Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 195: He runs away, he chases, but it’s hard to fly without wings

Chapter 195: He runs away, he chases, but it’s hard to fly without wings

When Kaitou Kid jumped down from the tree trunk and fell into the air, an explosion suddenly sounded.

A thick cloud of smoke instantly emerged, covering Kaito Kid's body.

"A lot has happened recently, so there is one thing I haven't had time to do. But since we met today, let's return the things to you."

The smoke existed for a very short time, dissipating almost as soon as Kaito Kidd finished speaking, and Kaitoo Kidd was no longer in sight.

A white suit belonging to Phantom Thief Kid was left lying there quietly on the ground, as if Phantom Thief Kid had just taken off his clothes and teleported to another place.

There was a small object placed on the surface of the suit, which reflected a faint light under the sparse moonlight in the dense forest.

There is a high probability that it is some kind of gem.

In this kind of environment, it is almost difficult to detect the faint moonlight reflected by the gemstone under normal circumstances. It is the kind that might not be found if it accidentally drops on the ground when walking at night.

But now that there is white clothing underneath, it is naturally much more conspicuous.

"The ocean gem of Atlantis?"

Batman thought calmly, without even looking at the suit and gems on the ground, he threw a batarang behind him.

What's strange is that there seems to be nothing in that direction except the deep and dark woods.

The batarang flew towards the deep forest at an extremely fast speed. According to its normal trajectory, it should have flown a long distance unobstructed and finally stuck on the trunk of a big tree.

Or fall directly to the ground.

However, just as the batarang flew about ten meters away, a slight tearing sound sounded out of thin air.

It was as if something had been cut off.

In the air where no object could be seen, the outline of a long and narrow rope appeared vaguely, but it was broken into two parts. One part was fixed on a branch above, and the other part fell freely downwards.

At the same time, a black figure also appeared from the supposedly empty midair, and fell to the ground along with the cut rope.

At the critical moment, the black shadow let go of his hands holding the rope, kicked his feet into the air towards the trunk of a big tree beside him, and quickly flew out, grabbing the shorter tree on the opposite side. branches.

The diameter of this branch is relatively slender and cannot bear the weight of a person for too long.

Black Shadow was unfazed by this. He grabbed the branch with both hands and used it as a horizontal bar. He made several flips at high speed and then immediately let go. Using this force, he flipped higher and landed steadily on the ground several meters above. On another, thicker branch.

The moment he took his hand off, the shorter branch below just reached its endurance limit and broke.

It can be seen that this person is quite dexterous and can react quickly and make perfect responses to sudden weightlessness.

"It was so dangerous, I almost fell to the ground... Although I won't be hurt even if I fall from this height."

Squatting on a thick branch, Kaitou Kid breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He didn't know when he changed into dark clothes that blended in with the night. "As expected of Batman, I didn't deceive him at all. I thought he would have to look twice more to confirm my position, which would at least allow me to keep some distance. I didn't expect... Tsk! This guy is simply not human!"

Kaitou Kidd looked at Batman who was expressionless not far away, and the pressure in his heart suddenly increased.

"Kid has extremely strong body control and flexibility. He may have received professional gymnastics or acrobatic training, just like Selina and Dick... Would a normal magician have this ability?"

Across the way, Batman saw the thief Kidd's smooth movements just now and thought to himself.

As we learn more and more about Kaito Kidd, there are more and more unsolved mysteries.

Where did Kaitou Kidd learn his abilities?

Disguise ability that is comparable to transfiguration, superb and wonderful magic methods, reaction speed to dodge bullets, incredible body control capabilities, and those weird techniques that I don’t know how they work, and can only be described as magic.

When Batman first learned about Kidd, he believed that Kidd's true identity would most likely be a magician. Although Dick had carefully investigated every well-known magician in Gotham, Batman Thought Dick might be missing something.

But now, Batman has doubts about this idea. Which magician can achieve the skills of Kidd?Rather than talking about magic, it's better to think about magic.

But if Kaitou Kidd is really a magician, Batman feels that many of his performances are inconsistent. For example, just now, Kaitou Kidd's rope was cut by a batarang and he almost fell to the ground.

A magician should fly directly or teleport to a safe place, but Kaitou Kid's reaction was completely that of a normal human being.

Assuming that Kaitou Kidd has magic or masters future technology, why doesn't he use those superior methods to get himself out of trouble?

Contradictory, too contradictory.

Looking at Kaitou Kidd, Batman's brows hidden under his helmet furrowed.

Although there were so many thoughts in his heart, Batman did not stop his actions because of this, and all his thoughts were only completed in an instant.

Just as Kaito Kidd landed firmly on the branch, Batman suddenly flew out, and the bat glider behind him spread out instantly.

In this dense woodland, not only were the glider's progress not blocked by bamboo branches, but on the contrary, Batman was like a real bat, flying quickly and flexibly between branches.

In the blink of an eye, he flew in front of Kaitou Kidd.

Seeing this, Kaitou Kidd quickly pulled off his night clothes and put on another Kaitou outfit. He didn't know how many sets of clothes he had hidden on him.

With a swipe, Kaito Kidd leapt from the branch, spread his glider wings, and flew into the distance.

"Catching up so quickly? At the very least, I should pick up your gems before proceeding to the next step! Even if you have money, you can't say that you don't care about your own things at all, right? After all, it's from Atlantis. The rare mineral brought by Sri has certain magical properties. Although the effect is relatively average, aren't you afraid that it will be picked up by others?"

Thinking of Batman throwing the Batarang without hesitation just now, and now chasing after him regardless, Kidd couldn't help but want to complain.

(End of this chapter)

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