Mystery: Outlander Gods of Bloodborne

Chapter 134 Performing Blessing

Chapter 134 Performing Blessing
The bleak sea breeze with a salty and wet smell blows over the small square, the indigenous people whose eyes have turned into hostility and anger, and the surrounding leaves.

Even in winter, the trees in Bayam are still evergreen.

The theater candidates are:

Gehrman Sparrow, the cold and crazy bounty hunter!He has a sharp face, is wearing a black wool coat, and has a tall figure.

Under the watchful eyes of countless indigenous people, the second place for the "Blessed Ones" has been determined...

Wait, not yet.

Through the hotel window, the puppet and Klein looked at each other for a few seconds.

"No, not you."

"It's the sickly one next to you."

It suddenly said with great certainty.

The eyes of the crowd outside the window followed the changes in the words, and immediately abandoned the standing man and turned to the rear.

Klein's well-played expression rarely became dull: "?"

Is there such a person here?

The cold-looking bounty hunter turned his head to look.

And behind him, Yagel who heard this sentence also slowly turned his head.

The two looked around suspiciously.

The wooden hotel is quite narrow, and the end can be seen at a glance.Under the woven tapestry hanging from the second floor, there is a hall with only a few dining tables.

On the left, no one.

On the right, there is no one.

Even the boss who was supposed to be behind the front desk went back to the back kitchen to cook.

In the empty hall, there were only two figures.


As one of the only customers, someone has to realize the fact that -

The puppet called him.

Yager: "..."

The atmosphere froze.

Do you want to come back?

He stared blankly back at the window.


There was a slight sound of metal rubbing against the table for a second, it was the last whine of a poor teaspoon left in the world.

Unfortunately, the puppets outside the layers of glass were unaware of this.

In the dead silence, it nodded affirmatively, as if it was very sure that it chose the young man behind, opened and closed its empty mouth, and issued a shrill and piercing voice again:
"Come! Stranger from afar. Blessing has come."

"Your distorted mind will find peace under the gaze of the storm, and the lesions that have been lingering for many years will disappear without a trace. After the blessing, your life will be smooth."

Its tone has a strange sense of bewitchment.

On the contrary, the faces of the natives who had been following the puppets turned grim, and their malice and hostility seemed to turn into reality, piercing through the two foreigners like a blade.

Standing at the very front, a woman hugged a sickly girl, with tears in her eyes, looking angrily at this side.

Quotas are very precious things in their view.

Under their watchful eyes, Yagel replied succinctly:
"I'm not sick."

The air seemed to freeze for another second.

The puppet in front of the window shook its head with difficulty with stiff joints: "You are sick."

"I'm not sick."

He emphasized again.

Through the polished glass, he and the ugly puppet outside quietly stared at each other.

If it is interpreted from the perspective of everyone who is praying for blessings, whether it is the woman holding the young girl or the chosen child 'Jack', they will all say angrily: This Loenian's face is full of arrogance.

But no one dared to speak out.

They just stared at him with tears of indignation, resenting the hope that was taken away again in their hearts.

In Bayam, Loen people represent privileges.

Not to mention, this skinny young man dressed meticulously.

The Navy will only favor him!
Therefore, even if there are a thousand curses in their hearts, and they hate foreigners for taking away their chance of blessing again, these indigenous people just chew their hatred and stare at Yagel in the end.

As the center of the theater, the puppet froze in the air for a full ten seconds, as if wondering if there was something wrong with his choice.

How do you feel that the one that looks more fierce is easier to solve? !
But already confirmed candidates cannot be changed.

So, the thin voice replied again word by word: "No. You are sick."

"Your skin is already pale, your body is fragile, and the invisible disease has actually found you a long time ago!"

"However, the storm has made a decree. According to the ancient prophecy, you will become a blessed one. All these things will eventually go away from you, and you will live a glorious life."

"Be careful, stranger! If you insist on not opening your eyes and gazing at the truth, the curse will become your nightmare!"

It used the posture of doomsday prophecy to forcefully stipulate new types of diseases, and raised a curse, trying to force Yagel to agree.

I don't know why, but it seems to be very persistent, and must pull one of the two Loen people from outside.

One person and one puppet stared at each other in silence.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After a long time, when even Klein next to him was secretly preparing the revolver to fight the natives, Yager finally replied lightly: "Okay."

The tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

The puppet seemed secretly relieved.

It turned around immediately, the wheels of the wheelbarrow under it kept turning, and together with the old man who was actually controlling them, they slowly returned to the center of the square with the sound of rusty 'squeak'.

And half a minute later, the last blessing was quickly chosen.

Now, standing in the semi-circular open space is Yagel, and two Bayam people, a man and a woman on the left and right.

The people who were not selected let out desperate and angry roars, screams, and gnashed their teeth.

All around were staring at him viciously.

Resent not the chosen, but the chosen
Bayam's problems are serious.

Yager has a preliminary understanding of the current situation of the colony.

The belief gained by this puppet "priest" is quite fanatical, obviously coming from a group with unsatisfactory lives.And it's even more obvious that, under such a treacherous atmosphere, the one praised in the lines is definitely not the "Emperor of the Sea" Lord of Storms.

Another cult festival.

Now that it hit him on the head, it's fine to take away some miscellaneous soldiers.


all killed.

The outsider thought blankly.

Back to reality, in the messy square, after the puppet muttered many lines, it finally turned around, raised its wooden hand with peeling paint, and started the topic.

"Thank God!"

It raised its wooden hand stiffly and shouted to the sky.

At this moment, a thunderbolt flashed across the sky!
The dazzling white pierced through the clouds, leaving only a flash of white light around, as if it was flashing in front of everyone's eyes, and it would hit here at any time.

The crowd trembled, exclaiming and praying.

The girl who was selected next to her had folded her hands in front of her chest, crying and crying, but her eyes were filled with ecstasy of seeing hope.

They looked at the puppet as if they were watching a miracle.

And when the field of vision turned back, three stones had already appeared in its hand.

The stone is engraved with the symbol of the waves.

The puppet stepped forward tremblingly, put the three stones one by one in the hands of the person chosen in the middle, and said in a gloomy tone:
"Carry it with you for three days, and the blessings of the gods will come. From then on, your life will be smooth."

"But don't forget that if you ignore God's blessings, curses will follow!"

It said so at last.

(End of this chapter)

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