Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 555 Prelude to the Great War

Chapter 555 Prelude to the Great War

"We have replenished three hundred pieces of Terminator power armor, as well as countless storm bolters, melta weapons, and plasma weapons."

"The battleship's various devices have also been inspected, and every battleship is in peak condition."

"Other technological creations from the Tyrone star region have also been replenished, such as ten boxes of potions and so on."

In the bridge of the Storm Lady, the Lamenter technical sergeant reported the supply situation to Foros.

Terminator power armor is not easy to break, and there is actually no need to replenish it.

In addition, the technical sergeants in the chapter are better at repairing and debugging Terminators than any other Astartes chapter. After all, the Weeper has too many Terminators, and the technical sergeants are "fed" out.

But since it’s someone’s kindness, you have to accept it and say thank you.

But the way to say thank you will not be verbal.

Foros understands that words are the weakest thing in the universe, and practical actions are far better than all subtle words.

The Lord of Tyrone's help to the Weeper Chapter was not to listen to a superhuman warrior's thanks, but because this man of noble character hoped that the entire Weeper Chapter could better save people.

"Captain Tessa."

Foros looked at the woman in white uniform on the bridge.


This girl who was once rescued by Foros from a planet full of plague zombies during the battle where the Faithless Plague was raging in the Tyrone sector is now the captain of the entire Storm Lady flagship.

The female priest who seemed to want to adopt Tessa failed to do so because she committed suicide by swallowing the gold in the national church decoration after knowing that she was infected with the plague.

But fortunately, Tessa and her sister grew up in the orphanage on Tyrone One. One became a naval officer and insisted on serving on the Weeper flagship, while the other stayed on Tyrone One as an ordinary manager. Their fortunes finally improved.

"Start the engine and head to enemy-occupied territory." Foros ordered.

"Yes, Chapter Commander." Tessa nodded, turned around and picked up the communicator to issue orders to the entire fleet.

Flagship of the Lady of the Storm.

Twelve strike cruisers.

27 frigates.

The crews of all battleships were ready to sail and jumped into the dimensional space after the dimensional engine of the Storm Lady's flagship was turned on and created a rift.

After sailing in the dimension for half an hour, the Chapter fleet arrived at the edge of Five Hundred Worlds.

This place is called Onila.

After the power of the Five Hundred Worlds was forcibly transferred to the Space Marines by Guilliman, the Four Heroes were established.

The Four Heroes manage large areas in the four directions of Great Ultramar, southeast, northwest, and the core area where Macragge is located is managed by Chapter Master Calgar.

At this time, the Weeper fleet arrived at the jurisdiction of one of the Four Heroes, Felix.

The attack here has been the most violent, and less than half of the entire area has been lost.

When talking to Guilliman before, Foros said that he wanted to be the vanguard, but his actual idea was to take over the worlds before the combined fleets of Five Hundred Worlds and Tyron arrived.

This is not to grab credit.

The genetic father of the Weeper is not even the Lord of Ultramar, and no matter how meritorious it is, it is not their turn to reward them, so Foros's idea is just to avoid the casualties caused by the great fleet's reconquest of many worlds.

The fleets of Ultramar and Tyrone totaled more than 500 warships. It was not easy for such a large fleet to operate with all its strength. It was inevitable that accidental damage would occur during the attack.

This is a matter of intelligence coordination and large army operations.But as a battle group fleet with less than a hundred battleships, Foros is confident that these battleships will not destroy the homes of certain people in a certain world for the sake of efficiency during the attack, let alone accidentally injure anyone.

Originally this was impossible to accomplish. After all, the Death Guard was not a force adapted into a war group following the Holy Code. But now the enemy is gradually withdrawing from the Five Hundred Worlds. It seems that they will completely give up this offensive against the Five Hundred Worlds. This This means that a large Death Guard fleet will not appear.

"Starting from this planet, we will drive out and kill the enemies one by one." Foros walked to the porthole and looked at the gray planet in front of the battleship.

The moment the flagship arrived at the galaxy, a large number of distress signals from the planet in front of it were sent to the flagship.

"Start fighting!" The first company commander left the bridge and shouted to the battle brothers on the other side of the communicator.

Seven hundred mourners came out in full force and were teleported directly to the surface of the planet.

On the surface of the planet, the Plague Marines were killing auxiliary soldiers and militiamen. They thought it would be some time before the large-scale fleet came over, but when seven hundred Wailers appeared directly behind them to launch an attack, they thought The large-scale fleet composed of thousands of warships has already arrived.

For the Weeper, this was another crushing battle.

Less than 200 Death Guard Chaos Space Marines faced off against more than a hundred Terminator squads of the Lamenters Chapter.

This is similar to what happened during the Great Rebellion in the 30k era, when a small squad of Space Marines from a stray Legion ran head-on into a Terminator force of an enemy Legion.

It is only a matter of time before the entire Onila system is recovered.


at the same time.

First Captain of the Death Guard, Typhons.

The Terminus, which was blown away by a void mine for one kilometer in the Battle of Cartier, is now making repairs and joining the battle again.

Although Typhons could see the repair marks while standing on the bridge, and recalled the scene of the Void Thunder explosion, he could only pinch his nose and bear it, otherwise he couldn't throw away the Terminus.

Today, the Terminus commands thousands of battleships, forming a large-scale plague fleet.

Most warships are gifts from Father Nurgle.

Not just warships made of flesh and blood, but those in the Imperial Navy or the Ultramar Sector that would be corrupted by Nurgle many years in the future, but are now corrupted by Nurgle's unfaithfulness and join the Plague Fleet.

After being resurrected by his respected father, Typhons got the battleship, and he only heard one request from his respected father, which was to avenge his respected father.

If it weren't for the purpose of avenging his respected father, Typhons would have led his men to run away long ago. How could he have accompanied Mortarion to continue to fight the Five Hundred Worlds?
"We are about to enter the Onila system."

"It's still 25 light years away from Galatan Star Castle."

The Plague Adjutant reported to Typhons.

Galatan Star Castle, this is the purpose of Typhons's trip.

There are several star forts in the Five Hundred Worlds, among which the Galatan Star Fortress is the most powerful one. It was born in the prosperous age of mankind.

Destroy the Galatan Star Fortress, or even go further, corrode the Galatan Star Fortress, this is what Typhons wants.

But this was not Mortarion's idea. Typhons was sent several death shrouds by Mortarion to persuade him when he came out, but Typhons had always regarded the Gene Father as nothing.

The signature of the Chaos Space Marines is that the command system is chaotic. Those above give orders and those below do not listen. If you are unhappy, don't join in the chaos.

"Pass my order to stop in the Onila system and plunder the locals to replenish some zombie cannon fodder."

The fleet sailed in the subspace for a while, and finally crossed out of the subspace and entered the Onila system.

(End of this chapter)

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