Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 586 The Dark Angel Fleet Arrives

Chapter 586 The Dark Angel Fleet Arrives

While Qin Moman Terra was wandering around, the solar system welcomed the second batch of guests.

Dark Angels Chapter.

The Chapter's flagship, the Invincible Reason, sailed out from Mandeville Point first, and then nearly a hundred cruisers and hundreds of strike cruisers from the Chapter poured out of the rift behind it.

No one knows exactly how much naval power the Dark Angels have, but that's not all at the moment.

Although the fleet carried more than half of the Dark Angels' armed forces and all six wings were present, it was still not an overwhelming force.

The members of the inner ring composed of the leaders of the parent group and the sub-group did not come, and there were still a large number of elites from the battle group staying behind.

Although this kind of scene has not happened for many years, so that people who see the Dark Angels fleet will think that they are here to support their original body, or as a warning to Guilliman, who is always accused by Lion of designing him, but Only the commander at the highest level in the fleet, who was about to join the inner circle, knew that the task they were undertaking was not to support them.

Lion, this primarch has been missing for 1 years, and now he suddenly appears...

In the eyes of the Dark Angels, those infected with the Philosopher King Syndrome of the Ultramarines have no resistance to the shocking conspiracy, but the Dark Angels are not.

They would not kneel down after their original body was killed by an alien, thinking that it was their genetic father who came back from the dead.

An example of a daemon-possessed Primarch could be laid out there.


One hour after the Dark Angel fleet arrived in the solar system.

The Primarch of the First Legion and the Fallen Angels, Lion and Zabriel, as well as the Lion King's mortal guards, were waiting at the entrance of the flagship of the Invincible Reason.

Behind them was the apron of the transport aircraft, and the transport aircraft they were traveling on was still there.

In front of the two of them was the Terminator combat team from the Dark Angels' first company.

They are a battle party and the bodyguard of Chapter Master Azrael.

At this time, the guards lined up in a row, blocking the way.

These heirs did not speak or move.

Time passed minute by minute.

It wasn't until half a minute later that the supreme commander of the fleet, Kian from the Fire Wing, one of the six wings of the Dark Angel, appeared.

As a preparatory member who was about to join the Inner Circle, Kian was granted the highest authority by Azrael.

"Sorry, father." Kian passed through the guards and knelt down immediately after arriving in front of Ryan, "I wasted some time..."

"You're late. Are you a green-painted Ultramarine?" Ryan walked past Kian very dissatisfied, and entered the Invincible Reason after the Terminators made way.

The Lion King didn't notice.

His heir, named Kai'an, looked full of doubt and surprise when he stood up again.

A series of questions arose in Kai'an's mind.

Is this my genetic father?It's completely different from what the Supreme Master said.

Kian intended to test Ryan, so he arranged for a fighting team to block the way and arranged for his own tardiness.

Ryan just sneered, and then left the matter of being late behind... This was not a particularly unexpected thing. After all, in Azrael's narrative, the Lion King would not kill useful people indiscriminately.

But the spines and heads of the Terminators who blocked Ryan's path were not separated from their bodies.

The Lion King just stood there and waited for half a minute!
O Emperor!
These sighs in Kian's heart were not noticed by Ryan, and Ryan didn't care what the late waste was thinking.

The original body frowned. He could not imagine that the commander of his First Legion who came with the Invincible Reason would be a waste who would be late 1 years later.Even this kind of trash can become a leader, the legion... no, how bad is the overall strength of the legion now?

Ryan stopped and looked at Kian.

Or maybe this guy just wants to give himself a prestige just like the Legion did when they first saw him 1 years ago?

Thinking of this, Ryan raised his hand and pressed it on Kian's helmet.

Kian's hair stood on end. He was ready to block the next attack from the Gene Father, and then confess to him his rude probing, and then explain that it was necessary.

"Take me to my room."

Ryan did not twist his head off as Kian and thought, but made a request that surprised Kian.

"The Invincible Reason is your battleship. The Supreme Master Azrael asked me to bring it here because he can't wait to return this flagship to its true owner." Kian looked at the father of genes. , "Can't you find the room that belonged to you back then?"

Kian's helmet was hit hard.

He felt like a man enveloped in a big clock, and then someone outside the clock struck the clock with explosive bombs.

"I've been sleeping for 1 years, idiot." Ryan said and walked in front.

Kian led the way.

The internal structure of the Invincible Reason is extremely complicated, just to trap the uninvited guests who break in.

But Ryan believed that Kian should be familiar with the road, but this guy took him around several large circles in the Invincible Reason, but he had not yet reached the destination.

Ryan wanted to get angry, but held it back.

During the countless sleepless nights after waking up, the Lion King once sat in the corner of the room, rubbing his white beard, thinking about how he should behave when he met his heirs.

The result of thinking is: kind, kind and civilized.

On the one hand, Ryan is no longer the irritable person he was 1 years ago. Although he is not at all kind and kind compared to Guilliman, compared with his younger self, he is already kind and kind to the extreme.

On the other hand, Ryan also felt guilty about his children.

Killing people like Zabriel without asking any questions was just one of the things he did. Ryan himself could think of many wrong things.

So when facing the rude Kian, Ryan didn't have the confidence to grab his neck and punch him.

Although he always quarreled with Guilliman, Ryan now admired Guilliman's fatherly and filial piety towards the Ultramarines.

At least while Guilliman crouched in his stasis, his descendants would do whatever they could to revive him.

Instead of talking in private: "That old immortal is not good for us, and we will be unlucky if he wakes up." - No one in the Dark Angels said this, but Ryan felt that they would say this.

"I came to the flagship when I was sent by the war group...I'm not very familiar with this place..." Kian explained while recognizing the way.

"It doesn't matter, you have done enough." Ryan squeezed out such words in a low voice, and then he found his own way, taking Zabriel and the Lion Guards to the place where he lived 1 years ago. that room.

Looking at the leaving figure of the genetic father, Kai'an touched his helmet.

Azrael, the Supreme Master of the Dark Angels, gave his defensive rosary to Kian before Kian departed.

The Grand Master also warned that you must wear the rosary on your body when you see the Father of Genes, otherwise you will be hit in the head by the Father of Genes during the necessary testing sessions.

Like a ball of thread dragging a thread, the head and spine flew out of the body.

But the current situation makes Kai'an feel even more confused than "unable to figure out".

(End of this chapter)

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