Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 517 The Executioner

Chapter 517 The Executioner


Before the Llane returned to Terra, Guilliman had learned of the annihilation of Hive Fleet.

He was not as surprised as Ryan, because he knew that the Tyrone sector used artificial intelligence and iron men on a large scale, and there were even several star gods there. If a hive fleet was difficult to deal with, then the entire galaxy would have been gnawed by bugs. It's over.

In Yulian's eyes, Guilliman only stayed in Terra, but Guilliman did many things.

The Primarch, originally designed by the Emperor to handle many wars at once, now turned its strengths to management.

Guilliman is not only dealing with the mountain of affairs on Terra, but also dealing with the plague on the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, as well as the management of the Five Hundred Worlds.

Guilliman had a premonition that a crisis was about to come to the Five Hundred Worlds, so he wanted to take back the ruling power that had been given to the mortal families and reintegrate the five hundred worlds that were so loosely divided.

The integrated five hundred worlds will be managed by four Space Marine heroes.

Guilliman has already completed 80.00% of this matter, and there is still one thing left, which is for Felix, who is about to become the fourth Hero, to receive his own words and deeds to learn how to manage.

The reason why Felix was given special care by the Primarch was simple - he was a Primaris Space Marine.

As for the plague, Tai Lung has provided a large number of drugs to temporarily clear up the disease infection in the sector, but it is obvious that this is only a temporary stability, and there will definitely be more terrible plagues in the future.

These things consume 90.00% of the original body's time and energy, but even as powerful as the original body, it must occasionally stop and relax.

Guilliman will spend 10 minutes engaging in a recreational activity with Evrene - a philosophical discussion.

Before the partnership between humans and the Death Army is finalized, Evrené, the prophet of the Death Army, will stay with Guilliman to communicate.

Today’s discussion is Imperial Truth.

"I know it's bad to say this, but with all due respect, the Imperial Truth is a lie."

Efreyne told Guilliman that the Imperial truth was a lie.

Guilliman didn't want to admit it, but he had to.

When recalling a meeting with his father, Guilliman recalled a different meeting than before, in which he and the Emperor discussed the truth of the Empire.

Many wills of the Emperor recognized that the Imperial Truth was a tool that was only used to serve a certain phased goal, namely the Webway Project.

The Webway Project failed, so Imperial Truth was of no use.

So Evelyn is right.

This is why Guilliman likes to discuss with Evrené, because the Eldar are very deep thinkers, and they are not Imperials, so some things can be said directly.

"Do you understand the philosophy of the Tyrone Sector?" Guilliman asked.

"Of course I understand." Evrene nodded, and then began to tell Guilliman about Talon's philosophy.

They also have something similar to Imperial Truth, but very different.

The first is to acknowledge the existence of supernatural forces, and then find ways to use rational thinking to view and deal with matters related to them.

This is also the style of the Tyrone Sector.

When encountering problems, admit them and solve them, emphasizing the importance of reason and humanity.

The teachings of Lord Tyrone themselves are an extension of this kind of thinking, emphasizing the importance of communication and believing that many conflicts and intensification of problems are caused by a lack of communication.

In short, in the Tyrone Star Region, there are many people who know the existence of subspace, and it is even a must-learn content in the education stage.

It is precisely because of their understanding of the subspace and the dangers of the subspace that the Tyronians will be wary of any supernatural phenomena and influences when leaving the star zone, and reduce the influence of the subspace through technological creations created by their analysis of the subspace.

Sounds wonderful.

But the problem is, none of this can be replicated.Even in private conversations, Qin Mo had warned Guilliman not to copy the management style of the Tyrone sector.

If people outside the Tyrone Sector, where the structure of reality has not been strengthened, learn and understand the Warp, or if some people acknowledge the existence of the Warp and Daemons, they have not yet learned the dangers of the Warp and how to reduce it. Due to the influence of subspace, the Four Gods have already used them to spawn a lot of demons.

It was precisely for this reason that Guilliman discovered that Qin Mo was not as opposed to the state religion and the Tribunal as he was. He believed that the existence of both institutions was necessary because gods and supernatural powers existed in this universe.

And this is the only difference between Guilliman and Qin Mo.

The Primarch and the Death Prophet discussed for five minutes, and then turned to all the Primarchs the Emperor had created.

During the conversation, Guilliman was surprised to find that the Eldar knew a lot about his brothers.

This is not only because the Eldar have psychic prophecy, but also because they are particularly sensitive and can often figure out a person's personality and habits in just a few conversations.

"Ryan is an executioner."

"The Sensitive Executioner."

This is Evelyn's evaluation of Ryan.

Guilliman didn't particularly agree, but he thought that he didn't know Lion that well, so he nodded: "That's why I won't talk or meet you in front of Lion, because he may think I have bad intentions, Litong." foreign enemy."

Efrenie nodded as well.

The two were silent for a while.

Until Ephrene suddenly wanted to give Guilliman, the big boy, some advice: "I personally think you should talk to Lion and ask him what they talked about when he met the Emperor. This may involve Lion's attitude towards Tyrone." ."

Guilliman thought for a moment and felt that it was indeed necessary.

The Lion's duties 1 years ago and his role in his father's service were revealed to Guilliman after he read Terran's classified records.

Recalling the memory of discussing the Tyrone Sector when he met his father, Guilliman summarized his father's attitude towards the Tyrone Sector into three types.

The first type: disgust, opposition.He believed that Lord Tai Lung was an alien god disguised as a human being, thinking about eating human souls every day.

The second type: support and appreciation.He believes that the humans living in the Tyrone Sector are what he thinks humans should be and what they can achieve.

The third type: complain.Complaining that the Lord of Tyron appeared too late, if he had appeared earlier, how could the empire and humanity be as virtuous as it is now?
As for power... The Emperor didn't care about power. He wished that a big enemy had stood up and cleaned up the mess 1 years ago, instead of jumping out when his butt was stuck to the chair.

Guilliman believes that if Lion hears the second and third attitudes when he meets his father, that’s fine. If it’s the first attitude, then Lion will firmly be the enemy of the Tyrone sector, because he originally Just to help my father do this kind of thing.

While Guilliman was deep in thought, there was a sound of heavy footsteps.

Along with a burst of hearty laughter, the person Guilliman least wanted to see at this moment appeared.

"Guilliman, you must not know what happened to me."

Lion walked in to find Guilliman with a smile, because he thought it was funny that he sharpened his sword and ran to help the Tyronians, only to learn that the Zerg were wiped out.

But when Lion walked in and saw Guilliman sitting face to face with Efrenie, the smile on Ryan's face disappeared instantly.

The Lion King stopped and looked at Everene.

His face was extremely gloomy.

His eyes were fierce and violent.

The shoulders and upper body slowly sink, like a lion ready to hunt.

At this time, the Ecclesiarchy waiter who was responsible for helping Guilliman run out behind Ryan with a look of fear on his face. He looked at Guilliman and spread his hands helplessly, saying that he really couldn't stop Ryan.

(End of this chapter)

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