Chapter 123 The Cracked Wedding Ring
On the thick trunk, more than a dozen long and narrow claw marks are clearly visible, and the depth of each mark exceeds ten centimeters. In nature, creatures that can leave such deep claw marks on the trunk are extremely rare, even among many large beasts. Only a few exceptionally powerful individuals could do it.

In a developed city like Gotham, it is basically impossible for such large beasts to appear.

There is no doubt that the marks on the trunk are [-]% left by the legendary 'bat monster'.

There are many trees with similar traces in the vicinity, and there are at least four or five trees in the vicinity at a glance. It is hard to say whether there are more similar trees in the depths of the forest.

"There is no blood left on the claw marks, and the distance between each mark is relatively tight. It doesn't look like the marks left by accidentally grabbing a tree trunk in the process of attacking humans, but more like..."

Robin rested his chin in one hand and said thoughtfully.

"It's like venting."

Batman's voice came from the side.

"Yes, just like when people are emotionally excited, they will have a strong desire to destroy in their hearts. The 'Bat Monster' has obviously been digging trees here crazily. Maybe killing people has intensified some of its emotions, maybe excitement ? Or is there still more to say?"

While talking, Robin turned to look at Batman.

I saw Batman squatting on the ground next to him, gently scraping away some soil and branches and leaves, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"What's wrong? Did you find anything new?"

Robin came over and asked.

"The police station on the Upper West Side needs to exercise their on-site investigation capabilities."

Batman picked up a broken ring object from the ground and said with a blank expression.

Wipe off the dirt on the surface, and the ring-shaped object regains its color. A diamond the size of a rice grain is inlaid on the silver ring.

It's a diamond ring!
And judging from the appearance and specifications of the ring, it is likely to be a wedding ring.

Why is there a wedding ring in a wood where a murder happened not long ago?
Who abandoned it?Some unlucky fool?Or the dead man?Or is it someone else?Why is the ring ring disconnected?
The above questions cannot be determined for the time being, but what is certain is that this ring must have been left here recently.

The reason is very simple, the ring is not buried very deep, but is covered by a little soil and branches and leaves, and you can definitely find it if you observe carefully.

There are a lot of homeless people entrenched near Robinson Park. If this ring existed a long time ago, it is impossible for Batman to find it now.

Batman narrowed his eyes slightly, and pressed a few times on the armguard of his left hand.

Then the armguard opened automatically, and there was a strange container inside. It didn't look like a lot of space, but it could actually hold a lot of things.

Put the ring inside, and the open arm guard closed automatically, and then a green light swept across the ring, uploaded the data to the bat computer in the bat cave, and automatically built a virtual model of the ring.

The data model can't help including the ring's appearance information and manufacturer information, and even the fingerprints left on the ring are scanned.

At the same time, Alfred was sitting in front of the Batcomputer, waiting for news from Batman and Robin.

When the data of the ring was uploaded to the bat computer, Alfred immediately cheered up.

"Penny One, find out who this diamond ring belongs to."

Batman contacts Alfred Dow.

Just like Dick's code name is Robin, and Batman's code name is Bruce, Alfred also has his own operation code name-Penny One.

When Batman is on a mission, he calls Alfred by a penny.

"Okay, Master Bruce, I'm very relieved to see that you are finally interested in the wedding ring, but from the perspective of the Wayne family, isn't the diamond on this ring a little too small?"

Alfred was skillfully operating on the bat computer, comparing the fingerprint on the ring with the fingerprint in the database, and said humorously at the same time.

As for why there is fingerprint identity information of all citizens of Gotham in the database of the bat computer...

We don't know, and we dare not ask.

Soon, the comparison results came out, and Alfred Hui reported: "I found a sample that matches the fingerprint on the ring, but there is one thing that is very strange."

"What's strange?"

Robin's communication channel was synchronized with Batman and Alfred, and he could hear Alfred's words in real time, so he asked.

"The owner of the fingerprint sample is Kurt Langstone, a well-known zoologist. It is said that his main research object is bats. He got married a few years ago, wearing a wedding ring very It is normal, and the fingerprints also match, so it is certain that he is the owner of this ring."

Alfred introduced, "The strange thing is that I collected all the surveillance records near Robinson Park. In the past month, this Dr. Longstone has never been there at all!"

"It's kind of interesting. If the ring belongs to Dr. Longstone, and he hasn't been here, what happened to the ring we found?"

Robin raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that Dr. Langstone was also attacked by the bat monster? But what does the bat monster want a diamond ring and throw it away? It can't be to try the ring to see if it can eat the ring." Bitten off and thrown away when you find it's not tasty?"

"Come here, Robin!"

At this moment, Batman's voice came from afar. He did not know when he came to the Batmobile, opened the door and got in, shouting without looking back.

Robin followed helplessly and took the co-pilot seat.

"Now, we're going to Kurt Longstone."

Batman quickly started the Batmobile and said in a deep voice.

Robin nodded clearly.

"I know Dr. Longstone. He lost his hearing due to a disease. In order to restore his hearing, he began to study bats in depth, because he believed that the developed hearing of bats could help him."

On the way, Batman suddenly spoke.

"Kurt has been trying to mix bat DNA into human DNA to make a serum that can treat deafness. He came to Wayne Group to meet me a year ago, hoping that Wayne Group could fund his research. After claiming that he succeeded, There will be no more deaf people in the world, but I refused, and I advised him to change to a new research direction, and I have lost contact with him since then."

"Perhaps, he is still insisting on the research of serum."

Hearing this, Robin asked with an absurd expression: "Don't you think that... Kurt Langstone developed bat serum, but that didn't cure his deafness, but turned him into a A bat monster?"

(End of this chapter)

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