is the son of the Holy See, but the master of black magic

Chapter 105 The Conspirator's Last Carnival

Chapter 105 The Conspirator's Last Carnival
As the conversation in the Palace of Myths draws to a close, Andy is looking in the mirror in the elegantly decorated dormitory.

The mirror is clear and transparent, but the image in it is not himself.

It was a figure in white with long hair and shawls.

The figure's eyes were closed tightly, the toes lightly touched the floor, and it appeared to be half floating, which seemed very magical.

This is Andy's evil spirit.

But compared to usual, the evil spirits at this time have changed a lot.

The white dress on her body was no longer tattered, and her long black hair, which was wet and messy, also became black and beautiful at this moment, neatly and smoothly draped behind her.

If one only looked at these, anyone would think that the one in the mirror was a slim young beauty.

However, if you look at its face at this time, this impression will disappear, and you will be shocked instead.

Because its facial features are flat.

Although the skin on the face is white and delicate, without any blemishes, it has no lips and no nose.

There are just a pair of tightly closed, bald and lashless eyes.

This appearance is very strange. Compared with the rotting appearance of the nasal bone leaking out, it is not only not good-looking, but even more frightening.

And the whole body has a unique "gas field".

For those who are timid, one look at it will probably faint from fright.

"Unfortunately, the digestion ability is not very good."

Standing in front of the mirror and staring at each other, Andy thought to himself.

Transformed too deeply by the two powers, this idiot evil spirit has been in a deep sleep since the devil's palace.

Up to now, there is no sign of waking up at all.

Although it can be felt that the opponent's state is very stable at the moment, this stability means that there will be no changes in a short period of time.

Andy couldn't be sure when he would wake up.

But it doesn't matter.

Because it is not used for the time being.

After a few glances, Andy narrowed his gaze and focused on himself.

When that conversation in the Palace of Myths happened, he escalated again.

In other words, the myriad of differentiation abilities constructed by using the "Tao" have been improving intermittently during this period of time.

At the beginning, he could only separate out small things such as flies and mosquitoes.

Now, less than half a month later, all this has undergone a qualitative change.

Raising his hand, he pulled out a few hairs and threw them on the ground.

I saw them floating in the air suddenly expand and spread, turning into a few naked babies.

Babies can be male or female, fat or thin, or even black and white.

Under the setting sun outside the window, their faces and appearances are quite different, there are exquisite and beautiful ones, naive ones, twisted and ugly ones.

One by one lying on the ground, they seemed to feel the coolness.

So within a few seconds of birth, chaotic howls sounded one after another.

As if instinctively, the noise made people's eardrums tremble and their brains buzzed.

Andy is not too noisy.

But before he could observe these "little soldiers", there was a sudden knock on the door not far away.

This made him frown slightly, a little surprised.

But Andy didn't hesitate. As soon as his thoughts turned, he turned the babies into pieces of black mist and dissipated in place.

And he went to open the door and saw a stranger he had never seen before.

This person was short and fat, with brown hair and a round face. After seeing the door open, he was a little surprised that there was nothing behind Andy.

But he didn't say anything, handed Andy a letter, and hurried away.

After opening the letter, Andy couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Inside are several photos of the Hall family.

Warm and harmonious, a lively and lovely pair of siblings, very beautiful.

But on the back of these photos, some opposite words are written.





Obviously, this is a warning.

More and more warnings!


"Have you sent all the photos?"

On the square outside the dormitory area, a tall and straight middle-aged man in a suit was sitting on a bench at the edge of the square.

Seeing the short and fat young man hurriedly approaching, he looked over quietly.

"It has been handed over to him personally, Director Connor."

Under the setting sun, the chunky young man replied very respectfully, "However, from the look on his face when he opened the door, he didn't seem to care about our previous threats at all."

"This is normal."

The middle-aged man known as Director Connor has a hooked nose, thin lips, and a tough and mean face.

After hearing the words, he said calmly: "The slap didn't hit him, of course he doesn't know the pain."

"But if he still doesn't make the right choice after seeing those photos, then in the next step, we will contact the major newspapers in France to publicize what happened to the Hall family."

"Thinking about it, that kid won't be able to hold on for long." The short and fat young man echoed in this way, feeling awe in his heart.

Publicize the beauty and kindness of the Hall family, publicize the current plight of the Hall family, and then spread lies, guide public opinion, and point the finger at Andy, the son of Hall who "will not save him".

After a set of tricks, even if the emperor of the empire firmly supports Andy, Andy's future future will not be smooth.

This kind of future is not only in the church, even if he is forced to leave the church later, with such a reputation on his back, it will be difficult for him to develop well in other fields.

What's interesting is that the middle-aged man who made this plan is actually a direct subordinate of the Pope.

Connor Pat, deputy director of the French Inquisition Bureau.

He was also the main operator who framed the Hall family not long ago.

Controlling public opinion and identifying the victim as the person responsible, this method of turning black and white, in the eyes of the deputy director of the local judicial bureau, is a rare and common strategy to deal with the enemy.

So after a few brief explanations, the conspirator got up and left the square.

Although Conor Pat is not a high-level figure in the Holy See system, he is not a small guy either.

These things about Andy are not small, but they are not big.

He set up this conspiracy just to relieve the pope's worries and do it casually.

If the general direction is given, there will naturally be subordinates to stare at the specific implementation details.

Relatively speaking, most of his energy was actually put on the forest treasure.

Because this is what the Pope really cares about...

"I don't know who has the guts to snatch Mianxia's arm."

As he rushed towards the forest barracks, the deputy director pondered over the matter with a calm expression.

But before he reached his destination, a sudden accident made him stop for an instant.

The accident comes from the change of the sky——

It was almost evening, and the sun above his head was not bright at all. Being in a dark forest, the surroundings were even darker and darker.

But at a certain moment, a magnificent golden light suddenly appeared in the sky, and when it swayed silently, it instantly drove away the gloomy atmosphere in the forest!
The environment became as bright as daylight, and the deputy director, together with a group of subordinates behind him, couldn't help but raise their hands to cover their eyes, with a surprised expression.

But before they had any more reaction to this, a golden thunderbolt struck in front of them with a loud noise!
An earthquake-like turbulence followed, making these people unsteady and screaming subconsciously.

On the ground in front, the soil was flying, and the smell of burnt was scattered, and a pit like an abyss was born in an instant!

But changes come and go quickly.

Within a minute, the surrounding turmoil calmed down.

However, standing on the edge of the deep pit, Conor Pat was stunned and didn't recover for a long time.

"This seems to be the legendary light of judgment?"

"what happened?"

"There seems to be something wrong..."

The subordinates were all at a loss about this.

But they didn't notice at all that the deputy chief's face was already pale at this time.

The warning from the Archangel has appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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