Master of Spells from Faerun

Chapter 277 Mystra, who takes the chapter of divine power

Chapter 277 Mystra regains her divine power

A roar came from the corridor that was sharper than the last time. Mystra shuddered when she heard Haksha's voice, and Bane used her distraction to cast his own spell.He pulled the ruby ​​​​from the glove, and it disappeared into thin air, and then a blood-red beam of light rushed towards the goddess of magic.

Ben gasped, that [Nezlan's ruby ​​ray] should have separated the goddess from her saint, but Mystra absorbed the blow without any damage.Bane shuddered as the red beam bounced back toward him, piercing his chest, the beam hanging like a rope between Mystra and him.

"You shouldn't be stupid enough to try such a complicated spell," Mystra said. "It seems that the chaos of magic has finally made you suffer."

Ben cursed in his heart. The collapse of the magic network made it impossible for his saint's body to use spells normally. Every spell cast was like a gamble.

"Damned if I still have divine power." Ben thought angrily, but soon he realized that if he could use divine power, the magic goddess in front of him would only be more powerful than him, which made him feel even more frustrated.

Mystra reached out to grab the beam, and Ben felt a surge in his body. The beam glowed bright red, and energy surged from his body to Mystra.His spell failed, allowing Mystra to absorb his power instead.

Bane struggled to maintain his sanity as more red light split from the beam, surrounding him and tearing at his flesh, as if tearing them away from his bones.He felt his ribs cracking one by one, threatening to crush his life.Mystra released the beam completely and let it shoot towards Bane.

The Dark Lord's chest exploded, and a torrent of blue-white fire flowed from his body, engulfing Mystra.

She opened her hands to the flow of magic, welcoming it back into her body.The color of the flames changed to sparkling amber, then glowed red, and Bane could feel that the last bit of power he had drawn from Mystra was leaving him, and even his original strength was beginning to disappear.

"You imprisoned the goddess of magic, idiot! Now you have to pay for everything you did to me!"

More power passed away, and Bane shouted, "Mystra! Me."

"Dying?" she said. "Yes, that seems to be the case. Say hello to Melkor for me. I can't believe he was a god, but you are not a god anymore, are you, Bane?" ?”

Ben raised his hands as if asking for help.

"Okay, Ben, I'll give you a chance to save yourself. Tell me where the Tablet of Destiny is hidden? I can be merciful to you."

"You want to swallow them all?" Another burst of energy left him, and Ben gasped.

"No," Mystra said, "I will return the tablet to Io and end the madness you have caused."

There was some movement in the corridor, and Mystra turned around to see Kelemvor and his companions standing at the door.

Suddenly, a dark vortex appeared in front of the Lord of Darkness. Terpus Blackthorne stepped out of the crack created by his magic. He made a desperate choice to bet that his teleportation spell would work normally. Maybe God was truly on his side, and Blackthorn succeeded, retreating back into the vortex with his master's injured body.

Before Mystra could attack the Dark Lord and his envoys, they disappeared, the vortex vanishing into the air.

"No!" Mystra cast the spell again, but the magic collapsed, and the chaotic energy flow threw the goddess against the wall.When she raised her head, Kelemvor's face appeared above her.

The warrior seemed to pale, "I know you've always been difficult, little one, but even I was scared."

Mystra felt the wild energy course through her, and she smiled.

"Caitlin," Midnight said, "are you okay?" The mage leaned toward the saint of the goddess, and the stars fell into her eyes.

Imrik stood behind them without speaking. When Midnight called the woman who exuded powerful mana fluctuations as "Katelian", Imrik knew that it was the body of the saint of Mystra.

"Give me the pendant!" Mystra said.

Midnight backed away, "Caitlin?"

Mystra looked at Midnight again and realized that the pendant had automatically connected to the mage's skin in order to protect herself, preventing it from being taken away while she slept or was injured.

"We have to get this kid out of here," Midnight said.

"Wait a minute," Cyric said, "I want to know how she did it. She suddenly disappeared and then suddenly beat away a monster that looked very powerful."

The goddess suddenly felt angry, "I am Mystra, the goddess of magic! The guy I fought against just now is Bane, the god of strife. Now give me the pendant, that is mine!"

Imrik secretly thought that indeed, this is Mystra.

Midnight looked at the saint of the goddess in shock, Kelemvor frowned, and Cyric stared at Mystra suspiciously.

Kelemvor crossed her arms. "Perhaps this battle has confused her young mind."

"Catelyn Moonsong has become one with me," Mystra's voice regained its calmness. "I brought her here to unite our souls to escape from Bane. You will learn from her on your journey. Helped, so you’ll get my thanks too.”

"And got this damn experience," Kellanvor said.

"You will be rewarded," Mystra said.Mystra looked at Midnight: "You made a promise to me on the road to Kalant. I rescued you from those who wanted to harm you, and you promised to protect my token in return. You did a good job. ." Mystra held out her hand, "But now it's time to return the token."

Midnight lowered her gaze and was surprised to find the pendant floating from her body.She took the pendant off her neck and handed it to the girl, whose body suddenly ignited with a menacing blue-white fire.

The goddess raised her head and indulged in the ecstasy of the divine power returning to her body. Her will was enough to materialize magic again, just like before the day of advent.Although she was still much weaker than she was before Io was banished from the realm, it felt wonderful to be connected to the web that surrounded Faerûn again.

"We'd better stay away from this place," Mystra told the people who came to save her, "and I'll tell you all you want to know."

Soon, the heroes approaching the gate of the Tomb Castle felt the warmth of the sun, and they were dazzled by it as they left the dark ruins.The steps they walked out of the castle were obscure and heavy, as if they were worried about the last crazy blow from the castle, but the castle was always desolate, dull and lifeless.

Mystra looked to the sky, and she could see the shining holy steps of heaven reaching the sky.Its shape changes from time to time, and the goddess can occasionally catch a glimpse of a vague figure standing at the top of the stairs, but it disappears in the blink of an eye.

Mystra's destination was less than five hundred feet away from the castle. Imrik followed her silently without saying a word. If Mystra's own prophecy was correct, she would be buried here. There was no need for him to cause any trouble. her attention.

"Have you lost your mind?" Kelemvor shouted.

"I believe her," Midnight said.

"Yeah, you believe her, but can your 'goddess' prove her crazy claims?"

Mystra ordered the party to wait while she walked up to the holy steps.Kelemvor rushed to her, furious

Shouting about the wealth she had promised them.The goddess stared at the man, her eyes burning with blue and white flames.

"You have been thanked by the goddess," Mystra said coldly, "What else do you want?"

Kelemvor recalled his paid meeting with the goddess Tymora.

"I want my backpack to have decent food and clothing, as well as enough gold coins to buy a kingdom!" Kelemvor shouted, "I also want my body to return to normal!"

Mystra tilted her head, "That's it? I thought you planned to become a god."

After Mystra said this, no one felt strange, but Imric noticed that there was a flash of fire in Cyric's eyes, which was something called ambition.

Mystra smiled, and several blue-white fireballs jumped out of her hands.The light of the first fireball engulfed Kelanvor, and he almost screamed, but immediately felt a vitality filling his body that he had not experienced in several days.The flames disappeared, and Kelemvor raised his arms, trying to feel if the curse that had haunted his family for countless years was really gone.

A second fireball struck the ground, bringing with it two magnificent horses to replace the lost mounts, as well as two packhorses laden with supplies and gold coins, gems, and other riches.Finally, the goddess turned and walked towards the holy steps. She opened her palms, stretched out her arms, and lowered her head as if in meditation.

Kelanvor, who was standing next to Midnight, soon began their argument again. Imric and Cyric both stood silently at a distance without speaking. The mage hoped that the goddess would not notice him and arouse suspicion, but he remained silent. What are the thieves?

"She is indeed very powerful, and the story of her union with her mistress seems to be true," Kelanvor said.

"Then why do you still deny your judgment? Don't you like the thank-you gift from Mystra?" Midnight said.

"That's the reward we deserve!" Kelanvor said, stuffing the sweet bread into his mouth. "But a powerful mage, such as Elminster of Shadowdale, can easily do the same amazing thing. I have seen other 'gods' like this, and they look more like highly skilled lunatics. !”

When Elminster was mentioned, Mystra raised her head and a smile flashed across her face, as if some secret reverie aroused her interest.

Midnight looked back at Mystra. The god took the form of the girl who was traveling with them the day before. This scene was indeed not that respectable.

Facing the waiting adventurers, Mystra stood up.She stood in front of the holy steps, preparing for her promotion.A smile appeared on her saintly face. She knew that this moment was important, so she turned around and spoke to the people who came to save her.

"Before you, there is a holy staircase to heaven that cannot be seen by mortal senses," Mystra said. "This staircase is one of the ways from the Pantheon to the mortal realm. I am about to do a dangerous thing. If I succeed, the four of you will be witnesses of my return to the divine realm. And if I fail, at least one of you must bring my words to the world. This is a sacred mission that can only Hold those with strong convictions accountable.”

Midnight stepped forward, "Anything is okay," she said, "Tell me what to do!"

Kelanvor shook his head, stood next to Midnight and spoke to her: "Have we not done enough? We risked our lives to save your goddess, it is time to quit the operation and move on. There is a whole world waiting for us to explore , a thousand ways to enjoy our reward. It’s time for us to leave.”

"I want to stay." Midnight said.

"It is my honor to serve the goddess." Imrik bowed and saluted. The goddess glanced at the mage in front of her with satisfaction. A powerful senior mage. Very good. When everything is over, he will be enough to accept the title of [Chosen] .

Kelemvor looked at Cyric, who just shrugged. "My curiosity makes me unable to move." Cyric said with a slightly mocking tone.

Kelemvor gave up, knowing that they would have to go through life and death for these "gods" again.

 Don't question why the gods can't cast spells normally. This is the official setting. The collapse of the magic network will cause all Faerun's spells to be chaotic. Only Mystra, who is a magic network, can cast spells normally. Of course, the prerequisite is that she regains her divine power. , and other gods have to use their divine power to attack even if they regain their divine power.

(End of this chapter)

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