Chapter 478
After saying everything, the Emperor left the research facility and quietly waited for the results of the iron man called Scholar.

Qin Mo, on the other hand, continued to perfect the star gate in the research facility.

Not long after, the scholar suddenly entered the research facility and reported: "Solved. It is no longer a malice in the subspace, but a gift I present to you."

Qin Mo originally wanted to ask why it was so fast, but considering that there is no time in subspace, the scholar probably took the Rubik's Cube into subspace and disposed of it, so there was no need to worry about time.

The scholar was just here to report, and it didn't expect the Iron Man Master to spare some time to observe his masterpiece, but it still saw Qin Mo stand up from his chair and put down all the work at hand.

"Come on, take me to see your achievements."


In the research facility, the scholar summoned the psychic door and took Qin Mo into the subspace.

One side of the psychic door is a research facility, and the other side is on top of a giant entity.

When he walked out of the psychic door and looked up, Qin Mo was stunned on the spot.

Heart-rending screams echoed around the entire entity, as if someone was playing the howl of an evil entity in a horror movie on a loop through a loudspeaker.

Billowing black smoke enveloped the subspace entity, and among the screams were the sounds of gears and mechanical structures operating.

In front of me is a factory.

Far away is the icy sun that shelters the psychic matrix entity.

At Qin Mo's feet is a factory of psychic entities.

It originally seemed to be a processor, but not anymore.

This entity looks like a giant biological factory made of steel structures, stacked up for hundreds of kilometers, like an industrial hive.

The conveyor belts are the sinews of this giant.

But unlike Vashtor's realm, this factory doesn't look that twisted, just full of industrial style and unbearable coldness.

Cold, rational, and orderly, these mechanical concepts exist in every corner of the entire subspace entity.

Qin Mo lowered his head and saw a steel fence outside the giant factory.

The Rubik's Cube is placed in the fence.

Countless demons have emerged from the Rubik's Cube. They gathered in the fence and looked around in confusion.

Then a round giant sphere that resembled a logistics machine flew in in groups, gathered over the fence, and used its tentacles to roll up the demons one by one and stuff them into different prisons in their stomachs.

Even the demons are categorized.

Ordinary demons are locked in iron prisons, while powerful demons are classified according to their color or ability, and are held in solitary confinement or sent to prisons with fewer magic numbers.

The subspace entity is always releasing psychic energy to suppress the demons, forcing them to be captured by the logistics machinery.

A procession of giant logistics machines shuttled back and forth between the factory buildings and the Devil's Pen.

After the logistics machinery arrives at the factory, it will send the sorted demons to the factory assembly line. Then some "employees" who look like iron men will come out and stand near the assembly line to operate the machinery and equipment for more detailed classification.

Demons are sent to different assembly lines according to different classifications. This is not just as simple as categorization, but to allow the giant steel structures with claws on each assembly line to only process the demons they can handle.

The demons will be beaten by different steel structures until they are unable to move, and continue to flow through the factory along the assembly line.



Finally entering a huge furnace.

The front of the furnace is connected to all the assembly lines, and the back is connected to a pipe. The processed demons will be tempered into the purest soul material in the furnace.This is not a soul, but it is almost like a soul, except that their will is consumed in the furnace.

Finally, the pipes transport the soul material into industrial equipment that looks like a fermentation tower in a winery.

The pure soul matter is fused in the fermentation tower, further refined, and finally transformed into a colorful gel that flows from the bottom of the fermentation tower.

Then they were sent to the assembly line.

Equipment on the assembly line reshapes the "gel" into sugar cube-like soul crystals, which are then infused with taste factors that match their color on the way to the end of the line.

For example, the red devil born from the Rubik's Cube will be infused with chili or apple flavor when it becomes a soul crystal, and the yellow devil will be infused with orange flavor factor.

Finally, the soul crystal enters the packaging section on the top floor of the factory and is packaged in a container that looks like a can.

"What the hell..." Qin Mo was extremely shocked.

He could guess that the scholar's idea of ​​dealing with the Rubik's Cube was to put it into subspace, and then find a way to kill the demon that came out of it...

However, this method of processing demons as raw materials is beyond Qin Mo's imagination.

This is not something that can be done by a strong imagination, but only a being like the Psychic Iron Man can have such an amazing brain circuit.

"The first product has been produced." The scholar raised his scepter.

A giant logistics machine flew over. After a small part of the shell was opened, there was a bang and a can bottle fell into Qin Mo's hand.

Qin Mo lowered his head and looked at the can bottle.

On the front is a smiling devil with a thumbs up sign.

The ingredients are written on the back.

"The high-grade demon soul content of this product is 90.00%." ​​Qin Mo read out the ingredient list above.

High-level demons are obviously the way scholars classify the levels of demons. After all, the demons pouring out of the Rubik's Cube are not the demons of the Four Gods. They come in all types.

High-level demons are not as good as the big demons, but they are much stronger than the little demons under the Four Gods.

"This soul crystal contains the souls of tens of thousands of demons." The scholar gently unscrewed the lid of the can, took out a red soul crystal, and presented it to Qin Mo with both hands, "This is a more efficient way to eat souls." The way."

Qin Mo took the soul crystal and stuffed it into his mouth with a blank look on his face.

It's apple flavored.

Then Qin Mo felt an extremely pure soul power pouring into his body, even stronger than the feeling brought about by eating the soul of the great demon in the Demon Realm of Slaanesh.

Because it has been purified, just like the factories that will purify sugar in the 3K era, the sugar they produce does not contain impurities and naturally has a stronger sweetness.

"In the future, you no longer need to hold a sword to hunt demons. You only need to sit in the star zone and wait. This fully automatic soul processing factory will provide you with demon souls that can only be absorbed in several major battles." The scholar said.

Qin Mo stared at the subspace entity in front of him.

It represents the characteristics of Iron Man.

A soul processing factory that is orderly, clean, cold, and pursues efficiency but is not perfect and does not consider service.

Efficiency, service, this is what characterizes them as servants of a species.

"This packaging..." Qin Mo lowered his head and looked at the can bottle.

The devil above was smiling and giving him a thumbs up, praising the product made by the devil.

It's clear that the Iron Men also possess a bit of their creator's qualities - a dark sense of humour.

(End of this chapter)

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