extraintestinal manifestations such as fever and nutritional disorders. The course of the disease is often protracted and relapses, making it difficult to cure."

"Although this disease is not easy to cure, it is not terminal. As long as the treatment is standardized, it can still be controlled."

[System prompt: Complete the diagnosis of a patient with abdominal pain caused by Crohn's disease, task completion level 6/10]

[System reminder: There is no special treatment for Crohn's disease.In the absence of complications, supportive care and symptomatic treatment are important.During the attack period, you can use salicylic acid drugs combined with glucocorticoids to control the attack. During the remission period, you can try the traditional Chinese medicine preparations 60 grams of plantain, 60 grams of Zaoxin soil, and 3 grams of ginger, decoction in water. 】

After seeing the system prompts, Song Qi finally felt confident and started prescribing medicine for him.

"Doctor, it's really not easy. After ten years, I finally know what's wrong with me."

A grown man who was so excited that he almost shed tears.

"During the attack period, take the medicines I prescribe for you. During the remission stage, I will prescribe some traditional Chinese medicine for you to soak in water and drink. As long as you persist in the treatment, it should not affect your normal life."

"Thank you, Doctor Song! Thank you, Doctor Song!" the patient said with great gratitude, and then went to get the medicine.

"Doctor Song, you are so amazing. In addition to Western medicine, you also know Chinese medicine." The nurse at the triage table happened to have few patients at the moment, so she ran over to Song Qi to watch the excitement.

Seeing that Song Qi could even prescribe Chinese medicine, he couldn't help but praise him.

He is hard-working, handsome, and can also prescribe Chinese medicine. He has more and more advantages.
"Knowing a little bit about it will be helpful for his disease," Song Qi smiled modestly at the little nurse.

Oops, I can't bear to be so humble. The little nurse has completely fallen into Song Qi's smile.
Several more patients with abdominal pain came one after another.

There is still more than half an hour before taking over in the middle of the night, and Song Qi's task has been completed.

[System prompt: Complete the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with abdominal pain. The task completion rate is 10/10. Do you want to receive the reward? 】

Looking at the system prompts, Song Qi laughed. It seems that the traffic of the emergency department of the People's Hospital is really not covered. After staying in the district's traditional Chinese and Western medicine hospital for so long, this task has not been completed. It took half a night shift here to complete it. Look After coming here, I can do the night shift of 120. I spend half of my time in the emergency room and half of my time running 120.

Song Qi was about to receive the reward when his cell phone rang suddenly.

When he lowered his head, he saw that it was Xu Dali.

He picked it up quickly. "Song Qi, there is something wrong with the car at Komatsu. Our car needs to be driven out in advance."

When Song Qi heard this, he quickly explained it to the nurse at the triage table, turned around and walked out.

At this time, another ambulance was already waiting for him in the emergency room.

"What's going on?" Song Qi asked.

(End of this chapter)

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