is the son of the Holy See, but the master of black magic

Chapter 113 The Archangel Overheard Andy

Chapter 113 The Archangel Overheard Andy

It was lunch break time, and although Andy didn't sleep, he didn't do anything serious.

Instead, he was sitting at the desk by the window, concentrating on flipping through a miscellaneous book called "Dungeons and Dragons: A City Master's Guide".

The blond figure stood not far from him. After glancing at the knowledge mentioned in the book, he turned his attention to Andy himself without interest.

In fact, she has observed Andy for a long time.

Otherwise, in the conversation with the emperor, it would be impossible to mention that Andy needs to be observed, and that the evil spirit on him is the apostle.

But at this moment, appearing here, her goal is actually to observe.

Because before that, she learned about the life map tree from the emperor.

The life map tree is a very precious secret method.

It is so precious that even if she found out that Andy's physique is special and her image has changed a lot from the past, she didn't think about it.

Only if Andy, like the evil spirit, was transformed by the arrogant demon king.

So when she found out that the emperor knew about the life map tree, she suddenly understood what was going on with Andy's change.

Because of this, she was puzzled.

In the era when the life map tree was born, no precious items were needed to cultivate it.

But in the current era, it is not an easy task to cultivate a life map tree and convert into a "golden race".

Not only does it require a huge amount of energy to transform the essence of life, but it also requires practitioners with exceptionally precise thinking to maintain the operation of the secret method.

In other words, relying on Andy alone, he couldn't fix it at all.

Unless the arrogant demon sacrificed himself and used the time before his fake death to help Andy accomplish this.

What is the purpose of doing this?
Adaniel originally preferred that Andy was the devil's abandoned son, and she threw it aside when she ran out.

However, if it is really an abandoned child, will it spend a lot of effort to help Andy build a life map tree?

But if he wasn't an abandoned son, why did he notice Andy?

Or, why would Andy want to enter the evangelical church, hoping to become the Son of God?
Even if the incident in the dark forest didn't happen, the doubts about Andy would be noticed sooner or later.

So there is no possibility of using him to sneak into the church.

His identity and background are unclear, there are too many suspicious things, and there is an imperial emperor behind him.

In this case, the more he climbed up, the more times he was scrutinized, and the resistance became higher and higher.

There is really no difference between the situation and the abandoned child.

However, when it comes to the life map tree, this judgment is very contradictory...

"I've looked into it, and nothing seems to have happened."

"Do you really think that this game will appear?"

Just at this time, a word exuding special fluctuations came into her ears.

Let Adaniel's eyes shift quietly, looking at the black snake on Andy's wrist.

She'd seen this thing before.

But at the time I didn't realize what it was.

Now she does know that this is a ray of distraction created by the human emperor using a special secret method.

"It's not that I think, it's that many people think so."

Andy's "voice" followed closely, "And as long as they think so, there is a high chance of this happening."

Adaniel was dumbfounded when she heard this.

One person, one snake uses secret language involving the spirit body, rather than a formal conversation.

This kind of private conversation can be hidden from normal people, and even some angels.

But for her, the Archangel, it was no different from hearing a normal conversation.

It's really impolite to eavesdrop like this.

But she is already peeping now, so of course she doesn't care about hearing some information by the way.

"Once the principles that I adhere to in my heart are violated, I will commit the second, third, and fourth times, and finally become guilt-free and get used to it."

She couldn't help but think of what her elder brother had said to her.

Thinking about it now, it really makes sense...

"But I have thought about it carefully. If those demon kings really knew how to enter the human world, what did they do?"

The conversation continues.

Adanielle listened absent-mindedly, she didn't find it interesting, but just bored.

Just like when I heard the conversation between the two Star Council members.

"They didn't dare before."

Andy's words moved her mind, and she unknowingly lifted her spirits.

"Before, unless they self-mutilated to the point of death, it was impossible to use that method."

"But now, they don't have such worries."


"Because of the celestial change in Africa, and also because of Adaniel's trial behavior."

"...I don't understand, what's the point?"

"To put it simply, it involves faith. The more we believe that the devil can appear in the human world, the stronger the effect of that method will be."

The blond angel, who was listening attentively, couldn't help but change his expression after hearing this.

But the conversation continued.

"And now, extraordinary people all over the world know that the devil has the ability to appear in our body."

"Sounds incredible..."

"In fact, it's nothing. Angels are the best at this method of using beliefs. The kingdom of heaven was able to be built in the first place because it gathered most of the beliefs in the human world."

"You even know that?"

"This is not a secret. You only need to read the book carefully to find out about it."

"...Okay, so, now, which demon king has the courage to eat this first crab?"


"But they shouldn't be able to react in a short time, right?"

"Normally, this is the case, but if there is a change in the kingdom of heaven, they can be reminded. That's why I said that as long as they think so, the chances of this game happening will be very high."

"But can the kingdom of heaven still know the details of this method? I mean, those beings in the sky, wouldn't they think about why the demon king who mastered this method didn't do such a thing before entering the human world?"

"Of course they think about it, but they also think about it."

"Brain supplement?"

"For example, Ni, who is the emperor, happened to pass by a beggar and saw how pitiful he was, so he gave a steamed bun as alms."

"Do you think this kind of behavior, in the eyes of others, especially your subordinates, is out of kindness, or does it have other complicated meanings?"

"Based on my experience, the emperor would never meet a beggar."

"That's right, but the emperor Adaniel happened to meet us beggars and gave us a steamed bun."

"……I understand."

"If you think about it this way, it's really possible."

"However, this is not within your calculations, is it, teacher?"


The blond angel, who was frowning and thinking about what Andy said, was startled when he heard the words, and was full of surprise when he looked at the black-haired boy sitting by the desk.

What did she just hear?
The emperor of the empire, calling a 15-year-old boy... teacher?

(End of this chapter)

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