Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 209 Dean’s awakening and unexpected reinforcements!

Chapter 209 Dean’s awakening and... unexpected reinforcements! ([-]-in-[-])

Only a strange banging sound was heard from the top of the elevator, followed closely by Kaitou Kidd who felt a strong sense of weightlessness.

It felt as if I was standing on a platform falling rapidly from the air.

Kaitou Kidd quickly realizes that the elevator is falling rapidly, and this is definitely not due to an ordinary malfunction!

He instantly thought of the reason for his current situation.

It must have been just now that when the mutant bat's whole body was convulsed by the electric shock, its limbs were waving wildly and unconsciously and cut off the cable of the elevator!

At this time, the elevator is located on the 40th floor. It will not take more than ten seconds to fall to the bottom of the elevator shaft. It is not as simple as one floor, but at least six floors underground!

Falling from such a high place, the elevator will be destroyed in an instant, and there is no chance that Kaito Kidd will survive.

Thinking of this, Kaito Kidd immediately jumped up as fast as he could, trying to open the lid of the elevator vent.

Because in most cases, the elevator vent doubles as the elevator maintenance window and needs to be large enough to accommodate maintenance workers to enter and exit through it, so Kaitou Kidd can leave the elevator from there and escape from danger.

However, when Kaitou Kid tried to push open the window cover, he was shocked to find that the cover did not move at all.

"Could it be that the mutated human bat's body is just stuck on the lid?"

Kaito Kidd was shocked. The weight of mutant human bats varies significantly from individual to individual, but among all the mutant human bats that have ever appeared, even the lightest one weighs at least two hundred kilograms.

As for the one pressing on the top of the elevator, it can be confirmed from the arm it stretched out before that its size is also superior among mutant human bats, and its weight is probably close to [-] kilograms!
Three hundred kilograms, is this a weight that a person can push away?
He plays Kaitou Kid, not Kyogoku Makoto.

Pushing open a window cover with a pressure of [-] kilograms is already more difficult than simply lifting a weight of [-] kilograms, not to mention that you need to take off to reach the height of the cover. When there is no leverage point for your feet, It is a fantasy that is simply impossible to accomplish.

Due to the delay of several seconds, the elevator had already fallen to a height of about twenty floors. Soon, Kaito Kidd would die in this elevator!

When the situation was critical, Kaitou Kid's mind began to race rapidly.

At this time, the elevator is falling downwards at an extremely fast speed. It is impossible to open the elevator door and rush out before falling from the previous floor to the next floor, or to insert something into the gap of the elevator door to force the elevator to stop. of.

Kaito Kidd's biggest way to survive is still upward.

Although the heavy body of the mutant man-bat blocked the window cover and could not be pushed open with brute force, Kaitou Kidd was not helpless.

If you are more serious, it is possible to set explosives on the window cover to detonate, and use the impact of the explosion to lift the entire top of the elevator.

Although this will inevitably affect Kaitou Kid himself, he can use the bulletproof cloak to protect himself and offset most of the damage.

Kaitou Kidd will still be injured, but the injury will be within a controllable range.

Of course there are non-injury methods. He can exchange some items in the system to help him avoid this crisis.

Such as temporary strange power or damage reduction, gravity offset, and even short-distance teleportation.

There is no doubt that any one of these things would require Kaitou Kidd to spend all his money to exchange for it, and some of them are not even enough.

Until the last moment when he was helpless, Kaitou Kidd was unwilling to spend all his savings right now.

But the predicament at this time is far from being a last resort for Kaitou Kidd.

After just a moment of thinking, Kaitou Kidd had his mind made up, and he decided to use explosives to open the way.

Maybe the mutated human bat above will die in the explosion, but now Kaitou Kidd... no, it's Dean who can't care so much anymore!
According to the situation described by Lucius, these mutant bats in Wayne Tower are all teams sent by the Masked Society. Their true appearance is the felons from Blackgate Prison who were released by Black Mask. !
It may also be because these infected people are essentially vicious thugs. Their hands have long been stained with blood, so they will become even more violent and bloodthirsty after mutating.

For his own survival, even if it was possible for the mutant bat to be blown up to death, Dean would not feel any guilt in his heart.

This is a choice that "Kaitou Kidd" would never make.

This is the choice "Dean" made!

As an explosion sounded, Dean fell heavily against the wall of the elevator under the impact. Fortunately, the bulletproof cloak produced by the system had the ability to absorb a certain amount of impact, and he actually did not suffer any obvious injuries.

Of course, pain in the flesh is inevitable.

The mutated human bat's body was also blown away by the impact of the explosion and fell to the bottom of the elevator shaft. Under the influence of the explosion, the falling speed was faster than that of the elevator.

As for the window cover that just couldn't be pushed open no matter how hard it was pushed, I don't know where it was blown away.

Unlike what Dean had expected, the material of the elevator was unusually hard. The explosion just now did not lift the top of the elevator, but only slightly deformed it.

But these were all trivial matters. Dean jumped out of the window at the top of the elevator without hesitation, holding the grapple gun high in his hand.

A rope connected to the grappling hook was instantly launched and fixed above the elevator shaft.

Just like that, Dean was hanging in the elevator shaft holding the grapple gun.


Immediately afterwards, a louder sound than the previous explosion came, and it was also accompanied by a violent shaking.

The elevator has fallen to the bottom.

Looking down at the elevator below which had been violently deformed and twisted into shape, Dean's tense heart relaxed a little.

Judging from this height, Dean's current location should be between the sixth and seventh floors. This is a very dangerous height. It can be said that Dean will be doomed if he is just a little short of it.

Dean understood that leaving the elevator did not mean that everything was safe for him. On the contrary, there was a greater danger waiting for him.

The noise the elevator made when it crashed was so loud that it could have been heard throughout Wayne Tower.

In other words, the twenty or thirty mutant bats in the building will be attracted to the elevator shaft!
Don't stay here for long.

Dean let the hook lock gun retract the rope as quickly as possible, and the whole person continued to rise towards the top of the elevator shaft.

It didn't take long for Dean's worries to come true.

When he reached about 50 floors, the first mutant bat rushed in.

Break into the elevator room on the 42nd floor by directly crashing the elevator door!

The mutated human bat that rushed into the elevator shaft immediately spotted Dean above, and flew towards him with a strange scream.

The height difference between the 42nd floor and the 50th floor was too small. The mutant bat flew to Dean's feet almost in the blink of an eye, opened its bloody mouth, and bit into Dean's right foot.

However, at this moment, a small object suddenly fell from Dean's right trouser leg. It was dim before it fell, but the moment it fell off, Dean suddenly stretched out his foot and kicked the object. , and then a burst of dazzling electric light burst out from the object.This thing is actually the high-voltage electric shock device that Dean used before!
The electric shock device was kicked by Dean and fell straight into the open mouth of the mutant bat.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!
In an instant, the mutant bat's upward movement stopped, and then it crazily slammed into the walls on both sides of the elevator shaft, while continuously making strange screams from its mouth.

It was as if he wanted to replace the severe pain in his body with the pain of hitting the wall.

But this was just in vain. Soon, the mutant bat hit the wall slower and slower, its wings gradually became unable to flap, and finally fell to the bottom of the elevator shaft.

Dean knew in his heart that this mutant man-bat was just a vanguard, and the real army was still behind.

Mutant human bats are distributed in different locations, whether on floors or in different locations, and the time and place where they arrive in the elevator shaft will also be different.

In other words, they can burst in at any time on any floor. If it's not coincidental, it may happen to be a floor parallel to Dean's height at that time.

Therefore, before he could take a second breath, Dean's spirit became tense again, even more than when he was in the elevator.

The mutant human bat did not disrupt Dean's pace. He continued to rise toward the top of the elevator, and soon reached a height of more than 70 floors. There were only a dozen floors left from the top floor.

"I saw the locations of eight mutant bats from the monitoring room before. Five of them were on the floor below me, and three were on the floor above me..."

Dean recalled the known information about the mutant bats and silently estimated in his mind when they would arrive so that he could make preparations in advance.

At the same time, he is always on guard in the elevator rooms on each floor.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from underneath Dean.

About five floors below, another mutant bat broke through the elevator door and rushed into the elevator.

There was no panic on Dean's face, because this mutant bat happened to be one of the eight mutant bats at a known location. It had been expected by Dean that it would come in at this time.

What was not expected was...

In the next second, a mutant bat rushed in from above.

The height is above the eleventh floor of Dean, and the number is two!

Dean stopped rising when the first loud noise came and stopped at the 72nd floor.

Below him, a mutant human bat stared at him, and above him, there were two mutant human bats trying to take his life.

Three mutant human bats pressed in from above and below, forming a flanking situation for Dean!

Dealing with three mutant bats at once made Dean feel unsure.

He also has five high-voltage electric shock devices hidden on his body. In order to ensure that the power can incapacitate the mutant human bat at once, the battery of each electric shock device can only release one attack. Even if there is residual power, it has basically no lethality. .

It's equivalent to Dean using the electric shock device to defeat at most five mutant bats. Dealing with three doesn't seem to be a big problem.

However, the mutant human bats above and below were too close to him.

Especially the mutant human bat below, which is only five stories high, is useless to it.

Although the mutant bat above has an eleven-story buffer, there should be enough time for Dean to deal with the one below and then the one above.

But the problem is, there are two mutant human bats above.

The eleventh floor seems very far away, but to the mutant human bat, it is only two or three seconds away at most. The height of the fifth floor is even less than two seconds to fly closer.

Dean must make three counterattacks from below and above at the same time within one second. Can he do it smoothly?
No, now it is not a question of whether it can be done, but it must be done!

Dean made a decision in an instant. With a flick of his right hand, he took out a high-voltage electric shock device and swung it towards the mutant bat below.

The speed was so fast that afterimages appeared wherever his arm passed.

Then he quickly turned to the sky, took out two other high-voltage electric shock devices, adjusted the angle in an instant, and threw them at the two mutant human bats.

Lightning flashed!

All three mutant bats were hit by electric shock devices, and their bodies began to convulse uncontrollably.

Dean achieved that almost impossible comeback.

But there was no trace of joy on his face.

When he was pressed hard by three mutant human bats just now, he was too hasty and had no time to think about other things.

Now that the crisis has been temporarily lifted, Dean suddenly realizes an extremely dangerous fact.

Those were the two mutant human bats above his head, which were free-falling under the influence of gravity.

This is a very normal phenomenon and nothing worthy of special attention.

However, the direction in which they were falling freely was none other than Dean himself!

The bodies of the two mutant human bats overlapped, almost filling the entire elevator shaft, and their bodies were also inserted with high-voltage electric shock devices that could kill people instantly.

Living things are conductors too!

Although Kaito Kidd's uniform is also insulated, there are too many exposed parts, such as his face, neck, and wrists... as long as these are touched by the mutant human bat with high-voltage electricity all over his body.

Then Dean is in danger!

"No, now we have to release the hook lock gun and temporarily hide in the elevator room that was knocked open below!"

Dean thought so.

At this critical moment, above Dean's head, the two mutant bats that were supposed to fall vertically down on top of him suddenly stopped falling.

Even, their bodies strangely bounced upward for a certain distance.

This unusual situation caught Dean's attention.

Taking a closer look, I saw that the waists and abdomens of the two mutant human bats had been entangled by two ropes at some point. The ropes continued upward, seemingly reaching the top floor.

It was because the rope had reached the end just now that the rebound occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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