Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 181 On how cruel a 9-year-old girl can be

Chapter 181 On how cruel a nine-year-old girl can be

It didn't take much time for Dean to pry open the door of the reference room and walk in.

Dean was very careful when he opened the door because he wasn't sure if anyone was inside.

Fortunately, there was no one inside. There were only several hidden cameras hanging in the corners monitoring the environment in the data room.

Holding the monitor jammer in his hand, Dean tiptoed into the equipment room of the reference room, where there were several computers.

These computers use independent servers, are only connected to the FBI's internal network, and store massive amounts of data and information.

"Great, now let's see if this works."

Dean first took out a card from the inner pocket of his clothes and inserted it into a socket in front of the computer.

Dean had borrowed this from an FBI agent before. Without this authorization card, the computer in the data room would not be able to start up normally.

Immediately afterwards, Dean took out a USB flash drive, which contained Cassandra's DNA information.

After Dean inserted the USB flash drive, he began to operate quickly on the computer.

Although Dean's computer technology is not as good as that of a professional hacker, it is not bad. His current task is not to hack the computer in the database, but to use the FBI agent's authorization card to perform normal operations, so there is no technical difficulty.

In fact, even ordinary people's computer skills can completely operate on it.

"Let me take a look. Through DNA data analysis and comparison, I can find matching information in the database... I have it!"

Suddenly, Dean's eyes lit up. He actually found a file from the database, which seemed to be an investigation record of a murder case.

Without further ado, he immediately retrieved the file.

"This file was created... five years ago? Murder?"

Dean frowned. Cassandra must be about 14 years old now. She was only nine years old five years ago.

He opened the file and continued to flip through it.

"One of the suspects: David Cain, a middle-aged male with white hair, a top international mercenary and killer. He has multiple prison escape records and is extremely dangerous."


Dean's eyes narrowed when he saw this last name. This was probably Cassandra's father.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a top killer. No wonder Cassandra has mastered superb fighting skills at such a young age. With her father's teachings, everything makes sense.

"Suspect [-]: Unidentified little girl in red."

The little girl in red?
Could there be anyone else besides Cassandra following David Cain?
But this suspect's statement is a bit intriguing. Cassandra was only nine years old at the time. No matter how cold-blooded the killer David Cain was, he couldn't possibly let such a young child kill someone, right?

Dean murmured in his heart.

"The identity of the deceased was Fazul, a middleman for a certain gang in Asia. According to the local autopsy report, he and his men were all killed by a gunshot to the head. However, after a more detailed investigation, Fazul's cause of death was overturned. , we found that he had suffered a huge blow to the neck, which was strong enough to cause death."

"A video recording obtained from an informant confirmed our suspicion, but the clues were discontinued. There are no further clues to find out the whereabouts of David Cain and the little girl in red."

"Today, David Cain is still operating secretly around the world, while the mysterious little girl has disappeared from the world and has never been heard from again."

The content of this file was very brief, and Dean read it quickly. The most valuable information in it was only these few pieces.

And, the last video recording.

The length of the video is also very short, only ten seconds.

Dean clicked it open.

A video with relatively blurry quality appeared in front of him.The scene in the video is a room that looks like an office. A fat, bald, middle-aged man wearing gold and silver sits behind a desk, with two bodyguards armed with firearms standing on either side of him.

The bald middle-aged man was Fazul, the deceased in this case.

Opposite the three Fazuls, a little girl wearing a red children's skirt stood there.

She opened her big innocent eyes and looked at the three people with a smile.

Yes, there was a smile on her face, as if she was not at a murder scene but at an ordinary amusement park.

The little girl's appearance is only slightly similar to the current Cassandra, and it may be difficult to tell them apart at a glance.

But Dean recognized her identity at a glance.

Because of her innocent eyes, Dean had only seen it in Cassandra's eyes.

Fazul suddenly laughed and said something to little Cassandra with a mocking expression. The video had no sound and the picture was too blurry. It was difficult for Dean to understand what he said through lip reading.

But if you think about it with your feet, you know it won't be a good word.


The little girl moved.

Without any warning or reason, just as Fazul was laughing, the girl suddenly burst into flames and sliced ​​off Fazul's neck with a hand knife.

At that moment, her speed was frighteningly fast. Before Fazul and his bodyguards could react to what was happening, the little girl had already completed the assassination move.

She squatted on the table, her right hand was covered with bright red blood.

That was Fazul's blood.

At this moment, the expression on Cassandra's face showed no fluctuation, and she still maintained an innocent smile.

Like a child who has no sense of right and wrong, he doesn't even know what he has done.

It's even possible that this might be a game to her.

At the same time, two gunshots suddenly rang out, hitting the heads of the two bodyguards who had just recovered and were about to attack Cassandra.

Well, Dean didn't hear the gunfire, he just saw the headshot, which he made up on his own.

At this point, the video has finished playing.

The person who fired the last shot never left the country, but it didn't take much to figure out that it must be David Cain, Cassandra's father.

After reading the entire content, Dean fell into silence.

He finally understood why Cassandra was so reluctant to mention her past, and also why she started living a wandering life at such a young age.

She has killed people.

And she still killed someone under the instruction of her father.

Dean speculated that Cassandra should have understood the behavior of "killing" through something, and she realized that "killing" was incorrect.

So Cassandra ran away from David Cain, or ran away from home.

In short, she began a five-year homeless life, avoiding too much contact with others in the process, because she feared that she would make the same mistake again.

Until she arrived in Gotham and met Barbara, Dean and others, Cassandra felt a warmth she had never felt before, so she settled here for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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