Master of Spells from Faerun

Chapter 274 The truth of everything

Chapter 274 The truth of everything
"Mystra?!" Imrik couldn't help shouting. Is the owner of this voice the goddess of magic?
The woman's voice became weaker, and there was a hint of anxiety in her words: "Please leave here quickly, Imrik, I can't hold on any longer."

Imrik noticed that the black and white world around him seemed to be immersed in slight fluctuations, bright colors tried to be projected from the cracks, and the dust in the air began to move slowly.

【Plane travel】.

Imric finally chose to listen to the master of this voice, but he did not choose a world at will, but came to the world of Pirates of the Caribbean. After all, that world also had a temporary ally-Athena. Once the other party had Athena, who has evil intentions and wants to find the world of high demons on her own, will not give up.

"Can we talk now?" Imric asked indifferently while standing in Athena's temple in the Abyss of the World. In order to ensure safety, he even sent a message to the sleeping Athena to call him out, although it may not be necessary. But a god can still be of some use to calm things down.

"A dying world" Mystra's words contained a hint of confusion and shock. "But there is a magic net? This is unreasonable! This is simply like a river with distinct lines."

Soon, Mystra came back to her senses: "Please forgive me for being shocked, you can't imagine how I felt in my heart when I saw someone could really create such a great creation as the magic network."

"It's the Holy Network," Imrik corrected: "I call the product I created [Holy Network]."

Mystra nodded thoughtfully. Compared to the Demonic Network, the Holy Network is indeed greater. Endless and infinite energy surges through the invisible channel, but the source of everything is from this place in front of her. from the young man's body.

As a level 19 mage, Mystra couldn't help but feel a sense of absurdity. Is this world false?Why is there such an irrational existence in the universe?

"So, you call yourself Mystra, do you want to say that you are the goddess of magic?" Imrik said humorously.

"Yes," the owner of the voice made Imric a little stuck.

"I have a lot to tell you, Imric." The woman's voice said slowly.

"A long, long time ago, I predicted my fate." The woman's voice contained a hint of self-deprecation. "The great Demonic Network is a great thing that even the Lord cannot create. As a Demonic Network, I have the power to be close to him."

"Lord Io, the creator of all things, the Lord of Gods, the God above gods, is above all gods like us." Mystra said weakly.

"My power is so powerful and my position is so important. Lord Io has already arranged my destiny."

"The Destined One," Mystra said word by word. "She will replace me and become the new goddess of magic."

"The Destined One?" Imric asked in confusion. The only time he heard this term was from Jack Sparrow. The consciousness of the world escaped from the shackles and became a sacrifice to the gods.

"It's what you think of, if your names are similar to what we call them here." Athena, who appeared next to Imric at some point, spoke out.

"Hello, foreign god, um, no, you just retain a trace of your will. Interesting, do you retain the essence of the god's will?" Athena greeted with a smile.

"God? Are you really Mystra? Why are you like this?" Only then did Imrik confirm that the owner of the voice seemed not to be lying.

The voice said with a hint of helplessness: "Because of your appearance."

"Originally, I was prepared to follow my fate, because fate cannot be resisted. I can't compete with Io's power. As a magic net, I can't even escape from the crystal wall system. If I leave the magic net, I will only Let me collapse myself and gradually disappear and sleep in the star realm."

"But you showed up," the voice said with a hint of excitement. "I don't know how you do it, but you can create a new magic network, a magic network that has nothing to do with the kingdom of Tianyu!"

"Knowing your existence, I began to make preparations. I merged my will with a trace of the essence of the magic network, lodged it in the necklace, cut it off from the main body, and ordered Elminster to hand it over to you. .”

"Imrik," the voice in the necklace requested. "I hope you can help me and let me stay in the grace you created, the [Holy Net], and become my new body."

"As long as you agree," Mystra said with a hint of determination. "I am willing to help you become a god and become your god in the future!"

"This" Imrik was a little slow and did not agree immediately, not because the conditions were inappropriate, but because he felt that the promise was heavy and unreal, Mystra?Strong divine power?He actually swore to become his own god?

Seeing Imrik's thoughts, Athena chuckled and said, "Little guy, why do you think I agreed to cooperate with you is not because of this beautiful work you created."

Athena stretched out her hand and touched the invisible holy network. A stream of light appeared in the air, faintly illuminating the outline of the network veins.

"Even gods cannot create miracles, and you still have absolute control over them. This is your capital." Athena sighed.Imric took a deep breath. Mystra's proposal was too tempting for him. Becoming a god has always been confusing to him, but when a god leads the way, he will avoid many detours. , not to mention the large amount of ancient mysterious knowledge possessed by the other party.

"I agree," Imrik said. "But I still have some questions to ask you."

Mystra's consciousness fluctuated with excitement. Although she thought that Imrik would most likely accept her conditions, after all, it was a matter of life and death. Imrik's agreement finally made a big stone fall from her heart. .

I escaped your appointed fate, Io.Mystra thought with pride, but she was not an arrogant god, and had no intention of seeking revenge in the future. To her, Io was still a noble king who was out of reach.

"Of course, but I don't have much time. Stopping time has consumed my last strength, and I am about to fall into a deep sleep." Mystra's weak voice had a hint of activity, which was the sign of an incurable terminally ill patient who learned that he had Hope that recovery is possible.

"Why don't you let me step into the Mirror of Prophecy?" Imric asked.

When Mystra heard this, she smiled bitterly and said: "Behind the Mirror of Prophecy is my body, and I can feel her there."

"When I decided to borrow your hand to resurrect, Io's power dropped. He learned that I predicted the future behavior, and was very dissatisfied. In order to ensure the successful birth of the Destined One, Io used his power to erase my body's Memory, and modified time. If you see my true form, and she sees the necklace you are wearing, she will discover this fact, and Io will come again to erase her memory."

"The necklace contains a drop of my divine power. This is the source that guarantees you to use the magic net at will. The gods were knocked down to the mortal world by Io and lost the right to use divine power. If Io discovers that you have a drop of my power on your body, Power, I think you know what to expect.”

Only then did Imrik understand why the other party wouldn't let him pass. Once discovered, the so-called Lord Io would probably immediately understand his specialness. Even the Goddess of the Magic Network was worried about him, and he could create unlimited creations at any time. The holy network of energy is probably even more coveted by others.

"Hide the necklace, as long as it is not seen by my body, you can avoid this result."

Then, Mystra told the reason behind the gods falling into the human world, and Imric realized that it was because the so-called [Slate of Destiny] was stolen by the three gods of death.

"This is just a superficial reason. The real reason is to promote the destiny of those who are destined to become gods." Mystra said.

"I think that the so-called Lord Io of your world should also be a world consciousness, but the power of your world seems to be too strong, and the essence of the world consciousness cannot be carried by one god, which is why so many Destined Ones are needed. "Athena guessed from the sidelines.

Mystra agreed: "Yes, although I cannot find out the origin of Lord Io, this is also the most likely guess I think. The Destined Ones are the carriers of world consciousness. Those mortals may become gods after they become gods. He was completely assimilated into the world consciousness within ten thousand years. I don’t know the reason why Io did this. It is only possible that he is serving the world consciousness of Guo Tianyu.”

Imrik shook his head. After all, this was just their guess, and it was too far away from him. Whether the so-called Lord Io has world consciousness has nothing to do with him.

"But how did you know about my existence?" Imrik asked curiously. "I have never used the ability to create a holy network in Guo Tianyu."

Mystra said with a smile: "That guy Bahamut told me."

"Bahamut is a very powerful god from other crystal wall systems. You should have seen him too."

Imric nodded.

"He once came to Faerun tens of thousands of years ago, but his clone was sealed under the continent of Faerun by the elves using powerful magic. Over the years, he has been trying to return to the kingdom of heaven, but he suffered from the lack of gods in the world. The temple gave him a good word, so he approached me. He knew how important your ability was to me, so after asking me to swear that I would not hurt you, he exchanged your information for me to work for him in Ai Ou came forward to support his entry into the Kingdom Tianyu."

"This scheming platinum dragon god." Imrik cursed, and then sold his information. He was really unbecoming of a man.

Fortunately, the other party still had some bottom lines and made Mystra swear that she would not hurt him before telling the other party the truth.

Only then did Imrik figure everything out.

"I'm going to fall into a deep sleep," Mystra seemed to grow weaker from talking too much.

Imric opened the Holy Network's authority over Mystra, and a blue-white substance in the necklace flew into the Holy Network in the void like a swallow returning to its nest.

"Well, when I wake up, maybe I shouldn't call myself the goddess of magic anymore. That seems too far away from me."

"Goddess of the Holy Web, well, this name suits me better." Mystra's voice became weaker and weaker, and finally fell into silence.

(End of this chapter)

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