Chapter 169 The third scapegoat?

Although the means used are special, but of course the goddess of nature cannot do it alone.

The god who was originally named Dio had the blood of two gods.

The other god, in fact, was exposed incidentally by "greed" in the original dark forest——

The baby rises from the ten thousand-zhang glow, which actually refers to an ancient god named Chenxi.

The God of Dawn belongs to the lineage of ancient sun gods, and is not very powerful in itself, and his "reputation" is not very loud.

But his divine power symbolizes hope and beginning, which is very suitable for nurturing children.

That's why the goddess chose him in the first place, or in other words, tied him up to let him be the father of her child by force.

And even though it was forced, the God of Dawn loved the child "Dio" very much.

When Dio, that is, God launched the war of slaughtering gods and invaded the god domain of the Sun God family, Chen Xi acted as an internal response and helped his son win the final victory.

That was also the most difficult battle that God fought during the slaughter of gods, because the Sun God family was very powerful and could be called the overlord at that time.

If it hadn't been for Chen Xi's betrayal and betrayal of his Lord at a critical moment, even if the god would not die, he would surely damage his foundation and would not be able to grow to the present level.

Therefore, the relationship between "father and son" is very deep.

"But this betrayal made Chen Xi feel very guilty, so after this incident, he completely disappeared from everyone's sight, especially Dio's. No one knew where he went."

In the dark forest, after the initial annoyance, the elk has regained its composure.

"I guessed that Chen Xi would live in seclusion in Purgatory, because of the special nature of that place, it is difficult to investigate with normal means."

"And the Scarlet Sea of ​​Purgatory was once the birthplace of the Sun God."

These words made Adanielle a little confused.

"That's why you suspect that the god who was killed by Lucifer along the way was Chen Xi?"

The environment of purgatory is extremely unique, similar to the state before the dark forest, in which one will suffer the effect of forbidden magic.

It is very suitable for some people who escape from the world to survive.

And since the Scarlet Sea was once the birthplace of the sun god, it seems reasonable for God's father to live in seclusion nearby and repent silently.

However, it sounds like all of this is just guesswork. There is no conclusive evidence. Why is the goddess in front of me so sure?

And, even if this is the truth, what does it have to do with so-called unclean people?
"As you and I speak, your fellow Trafford is stalking the Lord of Greed in Purgatory."

Sensing Adanielle's suspicion, Elk explained calmly: "Because of Dio's help behind the scenes, Trafford's tracking was not thrown off by the Demon King of Greed."

"Interestingly, the destination of greed is the Scarlet Sea."

The destination is the Scarlet Sea?

Adanielle was startled when she heard the words, and then half understood.

"That is to say, next, it will—"


Elk's tone was calm, with a hint of helplessness.

"Not surprisingly, there will be a scene where father and son meet and turn against each other."


Is the God of Dawn, killed by Lucifer, really dead?

In other words, is what is happening now really just as simple as it seems?

The headquarters of the Holy See was jointly attacked by two demon kings, "Greed and Laziness".

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a kind of revenge by the demon king of hell to invade the human world and counter the archangel's recent demon-hunting behavior.

Some people in the know would think that the disaster that caused the turmoil in the foundation of the kingdom of heaven was the beginning of the demon kings disrupting the human world, creating more turmoil in the kingdom of heaven, and even plotting to cut off the connection between the secular world and the kingdom of heaven.

The prophet of God took advantage of this to understand the means and location of Lucifer's resurrection, and came to the conclusion that seven kings died and one king lived.

At the beginning, the Goddess of Nature believed that this was a layout where Andy was looking for a scapegoat for himself, so that the greedy demon king, the culprit, would be exposed to everyone's sight and attract attention.

But there is a loophole in this.

That is God, will you believe it?

Shaking the beliefs of human believers, there was indeed turmoil in the kingdom of heaven, but the impact of the turmoil was not very serious.

Although there may be new disasters in the future, it will continue to deepen this instability and create more troubles for the kingdom of heaven.

But compared to accomplishing this, shouldn't the newly resurrected Lucifer be more inclined to hide himself?

In other words, this kind of behavior is not worth the candle.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lucifer is reckless and impulsive, so it is not surprising to do such a thing.

But God attaches great importance to Lucifer, and when communicating with her, he even pointed out that Lucifer has the characteristics of wisdom.

Under such circumstances, he might think that the resurrected Lucifer would expose his deeds so easily?

Obviously, he wouldn't believe it.

I will not easily believe the so-called conclusion that seven kings died and one king was born.

So although he was attracted, he didn't do anything else, just observed in secret.

How to make him change from unbelief to belief?

The goddess of nature couldn't figure it out before, but after hearing the word apocalypse, she suddenly understood.

The purpose of destroying the headquarters of the Holy See is only to create turmoil in the kingdom of heaven, or to provoke and establish prestige. Such reasons are far-fetched in the eyes of those who understand Lucifer.

But if you add in the apocalypse and the birth of war knights, then it all becomes very reasonable!
However, in this way, another problem arises.

That is, a certain prophet of God once predicted that before the apocalypse comes, there will inevitably be unclean people in the world.

Who is this unclean man?

Is it Lucifer himself who was resurrected from the body of the devil?

If so, why is the sentence described in the prophecy not "Before the apocalypse comes, Lucifer will surely come back to the world?"

Is the prophecy imprecise?

The predictions of human fortune tellers are usually imprecise, which is actually understandable.

But the predictions of the prophets are completely different from those of the fortune tellers.

That was information learned through the power of God, how could there be such an obvious error?

Therefore, the unclean person cannot be Lucifer.

However, if it wasn't for Lucifer, then Andy's "plan for the dead ghost" would have loopholes.

Lucifer is resurrected, the knight of the apocalypse is about to come, but this unclean man has disappeared...

A serious error has occurred in the decisive battle process!
In this case, will God ignore this so-called unclean person, or will he re-examine everything in the past and find out the person who should have existed in the prophecy?
Definitely will choose the latter.

Because since it can appear in the prophet's prophecy, then this unclean person must not be a simple existence!
Therefore, if this kind of investigation is to be prevented, Andy needs to show the unclean people in the eyes of God before the war knight is born.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Andy, a person on the purge list, to completely get rid of the situation of being targeted.

In other words, he needs another scapegoat!

And just like God would not easily believe that Lucifer would reveal his whereabouts so easily, ordinary people cannot meet the standards of a scapegoat.

This scapegoat must have complex "functions" to be worthy of the title of an unclean person.

Therefore, everything seems to be full of fog and there are no clear clues, but in the eyes of the goddess of nature, things are very intuitive.

Lucifer needs another scapegoat.

Lucifer came up with the concept of doomsday battle and apocalypse more than 1000 years ago. Before he came up with these, he killed an ancient god "on the way".

The location of this ancient god is the Scarlet Sea, which is suspected to be the hidden place of God's father.

Right now, at this point in time when the apocalypse is about to come, Lucifer needs to pull out an unclean person to show before God in order to comply with the decisive battle procedure and get rid of the last layer of doubt on his body.

And the Demon King of Greed, who is possessed by "Lucifer", is deliberately attracting God's attention and rushing towards the Scarlet Sea...

Is it not obvious, then, who will be this unclean man?
This can't be said to be deliberate.

It's Yangmou!

"Think about it, after Chen Xi's resurrection, for some reason, she will be deeply bound to the apocalypse."

When thinking through these things, the goddess' mood is very complicated.

Annoyed, shocked, admired, jealous...

You know, "killing a god along the way", this matter was done by the other party more than 1000 years ago!

A game, arranged for such a long time, only showed its traces today... This can no longer be said to be scheming, but abnormal to the extreme!
That's why she didn't ask Andy herself, but beat around the bush to get information from Adaniel.

Because she couldn't understand Andy at all.

She couldn't understand, but she needed to understand, so she got close with Adaniel.

The purpose is to learn more information about Andy from her.

In other words, she doesn't expect to know the details of Andy, but she needs to figure out at least one thing.

That is, Andy, when he was still Lucifer, for what reason did he become the king of hell?
Is it to construct a front line for the human world to resist the disaster of purgatory?
Or is it for one's own ambition, to be close to the water, to delve into purgatory more conveniently, and to control purgatory?

(End of this chapter)

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