Mystery: Outlander Gods of Bloodborne

Chapter 130 The Inheritance Method of the Bloodline

Chapter 130 The Inheritance Method of the Bloodline
Mentioning Amon, the atmosphere is dead.

The horrific appearance of this high-ranking person last time and the strong malice it contained left a deep psychological shadow on everyone.

Besides, Mr. Bishop has no intention of continuing to expand on this aspect.

So, after a long period of silence, the members of the Tarot Society consciously pretended that they hadn't talked about the channel, silently changed the topic, and started trading information and items again.

And Mr. Moon, who had been quite silent all this time, finally seized the opportunity and asked:
"Everyone, who knows how the blood race can improve its strength without relying on gifts from the elders?"

His eyes turned away as soon as he finished speaking, most of them were bright eyes, with curiosity about the blood race.

And Klein's dead fish eyes.

'Mr. White, you are so unabashed. '

Obviously, at this moment, most of the members have guessed that 'the moon = blood race'.

Just didn't ask aloud.

Alger was still the first to give advice:

"I remember that vampires can also take potions to be promoted, but it must be the corresponding and correct one. In the major churches, certain experiments have been done, and the results have proved that this method is feasible. But I don't have permission to read the specifics. material."

He described it succinctly.

The right kind, which apparently refers to the lunar pathway that 'Pharmacist' corresponds to.

This message made Yagel turn his head slightly to look over, remembering the content in his heart.

However, what made him more interested was that from the conversation between the two, the blood race could not choose potions in the normal way, but could only take the corresponding one.

Does that represent a peculiarity of the 'moon' pathway?
He raised some interest in listening.

On the other hand, Emlyn White was irritated by this suggestion: "But the main ingredients of those potions are from my family!"

"Ahem, you're showing off, Emlyn"

Klein couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, so he had to stretch out his hand to pretend to cough, covering his mouth to hide his smile.

"I mean"

Of course, Emlyn realized it immediately, and paused for a moment in embarrassment.

But he quickly adjusted and chose to raise his voice again: "Yes, I am a blood race!"

Alger raised his eyebrows, and gave Mr. Moon a sympathetic look of 'actually no one asked you'.

Obviously, what he pitied was the limited IQ of the other party.
But he nodded normally on the surface and said: "There is no need to be so absolute."

"For example, I have clues to the legacy of a blood baron. He died in a sudden conflict and had no time to find a successor."

"If you receive this inheritance in the form of potions, isn't this a kind of maintenance for the overall strength of the blood race?"

"Maintain the overall strength of the blood race," Emlyn said to himself for a while, and suddenly felt that what the Hanged Man said was very reasonable, and his logic was impeccable.

"In addition, in the Sonia Sea, the promotion of most of the blood clans is based on the family inheritance system. After the death of the father, it is normal for the son to inherit the extraordinary legacy and promotion left behind."

The Hanged Man saw that he had a tendency to waver, so he gave him another push, adding bricks and tiles to his extraordinary material sales performance.

Sure enough, Emlyn was visibly shaken by the naked eye.

At this moment, Mr. World next to him suddenly trembled in a low voice, diverting the attention of the blood race.

Emlyn asked suspiciously: "What are you laughing at?"

The world immediately shook its head, and replied with its usual hoarse voice: "Sorry, I remembered something happy."

This made Emlyn feel baffled. After lightly snorting, he turned his head again and went to discuss the matter of Extraordinary characteristics with Alger.

Only Klein was left alone, suppressing a smile:

It's a good thing that he cuts faster, otherwise the fool's style will be lost.

Although laughing with the avatar has no feeling at all, but at least it expresses a little emotion, so it won't be a failure.

Unexpectedly, the hardest part of playing the Fool is not to laugh out loud in front of the group members.

Thinking of this, the joke he just created appeared in his mind again, forcing him to purse his lips quietly behind the gray mist:
'Chichi. Dad's meal.'

Today's Tarot Club ended with Klein holding back his laughter.

On the Golden Dream, the warm sea breeze blew across the deck, bringing hard-working sailors rare happiness in a few days and hope for the future.

In the distance, a majestic city can already be glimpsed.

That is the 'city of generosity' Bayam!

After finishing the Tarot Club, Yager pushed open the door of the captain's cabin and came to the corridor. Together with the sailors, he squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, feeling the afternoon sunshine of the Sunya Sea.

But he is actually sorting out the information in the past few days in his mind.

Among them, Sherlock Moriarty provided the most and most effective information.After many days of "friendly exchanges", he now has a preliminary understanding of his past occupation and the world behind his dreams——

It is about a place poisoned by the moon.

Of course, there are many difficulties behind this conclusion, and the history of insinuation, so I won’t mention it too much.

Yagel slightly ignored Klein's suffering in his heart.

But all in all, this information, together with the little information mentioned by Tarot today, made one of his future goals clearer.

Find the Apostle of the Moon and the related legends of the moon in this world.

At least one needs to confirm whether there is a connection between the two worlds.

It's a pity that Detective Moriarty really didn't know this information, otherwise he would have saved him the trouble of collecting it.

He sighed with great regret.

While the ship was moving, a beautiful lady quietly appeared at the end of the corridor on the second floor, walking towards this side.

Her smooth brown hair glistened in the sun.

"Your Excellency, according to your will, the Golden Dream is already approaching Bayam." Miss 'Vice Admiral Bingshan' said in a deep voice as she approached here.

There is a serious expression on the beautiful cheek.

But if you look closely, you will find that behind her hard poker face, there is actually a strong sense of relief hidden.

Edwina was very thankful that a member of the night was finally leaving her ship and her room.

Fortunately, years of etiquette ensured that she didn't make it obvious.

"Ms. Illness Admiral has been very cooperative recently. Do you need to send her to the inspector's mansion like her subordinates?" She continued to ask.

"No," Yagel nodded politely to her, "I have other arrangements for her."

"Let's book a few nearby hotels for me according to the location of the extraordinary party she said."

"I will stay in Bayam for a while to track down the news I have obtained. Thank you for your cooperation so far. We can say goodbye temporarily after we arrive at the port."

"Okay! Then I will bid you farewell in advance." Edwina curtsied gracefully, turned around, and left with joyful footsteps.

Yagel, on the other hand, stared at her walking back, tilting his head.

Hey, why are you so happy?
Who said he would let forty thousand pounds go?

After Bayam finishes exploring, she still needs to take her boat to Bansi Harbor.

Teleportation is really a good skill.

The sun shone on the stranger's face, making the malice in his eyes even more chilling.

(End of this chapter)

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