Chapter 189 Hell is collapsing

A new demon king will die. This is not something unpredictable.

After all, the apocalypse is coming and the Armageddon is approaching.

Before that, it was inevitable that the resurrected Lucifer would set his sights on hell, launch a purge, and prepare for "war."

It was a bit surprising that two people died at the same time.

But considering the current situation, it is not incomprehensible.

However, when the Demon King died, the entire hell began to become unstable, and the outer perimeter was even shrinking and collapsing...

This phenomenon really exceeded everyone's expectations.

Not only the goddess of nature who was in hell, but also God who was far away in heaven also immediately looked at it.

Then, he saw a very special picture.

A huge figure with its feet on the ground and its chest submerged in the clouds of the sky, with a layer of crimson flames burning all over its body and its eyes wide open, had its neck bitten off by a ferocious black dragon.

Not far from them, there was a tall oval portal, and a figure was running through the door in panic, trembling all over, as if he had been greatly frightened.

The black dragon is obviously the greedy demon king who has disappeared for a long time.

Looking at this situation, it seemed that it suddenly attacked while the two demon kings were fighting, and easily killed one of them.

That was the furious demon king, who was always known for his madness and twisted personality.

Jealousy is at war with rage, and the portal it opens leads to the human world...

At this time, God was actually not very surprised.

After all, no one really thinks that the disappeared Lucifer will really disappear and never appear again.

It will take the opportunity to cause chaos, and even the two warring parties can actually guess it.

But just because you can guess it doesn't mean you can prevent it.

Not to mention the mystery and power of Lucifer himself, even the simple Demon King of Greed, after digesting the arrogance and power, is not comparable to other Demon Kings in strength.

No one can bear the sneak attack of greed.

The result of this sneak attack will cause turmoil in hell. Although God doesn't know the principle, he doesn't think there is anything special about it.

After all, Hell was created by Lucifer himself, and there must be loopholes in it that Lucifer can exploit.

To put it simply, all this is still expected and does not affect His own plan.

However, what happened next made him unable to sit still.

Because the collapsed space was not simply broken and dissipated, but was constantly integrating into a place called the endless abyss!
The scale of hell is very large, not smaller than the human world, but it is not a planet, but a subspace in the shape of an inverted triangle.

The endless abyss is at the bottom of this inverted triangle.

And that purgatory is connected to the bottom.

This special location makes it seem unusual.

Considering that this place was created by Lucifer using the ancient snake of Purgatory, it is even more special.

However, this is not the case.

God has conducted detailed investigations on this in the past and found that the space structure there is very unstable and full of fatal dangers for normal life.

But other than that, he didn't notice anything else strange.

Because the inspection was very careful and the observation time was no less than ten years, I felt that there would be no mistakes or omissions.

So he didn't pay much attention to it after that.

But now, looking at the situation, that place is obviously another back-up that Lucifer has already prepared!

And he had clearly noticed it before, but he didn't see clearly the details of this behind-the-scenes plot...

My mood was a little turbulent because of this, but it wasn't a shock.

"Using the abyss to swallow hell...does he want to reshape hell?"

In a flash of thought, God guessed what was going to happen next and instantly understood its principle.

One devil died and another escaped.There are only two demon kings left in hell right now, except for greed.

The structure of hell is similar to that of heaven. The archangels are the pillars, and the seven devils are also pillars.

Most of the pillars were gone, so of course they couldn't support this huge subspace world.

Then it is not difficult to understand that everything that collapsed fell according to the predetermined trajectory.

This doesn't seem to be anything to take seriously.

Thinking that he had figured out the situation, God immediately wanted to look away.

However, what happened next proved that his guess was not complete.

As the collapse continued, after absorbing a large amount of "hell fragments", the endless abyss seemed to be melting and began to "stick" to the purgatory at the bottom!

In other words, the large number of hell fragments are being integrated with purgatory under the buffering and transformation of the endless abyss!

Such a change surprised God, and his mood became serious.

Because he couldn't understand what this would cause!

Purgatory and hell fused?
Will there be an enhanced version of hell?
Or will it make Purgatory, a place full of monsters, even weirder?
The result is unknown, but [-]% of the time it will be bad.

God then stopped trying to stay aloof and instead projected his will to try to prevent this from happening.

It's a pity that this behavior not only failed to delay the collapse of hell, but was like a black hole, instantly absorbing the power He exerted in the past!
The process of fragmentation and fusion of the world is very terrifying, and the lives mixed in it appear extremely small under this chaos.

If he hadn't taken advantage of the situation and quickly cut off that part of the power, I'm afraid even He, the invincible being in the world, would be injured!

"Purgatory is no longer accessible. After killing Fury, greed is gone."

Sensing the arrival of God, the voice of the goddess of nature came later.

"Now it seems that the disappearance of greed some time ago must be related to the current situation."

God's projected will is like a luminous outline of humanity, and the goddess appears as before, a few firefly rays.

The two sides are on a plain in hell, surrounded by a large number of black cracks, as if the space has been torn apart.

And this ubiquitous crack is rapidly absorbing everything in sight.

The sea of ​​scarlet clouds in the sky, the dry and cracked land underfoot...

The soil flew up and the dust spread, like inhaling fog, exposing a large amount of rocks and revealing the red, high-temperature magma at the bottom.

"Does the mother have any more information?"

Being here, I can feel that the fundamentals of this world are changing, and God's voice seems very serious.

"No more than you know."

The goddess of nature responded helplessly, "But since this matter involves the endless abyss, I think someone will have some clues."

The Endless Abyss was a place "conveniently" created by Lucifer during one of his expeditions more than 1000 years ago.

And during that expedition, he also killed the God of Dawn along the way.

Considering the abnormality of the morning light when the apocalypse comes, it is difficult to say whether the father of God will be on the same side as Lucifer.

Although the goddess feels that she is actually Lucifer's "inside agent", her always wavering inside agent has not gained Lucifer's true trust.

Of course, you won't know any key secrets.

Even if she knew, she might not be able to tell.

Because she didn't know what the current changes in hell meant to Lucifer and the entire world.

God doesn't know either.

After hearing this, he actually had the intention to find his father, who had a bad attitude, and consider finding out the details.

However, what happened immediately forced him to focus on the surrounding environment again.

Because of the extraordinary rules of hell, changes began to occur inexplicably!

(End of this chapter)

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