Doctor Song, are you married?

Chapter 210 210 There is a steel bar stuck in the head?

Chapter 210 210. There is a steel bar stuck in the head?
A rare weekend.

A rare break.

Early in the morning, while Song Qi was still sleeping, Ms. Luo came and knocked on the door.

"Son, get up quickly, we are going to see the new house today."

Song Qi remembered that Ms. Luo had mentioned to him a few days ago that she wanted to check out the new house. It was almost time to decorate it.

What Ms. Luo means is that Song Qi is already a grown-up and there is no telling when he will get married. Anyway, the house has been bought and it would be better to decorate it as soon as possible.

Moreover, the new house is relatively close to where Song Qi works. If it is decorated sooner, he can move in sooner.

Song Qi was not interested in going to see the house. He just wanted to have a good sleep and wake up naturally.

"Son, did you hear that?"

Song Qi turned around and simply wrapped himself in the quilt.

On this rare weekend, he just wanted to have a good sleep.

However, most people may not be able to sway what Ms. Luo wants to do.

"Hurry up, what time is it?"

Seeing that Song Qi did not respond, Ms. Luo continued to knock on the door tenaciously.

Song Qi sat up helplessly and saw that the time was only seven o'clock!

I just wanted to lie down again.

Ms. Luo’s three reminders came again.

“Great time to sleep in”

“So lazy at such a young age”

"Early to bed and early to get up for good health"

Song Qi had no choice but to get up.

Wash your face, brush your teeth, and have breakfast.

He was still dozing off while sitting in the car.

Seeing that he was in poor condition, Lao Song acted as the driver honestly.

Sitting in the car, Song Qi dozed off again.

However, just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard a rapid ambulance siren coming from behind the car.

As a doctor, Song Qi has an almost natural alerting function for the siren of an ambulance, whether he is at work or not.

Therefore, Song Qi suddenly woke up and sat upright!
Old Song quickly stepped aside to avoid it, and Song Qi also quickly turned around to look.

He saw an ambulance swishing past his little blue car from the side.

Looking at the license plate again, it turned out to be an ambulance from the District Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.

"Look at you, you can't wake up no matter how you scream, but the sound of an ambulance cheers you up," Luo Meili was nagging at the side.

Song Qi's eyes were still on the ambulance in front.

The ambulance stopped at the construction site near Song Qi's new house.There was also a fire truck parked nearby.

"Is there a fire?" Song Qi muttered.

A fire broke out in the new house before moving in. This was a bad sign, Song Qi thought to herself.

Song Qi's new house is a newly developed property. He bought the first phase, and the second phase is still under construction.

At present, the surrounding supporting facilities have not been improved, and overall it is still relatively desolate.

After a while, their car also stopped.

Song Qi got out of the car and happened to see Ji Xiaoguang rushing towards the ambulance. Behind him, two ambulancemen were carrying a stretcher.A few more firefighters followed.Behind them, there were a few people who looked like migrant workers following.burn?It doesn't look like much, and there doesn't seem to be any smoke or dust around it.

Song Qi became interested and planned to step forward to see the situation.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing Ji Xiaoguang approaching, Song Qi quickly stepped forward and asked.

"It's definitely something you've never seen before in your life. Come and run with me!" Ji Xiaoguang said to Song Qi in a low voice.

Song Qi looked back and saw someone lying on the stretcher. This person was also dressed as a migrant worker and was covered in mud.

When Song Qi's eyes shifted to the man's head, he couldn't help but gasp!
That man's head was actually penetrated by a steel bar through his temple!
The steel bar is about one meter, as thick as a little finger. There is still some soil and sporadic blood stains attached to the steel bar. The entire steel bar penetrates the patient's head and lies firmly horizontally. Looking from a distance, it looks like Dai Dai is singing in an opera. It looked like a county official's hat, with a section of [-] to [-] centimeters of steel bars exposed on both sides.

Moreover, from the point of view of the penetration, it is exactly from the temple on one side to the temple on the other side.

This is really a case that I have never seen in my life.

"Would you like to go?"

Ji Xiaoguang asked, then opened the back door of the ambulance, and the stretcher was slowly carried up.

"Let's go!" Song Qi opened the front door of the ambulance without hesitation and got in before Ji Xiaoguang.

For such a rare case in a century, he must witness the treatment process.

When Luo Meili saw that Song Qi had actually gotten into the ambulance, she became anxious. Just as she was about to catch up and ask, she saw the ambulance turning on its siren and roaring away.

Song Qi quickly called his mother and said that it was urgent and he would not go to see the new house.
Song Qi is not new to the world. During his internship, in the emergency room, he saw knife wounds, injuries from high falls, heads blossoming, and rocks smashing people!

But this was the first time I had seen such a penetrating injury.

The chance of being injured like this is probably more difficult than winning 500 million, right?
No, no, no, not 500 million, probably [-] million!

After getting into the ambulance, a layer of gauze was wrapped between the patient's head and the steel bar to prevent the patient's wound from bleeding heavily, and then the patient was connected to an electrocardiogram monitor.

This is also the only thing that pre-hospital first aid can do at present.

The thumping heartbeat reminds people around that the patient's heartbeat is quite healthy and strong at the moment!

Song Qi raised his head and glanced at the data on the monitor.Blood pressure: 118/80mmhg, heart rate: 67 beats/min, respiration: 19 times/min, oxygen saturation: 96%.

Song Qi was simply stunned.

Such a thick steel bar penetrates the skull!I'm lucky if I didn't get a game over on the spot.

And this patient’s vital signs are still so stable!

The heartbeat is strong!Breathe calmly!
This can’t be called a miracle anymore, right?

Song Qi finally couldn't help but said, "How did you get hurt?"

"At around seven o'clock, my brother came earlier. He said he was going to the construction site to check yesterday's construction status. He accidentally slipped and fell into a deep pit. In that pit, there were many half-poured steel bars. We were stunned at the time and didn’t know what to do. We called 110 in a panic, and 110 told us to call 119 and 120.”

One of the migrant workers, the younger brother of the injured person, spoke tremblingly. It could be seen that he had not yet recovered from the horrific scene.

It is not uncommon for patients to miss the mark and suffer injuries after falling. However, for someone like him to be directly pierced through the skull by a steel bar, it is really a small probability event.

"Doctor, which hospital do you want to send my brother to? I'll call my sister-in-law." At this time, the migrant worker who was in a daze seemed to have finally recovered.

"He's injured like this. He must go to the People's Hospital. I'm afraid other hospitals won't dare to accept him," Ji Xiaoguang blurted out.

"Yes, go to the People's Hospital" Ji Xiaoguang just finished.

Another voice sounded.

Song Qi took a look and saw that it was the guy with the steel bar stuck in his forehead who spoke!

Damn it!You can still talk!
Song Qi was once again so surprised that he was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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