Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job

Chapter 326 The powerful giant army

Chapter 326 The powerful giant army

Hearing Francesca's answer, Wayne felt warm in his heart, and it felt good to be trusted by others.

Since the elf sorceress trusts him so much, he will not let those who believe in him down.

Although his strength cannot be fully exerted due to the seal in his body, after several years of development, he also has many trump cards. His strength is different from the past, and he can solve this matter without even having to do it himself.

The reason why he wanted to deal with Nilfgaard this time was that besides showing the strength of the Demon Hunter Order to other forces, Wayne also had other purposes.

According to the intelligence of a sorceress he planted in the south, the reason why the usurper emperor was eager to attack the Kingdom of Aden this time was because a man who was disfigured by him and had a bounty of one million gold coins on his head was the main driving force.

Perhaps it's because Vilgefortz has already done a lot of planning in Nilfgaard, and his power is deeply rooted.

After being wounded and escaping, the man quickly gained the trust of the usurper emperor and even served directly as one of Nilfgaard's royal advisors.

I don’t know what reason he used to convince the usurper emperor. Anyway, according to the sorceress’s intelligence, the emperor has made up his mind. At this time, he is mobilizing the power of the whole country. The war between the northern and southern continents is unstoppable.

Two days later, the news from Francesca also proved this point.

After the elf sorceress rejected Nilfgaard's envoy, the high-ranking official of the imperial court said nothing and angrily walked away. Soon, more than 2 Nilfgaardian black-clad troops gathered. Arriving at the open space outside the Baihua Valley Forest, they set up camp and were ready to attack.

Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, even the Kingdom of Aedirn was easily defeated by them. This elven clan that could not even defeat Aedian dared to refuse their invitation, which was simply asking for death.

The Nilfgaardian army is powerful not only because they have extremely sophisticated weapons and equipment, as well as good command, but the most important reason is because the Nilfgaardian Empire has a fairly complete military academy, which can serve the empire. Provides a large number of lower level officers.

Under the control and command of these low-level officers, outstanding Nilfgaardian soldiers can not only maintain high morale, but also cooperate with other troops to quickly complete the commander's orders.

In the cold weapon age of the Middle Ages, the army that could do these two things was undoubtedly the most elite and most combat-effective elite.

The general who commanded this army was one of the most trusted commanders of the usurper emperor.

Even though they were facing an elven tribe that didn't even have an organized army, the commander was still very cautious.

The army without direct command entered the forest and fought against the elves in terrain that was not conducive to them.

Instead, they collected enough intelligence in advance, worked steadily, and aimed at the location of the Elf Palace in the Baihua Valley. They formed a defensive formation, opened mountains and built bridges when encountering rivers, and attacked the core area of ​​the Elf clan in an orderly manner.

However, what surprised the commander was that after two days of marching in the forest, when Nilfgaard's tens of thousands of soldiers pushed the battle line all the way to a place less than a few kilometers away from the Palace of Flowers Valley, there was still no contact. When any elves resisted, it was as if the other party had all escaped.

Such a strange situation put the commander on guard.

He did not continue to advance rashly, but sent a large number of scouts to detect intelligence around the army to prevent himself from being ambushed by the enemy.

And just when Nilfgaard's army stopped advancing, the attack of the Demon Hunter Order was launched.

First, there was a thunder-like rumble from afar, and birds from nowhere jumped up and fluttered their wings into the sky.

Then, from small to large, the feeling of constant vibration was transmitted to the ground, as if tens of thousands of heavy cavalry were rushing towards them.

Such a sight made the soldiers and officers of Nilfgaard feel fearful. Their bodies trembled slightly as they looked at the place where the sound came from.

However, as professional soldiers, the habit of obeying orders has been engraved in their bones.

Following the commander's order, these more than 2 soldiers immediately took up their weapons, quickly changed their formations, and under the command of countless low-level officers, formed a dense spear formation against the cavalry.

As the vibrations and sounds became louder and louder, soon, a huge figure first appeared in front of the soldiers.

This is a knight who is over three meters tall and holding a huge two-handed sword over five meters long.

Its whole body is composed of a solid metal structure, and its body shines with the brilliance of magic inscriptions. Its running speed is comparable to the most sophisticated war horses. When facing a battle formation composed of tens of thousands of soldiers, its movements did not stop at all, waving the giant in its hand. The sword rushed straight towards the crowd.

After the Iron Knight rushed out of the forest for hundreds of meters, as the trees in the forest shook violently, hundreds of armored giants with a height of eight or nine meters also rushed out from the dense woods.

When these monsters with metal armor all over their bodies and holding giant weapons in their hands, dozens of times the size of ordinary people, saw the Nilfgaard soldiers, they immediately screamed as if they were seeing lambs to be slaughtered. With an excited roar that shook the earth, he ran towards the position of the military formation while waving his weapons.

Although the numerical difference between the two sides was hundreds of times, these giants showed no fear at all. As they ran wildly, each step was five or six meters away, which was no less impressive than a well-trained war horse.

Such a scene shocked the Nilfgaard soldiers.Unlike the northern countries where monsters are rampant, due to population density, the number of monsters in the Nilfgaard Empire is quite small. Many species have become extinct, and most of them are humanoid monsters that are not very powerful.

They had probably never heard of such a group of giants nearly ten meters in size, let alone seen them.

The unknown is the most frightening thing. Although there are a large number of soldiers, the huge size difference and the opponent's seemingly sophisticated equipment have shown the opponent's strong combat effectiveness.

Seeing the giant army rushing towards them like a tsunami from the opposite side, the hearts of every Nilfgaardian soldier were immediately filled with heavy pressure.

However, things were worse than they imagined.

Before the Iron Knights at the front and the terrifying giant army rushed into the military formation, Nilfgaard's soldiers suddenly discovered that fiery red clouds suddenly gathered in the sky above their heads.

Countless huge rocks burning with flames were dragging tails of fire like comets, falling at high speed from hundreds or even thousands of meters in the air. The target of these huge rocks seemed to be the defensive formation they formed.

"Spells, these are the wizard's spells."

"Quick, officers, bring the magic-blocking gold equipment provided to you."

"Their spells are just empty shells. As long as there is magic blocking gold, these spells cannot harm us."

However, before the commander could finish his words, the burning boulders hit the ground hard under the influence of gravity.

Like powerful cannonballs, these boulders not only smashed any obstacles under them into pieces, but the shock wave formed by the impact could even directly smash nearby soldiers into pulp.

These thousands of meteorites came and went quickly. Excluding those that did not hit the target, only about 2 or 2000 people in the military formation of more than [-] people died directly under this powerful magic. The so-called resistance The magic gold played a negligible role in the face of this kind of physical falling magic, and could not save the lives of those soldiers and officers at all.

Although this spell is not very lethal, its most important result is that it is like the last straw that breaks the camel's back. It not only severely damages the morale of the Nilfgaardian soldiers, but also disrupts their morale. A ready defensive formation.

Not long after the meteorite magic ended, the soldiers had not yet recovered from the shock and fear.

The Iron Knight who was rushing at the front was already waving his giant sword and rushed into the crowd.

It's not worth how powerful this magic knight is. Under the big sword he wields, whether they are officers wearing armor or soldiers holding shields, they are all broken like tofu at a touch and cut in two.

You don't even need to use a giant sword to attack. Under the attack of this steel knight, even just a fist or a physical impact can easily knock the soldiers into a ball of flesh.

Although his size is not as good as the steel giants behind him, this magic knight is like the sharpest knife, quickly cutting into the army formation composed of tens of thousands of soldiers with an irresistible attitude.

And when the steel giants who followed him entered the military formation, hell descended on the Nilfgaard soldiers.

The black armor they were proud of seemed to be as vulnerable as pieces of paper under the giant weapons of these giants.

And the weapons in their hands, no matter how hard they were, could only leave some sword marks on the opponent's armor.

This is not a gap in materials and craftsmanship, it is just because the thickness of the armor on these giants has exceeded that of ordinary human armor several times. Unless large engineering machinery such as bed crossbows are used, human strength will not be enough to break it. Such steel defense.

Under such an absolute disadvantage, the outcome of this war was quickly revealed.

And just above this bloody battlefield, Wayne, Francesca, and Elf Sage Ada were flying in the sky, watching the battle below.

Ada's expression was cold, and she didn't seem to be surprised by the fighting power displayed by the giant army.

"Your legion is strong, Wayne."

"However, these giants are not immune to curses or poisonous magic. Under the damage of these dark magics, they will not last longer than humans."

When Wayne heard this, he rolled his eyes in his heart, feeling quite amused by the arrogance of this elf sage.

"I know that, Ada."

"Now, my Chamber of Commerce is in the process of fully purchasing the magic-blocking gold. Soon, my giant army will have the power to resist magic."

(End of this chapter)

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