Master of Spells from Faerun

Chapter 152 Imrik's Body Changing Art

Chapter 152 Imrik's Body Changing Art
Drizzt was almost overwhelmed by the heat from Errtu's demonfire, and the bright flames shone into his sensitive eyes, making the huge demon appear to be only a vague shadow.He saw the darkness stretching to the right, and he knew that Errtu had raised the dreadful sword.He moved to defend, but the demon suddenly took a step aside, and roared in surprise and rage.

Guenhwyvar had a firm grip on his upraised arm.

The huge demon stretched out the arm where the leopard was, and tried to fix the leopard between the forearm and the mountain wall, keeping its tearing claws and teeth away from its weak point.Guenhwyvar bit and scratched Errtu's arm, tearing the demon's flesh.

Errtu flinched from the attack, then decided to deal with the cat later.The focus of the demon's attention is still on the dark elves, because it respects the potential abilities of any dark elves.Errtu had seen too many enemies fall to the drow's innumerable tricks.

The scimitar in Drizzt's hand erupted with an extremely intense chill, and a cold current comparable to the breath of ice death shot out from the blade. This is the five-ring magic [Cone of Ice] enchanted by Imrik for the scimitar.

Errtu's face was displeased, but he still avoided the icy energy that disgusted him so much.

Then Errtu appeared behind him and lashed Drizzt's legs with many whips, too fast for the drow to dodge or block.

He hadn't recovered from the dizziness from the sudden exposure to the flames.The whip wrapped around his slender legs and ankles, Errtu exerted a little force, and the demon's huge strength easily made Drizzt fall on his back to the ground.

This is the huge strength advantage of the Ballow Balrog. Drizzt's strength is not worth mentioning in front of him, even if he uses the beheading sword, he has no strength to resist.

But Errtu wants to enjoy the pleasure of cat and mouse.

Drizzt felt pain everywhere in his legs, and he heard the air in his lungs being compressed as he slammed hard against the solid rock.He knew he had to act without hesitation, but the light of the flames and Errtu's quick strikes made it difficult to tell which was which.He felt his back being dragged against the stone, feeling the heat build up.He looked up just in time to see his legs being pulled into the demon fire.

"That's how I died," he said quietly.

But his legs didn't burn.

Then, with a hiss as if in protest, all the flames were suddenly extinguished.

Neither opponent could figure out what happened, so each believed the other to do it.

"Super magic instant extremely powerful and powerful - weak energy."

A figure dressed in a gorgeous black robe suddenly appeared, with a golden ball of light floating on his chest, a gray-green necromantic ray hit Ertu, and the terrifying curse crazily sucked all the strength in his body.

"Ah! Damn humans, dare to sneak attack me, implosion!"

Ertu felt weak for a while. He felt that his level was reduced by two levels by this spell, and a lot of energy was lost. He pointed to the mage with one hand, and activated the nine-level death-like magic ability [Implosion] once a day. This spell can Completely explode the subject from the inside out, turning it into a pile of dust.

Errtu looked expectantly at the mage in front of him. He wanted to see the human who used magic to sneak up on him die tragically, but to his disappointment and anger, his spell-like ability only made the mage's body light up slightly, and there was no anything happened.

"Defense, death, knot, boundary." Ertu gritted his teeth and said word by word. As a 20th-level warlock, Barlow knew a lot of advanced magic knowledge. He naturally recognized this spell, which showed that the other party was a powerful one. Prepare to come specifically for their own mage.

"Imric!" Drizzt said excitedly. Although he was ready to die, seeing someone supporting him still made him feel warm, but then he began to worry that the strength of this demon So powerful beyond imagination, can Imrik really help him defeat the opponent, or will he fall into the river of Styx with him?
The mage smiled slightly and said, "I guessed that you might face this Balor, so I started looking for you after repelling the monster army."

Afterwards, his expression froze, and he looked seriously at the lesser demon lord in front of him. This was the first time he faced a level 20 creature, which had already reached the quasi-legendary level.

Fortunately, there is only a projection of a demon in front of him, and his strength is only 80.00% of his body at most, as long as he guards against the opponent's spells and attacks.
[Imrik's body shape change technique].

Imrik raised his hand and pointed at Drizzt, and the elf's size instantly increased thirteen times!
"My God, Imrik, what's going on, I've become a giant?" Drizzt touched his body up and down curiously, and he felt that his strength had also increased hundreds of times!
Errtu's face was ugly. He had never seen such a level of transformation spell, how could he increase his size so much.

【Dimensional Anchor】.

Imrik pointed again, and the invisible cage of space covered the battlefield. Balor Balrog was born with [Teleportation] and even [Transfer from another world], so he must take this opportunity to expel him, lest the opponent and the magic crystal shards unite. It's harder to deal with.

Errtu quickly moved again. He saw that the mage was determined to fight him, so he stepped heavily and rushed towards Imrik. The beheading sword in his hand exuded palpitating thunder energy , he wants to kill this difficult mage first.

【Force field wall】.

Imrik raised his hand and pointed, and an invisible force field wall separated the distance between him and Ertu. Ertu's beheading sword slammed into the force field wall without causing any fluctuations.

"Dissociation!" Ertu's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand to shoot a dark green ray. As soon as this magic that could annihilate everything into ashes touched the force field wall, it broke the indestructible defensive spell.

Ertu raised his greatsword again to attack Imrik, but Drizzt directly slashed at Ertu with the huge scimitar emitting frost energy in his hand.

The Balrog had no choice but to give up the attack, frantically flapping his wings and retreating, the scimitar hit the ground, creating a huge crack.

Errtu squinted at the cracks in the ground, thinking in his mind: "Damn it, this spell is not a flashy illusion, even the strength increases with the size of the body."

Imrik smiled, and cast the spell again.

[Level [-] Monster Summoning].

A celestial brown bear was summoned by Imrik, and then, Imrik's chest emitted a burst of light, spinning like a whirlpool.

【Life Vortex】!
The celestial brown bear was sucked in by this spell. In an instant, Imrik felt that his life level had increased by five levels, and there was also a ninth-level celestial brown bear soul as a backup energy for summoning.

(End of this chapter)

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