Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 741 The influence of state religion

Chapter 741 The influence of state religion

"I have something I want you to decide on."

"Something about logistics."

Mathieu saluted again.

Qin Mo could tell that the war apostle was in big trouble, so he listened quietly.

"It is not just the Sons of God and the warriors who follow the Sons of God who are participating in this golden expedition."

"And the loyal people of the God Emperor."

Mathieu told an incident about the state religion.

The leader of the empire's state religion, one of the high-ranking ministers of the High Lords Council, is also the Pope. He has just issued a call for state religion believers to participate in the golden expedition.

However, the Pope is simply following the will of the people.

As early as when the Golden Expedition Fleet had just arrived around the Eye of Terror, the followers of the National Religion were already making preparations.

Many state religion worlds and the galaxies where the state religion worlds are located within the empire's territory are carrying out inefficient but extremely fanatical mobilization.

Businessmen and nobles almost lost their money and spent money to buy transport ships equipped with dimension engines, simple weapons and equipment, and a small amount of material supplies.

Priests from every state religion world walked the streets and preached to the people about the Golden Crusade. Then, after finishing their preaching with a sentence for the God-Emperor, they led the enthusiastic audience to the largest church in the world.

Fanatic men and women lined up all night long to receive rudimentary weapons and equipment and food that was only enough for a one-way journey, and then boarded transport ships to rush to the front line of the Golden Expedition.

Some small Ecclesiastical worlds are even empty because everyone on them has left their homeland to participate in what the Pope calls the Holy Crusade.

Extremely poor cultists will even embark on warp drive ships and set sail without a navigator, and they will miraculously reach their destination.

After this miraculous event was spread, more and more people believed that this expedition was the will of the God-Emperor.

Even believers who are not in the world of the state religion will try their best to rush to the vicinity of the Eye of Terror.

All in all, an army composed of a large number of state religion believers who have prepared their own dry food and weapons and equipment is about to participate in the Golden Expedition.

After listening to the whole story, Qin Mo could probably guess Mathieu's purpose of coming to him - to ask the Tyrone sector to provide some supplies to the believers participating in the holy expedition, at least to prevent them from starving to death.

"Have you told the Primarchs about this?"

"I said it, Lord of Tyrone, of course I said it. But the regent believed that this was a demonstration by the pope of the state religion, a demonstration to show his influence... But he didn't understand that it was precisely because of his existence that the believers It’s going to be so fanatical.”

The clone masters standing in the ranks of the New Thunder Warriors also heard what Mathieu said.

"If Lorgar were here, he would be crazy with joy." Horus whispered.

The other Primarchs either muttered like Horus or remained silent, but were surprised by the incident.

Today's empire has indeed brought a huge shock to these clones whose memories are still in the Great Crusade. Now they have only arrived in the Golden Expedition Fleet and have not traveled to any planet.

"Imagine." Leman Russ said to his brothers, "Men and women from all over the world gathered together because of their faith, and then prepared everything themselves, just to go to the front line of the war and die."

“Faith alone can mobilize hundreds of billions or even trillions of people.”

"Although these people are most likely cannon fodder, but... they are cannon fodder with courage." When Leman Russ said this, the attitude of Horus on the side was completely opposite to that of the Clone Wolf King.

After thinking about it, Horus said contemptuously: "I don't think these people are cannon fodder, because they are not even qualified to be cannon fodder."

The Primarchs all looked at Horus.

"These people haven't even prepared supplies, and they probably haven't had much training."

"The thunderous sound of artillery and flames, as well as the blood and severed limbs on the ground will make them calm down and realize how stupid they are to join the war just because of their passion."

After Horus finished speaking, the other clone masters either remained silent or nodded in agreement.

This exchange was completed in the communication channel used as a backup communication method in the new Thunder Warrior armor. Mathieu had no idea what they said, let alone that there were a bunch of cloned Sons of God here.

But Qin Mo, who deliberately wanted to know how the original clone viewed the state religion, heard it.

He did not fully identify with Horus.

The troops composed of fanatics of the Ecclesiarchy are indeed untrained, and it is unlikely that they can exert the same combat effectiveness as the Astra Militarum.

But they are really fanatical.

The thunderous sound of cannons cannot scare them away. They will only feel that it is the God-Emperor testing their faith, and death is just a beautiful thing when the soul returns to the Golden Throne.

If fanatic believers are really deployed in a war, these passionate and fanatical men and women will probably only be able to undertake the task of attacking and holding on to fortifications, but they are indeed of great use in places where people need to die in large groups.

"Go find the imperial guard." Qin Mo raised his hand, condensed a piece of ice with his name on it out of thin air, and put it into Mathieu's hand, "We can provide logistics for the believer army for a fee, and the debt will be charged to the state religion. . The high-ranking priests and popes of the state religion cannot just hide behind and watch those who truly believe in the God-Emperor die without saying anything substantial."

"Believers will be grateful for your generosity." Mathieu breathed a sigh of relief, took two steps back, and prepared to bow respectfully again to thank Qin Mo.

He was already worried about collecting food for the believers.

But when the sound of heavy footsteps came, Mathieu, who was about to salute again, quickly put on his hood and left.

The War Apostle thought he had not been discovered by Guilliman who arrived.

But Guilliman could recognize Mathieu from three kilometers away, and it didn't even take him a second to guess what this guy was doing. However, he was in a good mood and didn't want to cause trouble to Mathieu yet.

After Guilliman appeared, Horus, who was standing with the new Thunder Warriors, immediately turned to look at his thirteenth clone brother.

Clone Guilliman stared intently at his true form.

The cloning masters could see that Guilliman's original body and Qin Mo had a very good relationship. The two of them greeted each other like friends rather than collaborators.

"You came back very quickly." Guilliman looked at Eisenhorn and the new Thunder Warriors, but did not find Sanguinius. "Don't be discouraged, although we failed to find the Clone Saint..."

"I found the cloned Sanguinius, but he's not here, but... no problem." Qin Mo said.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the clone Sanguinius standing at the back of the team retracted the wings curled up in his armor.

"My best friend is still alive and still fighting for the well-being of mankind, even ten thousand years later." Corax's eyes always remained on Guilliman, "But the current empire... I really pity him."

Hearing this, the clone Guilliman thought deeply for a few seconds and agreed with his best friend's words: "Me too."

(End of this chapter)

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