Chapter 151 Straightforward dialogue

The living environment of ordinary apostles in the devil's cave is not good.

The residence carved out of the rock with extraordinary power, although the space is vast, but the gray-black stone walls on all sides are extremely rough.

The ground, beds, tables and chairs are all made of stone, and they look very old, as if they are in an old society.

The only evidence of the present age is a single halogen light bulb in the ceiling overhead.

It was mainly because the Greedy Demon King liked some modern entertainment facilities, so he electrified the apostles.

However, the simplicity of the environment does not affect what happens here, and the impact is far-reaching.

Standing under this light bulb emitting a dim yellow light, after "Guy" finished speaking, he looked at Andy's expression.

She seemed to want to see how Andy would react when he heard the news——

Although Andy's body was covered with bandages at this time, this kind of clothing could not block her view at all.

However, what surprised her was that, apart from being stunned for two or three seconds, Andy, who used his avatar to disguise himself as an apostle, suddenly laughed.

"I thought you would use coercive means to catch me and interrogate me after you caught my eye."

He said, "I didn't expect that you would contact me in this way."

This made "Guy" very surprised.

The one in front of you, has been waiting for you to show up?

Then she asked with great interest, "Did you really do the thing in the dark forest?"

Although he was asking, he was actually quite certain.

She didn't doubt the truth of the incident at first, and she didn't even come after Andy when she appeared in the Greedy Cave.

It's just that I saw Andy by the way while investigating the Greedy Demon King.

Why it is suspected that this matter has something to do with Andy is actually very simple.

The greedy demon king she secretly observed, every move, every word and deed, is not at all like the mastermind of the exposure.

And Andy, who was supposed to stay in the academy, inexplicably used several clones to infiltrate the apostle team.

Although I don't know what Andy is going to do, he obviously has a plan, and the devil is caught off guard by everything.

So, no need to think too much about who is more suspicious.

But she thought that Andy was the mastermind, but she never thought that after she showed up, the other party would admit it so simply?

"In order to get rid of the trouble caused by the prophet, we can only use whatever method is available."

In this regard, Andy replied frankly: "The prophet is a man of God, and you are the mother of God. I think it is very legitimate to transfer the trouble to you."

That's actually very impolite.

But after "Guy" heard the words, his expression didn't change.

She didn't know how long she had lived, and she didn't care at all about the various attitudes shown by juniors like Andy.

In other words, in this world, there are not many existences that can annoy her.

Andy doesn't have the qualifications yet.

"So," she asked again, "how can you be sure that I will really show up?"

"About this point, I think you already have an answer."

Andy shrugged instead, and said, "I can only say that your judgment is very accurate."

The goddess was surprised again when she heard the words.

Others could not understand this, but she understood it very well——

She is different from ordinary people, her thinking can be split and simulated infinitely.

So she can pretend to be the Black Snake and the Apostle Guy at the same time, monitor the two archangels, and even try to interfere with the Demon King.

That's not all she does.

When she first appeared at St. Marian College, she actually noticed that there was something abnormal about Andy.

Later, she turned to show signs in the eyes of the emperor, and asked the emperor why Andy was not afraid of being discovered by Andy.

It was because she suspected that the real reason why she was drawn out was the empress of the empire.

After communicating with the queen, she didn't see anything, so she took the queen's body and took it away from the palace.

This was not done because the other party was secretive and angry, nor was it to prevent the Queen from leaking information to Andy.

but testing.

To test what kind of existence the queen is.

The result was clear—the emperor had some kind of extraordinary luck.

During the few days when she replaced the other party, she encountered many accidents one after another, and was even spotted by the archangel who usurped the throne, and then encountered a lot of pursuit.

So she roughly understood the reason for her appearance this time.

The emperor was born in response to a catastrophe, and he was born with great luck!
But she made this judgment not long ago, and now Andy actually knows what she's thinking?
Was it just because she had shown traces in the emperor's eyes at the beginning, that she thought she would test the emperor, and then discover the emperor's secret?

Or, he has already noticed that he is pretending to be a black snake?
Considering Andy's attitude towards the black snake these days, the goddess felt that the latter should be impossible.

Because that's like treating a pet, touching and scratching from time to time, playing with it casually, and occasionally flicking its brains.

How much courage does it take to make him dare to do this after guessing the "truth"?

Therefore, this should only be a prejudgment of one's own behavior.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing difficult to guess...

"The emperor is the one who responds to the robbery."

She then said: "Her mission is to lead the world to resist possible disasters. Based on this mission, many people will gather around her to help her."

"You used this kind of characteristic to attract me and let me notice her. Although you did this dishonorably, it is creditable, so I will not use coercive means against you."

This is a confirmation of what Andy just said.

But then, she changed the subject.

"But I don't understand, what is the purpose of what you are doing now?"

Not only Andy's abnormal behavior in the devil's cave, but also Andy's behavior of bewitching the archangel to fall and split the kingdom of heaven.

The former confuses her, but the latter she can clearly judge what this behavior means to this world.

It's totally dragging its feet!
The appearance of the responders means that an unknown disaster is approaching, and this disaster must be dealt with by everyone.

In this case, instead of uniting and taking precautions, they are engaged in internal fighting, trying to split the strongest kingdom of heaven...

Such behavior gave the goddess of nature a very bad sense.

Cooperating with Andy, she always has a sense of "familiarity" with doubts.

It's hard for her not to wonder whether Andy right now is one of her own in this world, or a traitor from the other side of the disaster?

"This is a question that needs to be considered."

Faced with her attitude, Andy said bluntly: "Is the existence of the kingdom of heaven good or bad for this world?"

(End of this chapter)

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