100 million walk alone

Chapter 506 Snowfield

Chapter 506 Snowfield

There is no return to the snowfield, the most dangerous place in Luzhou in the north.

Many people have heard of this place but have never been.

In the sixth month of the lunar calendar, in Pei Yin's hometown of Tang Dynasty, it was summer vacation in the seventh month of the solar calendar. In the woodlands of Wuhui Snowfield, there was still snow that had not melted in many places.

Walking through the snow-covered forest, Pei Yin understood why Yi Wushuang wore white and gold clothes.

It stands to reason that wearing white clothes in the jungle will not get dirty at all, but white clothes will soon become gray. But the situation in Wuhui Snowfield is different. There is snow everywhere, and they are wearing white clothes, which makes them very concealable.

Similar to the human world's soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms and fighting in the wild, they look like a part of nature at first glance.

Yi Wushuang succeeded in doing this. Her platinum outfit was like the sun shining from the treetops on the snow, forming a golden edge, so that she became part of the snowfield.

Three days later, a man and a woman were eating dried meat and resting in a clearing in the snowy field.

In a restricted area like Wuhui Snowfield where divine power is sealed, without the blessing of divine power, monks cannot live without a grain of rice. They need to eat and drink to replenish their physical energy. In essence, they are no different from ordinary people.

Unlike mortals, a man and a woman both have spatial powers.

Pei Yin's magical universe treasure house does not require the activation of magic power. As long as he is conscious, he can open the treasure house at will and extract the dry food and drinking water stored inside.

Yi Wushuang's situation is similar to that of Pei Yin. She also has spatial magical powers and eats all her own food.

Sometimes Pei Yin could feel the general's rugged steadiness, and to put it bluntly, he refused to eat Pei Zhenren's dry food in order to prevent him from drugging him.

Pei Yin sees through things without telling them. Trust takes time to build.

Yi Wushuang accompanied him into the snowy field of no return. He had fulfilled his agreement, but it did not mean that he had entrusted his life and property to Pei Yin. Next, he needed to slowly cultivate the comradeship of fighting side by side.

That evening, Yi Wushuang looked at the situation nearby and said, "Do you feel that our journey has been too smooth?"

"The general is very experienced and is good at concealing his whereabouts. Could it be because we hid so well that the barbarian monsters didn't notice us?" Pei Yin asked back, with a hint of rainbow fart.

"You don't have to beat around the bush to praise me. It's best to be truthful when it comes to things like this." Yi Wushuang saw through Pei Daguan's rainbow fart and said with a serious tone: "The sense of smell of the barbarian monster is sharper than that of ordinary beasts. It is not difficult to find us. .”

"In the Wuhui Snowfield, there are not only wild monsters on the ground, but also birds in the sky."

"According to my past experience, a little bird flying in the sky may tip off the Eight Kings of the Snowy Land."

"As we have been walking all the way these past few days, some birds immediately flew away as soon as they saw us. Don't you think it's strange?"

Hearing this, Pei Yin also became serious: "General, what you mean is that the Eight Kings of the Snow Region have already discovered us and have prepared a dragnet in front, waiting for me to jump in?"

Yi Wushuang said: "The White Bear King, one of the eight kings of the Snow Land, was beaten to death by me on the night the Six-Winged Demon Lord led the barbarian demons to invade. Now there are only seven kings left in this place."

Pei Yin was in awe. He used to know that Yi Wushuang was seriously injured that night, but only today did he understand the truth. It turned out that the general fought hard to get one of the Eight Kings of the Snow Land killed.

After calming down, he asked: "Will the remaining seven kings set up a formation and join forces to deal with us?"

"No, the biggest problem of the barbarian demons is their internal disunity."

"There are feuds between different races, and some races are natural enemies of each other."

"For example, snake demons and rat demons, they look like a nest of snakes and rats, but they are actually natural enemies. It is impossible for these two races to cooperate."

"To put it bluntly, if the barbarian demons could be twisted into a rope, Guandong would have fallen long ago."

Yi Wushuang's analysis was clear and logical: "However, with the addition of a Six-Winged Demon Lord, there may be variables."

"If the devil goes around as a lobbyist and persuades the seven kings to form a temporary alliance, it is not impossible."

"This is the worst possible outcome for you and me."

Having said this, the general looked directly at Pei Yin: "The art of war is to seek defeat before you win. I am used to considering the worst outcome first. If the Seven Kings and the Six-Winged Demon Lord form an alliance, do you still have the guts to continue? Go forward?"

Pei Yin blurted out: "We have come here, and there is no reason to give up halfway. Pei has already said that he will cross the Wuhui Snowfield, enter the Hundred Saints Kingdom, go to the so-called Monster Clan Holy Mountain, and take a look at the Heavenly Dao Monument."

Yi Wushuang took a deep look at him and said with some guidance: "If you hold the temple's divine token, you can go to the border of Zhou Kingdom and enter the Hundred Saints Kingdom from another way. You should be very clear about which way. , much easier to walk than the snowfield without return.”

Pei Yin wouldn't say that he needed the demon king's blood and demon king's bone to transform the artifact. He had a more sufficient reason: "The general also knows who killed the three girls around me. Since the six-winged demon lord hid in Wuhui Snowfield, even if there are thousands of difficulties and dangers, I will still take this path."

"Understood, I will accompany you for a while." Yi Wushuang was quite satisfied with Pei Yin's answer, and she admired this kind of man who was indomitable.

The next day, the two of them continued walking based on the Zhenbao Pavilion map. Time passed quickly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

A man and a woman walked the route recorded on the map one by one. Not to mention finding Lucifer, they didn't even meet a little demon.

In desperation, the two changed their route and entered a mysterious area that was not recorded on the map.

After entering the mysterious area, Pei Yin realized for himself why the expert who drew the map didn't record this area.

Because it was freezing cold in that area, and it was actually snowing in broad daylight.

The July Flowing Fire outside seemed like two different worlds to this mysterious area, with no connection between them.

The snow on the ground is so thick that if you step into it, your entire knee will be covered.

Without the blessing of divine power, Pei Yin could not walk on the snow without leaving a trace, and his shoes and calves were soaked.

At night, the temperature plummeted to minus 50 degrees, making him question his life.

Even though Pei Yin had the True Supreme Sword Body, his body was frozen in such a cold environment.

Being in such a ghost place, let alone drawing a map, if you stay for a few more days, you will definitely get frostbite on a large area.

That afternoon, the two walked out of the jungle and entered the vast snowfield.

This is the real snowfield with no return, and you can’t see the edge at a glance.

Looking around, there were no trees, no rocks, just white snow.

After discussing with Yi Wushuang, Pei Yin decided to cross the snowfield to see what was at the end of the road.

When it was almost midnight, Pei Yin suddenly slipped and fell into a body of icy water.

On this snowfield, there is an ice lake.

In some places the ice is thick enough, in others it is thin.

Pei Yin was already very careful, but he still fell into the trap and crushed the thin ice with his foot.

The biting ice water made him shiver.

Fortunately, Yi Wushuang reacted quickly and pulled Pei Yin out.

I saw Pei Daguan, soaked to the skin, freezing from head to toe, and shaking constantly.

The sudden drop in temperature at night froze the cold air on his body into a layer of frost in the blink of an eye.

Pei Yin endured the cold and performed a set of basic physical skills "Wuxian Fist". A stream of heat surged from his body and finally shook away the thin layer of ice on his clothes.

Even so, he was not feeling well, he had never been so cold in his life.

He deeply realized a truth: Human beings are indeed not strong enough to compete with nature.

Being in such a hellish place, even without the Eight Kings of Snowland personally taking action, the extremely harsh environment alone is enough to make a boy and a girl feel like death.

It was getting dark, and the night in the snowy field was so dark that I couldn't even see my fingers.

Yi Wushuang took out the small military tent and spread a blanket on the ground. The two of them had to survive the wind and snow tonight.

If we can't survive it, two frozen ice sculptures will appear tomorrow.

Pei Yin got into the general's tent, took out a wool blanket and wrapped it around his body. He kept sitting cross-legged and kept moving.

After an hour like this, they both stood up at the same time.


A wolf howled through the night.

(End of this chapter)

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