It is agreed that the 18th line will be top-notch?

Chapter 224: The group’s allocation makes us feel unprecedented pressure

Yang Ruoqian, who returned to the office, jumped onto the chair in a daze.

"No, this interview team is very wrong!" At this moment, Mr. Yang only felt that the enemy was in front of him, and the ordinary company was in crisis everywhere at this time.

Is it the right decision to introduce such a terrifying existence into the company for the sake of an [-] red envelope?
When Duan Run and his team interviewed Yang Ruoqian, he could also control himself to tell the truth in order to deal with those murderous questions.

But those employees in the company are all masters of nonsense. You can figure out how they will answer the interview with your feet!
Mainly because at first Yang Ruoqian thought it was just an interview, and asking questions wouldn't cause any trouble.

But who knew that Duan Run performed a trick for him on the spot, and no matter what he said or did, or even said nothing, he could write a lot of press releases according to his own ideas!
There is already a large group of black sheep in the company, and with the addition of Duan Run, an external enemy, there is a high chance that Yang Ruoqian will suffer a heavy blow.

Yang Ruoqian urgently sent a WeChat message to the most trustworthy person in the company: "Nvxia Chang, please help us!"

Chang Zhiqing quickly replied: "What's wrong? Did something go wrong with the interview?"

Yang Ruoqian had no time to explain at this time, so he could only say: "Please help me find out who the interview team plans to interview and what questions they plan to ask."

There was no message in the chat box immediately.

A few minutes later, Chang Zhiqing sent a voice message.

"They are interviewing the security guard now, and they are asking some very basic questions, such as company treatment, working environment, etc. It's nothing major."

"But I asked them about their subsequent interview plans. They should be divided into several different areas for interviews, including our company's executives, grassroots employees, anchors and artists. Unfortunately, I am not included in the interview list. "

After listening to Chang Zhiqing's words, Yang Ruoqian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Duan Run was careless and did not pursue the victory. The first person he interviewed was the less destructive security guard.

If it were another person, Yang Ruoqian might not have room to formulate a defensive plan.

Yang Ruoqian asked again: "Where is the specific list of personnel? Do you know?"

Chang Zhiqing directly sent a text with a picture this time: "Among the senior executives, they plan to interview Shao Yiqi and Weng Ziqin, the anchor plans to interview the champion player Ruan Min'er, and the artist plans to interview Shang Qianyu... The grassroots employees are just randomly interviewed, no List.”

After hearing this list of names, Yang Ruoqian's eyes darkened.

Damn Duan Run, you are really good at choosing people!
The ones chosen are all the toughest and toughest characters to deal with!
If you ask Shao Yiqi to be interviewed, there will probably be an interview accident.

And the most terrifying thing is that these people are either loyal executors of Yang Ruoqian's plan, or they are people who were fished out of the ditch by Yang Ruoqian and finally succeeded.

You can only imagine how these people would talk arrogantly during interviews.

What will the final quasi-documentary look like?
"No, this interview plan cannot be allowed to proceed step by step. Interference must be made."

Yang Ruoqian took a deep breath and sent the last message to Chang Zhiqing: "Send my message and ask everyone on the interview list to come to my office. I have an important meeting and can't wait!"

Chang Zhiqing would not interfere with Yang Ruoqian's decision-making, but asked curiously: "What about the interview?"

"Simple, let them interview with Spark Records downstairs." Yang Ruoqian said lightly.

This is the countermeasure that Mr. Yang came up with.

Now the employees at the group headquarters are too skilled in brainstorming, and no one has any objections to their various outrageous operations. They are stubborn old-schoolers.

However, Spark Records had just been acquired and became a subsidiary of the group, and the employees there had basically heard of Yang Ruoqian and the mess that was the Kuaiguang Group.

Interviewing them can be more fair and objective, instead of just bragging like employees at the group headquarters.

After thinking about it, Yang Ruoqian added: "By the way, tell them that there is a junior employee named Fu Yingxiang at Spark Records, and let Duan Run focus on the interview."

Previously, Yang Ruoqian made an extremely abstract personnel transfer in order to sanction the old leader of Spark Records and provoke an internal struggle within Spark Records.

By swapping the identities of the most bullied employees and the top leaders, managers become the ones being managed.

Now let's interview Fu Yingxiang, who was fucked to the end. Can he still have good things to say about Yang Ruoqian?

There are also other employees of Spark Records, and their complaints must be huge - a group boss who knows nothing, appoints top leaders regardless of the company's current situation, and creates many conflicts in the company.

Can these people have anything good to say about Yang Ruoqian?
Even Huang Wei, the head of Spark Records, although he was successfully promoted by Yang Ruoqian, the group has not assigned him a task for so long, nor has he been asked about any specific matters.

It's a completely indifferent, love-to-die attitude.

Being so left out, you must have some complaints in your heart, right?

Even if Yang Ruoqian still talks about the quality of the company for the sake of his face, it is at best a very official and polite way of speaking, and he won't talk nonsense like those cuties at the group headquarters, right?

In order for Spark Records not to compromise under the horrific pressure of the brutal group and be forced to say good things, Yang Ruoqian specially warned: "No one is allowed to interfere with the content of the interview. By the way, I will also pass on the news to Spark Records Group, asking them to tell the truth. Speak from your heart."

"The group does not need employees who can only flatter themselves. If anyone can point out the group's problems objectively and impartially, it will be easy to talk about promotion bonuses and so on!"


Yang Ruoqian tried his best!
He felt that his hint was very obvious - you must have accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction with the group, right?

Vent it all, say it all, express your emotions loudly in front of the camera, and whoever scolds the most will get generous rewards.

Perhaps the act of using money to open a road is a bit disgraceful, but as long as it can achieve its purpose, it is a good method.

Chang Zhiqing sent a message: "Do you have any other instructions, boss?"

Yang Ruoqian, who was always stabbed in the back in various ways, did not answer immediately this time. He thought about it for half a minute and after confirming that the plan was really perfect, he sent a message to Chang Zhiqing.


After typing this line, Yang Ruoqian put the phone on the table.

Hmm... Although the plan seems to be flawless, why do I always feel a little guilty?
It's probably because I haven't had a good rest recently.


At the elevator door of the group, Duan Run was briefly revising the shorthand of the interview with Yang Ruoqian. The person in charge of interviewing the security guard Zhu Qifeng was his editor-in-chief Xia Qing.

"...Okay sir, can you tell me more about the company's benefits? Will you feel any discomfort if you stand on guard for so long a day?"

Security guard Zhu Qifeng: "First of all, I haven't been on guard for a long time. Secondly, I'm in good health and won't feel uncomfortable. Finally, I'm not a guard!!!"

"Uncle, you are always strong!" Xia Qing suddenly showed an "offended" expression, "However, Kuaiguang Group is really a heart-warming place, isn't it?"

Zhu Qifeng was silent for a moment and said quietly: "Yes, for an old man like me, when I go outside, I am afraid that others will be blown down by a gust of wind, and when I apply for a job in another company, I am afraid that I will die from them. The employment pressure is so high now, I am so touched to have found such a job.”

A person either breaks out in silence or dies in silence.

After being tortured countless times and being baptized by "uncle" countless times, Zhu Qifeng finally made up his mind today and accepted his own persona.

Isn’t he just a septuagenarian man in his 20s?

What's not to do?
When I get rid of my bad thoughts, I suddenly feel that the world is vast.

Xia Qing was immediately moved when he heard this answer: "Mr. Yang is indeed what he said. As a successful person, he should not only focus on making money, but also take the initiative to assume social responsibilities."

What's more, Zhu Qifeng joined the company when Kuaiguang Group was founded!
At that time, the entire company's future was in an uncertain state, and cash flow must have been tight - but even so, Yang Ruoqian still squeezed out the money from his tight finances and arranged such a job for his family!
Only people who maintain such a high level of thinking from beginning to end can make Kuaiguang Group so big!

"Uncle Zhu, may I ask..."

"Thank you for your answer, may I ask..."

After a few questions, two people who were four to fifty years apart in age were able to talk happily as if they were the same generation.

For many very novel vocabulary, Uncle Zhu Qifeng was able to understand them without any problems and even answered them fluently.

The whole interview process highlighted a sense of comfort.

A security guard can be so unique... This is the Kuaiguang Group!

This interview was really worth it.

"Okay, Uncle Zhu, thank you for accepting our interview despite your busy schedule! I wish you success in your work, many children and grandchildren, and a long life!" Xia Qing's blood was hot all over his body.

She can't wait to write a bombshell press release now.

Xia Qing stood up and shook Zhu Qifeng's hands.

Zhu Qifeng also stood up from the sofa and shook hands with the same force: "You're welcome, you're welcome, I'm actually not busy at all!"

The second interview ended successfully.

The interview team also began to move their equipment together, preparing to go deeper into the Kuaiguang Group and interview their executives.

"The first person on the list is Shao Yiqi, the head of the publicity department." Duan Run looked at the information on his phone and nodded lightly, "This executive is one of the veterans of Kuaiguang Group and has made outstanding contributions. , which has made great contributions to the development of the group.”

"I heard that before joining Mr. Yang, he single-handedly helped the company's second anchor, Huang Rushi, to successfully break out of the industry."

"He has won Mr. Yang's trust and is also his absolute confidant."

If Yang Ruoqian were at the scene at this time, he would definitely protest against this sentence.

There is no problem with being an absolute confidant, but the word "serious trouble" must be added at the end.Now Yang Ruoqian hopes that one day Shao Yiqi's father's magic weapon will descend from the sky and appear at the Kuangguang Group to take his troubled son back.

If you can interview this person, you will definitely have a more three-dimensional and comprehensive understanding of Kuaiguang Group!
But just when the interview team was about to move to Shao Yiqi's office, the receptionist who was answering the phone suddenly put down the phone in her hand and walked towards the interview team.

Several members of the interview team felt "thumped" in their hearts at that time.

As journalists, their noses are always sharp.

A bad premonition suddenly arose in my heart.

Sure enough, the young lady at the front desk just came over and said straight to the point: "Dear guests, I am sorry to inform you that due to an emergency in the company, several leaders have been called to General Manager Yang's office for a meeting. They may not be able to accept you as promised. Interviewed."

Duan Run was suddenly disappointed.

This interview list was carefully drawn up by him.

But now they are all temporarily busy and unable to be interviewed?
But he did not doubt the authenticity of this sentence - the figure of Yang Ruoqian leaving in a hurry just now was enough to show that Kuaiguang Group really had an emergency.

For a company that has expanded its industry to such a large extent in one year, it is busy with endless things every day, and it is normal for accidents to happen every moment.

A single business may bring in hundreds of millions of dollars. Compared with interviews, the company's own business is definitely more important...

What a pity!

Duan Run was a little sad. Just when he was about to draw up an interview list again, he heard the lady at the front desk say with a smile: "But Mr. Yang has arranged a new interview schedule for you, you can take a look."

New interview plan? !
Originally a little disappointed, Duan Run was instantly overjoyed - based on his absolute trust in Yang Ruoqian's personality, Duan Run 100% believed that this new interview schedule would not be worse than what he had planned.

Who is Yang Ruoqian?

He is a doer with lofty spiritual pursuits, a rational person who does not interfere with company decisions based on personal likes and dislikes, and a kind man who takes great risks to recruit the old man into the company.

Such people would rather let themselves suffer than let others suffer.

"It's so troublesome, Mr. Yang, for taking time out of his busy schedule to care about our little things." Duan Run was extremely grateful and took the A4 paper from the girl at the front desk.

New interview schedule...

Interview with Spark Records located on the 23rd floor. This company is a subsidiary of Kuaiguang Group...

This information gives a detailed introduction to the past and present life of Spark Records, from Yuefu being packaged and sold, to being in dire straits, to being acquired by the Kuangguang Group...

Including various personnel changes.

Duan Run was getting more and more excited and agitated.

Mr. Yang is such a down-to-earth person!

He actually arranged such a huge surprise for himself.

A company at its peak was cruelly abandoned by its old employer, and its business plummeted. When it was on the verge of collapse, Kuangguang Group and Mr. Yang descended like gods from heaven, clad in golden light, and saved everyone from the fire and water.

What does such a resurrected company think of the group and Mr. Yang himself?
The interview content, drama, and other people's expectations are beyond what interviews with employees at the group headquarters can match!
If it weren't for the information that Yang Ruoqian handed over, I would have almost missed such perfect interview material.

Mr. Yang is really a real person...

"Okay, thank you very much. Please help me convey my gratitude to Mr. Yang!" Duan Run nodded vigorously.

Then he took his subordinates with high spirits and confidence and took the elevator to the 23rd floor of Shengjing Mansion.


In order to reduce extravagance, waste and ineffective expenses, there is also a huge and luxurious living room in the center of Spark Records.

And until yesterday, Spark Company, which had just seen hope of breaking out of the swamp, had not been able to use the reception room.

Huang Wei paused the "Song of the Motherland" that was playing on his computer and came to the living room with some anxiety.

Huang Wei, who has been working as a low-level employee for so many years, has only seen so many short-term and short-term actions on TV interview programs.

Several well-dressed reporters who looked very professional came to that station, and a sense of oppression came over them.

I originally thought that I was just a supporting role, interviewing two random questions and saying a few nonsense words to end it, but looking at the other party's posture, it seemed that this was not the case at all.

Didn't you say that the interview team was here for Kuai Guang Group and Yang Ruoqian himself?Why does it seem like he is the one being interviewed now?
Come on, Spark Records is just a company that is about to be buried. As the biggest bastard in the group, Huang Wei himself is too embarrassed to accept any interviews.

Why should the most eye-catching loss-making project among the profitable projects be interviewed?

It's so embarrassing.

Mr. Yang's face would be dull if he said it.

If you insist on being interviewed, you can just say some polite words and deal with it in official terms.

But I just received a message from the group leader... The message ordered everyone at Spark Records not to be perfunctory in the interview.

If you have any dissatisfaction, you must raise it loudly; if you have any opinions about the group, you must speak boldly; if you have any opinions about Yang Ruoqian himself, you must not be stingy, just speak freely.

No irony, no's all literal.

Huang Wei, who originally just felt that he had lost face, was now completely stressed.

In such a high-profile interview, expressing dissatisfaction to the group that saved him in person? !
Pointing fingers at the boss directly? !
My group of people are still eating from the boss, and they are going to smash the pot without even putting down their jobs?

I can't get through this test just because of my conscience.

Not to mention that the group was very kind to them, not only saving everyone's dreams, but also reorganizing the broken team...

The employees of Spark Company have heard about Yang Ruoqian's various extraordinary decisions, and they speculate that Yang may always correct his mistakes internally and reflect on himself.

After a whole year of flowers and praises, he was still able to stay clear-headed, not arrogant or impetuous, brave enough to face criticism, and willing to listen to the opinions of grassroots employees... Mr. Yang's pattern must be said to be very big.

But the question is, is there a possibility that everyone is really satisfied and there really is nothing to talk about!

Mr. Yang has too high demands on himself... He always feels that he has done something wrong, and hopes that others will not hide it for his sake, but tell the truth.

Little did he know that in everyone's minds, he was already too perfect to be a human being.

However, this is a task required by the group. If it fails to be completed smoothly, what will happen if the higher-ups blame it and the company's hard-won success is ruined?
I can’t stop complaining, but I can’t really complain…it’s so difficult.

However, Duan Run did not give Huang Wei more time to think. He nodded with a smile and said to Huang Wei: "Hello, Director Huang, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to accept our interview."

Huang Wei forced himself to smile and said, "It's okay, it's okay, just tell me."

"Director Huang is very polite." Duan Run glanced at the manuscript in his hand and continued to smile, "Then I won't talk nonsense and get straight to the point."

"We all know that you and Spark Records were recently acquired by the group. Can you tell us about any changes within the company after joining the group?"


The change is that except for the company name which remains the same as before, basically everything else has changed beyond recognition!
Huang Wei racked his brains to think of the answer: "Well... first of all, it's the changes in the office environment, which you should be able to take pictures of. Our office environment is more spacious and cleaner, and all kinds of equipment are in place. This was what we used to do." It’s unthinkable.”

After finishing speaking, Huang Wei kept in mind the tasks assigned by his superiors and did not dare to just boast or belittle him.


Duan Run showed shock on his face, raised his head and repeated: "But?!"

Is this possible?

Huang Wei swallowed nervously and said, "Yeah, but I think the group still has some things that are not considered properly."

"First of all, our record business is at the bottom of the entire group, but we still enjoy the same benefits as employees in other projects. Everyone is very scared. We have reported this situation to the group leaders many times, but nothing comes to mind every time. .”

"Secondly, the group cannot meet our financial needs very well, and will assign tasks beyond our capabilities. For example, every time we apply for a grant, the group will send a lot of extra money, and at the same time it will add that we must use all the money. Light assessment tasks, many times these tasks make us feel distressed because they are too difficult to complete.”

"In the end, the tasks given to us by the group were layered on top of each other, which was very inhumane. In order to no longer receive so much funding, the company deliberately reduced its funding requirements month by month, but one time the group leader issued a new order. From now on The monthly money needs can only be more than last month, not less than last month."

"As a result, we are under increasing pressure... This is a difficulty and challenge we have never encountered before we were acquired. It should be considered a kind of change, right?"

Duan Run was taking shorthand, admiration already showing in his eyes.

Look, this is the cohesion of Kuaiguang Group.

Above is the group, which believes in its own judgment and vision. Even if it is the bottom business, it will spare no effort to fully support it and will not abandon it just because of a temporary failure.

The following is an acquired company that has positioned itself very accurately, rejecting any extra funding and never taking any more money that does not belong to it...

What a healthy relationship this is!

After Duan Run finished recording, he asked with the highest respect: "Excuse me, what do you think of Mr. Yang himself?" (End of Chapter)

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