100 million walk alone

Chapter 496: The magic gun reappears, returning to nature

Chapter 496: The magic gun reappears, returning to nature

Baili Shuangshuang, who walked out of the silver light, was different from before.

She was wearing a long aqua-blue gauze dress, made of translucent material that made her looming, making her feel uneasy.

She still has long straight black hair and a delicate face with oval seeds. The difference is that her eyes have a kind of temptation that makes the heart flutter, and she has a bit of vixen charm.

Subtle changes have taken place in his body, and the parts that were not huge before now show huge power.

Pei Yin looked at Baili Shuangshuang absentmindedly, remembering too many past events at once.

Returning to the human world from Wuyang Palace, the only person who has truly been with him along the way is this sword spirit and female strategist.

Although Shuang'er has never participated in any battle, he has made suggestions time and time again and solved Brother Aniu's urgent needs.

Looking back on the past, Brother A Niu's eyes were filled with tears.

This time I didn’t want to cry, I actually cried.

"Brother A Niu, why are you crying?" Shuang'er quickly came over and wiped the corners of his eyes with her little hands.

Pei Yin subconsciously hugged the other person and sensed a kind of reality.

This is precisely what is special about the Spirit Clan. Although they are transformed into sword spirits, once they reveal their true form, they are almost the same as the flesh and blood of the human race.

Pei Daguan, who embraced the sword spirit, felt a sense of happiness that he had not seen for a long time, and said with infinite emotion: "It's okay, I'm happy, you finally came out."

"Then you should laugh." Baili took a step back, turned around in a circle, and asked proudly: "Brother Aniu, can you see any changes in me?"

Pei Yin looked at it carefully and said, "She is more beautiful than before, but this temperament... why does it look familiar?"

Shuang'er made a face: "I know Brother Aniu likes vixens the most, so he deliberately improved his temperament."

As she said that, her face turned slightly red: "I also know that Brother A Niu likes those with big breasts, so he makes them bigger."

Brother A Niu also blushed: "Shuang'er, your sacrifice is too great. In fact, you can just be yourself and don't have to wrong yourself."

Shuang'er blurted out: "Don't feel wronged. Taking advantage of the two transformations of Yin Dang Sword, I also got two opportunities to transform myself. I just want to be the kind of woman that Brother A Niu likes the most..."

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked.

Pei Yin could no longer describe his mood at this moment in words, so he immediately expanded his Dan Domain and used body language.

In order to express his respect for the female military advisor Ruisi, he also created a clear water spring, not feeling sorry for the 10,000 drops of innate clear water at all.

Take the move, Thirteen Guns!

After the first five shots were fired, he did not tremble violently like before, but connected with the sixth shot.

The bright moon in the sky has gravity, and the ebb and flow of the tide are too mysterious.

The sixth shot: Yueyin!

If one cultivates the Buddha and cultivates the mind, the dragon will be trapped in shallow water and his soul will be cut off.

The seventh shot: Jiu Qian!

Thousands of people died in the dragon pool and tiger's den, but there was also a warrior who broke into it alone.

The eighth shot: One deep!

On the same day, Dapeng rose from the wind and lifted up to 90,000 miles.

The ninth shot: Fuyao!

The silver spear can kill one person in ten steps, and he can travel thousands of miles without leaving a trace.

The tenth shot: Thousands of miles a day!


Pei Yin, who had mastered the middle part of Thirteen Spears, returned to his normal state from a fast shooter.

Ever since I practiced shooting in the clear water spring, it only took ten minutes. Now I have to shoot from the first shot to the tenth shot, and the whole process takes exactly twenty minutes.

From the first move "The Day Is Long" to the tenth move "A Thousand Miles a Day", a subtle little cycle is formed.

Baili Shuangshuang had never experienced such a magic weapon before, and he was caught off guard on the spot.

Even though she had an Eldar physique that was extremely resistant and flexible, she was completely stunned when the sixth spear was used.

After the tenth shot, Shuang'er burst into tears.

She remembered Brother A Niu once said that when she comes out, he will work hard to make her happy.

Nowadays, Brother Aniu does what he says, and he is really working too hard.

Especially the clear water spring, for the water spirit clan born from the silver dragon beads, it is like a dragon entering the sea, bringing with it an indescribable blessing.

At this moment, neither of the two men, who were dressed roughly, spoke, and everything was in silence.

After a while, Baili Shuangshuang discovered that something had changed in Brother A Niu.

Pei Yin, who originally planned to be promoted to the Return to True Realm during the Three Flowers Gathering, did not make a breakthrough this afternoon.

Because he knew that his state of mind was flawed. Sword Spirit Shuang'er was just the last piece of the puzzle to make up for his mental flaws.

In other words, it is a shortcoming.

At this moment, that shortcoming has been completed, with the fulfillment of long-cherished wishes.

In this case, it's time to break through.

The divine power seeds in Dantian changed.

Those seeds, with their wonderful purple-gold color, formed more powerful energy.

Whether he can return to his true nature depends on Pei Yin's next performance.

The so-called return to nature, to put it more mysteriously, means to see mountains as mountains, to see mountains as not mountains, and to see mountains as mountains.

To put it bluntly, you should be who you are, no need to whitewash it, and refuse to pretend.

Most people cannot do this.

Duplicity and duplicity are common characteristics of all intelligent creatures.

Including Pei Yin, many times the situation forced him to say that what he said and what he thought in his heart were not the same thing at all. To put it bluntly, it was considered duplicity.

The highest state of returning to the true state requires being consistent on the outside and inside.

Among the people Pei Yin knew, the only one who could do this was the unparalleled general who was openly scheming.

At this moment, Pei Yin's consciousness was wandering in the void, looking for the truest self.

Gradually, he came to his own realization.

"No, I misunderstood. Returning to one's original nature is not absolutely the same as what it appears."

“Rather, be your truest self.”

"Miao Lihui himself is a cunning and cunning monster. He sneaked into the dark palace and broke through to the state of return to truth. In fact, he became himself."

"Ouyang Wuhen does one thing in front of others and another behind his back. This is his nature, and he has been true to himself, so he has reached the middle stage of returning to his true state."

"The great demons of the seventh level and above in the past in the Earth Realm also remained true to themselves and did not announce their crazy plans to the world. If the prerequisite for returning to the true state is to tell the whole truth, then it is not called being consistent. That’s called two fools.”

"So, what does the real me look like?"

Pei Yin's consciousness fell into thinking, reviewing his life.

In the adult world, many things are unreal.

So his mind went backwards, back to the time when he was a minor.

From the junior high school era, I gradually regressed to the elementary school era.

Compared with adults, primary school students are indeed much simpler, but anyone who has experienced that period knows that primary school students are not as simple as a blank piece of paper.

For example, when Pei Yin was in the sixth grade of elementary school, there was a little boy in the class who was already in love.

At that age, I had actually reached the threshold of "seeing mountains instead of mountains".

Pei Yin's thoughts continued to go back to before elementary school.

In kindergarten, he just remembered that stage.

At that time, he regarded mountains as mountains and water as water.

Pei Yin thought about it with his conscience, could he be 100% consistent at that time?

the answer is negative.

When he was five years old, he accidentally peed on the toilet seat.

So he took the initiative and went to his mother to complain: "Mom, dad peed on the toilet seat again."

That night, my father failed to enter the bedroom to sleep, and my mother gave him a message: "Think carefully about what you have done."

That night, my father slept on the sofa with countless question marks, thinking about his life for a night.

That was the most profound operation in Pei Yin's childhood memory.

Looking back on that wave of operations, he realized.

That is your truest self!

Maybe it's not very glorious, but that's the real him, like an animal's instinct to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

With this awareness, Pei Yin broke through a barrier.

The divine power evolved from the purple-gold seed broke through the thousand mark at that moment.

He stepped into the seventh level threshold and returned to his true self!

(End of this chapter)

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